The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Chess


“Yes?” startled, the mind came to.

“He’s conscious, I’ve done all that is within my power. He might be a little tipsy and weakish, just take care,” with a pat, the doctor headed off.

“Thanks again,” to which she faded into the hall crawling with patients.

‘Time hasn’t caught up to her,’ he breathed, ‘-still the lady I remember from memory,’ with a push, the door opened.

“Who’s there?” hidden behind a curtain, a voice asked.

“Death, I’ve come to take thine life, little one,” spoken in a deep and menacing accent, the curtain parted suddenly.


“I’ve not gotten married yet, please, let me live,” came a reply, monotonous and uninterested, the gaze remained firm.

“Good to see you’re doing better,” closing the curtains, Staxius sat and asked normal questions to how the man felt.

“Honestly,” deep breath in, “-didn’t expect to get shot. So, what is it that you’re after?” Ernis understood that the visit held more than was let onto.

‘Good question Ernis,’ he thought, ‘-I need to decide how this is going to work out. How to layer a lie with another lie. Showing up injured is out of the picture. There’s only so much I can do for now; I’ll take a back seat and let them make another move. Probably not that good an advice, but should be sufficient,’ the stare turned into a glare, one murderous. Shuddered, Ernis tried to crawl back without making a sound.

“I do apologize,” noticing the movement, he came too, the eyes regained its neutral stance. “Ernis,” he called for the latter lost focus and was a little frightened. “There’s something I need to say. The assassination attempt was most likely a decoy. Having you injured will force the Queen to place more security on your location. In turn, her safety might grow to be less adequate. Not to mention, if they did mean to kill, you’d not be breathing this moment. I’ve no clues nor proof, it’s mere assumption at the moment. The only way it makes sense is if that tis a battle for succession. You getting hurt does two things: first, it makes her guard detail sloppy, and second, it lessens her credibility as a competent ruler. Tis all I’ve concluded so far, hence, I need thine help.”

“I follow,” Ernis focused, “-how though, I’m bedridden till next week. Showing up injured will help to reinforce the fact that she’s incompetent. Isn’t sending me back to the mainland the best course of action. I would assume that they think if I headed back, the news of my unfortunate fate might crumble the rule over here.”

“Yes, what you say is true, that’s why it doesn’t make sense. I first thought that the plan was to create havoc, anarchy of some sort. Slowly, I realize that we’re being outplayed – the blackout on my part wasn’t necessary. If it’s a fight to undermine Gallienne’s rule, then, involving the Empire will be for naught,” paused, he waited.

“The Emperor might charge in without thought. That’s the kind of man he is, not to mention that all the nobles will be held accountable. It will bring reform to the current monarchy,” thumb in mouth, Ernis snacked on nails.

“Very astute of you,” hand reached inside the pocket, “-I shudder to think that we were manipulated. Causing that blackout worked in their favor, not ours,” a little resentment was felt. “-In any case, let’s get you patched up for the tournament. We’re two steps behind,” he snarled, “-tis very much fun.”

Scrolls and potions used, Ernis returned to normal. Fatigue for he was fully healed. A good sign, “-Alchemy,” he smiled, “-now that I think about it clearly,” sat on the bedside, “-you’ve gotten yourself mixed in a very complicated game. All that was said could be passed off as imagination, no concrete proof, what if it all is but a double bluff. They make you think that Gallienne is the target whilst I’m the real target,” footsteps echoed into the room.

“That’s a good point-” interrupted by the door opening loudly, he thought.

“HIGHNESS,” In rushed Lucy with a relieved look. Following behind, Theodore, Gallienne, and Xula.

‘I’ve haven’t had to use this part of me for a long time. My brain, it’s working at full throttle. This scheming is tantalizing, I’ve no idea I could have this much fun in politics. All of them are my pawns, like actual pawns to use – I can slowly visualize it, a chessboard. Their side is naught but a blur, though my side is,’ turned to face the people, he smiled, for at the same moment, the mind saw it all as a game. On the white side, the pawns, King being Ernis, Queen being Gallienne, Theodore, and Lucy being the knights. Cake being the Bishop, and the Dark-guilds acting as the countless pawns. No castle and a lack of another Bishop, tis was but one way to look at the situation. ‘Stimulating,’ knuckles cracked, “-lets all head to the arena, they are to decide the upcoming matches,” nonchalantly, arms locked with Xula, they teleported.

“We’ll go get ready,” voiced Lucy as she stood close to the prince.

“Let me come too-” a sudden pull knocked her out balance, “-what are you doing?” asked Gallienne for the rough treatment was rude.

“Listen to me,” stood close, “-does the Riverty family have any heir if you’re to die. What’s the succession line?” asked in a stern voice, Staxius watched as her eyes blinked several times.

“No, we don’t have an heir just yet,” she caressed her stomach, “-it’s not far off though. And for the matter of my death, the royal blood ends with my name. Since its closest, the most probable candidate for the crown will be my father’s illegitimate child. An offspring from his not too ideal acts,” she breathed, “-my older sister, I’ve not met her in person though from what I was told, she married into a Duke’s family. She’s the only one I can think off-”

“Majesty?” called Theodore.

“-I best leave,” pushed aside, she ran off to the butler.

‘Now we have something to go on, an illegitimate child, one older. Married to a Duke; what Ernis voiced earlier can be nullified fully, this is a fight for the crown.’

“Hey, are you ok?” asked Adete, the girl had remained on his head the entire time.

“I’m fine,” he held out his hand, a stable place for her to stand, “-why do you ask?”

Flown over, “-just concerned,” her arms crossed, “-you look tired and bearing a not too inviting smirk.”

“Really,” a few steps forward, catching his reflection on a metallic surface, ‘-she’s right,’ the face relaxed, ‘-I did have a weird grin.’

“Are you coming?” asked Xula in a strict voice.

“Yes, yes,” he returned to her side, a game of chess with the puzzle of finding who is pulling the strings and intent, the plate sure filled. ‘Thinking about it anymore won’t do any good,’ after changing clothes at the mansion, they sat and waited for the tournament to begin.

The crowd was slowly seated, this time, the fight would be hosted in both arenas. Since two days remained, the fights would continue until the finalists were chosen. The real fight, the fight for stamina and conservation.

‘I wonder what they’ll say to address yesterday’s incident. Shouldn’t matter,’ sat with the rest slowly filling the few seats, Ernis chose to stay close to the Ardanian couple, it included Gallienne, they were to the top-right; best seats. Even closer than yesterday, the nobles who sat in the middle, Dukes included, murmured.

“Josiah, Josiah,” Sophie ran to the locker room, “-Ernis is fine,” she whispered.

“Thank the gods,” he felt at ease, “-the tournament is to proceed without interruption. Make sure Aceline is ready,” in the second arena, where they sat, Sophie, walked to the middle.

“Welcome all,” the mic turned on and so were the spectators, full of energy, they applauded, “-today, marks the start of the long-awaited Inter-magical tournament. As most would have guessed, yesterday was but a trailer of what is to come. Helping me in this endeavor,” she pointed to the right, “-is me,” a charming and lovely voice, “-the new host,” hands thrown in a peace sign, the crowd cheered,”-Aceline,” it reminded of Avon.

“Before we begin,” spoke Aceline, she pointed at the command booth, “-a few words from the director himself,” the dim window turned clearer.

“Thank you all for being here,” the crowd remained silent for it was disrespectful. “I’d like to address the sudden power outage yesterday. The cause was nothing more than mechanical failure, we from Claireville Academy do apologize for any inconvenience. Without taking more thy time, have a good day.”

“You got to hear it, folks, there’s nothing to be worried about,” cheered Aceline, the crowd responded to her energy positively.

“Now then,” Sophie took charge, “-here’s the list of our combatants,” on which, four screens came out the ground: [Erlareo Enbalar, Vipan Eqihr, Adarin Odalf, Helga Grail, Tatiana Redwood, Eira Haggard, Nathan, and Natalie Green]

“Most of might have missed it yesterday,” playback of the SSS-bot getting beat was shown, “-against all odds, Eira Haggard of Central Claireville Academy defeated the dummy. As promised, she’ll be put in the semi-finals,” her icon moved to the upper-brackets. Sadly,” a picture of Erlareo was shown, “-both students from the Western Claireville academy forfeited due to life-threatening injuries. Not to worry, they’re being healed by the best doctors we have,” after which the screen changed back to the brackets.

“With one spot of the semi-final taken, there remain six students. Three battles will be fought in tandem to decide those advancing to the semi-finals. To choose who will fight who, the randomizer,” a diagram of a child popped up, with a smile, she pressed a button. Scrambled, the names were assigned.

“First match: Adrian Odalf versus Nathan Green.”

“Second match: Vipan Eqihr versus Tatiana Redwood.”

“Third match: Natalie Green versus Helga Grail.”

“Since one of the semi-finalists has been chosen, the third match will decide the next semi-finalist as Erlareo isn’t fighting,” Sophie ended.

“Now then, the first and second match will be hosted in the first arena. Depending on the number of seats, spectators will be able to move from one arena to the other. Though I’d advise against it for the battles will happen simultaneously.”

“The fights will start in thirty minutes,” voiced Sophie, hence ended the ceremony.

*Target sighted, shall we make a move or hold?*

*Hold, wait till the semi-finals have been fought. All has gone to plan, no need to get restless – they’re moving as predicted.*

“Undrar?” in the crowd, Avon pulled her sleeve.

“What do you want?” they were in the first arena.

“You seem out of it again, did something happen?” he asked the same as yesterday.

“Not really, something is off about this. I’m getting the same feeling,” she stared at the arena.

“I’m sure Achilles will handle everything if something were to happen. She’s the hero of the adventuring guild,” with a smile, Avon returned to speaking with Auic.

‘It’s not as black and white as you think, Avon,’ her eyes closed, “-Staxius.”

“Yes?” he answered through telepathy.

“Something feels weird. I forgot to tell you this yesterday but I felt a familiar aura. I’ve no idea from where or what, but it happened. Not to mention that Ayleth felt anxious the moment the light turned off. Even Autumn picked up on it – be on guard, I felt it again; its closer this time.”

“I see, thanks for the heads-up. I’d advise against going deeper into the matter, trust me, you don’t want to get involved. Keep a low-profile, we don’t want a repeat of Lizzie’s death. The Lymsey sisters and the guild’s safety is on thine hands, vice-leader,” the link cut.

‘I see,’ her head lowered, ‘-I’m sorry for what happened,’ she looked at the guild, ‘-I’ll be more careful.’

Hand locked with Xula, the new piece of intel gave a somewhat lead for it had to be connected with Dorchester.

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