The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 290

Chapter 290: Vision

“Did they make a mistake?” asked with a smile, “-do you think that poorly of me?” armed crossed, Staxius watched as the face turned blank.

“Yes,” pulling out of the line, Beth marched and stood with a fierce aura, “-I do think they made a mistake. Arthur is more worthy of the title than someone I’ve only heard rumors. Our leader for once has made a change in the province, safeguarding the Azure wall from all monsters, do you think it easy?” confidence with a hint of smugness.

Not bothered, Staxius turned to Arthur, “-do you think it wise to have a companion voiced her mind so freely. Does the word decorum not exist in thy vocabulary?” spoken in a dignified way, Pegasus grew on edge.

“Listen,” reaching for a gun, “-I’m not going to order my subordinate around. They do as they please, if a mess happens – we’ll deal with it like a team,” holding his hat with eyes on the floor and hand making a cross, “-Guilds aren’t that friendly. We’re always battling with one another to survive – the justification of her being angry towards the Guild Master and Princess stands on strong grounds. A lower-guild such as Kniq, without many members, are always picked to be the center of attention. They’re being treated as if they are the only fighters in the kingdom, frankly, I doubt their strength.”

“Jealousy,” a paused of which the blank stare turned into a glare, “-how very humane,” mumbled as if fascinated, Arthur seemed startled.

“What do you mean humane, are you not one of us?” pointed out Ray.

“Am I human?” turning to the ex-military officer, “-I guess not,” the temperature around the room dropped. “I was at one point,” doors and windows shut, a slight wind blew outwards of Staxius. “Not anymore,” the crimson eyes flamed, “-I’ve one question, will you cause trouble in the coming event?” *All-Seeing eyes*


“Depends,” reaching for his gun, Arthur shot, the large warrior got in front, the mage cast enhancement magic. The vice-leader had her blade close to Staxius’s neck whilst behind, the man who had no presence held a dagger readied to pierce the heart. A laser could be seen pointing on top of Staxius’s head.

“Platinum, don’t make me laugh,” joked Beth, steam rose from where Arthur’s bullet landed.

“Good teamwork you have there,” fell to the floor, the projectiles twinkled, “-I do admire how fast that was,” vanished, “-quite broad shoulders,” touching Arthur’s back, “-if the leader dies, the army has no one to take up command,” *-tap,* a single touch and he fell. “What will it be?” turning to Beth, “-you’re the vice-leader,” Staxius stated the obvious.

“Don’t underestimate us,” voiced Mitio as he went in for the final strike, inches away from hitting Staxius, a smile was seen, one of relief and assurance.

“Word of advice,” a graceful sidestep, “-a stealth attack works better if thine mouth is shut,” with a smile, the index finger pointed downwards. *Crash,* Mitio hit the floor loudly, Staxius turned to the rest, *BANG,* “-very fast reactions,” he smiled and caught the bullet, one that Ray shot the moment the target moved.

‘A distraction,’ he thought and knelt a silvery-white line barely grazed the head, “-Grasscutter,” spoken loudly with hands up, “-good high-tier spell,” the spell disarmed with Mana cancellation. “Mages were strong,” now behind the boy, “-not anymore,” *tap,* another party member fallen to the floor.

“Stop playing around,” yelled the muscular warrior with a heavy swing. *Ping,* “-the floor nearly broke,” index finger holding the weapon in place, “-tanks are best at taking on frontal assault,” a slight shift allowed the ax to roll past the nail and hit the floor, “-you’re open,” running up the handle, “-don’t want to repeat that mistake,” elbow to the head, Feldo fell to the floor.

*CLAP,* stopped in mid-air, “-nearly,” without looking, Feldo’s distraction in creating an opening for the final blow crumbled.

“Who are you?” devastated, Beth lessened her grip as he held her sword. All around her, the unconscious bodies of her guild.

“I’m Guild Master of Arda,” standing with blade in hand, “-do I have to re-introduce myself again?” throwing it to the ground, “-it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he turned to Arthur.

“Pleasure was ours,” stood as if nothing happened, “-it’s one of the best introduction I’ve ever given,” he smiled.

“Well, you were all holding back in fear of breaking the lady’s inn,” with a smile, Staxius held out a hand. “The same can be said for you as well,” Arthur returned the feeling, “-it would have ended way worse than this,” they laughed.

“Leader,” voiced Beth and Mitio, “-is there something we’re missing?” they asked.

“An introduction using actions to words,” added Ray, “-an old tradition of Dorchester, though forgotten. Back when war raged, people were judged based on their physical and combat prowess. Weak and death is assured, strong, death will come slowly.”

“I’m surprised you knew the signal,” said Arthur, “-reaching for my gun and doing the cross, “-normally, if there’s no response, the conversation ends boringly,” turning to Staxius, “-you knew what I meant.”

“How can I not,” the aura subsided, “-I was brought up in that province, I’ve seen many introductions and gave some too.”

“Well, it did have another meaning,” Ray’s eyes turned to the window, “-if one was weak during that introduction, death came faster than anything else.”

“Do explain this in further detail later,” lighting a cigar, “-I came to check because of Guild Master Serlo,” Staxius smoked.

“We got the message,” added Beth with an impolite tone, “-question,” turning to Arthur, “-who actually won?” she asked.

“Neither,” voiced Staxius.

“I agree,” nodded Pegasus’s leader.

“Death can only take you so far,” enigmatically, “-I’ll be watching till the event starts,” reaching for the door, Staxius left.

“Please explain,” glaring Arthur, “-I don’t get it,” she held her forehead.

“There’s nothing to explain,” laughed the leader, “-if one of you died or he died, the continent would go on as if nothing happened. In the bigger picture, killing a friend or foe doesn’t matter. That’s the real meaning behind what was said, wise words only a man who lives by killing others can say.”

“Are you a murderer too?” asked Feldo, coming too a few minutes ago.

“God forbid I ever,” making a star shape in the air, “-I’ve never killed,” the voice sincere, “-it’s a line I never want to cross. Though I’ve seen people get killed,” glaring the door, “-the guild master is no different. Pegasus as a guild is specialized in fighting monsters, Ray has killed before, look at his eyes,” he pointed, “-slightly emotionless, killing changes people. Coming down to it, we were outclassed since we saw the man as a monster opposed to what he really was; a demon.”

“I agree,” interjected Kyjol, “-dispelling a high-tier spell without causing harm. I’ve seen this fighting style before. A mage that went by the name of Tempest, he had a son who excelled at killing mages. That’s the last of the report I’ve read anyway.”

Returned to Haru’s roof, “-that was fun,” he mumbled and rested.

“Are you serious?” asked Adete, “-did you become more powerful?”

“No,” eyes closed, “-the death element is being handled as to not overpower my body. Blood-Arts and the vampiric blood aren’t hampered any longer, I’d resort to magic and fight however,” hands up with the sun in the background, “-I used the strength given as a Vampire.”

“I see, the death element and blood-arts are combined but not fully compatible. Attaining divinity slowed the process a whole lot. Now that it’s softer, my blood can shine more,” she laughed.

“Swapping the Death Element for Blood-Arts, I use the latter and rely on the physical strength, in that aspect, I’m closer to a normal warrior.”

“Normal isn’t the word I’d use,” fading into the chattiness around, the warm gaze of the sun tickled the pale skin. Cold and dark to warm and hot, a change of pace, the eyelids grew heavier – most of the background noise tuned off. The only prominent melody was the river and wind. Being strong felt more like a curse than a boon. Fighting back the urge to unleash everything, fighting the risk of breaking – a body so powerful it felt sluggish and slow. Standing close to the top, the air became harder to breathe, more people one left behind, more the tension of showing results added onto the mindset. The struggles of a human turned vampire then god, could never be understood. Buried behind facades, smiling, being tough or acting aloof – Staxius’s personality and mindset suffered gradual uncurable damage. Breaking down to be reformed into a sharper blade – tis was the real process behind attaining divinity.

Minutes turned to hours, a crowd of people gathered on each end of the center platform. At the helm, leading the non-humans, Haru. Opposite her, Prince consort Piers, a representative of high stature and repute. All neutrally stared one another. Behind, as speculated, a filming crew took notes and reactions of the populous. The uneasiness was due to nervousness, inside, the prospect of trading with one another, after having had many disputes in the past; was remedied at last. Peace and reconciliation, adventurers stood opposite one another to survey the crowd’s movement.

“Please,” mediating, Triste stood in the middle and called forth both representatives. The camera crew followed Piers whilst Haru walked alone.

“It’s a pleasure to be present on such an auspicious day,” hands on chest, Piers bowed respectfully.

“We’re happy to welcome thy to Arda, the humble province we call home,” she gave a curtsy with a beautiful smile. Taken off guard by how graceful the lady appeared; the men gasped. Sensing their gaze, Haru slyly turned to Triste and winked as if to say, ‘I’m fabulous aren’t I.’ *Cough,* breaking her smugness, he cleared his throat, “-please speak a few words on behalf of the traders and populous.”

Nodding for Haru to start, “-I’d like to thank every single one of you to have come in greater numbers. I know that our kinds haven’t been on good terms – the past was bad and we have grudges. Nevertheless, what has been done can’t be changed. Still, it doesn’t mean that we should forget the past – learn from it and adapt. We are all but living creatures who shall turn to ashes and return to Mother Earth someday or the other. Our role actions will reflect on what is to come in the future, Town Eden will be the staple that brings about true harmony and companionship between Oxshield and Arda,” she ended with a smile.

“Beautiful sentiment from a lovely lady,” bowed Piers once again, “-I’ve come on behalf of Queen Gallienne. Though some of thee might not know, Queen Gallienne and Queen Shanna have become very good friends. The inter-magical tournament opened my eyes to the true beauty of how Ardanian culture and traditions are performed. Deeply from my heart, I apologize for the harm that has been done. Words can’t fix what our predecessors have done, and as Lady Haru voiced beautifully, the future is in our hands. I enjoy peace, and will choose it over discontent and war – our kingdom’s leaders are friends in arms. King Staxius, he has come to the aid of my dearest wife so many times in the past, is truly a hero. Words can’t express my gratitude,” full of emotion, “-Oxshield stands proudly thanks to Arda. With that sentiment, I’d like to say one thing, I’d love for all to put differences aside and enjoy and support one another,” heavy words with heavier meaning, each side were awestruck.

“Well said,” smiled Haru.

“It’s what I truly wish for,” smiled Piers, to which, a handshake followed. Applause, cheers, and whistles traveled across town, caught off-guard, Staxius awoke to see the opening ceremony. People relishing in the idea of peace, relishing the idea of what was to come. Town Eden would become essential in a soon to be legendary alliance. One that’d have the world over their heads in the future – The Argashield Federation.

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