The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 288

Chapter 288: Leper’s Inn

The night spent in company of Xula. A lovely dinner, a warm and relaxing bath with a lot of talking. They spoke till late at night, topic; politics, general affairs. Going over news received by many spies and informants around the continent. For many years, before King Blaine came into power, the hold Kreston had over the noble houses could but make a man shudder. Even the Order, supposed to be allied with the Empire, was brainwashed into serving their god. The Pope, who still hasn’t changed in appearance – led many, many conspiracies. Bouncing theories at one another, Staxius uncovered a possible theory. Long ago, demi-humans and humans peacefully co-existed. No division nothing, fair skin, and animal features – they were on friendly terms. Not till the establishment of a religion hailing from the West as opposed to the Empire. ‘A plot to overturn the Empire’s rule through religion and culture, a subtle coup d’état,’ tis was what Staxius thought.

In addition, Xula voiced, “-if that kingdom supposedly had an idea on what kind of a gold-mine Arda is sitting on. If they were to take control of Hidros, leading the people into a revolution, armed with the abundant resources of Arda. Going against the Empire wouldn’t be a dream – considering that their current regime is under Military and not governmental.” Left on said words, the duo slept.

‘If such a scheme was in play, that would explain why the relations were compromised. Hiding behind a god for a selfish game. A smart plan with no drawbacks and fewer risks. A holy crusade against the demi-humans due to the appearance of resembling animals. If it wasn’t for the apparitions of monsters, I’m sure that Arda would have gone to war with Kreston and the entirety of Hidros. Dorchester, the war against Sten; led by the Pope, was the first step towards said goal. If, that is if the Silver Guardians were out of the picture, the plan might have worked. To save face and not look greedy in hopes of being righteous, the province was given to the war heroes. Venturing into the war devasted province of Dorchester, an expedition to Arda would last a few months. Heat, dehydration, and more – to be able to feed so many mouths, Dorchester would have to be under their rule. Easier movement and a place to fall back if ever the troupes were tired and famished. The more I think about the what-ifs, the clearer the state of this province becomes. I’m sure of it, the Sickle of Kronos speaks through heat – each time I get closer to the most likely outcome, I’ve got a premonition of the events. The future is ever-changing, with the weapon of the God of Time in my possession – the hypotheses are more than mere speculations.’

On that, the next day rose unexpectedly quickly. Opposed to heading out to the balcony, entering the hall, maids and butlers were readied to serve. Practically doing nothing whilst being dazed – lack of sleep paired with the Death gate – the body moved on its own. Dressed, groomed, and eating breakfast, Xula woke up a few minutes later.

Inside a private room used for leisure; no servants in view, the large door opened without making a sound. Decorated with red as the primary color, carpets, a table, a few chairs, portraits of her Majesty, and a tall bookshelf. “Why are you not in the dining hall?” asked Xula with a smile.

“Needed a place to think,” he turned with cup in hand, “-the maids were a little too over-attentive.”

“I can see, thanks,” muffled, a snicker escaped, “-they took the opportunity to tidy up thy hair and would be beard.”


“...” stared with no words,”-this isn’t a style suited for a king,” the long hair was combed to the right – practically hiding half the face. A Star was painted on the right eye, “-I look closer to buffoon than King.”

Sitting, “-it suits you,” she laughed.

“S-Suits me,” staring the ceiling, “-do you think me a jester?”

“Not quite,” she slid back against the chair and took on a more appropriate posture, “-I think they wanted to have the usual sternness and ice-cold glare hidden behind makeup. You must surely realize this, thou art quite imposing.”

“Still, it doesn’t mean that I need to become a jester, tis honestly, disrespectful,” sighed, the cup emptied.

“What if that was an order I gave?” asked with a serious tone, the eyes narrowed.

“To what ends, what will this bring? I get the sentiment of it being a lighthearted joke, but still, why?”

“To snap thee out of yesterday’s discussion. The possibilities of Kreston being involved with thine father’s death did come up. You swore to not go back in the past, however, what I saw in thine eyes was the opposite. Thus, I figured, a jest should ease thy mind.”

“I see,” standing, *-mwah,* “-frankly, I don’t mind the makeup, it’s the hair that bothers me,” both laughed. “Today’s a busy day,” on that, the door closed.

Meanwhile, to the east inside town Eden. For weeks now, supplies, carts, trucks, from Arda and Oxshield went back and forth. Not allowed to cross the bridge yet, a human and nonhuman district filled nicely. From the Ardanian Adventuring Guild, 30 Tier-6 Emerald were sent over for guard duty. Hidros’s side, Pegasus arrived earlier than predicted, they stayed over at Eden’s Inn. The naming of the place wasn’t that creative since temporary business had to be set up. In the coming future, depending on how it all transpires, there may be a steady increase of willing investors.

Teleported into town, face washed and hair tied in a pony-tail, Staxius walked towards the Trading Guild shop. The first building next to the military tent. “Good morning Haru,” leaned over the table, she jumped onto the counter, “-MAJESTY,” flushed, she yelled, it echoed down the street from windows opened. The curtain swayed with an inconsistent rhythm.

“Guess our representative is getting a little anxious,” a snarly remark had her tail stand up.

“I mean no disrespect,” off the counter, “-should not royalty be the one who’s representing Arda?”

“Not really,” picking up a piece of garment, “-I’m here as overseer, nothing more nothing less. Once the gate is opened, I’ll head to Oxshield. So you see, it’s quite a quandary, I’ve not the time to stay and entertain the pompous trading guilds of Hidros.”

“You’re intently gazing at a bra, majesty,” commented Haru, “-if someone were to see you like this, I think it be scandalous,” covering her chest in jest, “-I don’t mind the job. I’m a representative of Arda’s council, tis my duty. Leave those traders to me, I’m not the guild leader for nothing – I promise to empty their pockets with lingerie.”

“The spark in thine eyes sure is admirable,” returning the item, “-may you have a prosperous day trading.”

“Do you think I can fit in those?” asked Adete, her eyes remained locked on Haru’s shop as they walked towards the tent.

“I doubt they make it for ant size,” staring her with the freshwater aroma spreading as the current hit against the edges, “-there’s nothing to support,” a sense of relief was felt, the harmonious melody of the river made it all the more delectable. “A plain t-shirt will be all that you need,” he chuckled, the tent came in sight. Behind, the platform stood empty with adventurers in armor on each end.

“I see,” pinching his cheeks, “-you’ve become perverse, such tactlessness, shame on you, Blood King.”

“I speak the truth only,” parting open the cover, Triste Jr slept on the table. “Excuse you,” spoken with a thunderous voice.

“Yes,” changed, “-majesty,” stood to bow, the head accidentally hit a lightbulb.

“Has Pegasus arrived?” the sun shone through a hole used for the passage of air, its journey ended at Staxius’s feet.

“Yes,” he walked over, “-they’re staying at Eden’s Inn.”

“The human district I presume?” asked rhetorically, Triste nodded. “About the adventurers, have they come?” referring to Arda, the commander shook his head.

“Y-*cough,* -yes,” sniffling, “-I apologize,” wiping his nose, “-the cold air this early morning causes my body pain,” blowing into a handkerchief with H. sown, “-back to the topic at hand. At the moment, only two adventurers are guarding the bridge until the guards return from break. The rest are at Leper’s inn. Quite a famous place in the capital from what I’ve heard.”

“Yes, on the second level, they are quite renowned for being a place full of good food and drinks,” commented Staxius.

“West of Log bridge, with the bridge being on thine right side. Follow down the main road till the taverns with a mug of ales engrave on wooden signs come to view. It should have a windowpane with the name painted on it.”

“Windowpane for an inn, that’s rare, isn’t it?”

“The owner visited Iqeavea once, the architecture and taste are reminiscent of that place. I ask this to the Guild master and not King, do visit them – here are the orders of rotation,” handing a notepad, “-tis what I’ve concluded.”

“I see,” memorized, “-it’s a good plan. I’ll go explain the quest further, also, no need to be on edge. Emerald adventurers are strong; I’d say stronger than Guards in the capital. Still, they’re from Arda – we are all comrades.”

“Thanks for the generosity, majesty,” saluting, parting open the clothes – a blast of fresh air swayed the hair. “Hold me,” screamed Adete who was taken off guard.

“Yet you wanted a bra,” holding her hand in-between the index and thumb, “-how do you expect to dress that way if you can’t stand against this strong a gust?”

“Yeah, no need to continue,” with a humph, she slipped into the front pocket. Making their way along the riverside – the gaze remained on the flowing water. On the other side, chatter could be heard faintly. Rising from the East, the sun glared him directly. Obnoxious with how powerful it was, the sun kept on shining. Walking at a comfortable pace, Adete moved her head back and forth, ‘-idyllic,’ he thought. The town had a warmth to it. Opposed to Rosespire, that place had a dim and greyish feel despite the sun shining down. The capital of Arda was more secretive and subtle – not opened and easy to read as Eden. ‘I would definitely settle down here if I ever get the chance,’ he thought. Families walked, people laughed, some returned from bakeries with bread. Others rushed to work as apprentices – a lively town.

“What they say is true,” he smiled.

“Who says what?” asked Adete.

“I’ve no idea myself,” he breathed, “-the world is different. People have differing points of view and outlook on what is before them. I’ve traveled a lot, from Noctis’s Hallow to Vlaiwia and even Garsley town of Dorchester. Town Eden is the closest to what I had dreamed as a child, closest to Krigi – the place I grew up. It’s very nostalgic, the people are all happy, the kids run freely without fearing for their lives. Neighbors support one another, I’ve even spotted kids that remind me of myself as a child.” Approaching at a steady pace – bridge log. Two guards stood watch with their heads resting onto the greatswords’ handle and pommel. Taking a sharp right turn, ‘-it should be around here.’

As said by Triste, the inn stood out with its elaborate design. The tavern used brown as their primary with other subtle touches of warm colors for the outside décor. Leper’s Inn used white to stand out, the big windowpane with its name written in hard yellow did draw attention.

*Ding, ding,* bells rang, the smell of food and alcohol spread as perfume being sprayed. Maids dressed in short dresses with leggings, all were rather filled at essential spots. Flushed faces of drunkards could be seen gawking and salivating; some might say at the delicious food – though what they eyed were melons opposed to meat. The girls didn’t seem bothered. Rectangular tables with four chairs on each – around 10 of them were seen on the ground floor. A very large space, it held another floor – the kitchen was to the right.

‘Emerald Tags,’ spotted around their necks, “-greetings Adventurers,” spoken with a loud voice, a big imposing figure peered down onto the customers. Maids with platters in hand stopped in their tracks, the inn seemed to pause – time stopped.

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