The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 274

Chapter 274: Lady Fate

“What will it be, director,” emphasis placed on the last word, the lady waited.

“I’m afraid its too late to cancel the ceremony,” said in a nervous tone, a screen turned on displaying a live feed of the event.

“I see,” she stood, “-if this is how you’re going to act,” reaching in her handbag. “Hello, this is lady Goldberg, has the note been delivered?” a phone call to the informant who was given passage into the Imperial Palace.

“What do you mean no,” her face changed, “-Martin, is that you?” on the other side, bearing an accent, Renaud. “Martin boy is tied, my lady, what part do you wish for, head, hands, or feet?”

“What sort of joke is this?” her tone grew menacing, “-hand the phone to Martin this instant.”

“Sure,” the voice faded, “-aye, bring that little man child, a lady wants to speak to him... what, you cut off his tongue? fucking idiot. *BANG,* loud, the call deafened her ears for a few seconds, “-I’m afraid the informant is dead. Sorry about that.”

“What do you mean dead?” her face lost composure, “-ARE YOU INSANE?”


“What he says is true,” as if a ghost, Shadow. He moved as gently as a feather floating, “-hey, God-father, sorry for asking such a favor,” he spoke in turn.

“If it isn’t my money-maker, no worries, Shadow, do what you wish, your part of the family, we’ll look out for one another. Have a good time,” the voice was filled with pleasure and cut off.

“Who might you be?” she glared unimpressed by what happened.

“No one of interest,” effortlessly, the phone got squashed using his grip alone. Now leaned with one foot on the table while the other rested on the floor, the jacket swayed and displayed a pistol, “-have you heard of the Dark-guild?” he asked, the mention of said name sent shivers down the other’s neck.

“Duchess Alice Haworth, Duke Edmundy Riviera, Marquess Jeffrey Hart, Count Charle Gaulle, and Viscount Munich Hertz,” one by one, he pointed and called out the names, “-quite admirable to see the main players holding the Queen’s throne gathered.”

“Don’t ignore me,” she snapped.

“I’ve not forgotten about you, Teressa Goldberg, child of Blaine Riverty,” he returned a glare.

“Are you going to say something or will you move?” her attitude didn’t falter.

“I’m here as proxy to Josiah,” through the mask, a murderous intent could be felt, “-any dealings will have to go through me.”

“A puny commoner isn’t worthy of dealing with a duchess,” she turned in disgust.

“Puny you say,” he hopped, “-Cake, could you pass her through?” the earpiece turned on. “On it,” she replied and his phone went on loudspeaker.

“M-mother?” a scared voice came through, “-i-is t-that you?”

??KATHERINE,” she screamed, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” pure anger lashed out.

“That’s enough,” he cut the call, “-what I’ve done?” nonchalant, he walked and stood behind Josiah, “-a few days ago, a girl by the name Lizzie Haggard was kidnapped, raped and killed. I heard that she was a classmate to your daughter?” from looking outside, the attention turned forward, “-what would the media say if another girl, despite the masked-murderers having been killed, shows up with the same sign.”

“Those murderers are alive,” she remained adamant, “-people will see right through the lie and impersonation.”

“Sadly not,” a press on the keyboard, one hacked by Cake displayed an image of the body of the killers, “-they’re dead. In the public’s eyes, the fear of them roaming around holds.”

“I understand,” her shoulders slumped, “-killing anyone and blaming it on a phantom,” to which her voice raised in pitch, “-you’ll get caught sooner or later.”

“I doubt that,” he chuckled, “-you’ve got the wrong idea, Lady Goldberg. This game has long been lost,” to which, the screen displayed the award ceremony. “Pay close attention.”

“To award the prize of the winner of Inter-magical Tournament, Queen Gallienne,” the crowd went wild.

“Very well done,” she smiled as Eira knelt, sword in hand, the first order of business was her being knighted. “Eira Haggard, with the power bestowed upon my name by the crown, I grant thee the title of Knigh- *bang.*”

“MY LADY,” shocked, the crowd screamed, *Prophecy,* in the VIP room, Xula stood with her fingers pointed towards Eira. Just then, using her spirit, a bullet was swayed off its path to graze Eira’s shoulder.

“Get in cover,” yelled Theodore.

“Get in formation,” yelled the guards.

“No need to worry,” angelic wings sprouted from her back, graceful as a butterfly, Xula landed next to Gallienne.

“An assassination attempt,” the camera panned to where the bullet was fired. “Impossible,” voiced Sophie whilst maintaining a shield. “The head butler of the Goldberg family,” missed, the man ran, “after him.” Complete silence engulfed the arena, guarded, the Royal family were bunched up, every mage present called forth barriers.

“It’s been taken care of,” face covered in blood, a young adventurer ran in, “-this was what I managed to salvage,” he gave a piece of cloth holding the Goldberg crest. “T-the man imploded when he was surrounded by the guards, an act to vanish with his evidence.”

The audience grew nervous, “-Worry not,” with impact, Gallienne spoke out, “-tis is why adventurers deserve our utmost respect,” she pointed to the young boy, “-if it wasn’t for the effort of this young man, the culprit who dared to ruin an auspicious day would have gotten away,” she turned, “-what do you say,” asking the crowd, they yelled yes in support. Being healed, Eira smiled, “-I shan’t back down, I’ve faith in my entourage. Queen Shanna of Arda jumped in to save both me and this young child here. A child that bears a similar resemblance to I for I’m her mother,” her tone turned woeful, “-I’d like to apologize. The royal family bears many secrets, and the linage of Eira Haggard was one meant to be kept till death. However, today proved that despite this, the life of a child would be put at risk for the satisfaction of a person’s lust for power,” she showed the crest, “-The Dukedom of Goldberg have done sacrilege. By trying to kill the blood of the Riverty name, she wished to take to the throne,” in tears, the crowd flipped.


*They should be put to the fire,*



Confused, Eira stared Xula who but shook her head. “Is this true?” she whispered.

“Yes,” voiced Xula, “-your father told me about how he picked you up on a raft. Don’t ask questions just yet, everything will be explained in greater detail soon. Worry not,” her comforting smile sufficed. Masterfully, Gallienne led and swayed the people’s emotions.

“W-wait,” confused, Teressa grabbed onto his collar, “-WHO DID THIS?” she asked fully enraged. “There’s no way that would work. Even if the people agree, we hold the real power. Gallienne will not beat me that easily,” she let go and turned to the nobles, “-you’re backing my ascension, aren’t you?” their gaze fell to the floor.

“Poor little lady,” he shook his head, “-don’t you realize that you’ve lost,” he moved over to the nobles, “-they’re not going to help you,” playfully, the gun unholstered and touched their faces. “These supposed dukes and marquess are nothing but pawns,” disrespectful and cavalier, “-the spark of revolution has long been extinguished,” he cocked the revolver, *BANG,* a shot that grazed Teressa’s cheeks. “What will it be?” he asked, “-I’ve got around five shots and I promise that the next won’t miss.”

“Do what you want,” she didn’t seem worried, “-the church and my army are marching into Oxshield. Their target is the village of Riverwood. I don’t care if they are your pawns, my army will trample everything. Even if I die, I’ll make sure to take everything from Gallienne.”

“I won’t rely on that,” he laughed, “-the army you speak of has been decimated. That’s checkmate, false queen, you never had a chance at winning.”

“What are you waiting for?” he faced the nobles, “-leave before I change my mind. Remember, if you ever choose to cross my or the DG’s path, I’ll make sure to make examples of your heritage,” the gun pointed backward, “-just like Miss Goldberg there.” Scared, they ran off without looking back.

“What do you mean by decimated...”

“To keep it short, the plan to become queen backfired the moment you allied with Kreston. They helped thy in one operation, that was all. The rest came down to you, shooting the prince to cause doubt amongst the nobles. Not to mention the killing of your own butler to prove that she tried to assassinate you, done in the same people’s presence. Trying to gather forces by announcing your lineage was a smart choice,” he leaned and watched the ceremony, “-that’s if a certain someone didn’t intervene, you’d have probably done it. Let’s take it from the start, the informant you sent to the capital – it so happened that the train he took crawled with my men. They were tasked to watch and take note of each passenger who stopped at the airfield. In the end, we decided to blow up the railway tracks so we could limit and control the movement even better. For those who took the plane – our God-father and talented hitmen in Iqeavea did the rest. Finding that supposed undercover servant was but child’s play,” he pointed to the screen, “-you went against this country’s shrewdest politician. Tamer than when I knew of her, what you saw was but a mere reflection of her scheme in the past. Director Josiah is personally acquainted with her mind,” he gave a side glance then laughed. “Making an enemy of the King of Arda proved to be the last thing you’ve done. You made too many enemies, one of them being the greatest underground organization to ever exist,” pointed at the side of her head, “-any final words?”

“None, my goal was to be queen. Guess it was short-lived. What will happen to Katharine?” suddenly, her persona changed, “-what fate awaits her?” she asked in fear.

“Death I suppose, the same as her mother. We’ll have to end your lineage – blame your greed.”

“Wait,” voiced Josiah, “-are you going to kill her?” he asked.

“Should you not be by Eira’s side and give her compliments? This matter doesn’t concern you,” to which, he was forced out the room.

“Who are you?” she asked, “-I know that I’m going to die soon, can I ask a favor first?”

“Go ahead,” locked, he sat in the director’s seat.

“Could I please talk to my daughter once more?” she asked.

“Five minutes, and I’ll be right here,” the phone dialed.

“Katherine,” she spoke, “-don’t cut me off and listen. Your mother has done a lot of miserable things. One of them is plotting the assassination of Lizzie, I was the one who got in contact with the Mask murderers. The only way I could assure your safety was to give them a good target. I posed as a friend of her father’s that day. I led her to her death, I’m sorry for what I’ve done. Your father will take care of you, I believe in him, that man will never leave your side,” the five minutes ended.

“Are you saying that it was you who was responsible for her death?” the voice held power, it made her shudder.

“Yes,” she stared the ground, “-tis my confession, I was the one who abducted the girl to save my daughter. I wanted to make her father pay – he humiliated me, a noble,” no remorse.

“I see,” the crimson masked turned to crystals and hovered, “-look at me,” he ordered.

“W-wait?” shocked, she couldn’t believe it.

“Lady fate sure has fun toying around,” he smiled, “-you’re going to suffer,” thumb bitten, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Thread,* “-I’ll make you feel the pain that my daughter suffered. *As the god of death, heed mine call and grant this person immortality,* a snap later, the first injury made had her screaming in pain, though she didn’t die.

*Devils hidden in the abyss, I call upon thee, demons who thirst for lust and torture, I, the god of death, open the gate to the underworld, COME AND FEAST FOR I OFFER THIS LADY’S BODY AND SOUL,* A reddened portal materialized from which Incubuses crawled out. Before him, the one responsible for Lizzie’s death was fated to a punishment worst than death – the demons of lust and torture began a gruesome procedure. The walls, bookcases, and screen splashed with blood, Staxius sat back and watched the ceremony whilst she got raped and killed, over and over again. The screams echoed, she begged, the demons grew more and more lively the harder she fought. In the end, without pity, the attention focused on the television whilst her body was scraped and ravaged.

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