The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Taint

At around ten at night, the gate opened – Void slowly and quietly made its way into the garage. From there on, with Adete now asleep on his shoulder, he entered the mansion. ‘Guess they’re asleep,’ the bedroom door opened. Tomorrow was the day Kniq would begin its activities. The focus wasn’t on said occasion since the deal struck with Claudia. To take care of Axius for four days. Those thoughts in mind, the eyes shut. Dawn came faster than predicted.

Nothing changed, the same ruckus of Lizzie running out the shower and Auic following behind. A lovely new day was what he thought; a glance outside revealed grey clouds and not to mention the drop in temperature. During that glance, Deadeyes and Avon were spotted doing laps around the yard; keeping in shape, a good habit. A nod of agreement later, breakfast was served courtesy of Achilles and Undrar. Both seemed to have bonded and grown closer over the past few days. They weren’t the only people feeling said change – the Lymsey sisters were also pretty joyful.

“Thanks for the hard work,” he stood with Lizzie in tow.

“We’re headed out, see you later,” she waved with a smile.

“You ready for another day at school?” Staxius asked – the car slowly drove out the gate.

“Yes – I can’t wait,” her demeanor calm and confident, the journey to the academy began.

“Have you made any friends?” a normal question, the role of father-figure slowly took effect.


“...look at those trees,” she pointed out the window trying to avoid the question.

‘I see,’ he looked over and wondered, ‘-making friends in that environment must be hard,’ the focus returned in front. ‘It’s all good, if she conquers that fear and makes at least one friend – one that will not betray nor harm her, then it will all be for the best. In no way is this girl weak – her will to reject her past is admirable. Sadly, if the day where killing someone to save another’s life comes – I wonder what path will be chosen. The defining moment.’

“Don’t fret,” he patted her head, “-you’ll get there. Just be true to yourself. Those who hate will hate and those who are interested will try to approach – just be wary, this world isn’t safe.”

‘I wonder at what time I’m supposed to pick up Axius,’ Void stopped shy of the entrance. *Ding,* a notification that came from Claudia – 13:00 it also contained information about the location.

“Alright then, I’m off,” the door opened, as students came in, the moment she stepped foot inside, Lizzie was lost in the crowd. Meanwhile, at the mansion, Auic headed out to headquarters. Kniq with the Lymsey sisters, headed for the adventuring guild. It was back to the usual routine – as for Staxius, a few hours later; he stood before Pandora. The shop could open at last. From closed, the sign changed to open. Stocks were pretty full considering that it opened for only one day.

Minutes turned to hours, from idly sitting downstairs, Staxius headed to the lab and worked. Undrar kept her promise and brought over books that had knowledge about curses and blessings. Most importantly, information about Relic class items – scrolls in particular; the schematic still was a work in progress. It had taken months and months, and yet another mountain stood in the way.

“Help,” a voice yelled and entered the shop. The bell rang, to which he rushed downstairs. “What’s the matter?”

“We need potions,” an adventurer cried – dressed in leather armor, he carried a girl with the help of what seemed to have been a cleric.

“Please, is there anything that can treat her?” the cleric asked with deep breaths. The apparent patient was hurt, her face seemed paler than usual – the fingertips and earlobes black.

“Was she bitten by a cursed beast?” he asked in a calm and reassuring tone, it helped control their nerves.

“Y-yes,” he pointed at her leg that had already grown necrotic.

“Why didn’t you take her to the hospital?” Staxius asked; the sight of the girl was pathetic.

“It’s too far away, we were hoping to get some potions to slow down the spread of the taint,” the cleric explained whilst the other held the girl’s hand tightly. Her consciousness fazed in and out, the eyes seemed to want one thing, death.

“I’m begging you, do something,” they cried out.

“I’m pretty sure that holy water would do the trick in treating the taint. Sadly,” he approached and crouched; “-it won’t do much now, the leg is beyond saving. Amputation is an option,” having to check her visible symptoms, he paused and watched the people’s faces.

“Come on,” the Cleric’s face seemed desperate, “-aren’t you an alchemist?”

“Alchemists are the top scholars currently present in the capital. Being a doctor is a prerequisite to becoming one,” the other had a good point.

“Amputating her leg is an option using normal means,” a trip to the counter later, “-there’s another way to heal this lady. Sadly, this will not come cheap, we’re looking at a few gold coins here.”

“If it saves her then we’ll pay without restraint,”

“No guarantee that she’ll be safe,” after which, an uncommon healing scroll was wrapped around her leg. In addition to that, a few magic symbols were written on blank papers and placed next to the girl who now laid on the floor. Mana injected, the scroll activated, a greenish light enveloped her legs. Without notice, it went from green to purple, a bad sign – in that instant, Staxius channeled his mana and controlled the taint. As if the piped piper guiding rats with his magical pipe, the taint followed his command. The blank papers turned black and then to dust from a whiteish flame.

“Make her drink this,” the treatment ended, a rare potion got handed over. Slowly but surely, as the girl drank – her pale skin regained its color and hue. The taint got treated – from having kill me in her gaze to thank you, she was relieved.

“You did it...” the cleric could barely stand, “-just who are you?” he turned and asked.

“No one particular, now for the bill,” nonchalantly – he headed to the counter and spoke whilst writing. “One Uncommon Healing Scroll and one Rare Healing potion, the cost is 1 Gold and 500 Silvers. However, considering that I removed a powerful curse, I’ll round it up to Two Gold pieces.”

“That’s expensive,” the adventurers voiced.

“Listen, I’m not keen on charity, either pay up or I’ll take her leg as compensation. There are probably some necromancers out there who are willing to pay at least three gold pieces for a maiden’s leg,” the voice cold and unfaltering, the trio could but shudder. “Listen, I’m not trying to overcharge. If the same procedure was to be done by another member from the Alchemist sect – I can bet that they’ll ask for twice what I asked for.”

“We’ll pay up,” the girl coughed, “-her hands shook and reached for her pouch, “-two gold pieces,” she stumbled her way to the counter. “Thanks for the business,” he gladly accepted the payment.

“On another note,” he called, her two-companions grudgingly stopped. “-Care to tell from where you got that injury from? Curse-beasts aren’t that common, not to mention, the taint that infected thy was quite potent.”

“On the outskirts of the capital, a beast with a tier rating of Tier-five Ruby,” her tone seemed frightened, the shock from the encounter must have done quite some damage on her psyche.

“I see,” he nodded, “-thanks for the information and be sure to come at any time,” the trio left.

“Care to explain this taint business?” Adete hovered and asked.

He headed upstairs, “-it’s a curse that is transmitted by monsters. Not all of them, a few that have outgrown their potential. Abnormals or irregulars – the guild hasn’t decided on a firm term yet. Their appearance is rare thus the lack of credibility.”

“How did you treat her though?”

“It’s nothing special, similar to treating a curse – I did the same to the taint. Don’t forget I’m an alchemist, I’ve got knowledge when it comes to that sort of thing,” he held the gold pieces.

“Alchemist or not, have you forgotten what time it is?” Adete pointed at the clock. 12:15, the next thing on the agenda was to go fetch Axius. ‘I wonder why a cursed beast would appear now of all the time. I’ve got a feeling that this incident is related to a greater plot. It’s the same as the time when the evolved humanoid goblins attacked. What is happening around this continent – a lot of major players who want to join. It’s not far off to assume that some crazy necromancer might have found a way to turn a monster into a cursed beast. Time will tell, I best focus on the thing at hand,’ to which Void headed to Ciel’s academy.

Meanwhile, around the outskirts of the capital, near the north-eastern region. The reports were true, low-ranked adventurers were attacked by a monster turned abnormal. The low-ranks were out on a quest to escort merchandise from a small village and into the capital for trading purposes. Lucky were they that the village used a truck as opposed to horse carts. A few stayed back and tried to halt the beast’s fury, the escorted were taken to the capital safely. The same could not be said to those around that vicinity – carnage ensued. As fate would have it, the main returning party from Pegasus destroyed the monster. A call for help was issued to Kniq, though it was called back as they were out on another quest. One that would last two to three days. It was both an escort and reconnaissance mission. The town in question was Riverwood, the place where the Greenday’s Guild resided. Hailed as the Savior of Riverwood and Slayer of Gritt, Kniq was the best option to send in. The quest in question was related to a rumor that dead people were apparently coming back to life. Most viewed it as a miracle, though some smelled foul play. The escort part was about taking the messenger back home. All and all, with Undrar at the helms, the RFS drove out for the first quest after so long.

Permission to use the vehicle was given thanks to Auic who related messages and status update from Staxius and to Kniq. ‘Two to three days with only Auic, Lizzie, Axius and I, should be interesting,’ the car drove till arriving at the destination.

“Claudia,” a faint voice came from the right. Stood with the campus behind onto which Ciel’s Junior Academy was written, she waited. It was nearer to Lizzie’s school than expected.

“You’re here,” hand in hand with Axius, she waited with two suitcases.

“Those seem heavy,” he voiced and walked, Adete flew over to Axius and engaged the boy in a little bit of fun.

“I’m leaving my son in your hands for the next four days, better take care of him,” she commanded with authority.

“Coming from parents who go off to do a covert mission at any given time. Yeah sure, I’ll take that order seriously,” the voice filled with sarcasm.

“Touché,” an embrace later, “-I’ll see you soon, brother,” she jumped inside another car and headed out.

“Well then,” he turned and faced Axius, “-come on,” he said in a friendly voice.

“Uncle,” the boy ran and gave a high-five, after which they headed to pick-up Lizzie. Like clockwork, Lizzie returned with another big smile. The sight of Axius in the car made her face melt, the little boy was cute. She took a liking to the nephew almost immediately. In turn, the boy did the same, both became friends in less than a few minutes. Sat on her lap, Axius played around with her cheeks and told stories. Not wanting to intervene, Staxius’s focus remained on the road. ‘I wonder what Eira is doing right now.’

‘News about an adventuring party clearing the first-ever platinum quest has taken over the school by storm. I guess father and his guild are back. It’s good to see auntie Undrar’s quote on the paper. For sixteen years I’ve called her mother – and she is my mother in some weird way. My father’s sister was my mother during that whole time... think about that. Nevertheless, preparation for the Inter-magical tournament is underway. I’m both excited and scared. Excited because I’ll have a chance to prove myself and scared, due to this cold feeling inside. The last combat training I did with father forced me to use the power of the ice-dragon. She speaks to me in my dreams; do you wish for power. The constant questioning, it’s annoying at times – though I’ve grown accustomed to it. The lady of ice is a part of me now, it’s better to accept what has happened as opposed to rejecting reality. Time to sign off, Instructor Sophie is banging on the door,’ another entry complete.

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