The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 257

Chapter 257: All or nothing.

‘Let’s get working,’ Tuesday came after a restless night. The weather didn’t diminish in the least. Lizzie, as opposed to running semi-nude around the house when the shower ended – had a change of mind. As cold as it was, going out in the hall would be a mistake she’d regret. Auic breathed a sigh of relief and tended to the girl’s hair.

Breakfast began with the smell of burnt food oozing off the pan. A look revealed the Lymsey sisters trying to learn. Towered over them, Undrar, she held a smile; a mother teaching her daughters how to cook. Harmony around the house fit as if a puzzle. None felt left out, Deadeyes and Avon ran around extra. Achilles stood in the middle as a guardian, body wrapped in a rain-poncho colored brightly yellow, she waited.

“Master,” called Auic, “-are you alright?” she asked as he felt a little off.

“Yes,” he replied with a smile and comforting eyes, “-I’m just relishing the sights. Everyone has found a place to belong too. It truly helps to see smiling faces every day.”

“It might not look it,” Undrar entered with platters filled with food, “-everyone here is grateful to be able to live together.”

“Considering most of us don’t have a place to call home,” added Emma,”-you taking us in is like a big family,” Emmy completed the sentence.

“It’s as they say,” Lizzie interjected, “-who’d knew that someone like me would have the chance to study at a prestigious school. Not to mention all the lovely people who I can confidently say are my family,” she glanced at everyone.


“No need to get sentimental,” Avon returned and panted, “-this mansion is now a home.”

“You better not slack off,” yelled Achilles from the porch, “-a few more laps,” she said with sternness.

“Better leave or she’ll have thy head,” voiced Auic.

“Let’s head out then,” head wearing a helmet, the bike was taken out. Void remained in the garage for it would not be convenient.

“We’re off,” Lizzie bid her goodbyes.

Near the school gates, “-could you hand this to Dorothy?” a request to Marie who arrived at the same time.

“With pleasure,” she gave a bow, kept the letter inside her bag, then walked in.

“That settles it,” he wore the helmet.

“Are you going to sort out everything?” Adete came forth.

“Yeah, I think we’ll stay for more than a few days. I’m thinking of returning two days before the tournament,” explained, the bike teleported near Pandora.

“Well, let’s hope it comes to that. What we discussed isn’t to be taken lightly,” she added with a mumble.

“Undrar,” telepathy was utilized, “-I’ll be working nonstop for three days. Care to watch over Lizzie?”

“Shouldn’t be a problem,” a nonchalant reply, “-she’ll be fine,” on that the short conversation ended.

First came the Magical potions; preparations were made, ingredients, and a rather large barrel lent by the Alchemist Sect. At 10:00 sharp, the process began. Head deep into the procedure, the machine and man worked tirelessly. Mana, raw ingredients, ground into fine powders, blended with other substances again and again. The process couldn’t be automated like God’s ale. Manual for the most part – the barrel filled slowly. Not an ounce of sleep, night came.

“Where’s master?” asked Auic when they returned.

“No clue,” replied Lizzie as she focused on studying.

“He’ll be here soon, don’t worry,” replied Undrar as she made dinner.

“Lizzie,” called a deep voice, “-let’s get to studying,” with a woeful expression, Staxius neared completion of the basics.

“That should be all you need,” he exhaled, ‘-22:00, didn’t expect to take that long,’ without another word said, he teleported out. Half-way done, it would take another day and night to be able to make the 100 liters. An all-nighter, the work resumed; Lizzie’s lessons were taught without fail. What remained before the expedition was, God’s ale and Healing Potions.

On no sleep nor food, Wednesday arrived. Third of the way done, the work continued. His focus didn’t diminish. All in the mansion didn’t pay heed to where he was. All worked without noticing he’d vanished. A sign of a perfectly harmonious environment. Auic gladly took time off her work to care for Lizzie and the twins. Being the youngest in the house, they were doted upon very often.

“I’m done,” the head slipped and hit the desk. Besides, a barrel filled with Rare quality potions. It had been more than twenty-four hours, no sleep nor food.

“Can we take a break?” asked Adete.

“No, we’re going to repeat this process for two more barrels,” emotionless, the work resumed after two more barrels were brought in. ‘I’ll do the work for a whole month in three days,’ he thought and returned. Fatigue tried to disrupt the focus, sadly, it could but crash and burn. Determined to see it through, the man remained steadfast.

Thursday came without notice; three barrels stood next to one another. ‘That takes care of the potions, now for God’s ale.’ First, physically exhausting, now a process that required mana level control. At 07:00 the switch to God’s ale happened. Contrary to the Alchemist Sect, God’s ale production was simple and easy on some level. A higher concentration was made this time, one that could give five bottles from one.

At around 18:00 that day, Staxius laid slumped on the floor.

“He did it,” said Adete, ‘-let’s hope that all this effort isn’t for naught. I’m sure he felt it as well, that curse is starting to manifest. Getting away from everyone is the smartest choice. Unknowingly, the suggestion I gave a few nights back was for said purpose. I’m glad he took the offer,’ she sat atop his face. “How will it turn out I wonder.”

Sun beamed through the windows, Friday came, the greyish clouds that had plagued the streets for days; gave some leeway. The sun managed to peer through.

“That was hard,” he woke up still doozy.

“Let’s go already,” voice Adete loudly.

“First we deliver the stuff then we leave,” in total three-hundred liters was blended. Shocked, Flein could but stare blankly at the produce. “I’ve got plans coming for the entire months, here’s to cover it all,” nonchalant with a dirtied grey shirt and brown shorts, he stood not as a king, but an Alchemist.

“Four days and you made that much,” the head shook, “-good job,” with a light tap to his, 900 Gold was transferred. The same was done with Jason, the delivery was made without payment. “I’ll ask god-father to hold the cash until you return,” he said with a smile, “-also, Angel’s dust was a hit. He’s very pleased with the blend – you might get more work sent thy way.”

All and all, Friday was spent finishing any uncomplete business. From the guild to the shop and the employment with Dorothy – all understood. What was left, to depart. At dusk, dressed in a grey battle-uniform, the one made in Arda – backpacked filled with potions and scrolls. The belt held Orenmir, and inside the jacket held Tharis. A spare dagger and sword were also brought. Food would be found in the forest itself. Hair tied in a bun, he walked out of the room and into the dining hall.

“Are you going off somewhere?” asked Auic.

“Yes, I’ve things to do in Arda,” he said whilst sipping on whiskey.

“How long will it be?” asked Lizzie with a little woeful tone.

“No idea,” a short and cold reply.

“We’ll be waiting I guess,” said Undrar, “-don’t forget that Julius and the others will be here on the 20th.”

“Yes, yes,” he averted her gaze and watched the moon through the window, a clear sky after what seemed an eternity.

Not wanting to say goodbye, after the meal was complete, he walked out the front door and teleported. The excuse given, “I need a breath of fresh air.”

‘Everything seems in order,’ at the Ardanian guild, he sat before a screen. Not much had happened, nothing that required his attention. The training regiment from Ryul rested on the table. ‘Should give the necessary training,’ focus on basic protection, healing, and attack spells. Spells that anyone could use, not to mention the option to buy staff and wand to reduce the strain. Ryul did a very good job. For the fighter’s guild, the leader also left a regiment – one that focused on attacks, defending, and body training. As opposed to mages, fighters had to stay for two or more weeks; until the instructors gave the seal. Bodies had to be trained into wearing armor, wielding heavy weapons. Traders and Crafting guild had nothing to report, business was slow.

‘I believe wholeheartedly that Arda will become a strong force in the coming months. This amount of care and patients with each adventurer will prove necessary. A slow start as they climb up a hill, from there, getting experience and more powerful will be a breeze so to speak. I’m proud of what they’ve done, what I had envisioned brought to reality, what a joy.’

*Inhale,* “-the air sure is fresh for being inside a tree.”

“Who would have thought,” stood inside the front pocket, Adete swayed her head.

“Yes, guess it’s time to leave,” bag now in his hand, wings sprouted. A few flaps later, he blazed through the entrance gate and dove deep inside the forest. Direction, the western region, a place so dense and devoid of any living interaction; the perfect place for monsters to set up shop. The eyes closed; auras of differing power lit as if lamps in pitch darkness. ‘We’re here,’ they landed atop a tree, kilometers upon kilometers away from civilization, at the heart of the Forgotten Forest, one feared by guards and inhabitants.

Under the full-moon; the flickers kept increasing in numbers. From auras as big as boss-leveled foes to one’s as small as goblins, they plagued the insides.

“Get ready, Adete,” *Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary,* the moon shone and carnage followed. Unleashed without an ounce of restraint, his full-power; both mana and blood utilized without fail. Spanned over a few kilometers, a blackened hemisphere.

*May the ones before I turn to dust. May they all end in ruin, may they all die without mercy. Anyone who dares go against me shall pay for I am the sole ruler of death and destruction. I command thy seal to be broken, rain down death and destroy all, Quietus,* a surge of dark energy burst upwards into the sphere. The same spell, the memories from Lord Death, a turned down version of a spell that once destroyed a whole planet. It wasn’t even a ten-percent of its full capabilities, despite that limitation, the sheer amount of destruction was godly. In the middle, with a reddened halo above the head; paired with the All-seeing eye, said sphere became a killing ground. Anything inside the vicinity was killed by flames, struck by Scarlet Thunder. None inside could survive, the potential unleashed. Each kill meant more blood, more blood meant more power. The vessel transformed; all the ancient writings seemed to levitate in a spiral around the host. It grew to be a shield that lashed out to anything close. “More,” he yelled, “MORE!” the eyes opened wide, white flame burst forth into beams, the whole inside lit with strength. Limit break onto every single curse and boons given. The symbol of power underneath the left eye moved. Wings, sickle, and a scythe, three symbols of various meanings, they disentangled, the mind possessed by alter egos emanated from the symbols.

*Sickle, the weapon of Kronos, it who separated Uranus and Gaea, thee who disunited Heaven and Earth. Scythe, thou who art the blade whomst severs the thread of life. Wings, the symbol of Nike, goddess of speed and victory – I, Staxius Haggard, call upon thine names for I’ve inherited thy powers,* he spoke with four voices. Two weapons manifested. Radiating in divine light and held in each hand, the wing flew and latched onto the forehead with a golden color. Three symbols of power manifested into a moral realm of which a single had the strength to destroy a dimension. The outburst grew out of control. The hemisphere changed from black to blinding gold.

“MY BODY,” he screamed, “-IT’S GETTING TORN,” the light continued to bestow power – not only did the wings do so, but the weapons also channeled their power inside his arms.

“IMMORTAL AS I MIGHT BE,” he regained control for a few seconds, “-THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN DIE,” he screamed, “-LORD DEATH, LOOK AT ME,” face now lit, “I’LL KILL MYSELF TO BREAK THE CURSE OF THE DEATH REAPER. THE SYMBOLS OF POWER WERE GIVEN FOR A REASON AND ONE ALONE. TO BE THE SCYTHE AROUND MY NECK. I’LL BREAK THAT EGG NO MATTER WHAT,” gritted, several bones broke under the pressure. *SLASH,* in the end, he pulled and stabbed himself. From that, a large deafening sound resounded, the golden orb expanded then *BOOM,* explosion – dust and silence. Followed by a rumble, nausea hit all who lived on Hidros.

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