The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Guild Building

Next came the guild building, since dwarves were expert builders of which only the prestigious could afford. Staxius headed into the same dwarven mines from whence Skokdrag was made an acquaintance.

“Ay majesty,” the short but muscle man, who at the time worked on the giant forge, stopped and greeted.

“Sorry to barge in without invitation,”

“No need for apology, tis all good, yer grace,” a bit inappropriate for not letting him finish.

“I need a form of expert opinion about opening a guild building,” he decided to let go of the little mishap. More pressuring matters were at hand.

“Oh, guild building,” he called for five more miners, “-that job has already been settled by queen Shanna a few months ago. She said that a headquarters for the new guild master might come in handy very soon.”

“Is that so,” he said slowly then thought, ‘-if what they say is true, then my work is nearly complete. Let’s hope that Xula made the perfect place. Location will be important; I’d figure a guess that it’s on the ground floor.’


“Let’s go majesty,” called the five miners, “-it’s on the ground floor, we’ll escort you through the portals.” In addition to the stairways around the city, a teleportation stone was installed on each floor. A desperate necessity since the goblin incident, or some would call it, the Massacre. Instant, independent, and reliable – a mid-tier spell which helped the populous a lot.

“Here we are,” taking alleys and backstreets, they arrived. A few meters away from the barracks, in the middle between a bank on the right side and a mage’s guild on its left – the headquarters stood with six-floors high.

“A bit excessive,” he commented whilst the locked door opened.

“It was per her majesty’s request, who are we to argue,” an Ardanian made structure. The outside as well as the inside had an intricate design, the walls were embedded with Ikahmite. The surprisingly rare ore that could negate 90% of all magical damage. The ground floor was spacious with a tall ceiling. On the right, a screen – now off for it would be used to show quests. In the middle of said room, a circular booth, divided into four separate parts – each would be where adventurers sign up for quests or place a job request. To the left, a waiting area with nothing more than seats.

The first floor came as a shock, a circular stairway on the top right of the ground floor which linked all the floors. The first one held a tavern – self-explanatory for the most part.

The second floor, a general store for any and all items. It would be handled by a trader sent from the castle. One that would have common items and also, uncommon such as monster drops for recipes and more.

The third floor, a magical shop, a place for potions and scrolls, a place where an alchemist or an elf from the magical university would take seat. The layout was simple enough, nothing fancy, though the décor differed based on what purpose the floor filled.

The fourth floor, an evaluation room, the place where ranks would be assigned. It would have been faster to have it on the ground floor – though said process was to be private. At the moment, it was but an empty brown and red-colored room with large windows facing the street below.

The fifth floor, a meeting area for future guilds and people of interest who might show a liking to their guild. In the future when humans would be allowed to come for mission and such into Arda – it would also be here that the details of their quest would be discussed. A place used to reprimand those who had gone astray from the right path and dabbled in the ways of thieving and turning into a rogue.

The sixth floor, the guild master’s office. Already furnished with the highest quality commodities. The door that led inside was made of Elder wood – a tree that had been alive for centuries. Inside, a carpet with crests in a not so minimalistic layout. The middle, a large desk with the backdrop being a window covered by red curtains. On the right, massive bookshelves and on the left, various portraits of Xula in her full glory. Not to mention the couches that fell immediately under her picture.

“Talk about going overboard,” he said in jest for the place seemed more for royalty as opposed to one used for adventuring.

“It’s what majesty wanted, thus we delivered,” Skokdrag spoke proudly of the building as a whole.

“It’s a thing of wonder, dearest Skokdrag, you’ve and the dwarves have amazed me once more. Thy constructions deserve more than mere praises,”

“Pleasure was ours,” with one eye closed and index rubbing against his nose, he left the room, “-do as you wish. The staff has yet to be hired, that is up to you. Queen Shanna already has a few people lined up for you to choose,” the visit ended.

“Guild Master of Arda,” the curtain opened, he stared out at the lovely scenery. Buildings, houses, and streets filled with the chants of merchants trying to make a living. The guards below provided a sense of security. The gate leading outside was but a few kilometers away. In case of an attack, it would be easy to evacuate or prepare.

“Don’t forget, that tomorrow is also the day you’re to be crowned as Blood King,” Adete sprung into the air; her hair rejoiced as the gentle wind gradually made it sway.

“King of Arda, the heir to the god of death, a vampire that inherited the blood of the first progenitor, a gold rank adventurer named Xenos, Guild Master of Arda and leader of Kniq, a mysterious alchemist and killer who goes by the nickname Shadow in the underground, a semi-known Alchemist in Rosespire, how many title does one need. I’m sure I’ve missed some along the way,” he sighed.

“Yeah, I know,” Adete agreed, “-Add Blood-king to that list. Titles don’t affect who you are, it’s just a way for people to know who one is.”

“I guess,” the windows shut, “-I don’t mind having various personas for different tasks. In case I am found out – Death will be what is found upon the next step,” he walked out of the room.

“I knew you’d say that,” she smiled, for it wasn’t that big a deal.

‘Each title has its perks. All and all if I grow more renowned, my influence will be extended. Allies have to be made as quickly as possible, when people are not expecting trouble. A war might breakout, the monsters could become bolder, nothing can be taken out of the picture. For now, it’s time to focus on the vampires and its return to the Ardanian alliance. A coup d’état due to a shift in power, how pathetic can my kind be.’

“Welcome back,” sat on her throne, Shanna voiced loudly. A boy with wings stood a few meters away, underneath the balcony up-top, “-was the building to your liking?” no nobles insight nor representatives, the Old sage had to venture on an urgent errand.

“It’s obscene at how masterfully it was built. I’m almost scared to enter it,” a quick chuckle later, “-may I ask who that boy is?”

“A guide left behind by his people.”

“The winged wolves?” he asked, the reply was a nod, “-look’s around fifteen and is frail, not to mention the severe cough he has.”

“He refuses to sit nor take a bath, I know not what the child wants,” Xula rolled her eyes and stared away.

“Here I thought you were supposed to be good with kids?” he asked sarcastically.

“Give it a try,” she pouted.

After which, the figure walked over slowly in a harmless fashion, “Hello,” he knelt since the boy wasn’t that tall for a fifteen-year-old.

“H-hello,” he replied but the eyes and wings moved subtly, a clear give away of being uncomfortable. *Achoo,* he coughed whilst keeping the reluctance.

“Here,” without warning, using a handkerchief, he helped in cleaning the boy’s face. “From what I’ve heard, you come from the north, aren’t you supposed to be resistant to cold?” the voice concerned and friendly, Staxius broke into his safe-space without triggering an alarm.

“Thank you,” the sniffle continued.

“Here, take this,” a potion, “-might taste bitter,” he said with a smile.

“o-okay,” a few seconds later, he drank the potion.

“Want to join me in a warm bath?” Staxius asked in a pleasant tone, “-I’m sure you’re hungry as well,” the boy’s stomach roared at the mention of food followed by flushed cheeks. “No need to be embarrassed,” hand in hand, he gained the boy’s trust and gave a smirk on the way out.

‘Seriously,’ Xula’s hand curled into a fist, ‘-how can one person be so nonchalant. Changing personality to fit his person of choice, Staxius, you’re way scarier from when we first met,’ the hand relaxed for the old sage returned with a few people in tow.

Following the bath, Staxius had a lovely chat with the boy. More details about the frost giants and his village were given over a warm meal. Staxius could but watch – the sniffle from earlier was due to the sudden change in climate. Having lived in the cold to suddenly be brought to a warmer place; must have taken a turn for the worst. The potion given was nothing more than a blend brewed in case of a cold. Kids and teenagers in general were easy to manipulate. Their mind and heart worked in tandem, unlike adults who shrouded themselves into lies and end up believing said lies. A bit of Dark-Arts paired with the inherited charm of being a nightwalker. Getting people’s trust could not have come any simpler.

“Your grace,” a butler called, the boy finished eating, “-her majesty request for thy presence in the throne room,” message given, the butler faded into the shadows.

“Let’s go, Alice,” hand in hand with the boy, they walked.

“Majesty, are you sure it’s wise to send them in this mission this early?” The Old sage voiced with concern.

“Yes, they are to leave as soon as possible, Its my last order as their leader for they’ll serve a new master soon,” Xula remained adamant. In front, the old sage with five people behind. A man wielding a Greatsword, dressed in a crimson armor. A girl with a short and flexible robe who wielded a staff. A man that didn’t stand out, cloaked with a hood and daggers on the belt. An elven girl who wore light leather armor with a giant bow on her back. Lastly, in the middle, another girl, petite with red eyes and pale skin paired with black hair.

“Majesty,” walking out the hall, Staxius came into the throne room. Instantly, the sage and four others bowed – except for the girl with black hair.

“You called for me?” he turned and faced Xula with Alice in hand.

“Yes, my king,” she stepped off the throne, “-I’d like for you to meet my special guard unit,” they stood in line.

“Greetings majesty, I’m Oenus Tuyon, a dragonkin,” said the man who had a Greatsword.

“I’m Magra Yeltris, a dark-elf,” the girl who had a staff added.

“My name’s Rasu,” the voice monotonous and deep, the hooded man gave a quick nod.

“Kearen Ellican,” nothing more nothing less, it was the girl with a bow’s introduction.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I’m Serene Balthazar,” red lipstick and unforgiving eyes, the last girl spoke with coy, one potentially deadly.

Once introductions were over, Xula took over, “-these are the people who fought monsters on the behalf of Arda. Now that the crisis is nearly over; I’d like for them to go onto a new mission. To escort and eradicate any potential threat at Mont Blanc.”

“Yes Majesty,” they said simultaneously, Alice let go of his hand and went with said party.

“As I said, majesty, going right now will be foolish. There’s a blizzard waiting to happen,” the Old sage desperately tried to halt the expedition which would take place at this very moment.

Do something, said the sage’s eyes – he tried to get Staxius’s attention, a tiny nod sufficed.

“Majesty, I also think that might not be in the best interest. The adventuring guild is to be opened tomorrow; the evaluation machine will be brought over as well. Why not send back the expedition for a few days later?” composed and without fear, Staxius voiced a decent argument.

“As you wish,” she gave, “-the trip will be on the day after tomorrow.” The reason why she wanted to send that squad out immediately was because of Serene. That girl was a powerful vampire and pretty ruthless – exiled by the Nox’s clan for killing her parents, the stories about her nature were known amongst the vampire folk.

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