The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Misfortune

“Yo wake up,” a roughed-up voice call, “-DG has been on our asses for weeks now,” complained the same man.

“Just when it was getting cold enough for a good sleep,” another voice reached out from under a bunk bed, “-this place is too hot for us to sleep.” On the ceiling; a fan that turned monotonously without purpose, each round was followed by screech. Dust hovered above the tiny openings used as windows.

“I’m on you with that one,” a large mass dropped from the top bunk.

“What’s the plan now?” the one below rose.

“We’ve been outplayed, that’s what happened. Snow is retreating off Hidros. Desmond died and the Syndicate isn’t willing to cooperate,” the door, left ajar, was pushed.

“Guess we’re left to die,” the other replied without much thought, “-what you’re saying is that our journey ends here.”

“Basically,” he who stood at the door, turned, “-not all is lost. Money is running dry, why not try and kidnap some nobleman’s daughter,” he said with a smirk.


“Kidnapping one now isn’t going to do much,” the same tone and reply.

“I mean,” the door swung opened, “-we did kind of go overboard with the whole masked murderer disguise,” next door, two swords, and the same outfit worn by the murderer that terrorized the capital a few months back.

“I don’t mind the idea,” the other stood, “-there’s the thing about the tournament too. Man, with DG on our asses, the fun we’ve had is about to end. I get what you’re saying, the last hoo-ray before we die,” he smirked as well.

“That’s about it,” the other took charge, “-I’ve already set my eyes on a particular school. One crawling with nobles, some who are influential, and some who aren’t. Any will suffice,” he glared into another room further to the right. An iron gate with a dismembered human hand.

“Fill me up on the details,” the other wore a jacket, “-a face and a location. Give me those two and we’ll have our last bottle of fun before we disappear, what you say?”

“I love the idea,” on a wall, not far from the bed, a calendar with fingerprints had February the 12th crossed off. At the start of a new day, some people had the habit of crossing the cages; a method to keep track.

*Breaking News: The Return of the Masked Murderer,* sat around the television, Kniq watched as Autumn’s Blossom was interrupted. “Young boys and girls have been going missing. The Royal Guards with the help of Adventurers and the Public Order have concluded that the Mask Murderer is on the prowl. The same methodology, the same way of killing and the same sword.” [We implore the public to remain alert and on guard. Going out at night will not be beneficial to us nor you. We from the Public Order will do what is necessary to bring an end to this monster] After which the show began.

“He’s back again,” voiced Achilles with a hint of disgust.

“Yeah, we’ll have to be on guard. I wonder why they’re targeting children. In any case, we’ve got a few days till we move to the town of Claireville,” not bothered, Undrar resumed the show. Tuesday the 17th was displayed across the headline from when the news came on.

‘This is tough,’ knelt on the floor with a sword as support, two out of the three opponents remained. ‘I’ve no idea how long I’ve been fighting,’ the mind reached its breaking point, ‘-two more to go. I wonder how the rest are doing,’ he breathed and stood. ‘In any case, I’ve got a job to do,’ *Symbol bestowed upon me by Goddess Nike, I call upon thee. Give me thine wings, give me thy strength for he who stands in mine way shall perish a death worse than the Abyss itself,* a high-pitched scream deafened all who stood. The wings departed from the left cheek to imbed itself onto the forehead. A mass of energy trickled down from the tips, it formed vertical golden lines that went around the face. Contoured perfectly around the skin, it reached the foot. Drained, the power didn’t overwhelm its host as before; thus, the fight continued.

Days went by as if a gust of wind, none realized it. The routine of waking, going to work, and returning home was as if a prison.

“Lizzie,” Undrar spoke, “-we’re going to the guild. Afterward, I’m going to meet some of my friends that arrived yesterday,” she leaned and gave a kiss, “-make sure you return home safely. If you don’t see anyone at the gates, take the bus home,” thus, on Friday the 21st, Kniq left to greet the old companions.

‘Father’s old companions,’ Lizzie watched as they left. ‘I better get on the move too,’ stood before the school, she headed inside as Marie approached with a smile.

“Did your father return yet?” she asked as Dorothy grew anxious back home.

“No idea,” a cold reply, “-I’m sure he’s fine. He did promise to raise me as his own,” her face kept a smile.

“I guess,” they arrived near the classes, “-best stay on the lookout. Father said that the murderer has been targeting young nobles. I do not know why but you watch yourself,” a quick pat on the back, Marie scurried off into the distance.

‘Guess the students are scared,’ she walked in, the class had lost its usual vigor.

“Heed my call, heir of Lord Death,” Creation returned, “-the curse of starting over has been vanquished from thine soul. Though I must warn that the real curse, the curse of misfortune, will never be broken. Destroyers must rest in the abyss and never seek the light, for if one gets to close to the light, thine wings might be burnt.”

‘Are you referring to Icarus?’ steadfast on his feet, Staxius dodged with ease; Symbol of power was truly a boon.

“Maybe and maybe not, who knows,” he left the men to fight.

‘What did he mean by misfortune. I doubt the entity would come all the way here to just say that. There must be something more to this,’ he gritted and fought.

Sat in a restaurant not far from Town Square, Undrar had tea with the visitors from Dorchester. “VIOLA,” a voice screamed across the room.

“What is it?” she stood, the one responsible was Achilles.

“It’s Lizzie,” she held a phone, “-she’s gone,” at that moment, the world came to a halt. Broken with the screen in blood, Undrar rushed over.

“Is this a joke?” she asked with stern eyes.

“Do you think I’m that tasteless?” Achilles said with her face filled with complex emotions.

“C-Call the others,” without wasting time, Viola sprouted wings and burst out the restaurant. Achilles toggled her super-speed and ran out into the streets. The whole of Kniq came as one, “-Lizzie has gone missing,” panting, the Lymsey sisters ran to the central guild.

“No...” Melisa nearly fainted, the adventurers overheard what the twins said.

“Go out and find her then,” screamed Diane, “-we’ll worry about the paperwork tomorrow,” her head faced the others, “-URGENT QUEST, Lizzie Haggard, daughter of Staxius Haggard, leader of Kniq, has gone missing.”

“Kniq...” the air felt cold, “-LET’S GO,” they each ran out into the streets to find the missing girl.

‘This can’t be happening,’ heart tightened, the throat on the verge of giving up, Undrar, Achilles, Avon, Deadeyes, Emma, Emmy, and Auic.

“S-she c-can’t b-be d-dead...” Auic hurt the most, the girl felt more like a daughter than a companion.

“Let’s not give,” the RFS moved out, “-THIS IS NO TIME TO GIVE UP,” screamed Undrar, tears flowed, “-WE’LL FIND HER NO MATTER WHAT.” Off into the night, Kniq ran around the streets, phone to all in favors of all who they had helped. Many were obliged to answer the calls, Achilles ran, ran, and ran till the slums. She scoured all over the streets, broken down houses and such to find Lizzie. On the news that same night, a missing report of Lizzie Haggard, a noble, went around town.

Filled with tears and cries, forced to remain at home, the twins and Auic shared a bed. Each tried hard to comfort one another, though that never came to pass. “Please return to us safely,” cried Emma, memories about how they would often team up to pester Viola came forth. “W-w-we’re w-waiting,” the grief of losing someone close, ‘my chest, it hurts so much,’ she could but give out and cough, ‘” P-PLEASE,” Emmy jumped out and ran off into the yard. The cries turned to sobs; her tears flowed into the moonlit sky.

“Emmy,” Emma ran after her, Auic couldn’t deal with the pain. She forced her head into the pillows and wailed. “STAXIUS WHERE ARE YOU!”

Sniffles echoed down a dim room, “f-father, w-where a-are you,” clothes torn in half, with her right breast exposed. Hands tied to a bed frame, the eyes swollen from endless cries, a voice came forth, “-it’s been three days, don’t you go dying on us yet.”

“We only took your virtue, there’s more to come, young lady. Begging for someone to come rescue you will but arouse my freaky friend over there,” tied to a chair with the eyes of a predator, a man who salivated through a cloth used as a gag. ‘Father... you will c-come w-won’t y-you?’ she asked as the man eyed her. ‘I n-never g-got to s-say I l-love you,’ memories from the first time they met flooded her psyche.

“Cut the dude loose,” ordered he who sat.

“Don’t,” she begged, “D-DON’T” nothing but screams, sharp nails dug into her waist and pierced her skin. Violent without mercy, her woeful screams pained as the man penetrated her already deflowered body. The last thread of hope broke, ‘-he’s not coming back,’ her eyes closed shut, she tried to move and get away. A fruitless endeavor, nothing but fake hope, nothing but desperation. Flash images of them being together gave a faint glimmer. *Skill: Body Enhancement,* her eyes lit with a golden color, with a single swing, the hand ties broke.

“WATCH OUT,” a second later, the mattress grew moist. Slowly, it trickled down onto the floor. ‘So, this is t-the end,’ her eyes watched on into the night, through a small opening; the starry night. Images of what was experienced flew across. The meeting with a man who was angry about noble and rogue fighting. Angry because his sleep was broken. Being taken in, treated as a human, given a place to live. People to love, and people who loved. ‘Forgive me,’ her eyes lost its glimmer, the smile that she one gave now turned into a frown, the laughter she gave; a ball of joy – came crashing down. Lizzie Haggard, on the 24th, died just as the tournament began.

*Scythe, weapon of the Death Reaper. Sickle, weapon of Kronos, come to me,* one more to go, the last strike, ‘-I’m coming back home,’ he said with a face covered in blood.

“Congratulation, future heir, your evaluation has been completed. You fought three god-class opponents with the power given to you by birth. I’ll see you in the far away future. Remember that the curse of Misfortune will remain. There’s but one thing to do if you wish for it to stop,” *Snap,* “-distance thyself,* a mumble, for the soul returned to Rosespire.

“We did it,” said Adete, she flew out her body.

“Yes, the curse of starting over is broken,” a glance at the phone revealed the 25th of February. “I’m late,” he stood and nearly hit his head against the roof, “-Eira’s tournament begins. I better head to the mansion and check on the others.”

“W-what is this,” teleported shy of the entrance, familiar faces were spotted. One of them being Xula, and Julius, they all wore black clothes. ‘-t-this m-must b-be a joke,’ he stumbled inside with bloodied clothes, ‘-Emma, Emmy,’ the girls cried in a corner, ‘-Diane... Melisa,’ everything seemed to be in slow motion. ‘Cake... Karlson, J-Jason,’ everyone he had a connection too was present. The portrait of Lizzie stood behind a coffin, Marie, Auic, and Undrar cried their hearts.

‘What happened here,’ the hands shook, the heart rate increased, tears flowed.

“Can anyone explain to me what happened?” a dark aura oozed.

“She’s d-dead,” Auic turned and mumbled, “-raped and killed,” she stood, “-IS THAT WANT YOU WANT TO HEAR.” *SLAP!*

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