The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: New Venture

“One, two, three, four,” yells broke the rather light sleep. It came from the outside; confused, a glance revealed Kniq. They made laps around the yard with Undrar at the helms shouting numbers. Leading the pack from the back, Achilles, she’d chew out any who slow down in pace. It seemed more like torture than improving stamina.

“Always something new around here,” voiced Adete, she also had her dream broken by the ruckus.

“Got to hand it to them,” he gave a gentle smile then headed off to the baths. Last night, the meet with Melisa and the linking of the chests was a success. The process had been made simpler. The average time was around a few hours to process the cut and how much the guild and adventurers would receive.

After the central guild took it’s cut; the copper converted into Silver and was distributed equally. Each party member received a gold piece and 100 silver. Kniq, as the guild, got 2 Gold and the central guild took 1 Gold. Opposed to quest rewards, tis was but bonus added for killing monsters. The other account got handled by Undrar. Staxius had but one thing to think of, and that was Pandora. As an alchemist working for the DG, away from anyone’s knowing; the money made could but take the breath out of any normal person. An hour went by, breakfast stood ready on the table. Outside, the party continued to make rounds and train. Most seem to smile in cold weather.

‘Let’s check the balance,’ from the pocket, a wallet in which resided many bank cards. The first one, owned by the DG and where all the not so legitimate money was made from, 62,936 gold and 350 silver. The same card used to make purchases around town. Next came the money made from being an adventurer; 184950 gold. Most came from the two months out on the border. The best someone with average skill could make was around 100 gold per month. Better than the average pay for their lives were on the line. Staxius led many parties into battle. Not a single man was lost and paired with the enormous number of monsters killed; it added up. A fortune from killing stuff, the perfect job. Money wasn’t an issue any longer. The thought to leave it all behind and head to Arda; did cross the mind. Sadly, Kniq and the shop here needed the attention.

“Undrar,” a few minutes later, Void pulled out the garage.

“Yes?” she shouted back.


“I’m going off for today. The money from Qaisar should have been transferred over. Take the day off and don’t overwork, I’ll probably be back late,” on that note, the car drove off to the Remington’s residence. Doing the math’s internally, the shop made around 11 Gold for the first two months. It didn’t come as a shock; he was away most of the time. Rather than selling other commodities such as arrows and more, the focus changed to Magical potions and Scrolls paired with a few high-value items.

*Beep, Beep,* “-young miss, Lord Staxius awaits thy presence,” said the butler as Dorothy had breakfast.

“Be careful,” Carla remained strict.

“I will, goodbye, mother,” the door opened with the girl rushing out.

“Good morning, you seem to be in a good mood,” Staxius commented in a comforting tone.

“Good morning to you as well, Lord Staxius,” out of breath, she managed to calm down. Thus, a would have been quiet Sunday, filled with teaching the ropes to a new employee.

“Is this it?” she asked, the car stopped shy of the door.

“Pandora, Kniq’s magical shop that is also my laboratory,” the door unlocked.

“What do you mean by Laboratory?” she asked and followed. The inside filled with dust and smelled of iron.

“I’m an alchemist, remember?” he turned around, “-this shop is basically a means for me to sell my research,” a short pause, he stared the entourage. “Since you’re not that able of body, why not go around and check the stocks. There be a notebook on the counter at the back,” without warning, a piece of cloth got wrapped around her nose and mouth, “the shop hasn’t been opened in weeks, we best get to cleaning soon.”

“On it,” the voice muffled, she scurried off into the dimly lit room, taking stock wasn’t that hard. All that was needed to be done, count how many items the shop had. No trouble since he was meticulous.

‘Who knew that this lock would come in handy,’ not wanting her to ever enter the room upstairs. A lock, installed by the dwarves prior, had a code: X3u0 instated. In addition to that, the frame got embedded with the same properties as the portals in Arda. Only he who was allowed could gain entry, anyone else, would be shocked. Doors shut, a notepad with results on Angel’s Dust, got placed beside the information about the original God’s Ale recipe.

“Let’s get to cleaning,” he said whilst checking the inventory with Dorothy. Time reached ten, the sun had yet to show. The grey clouds felt imposing. The temperature dropped; an unwelcomed sensation. The ingredients for a mild cold were at nature’s disposal.

Cleaned without dust, Dorothy sat behind the counter. Staxius gave a few notes on how the shop should be run. First, a basic lecture on potions and scrolls. Everything a novice would require to understand how the items worked. The more one knew, the better judgment could be made. On the right, behind the counter, a phone that linked directly to Auic’s phone at headquarters.

“Since today is a first, I brought you with me. Starting tomorrow, you’ll have to come and go using thy own means. Working here means that I’m only responsible for thy safety on the morning shifts, coming and going is your responsibility. I won’t tolerate tardiness,” the voice strict, she could but nod in agreement. “Pandora isn’t opened all week-long. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days where adventures return from extensive quests. It’s from 07:00 to 12:00.”

“Understood,” her face remained stern.

“Good,” with a smile, “-guess we’ll shut down shop for today,” on that, Dorothy joined Pandora. At first, making Pandora a famous shop seemed the idle way to make money using knowledge on scrolls. Sadly, with the involvement in the DG, it turned pointless.

‘What to do,’ now inside without Dorothy, he thought. The girl was taken back home thanks to Achilles and Lizzie who came strolling downtown. ‘I can’t possibly hope to maintain this shop. The only way I see this working,’ he stood, ‘-becoming a wholesaler. Since Mana potions are being made, healing potions will be required. Isorin won’t bat an eye at the chance of selling scrolls.’

Sooner or later, he’ll have to leave the capital for good. If people grew to be dependent on Pandora’s potions, then, later on, the adventurers would suffer. The reason why he didn’t do that move previously was that an alchemist in the guild could reverse engineer the potion. If that happened, a source of income would vanish. Nothing mattered, figuring out his work couldn’t be any more of a waste.

“Mathew,” a step inside, the assistant jumped.

“Lord Staxius, how may I be of help?” he asked in a feeble tone.

“Could I meet with Isorin?” cold gaze fell upon his back.

“Yes, you’ll find him inside his bed chambers.”

“Clarise,” he turned, “-glaring at me with such annoyance won’t help in hiding your presence.”

“Always the charmer,” the girl approached with a fatigued look, “-what brings you here?” she asked with a bit of resentment. Refusal to join the Cobalt unit had placed both on bad terms. In Staxius’ case, he could care less. Clarise was the one who seemed to hold the grudge.

“I come with an offer,” he held out a hand, “-let me carry half of those books,” an offer that she accepted. “Come to think of it, I think the alchemist guild might also benefit from this deal,” a glance at her facial expression revealed nothing but a tired girl and flushed cheeks. “Interested?” he asked.

“Honestly, try speaking with grandfather about this. I’m too tired to think,” they walked up the stairs and made way to the Alchemist Sect.

“Too tired are you?” forcefully, he pulled on her shoulders and held her cheeks. Too slow to realize what happened, she swallowed a flask of magical potion. The slumped eyelids came too, “-what are you doing,” she pulled back and glared.

“It worked,” he laughed then walked.

‘I feel energized again, what’s this,’ her eyes narrowed, “-what did you give me?” she asked.

“A healing potion,” the voice nonchalant, “-common in quality.”

“Don’t be stupid,” she stopped, “-healing potions of common quality aren’t that potent.”

“Yes,” he turned, “-the ones made by the Alchemist Sect aren’t as potent as mine,” a smirk later, “-this is what I’m offering,” the journey down the hall continued.

“A common quality potion, made by you, is as potent as one that is Uncommon, and even Rare as the one we made?” more than anger, curiosity came forth.

“Let’s discuss this in a more appropriate setting. Where’s the master alchemist?” now hooked, the girl could but follow him to the meeting room.

Pleasantries exchanged; a deal was laid out on the table. “I’d like to take over the manufacturing of healing potions from the Alchemist Sect,” up till now, it was the sect that was responsible for providing the potions to the Magical guild.

“Another bold proposal,” Flein shook his head, “-care to elaborate why?”

“Not to be disrespectful,” he slid across a few common quality potions, “-these are the lower grade potions I’ve blended. The procedure is secret and so are the ingredients. What I’m offering is to take-over production. Of course, I’ll be the sole Alchemist in charge of making the item,” the master alchemist felt pressured. “Moneywise, the cost won’t be any higher than what the guild is charging. More than anything, it will lower.”

“Still, the question about why you wish to become the sole manufacturer.”

“As pleasantly as I can say this, the ones in charge of making Healing potions are incompetent as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure you’ve read the papers on how to heal a demon’ curse. The potions being made currently shan’t suffice. I’d like to monopolize on the superiority of my blend. Sadly, there are other duties I must tend too. Things that are far more important than waiting for customers in a shop. What I hope to gain is a fixed amount of coins each week. Nothing more nothing less, I’ll sell Rare Quality blend that can be filtered into Uncommon and Common quality. The pricing is up to you.”

“Master,” called Clarise, “-what he offers is a blend unlike any we’ve seen.”

“Alright,” he sighed, “-I’ll decide after an estimate on how much it will cost.”

“Seems fair,” tap on the guild card later, a screen came up. Information about anything private was hidden. What he used was a notepad, “-let’s say 4 Golds per liter.”

“Too expensive, take it down to 3.5 Gold,” Flein fired back.

“Considering its Rare potions, are you sure to let this opportunity go: 3.25 Gold.”

“Fine, since it’s Rare potions, I’d settle on 3 Gold per liter,” final offer from the master alchemist.

“Deal,” he said with a smile.

“I won’t be handing the production of healing potions just yet. Show me how efficiently the potions can be made, I’ll make my decision after a week or so.”

“Let’s say a hundred liter for the first batch?” Staxius offered.

“Isn’t that a bit much?” argued Clarise.

“First impressions are the best impressions. Payment will be forwarded on the day of the delivery. Let’s say, next Sunday?”

“As you wish,” thus, a new venture began. Wholesaling; one that could be transferred over to Arda should the time demand. Shallow as it might have seemed, this deal was more planned out that what was let on. Once people took notice of how much better his potions were, demand would increase. The Alchemist sect would need more. Even if they were able to get the ingredients, the procedure was far more complicated than they had the means to accomplish. When the demand hit a certain peak, production will be sent to Arda. Thus, the Ardanian would have another way of income; a monopolization of the healing potion’s market. A risky gamble, for if it failed; the blend and credibility as an alchemist would crumble as well.

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