The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: Four Pillars

“That’s enough,” the sergeant spoke, the voice feeble. That little argument tensed up the atmosphere around. All began to doubt the decision. In the distance, the horde left the outpost and headed straight for the party. A few breaths later, the military officers calmed one another down. They spoke and tried to make sense of what happened. Staxius stood and watched, the face neutral and eyes ready to engage. Kniq could but stay back with the rest and wait. Gearing up for the fight took authority over personal problems. Trying to conclude the mishap now would be a waste of time and energy. Reinhardt didn’t approve nor did Jannette. Even so, their arrogance was shut down by Adete who flew,

“Waste of space,” she added maliciously.

“M-mind your tongue,” Jannette fired back, her body recovered as well as a nasty attitude. Faced with death, the truest nature of humans came to light. She didn’t want to die, her sole purpose was to come here, sit around and do nothing. Happy was she to send adventurers off to their deaths – all of the care and attention was but a fa?ade. What waited was a nice pay-check.

“May I remind you to whom saved thine life?” Adete asked with arms on her hips.

“Tsk,” she clicked her tongue and focused on the lieutenant instead.

“That’s enough,” Achilles intervened, neither knew about Jannette’s truest feelings and emotions. Her true self – just like many, hidden behind a wall, behind an illusion, she lived as if nothing happened.

“Sister, sister,” Emma called.


“What is it, sister?” Emmy replied.

“Are we going to fight?” Emma asked.

“I don’t think so sister,” Emmy replied.

“Lymsey sisters,” Staxius called, “-can I have a word?” from staring into the distance, he approached where the rest sat and chatted.

“Y-yes,” they spoke simultaneously, “-anything you wish.”

“Looking at what is to come,” the monsters were five minutes out, “-this place is where the last stand will be made. I know not what has happened to the other outposts, nevertheless, this problem needs to be dealt with one at a time,” rather than the twins, he spoke to all. They walked and stood in line. “Hence, all who are to fight here today may well end up dying, I shan’t guarantee a safe return. Out on the field, Kniq will fight as a separate entity to all of us, I shall be solo and if the twins wish, can fight as a duo.”

“Question,” Reinhardt asked, the voice polite and anger subsided – he saw the bigger picture.

“Speak,” Staxius gave the green light.

“Are you not the leader of Kniq?” he asked. A nod later, Staxius replied with, “-indeed I am, however, the four of them have built up an unshakable bond. Jumping in the mix will ruin the flow of things, I’d rather not interfere where there’s a risk of a falling out.” A reply that seemed uncalled for, Undrar and the others wanted more than anything to have him join them. A glance over in their general direction spoke volumes, “-ideally, I would prefer to fight alongside my comrades,” a gentle smile portraited itself, the first one of the night, many were taken by surprise – especially the twins. “I trust them to have my back,” those words lit a fire under Kniq.

“W-what’s the plan of action then?” Jannette asked in a tired voice.

“Simple,” Staxius faced away, “-the big fellow is mine.” They came in fighting distance, “-the rest is up to you, Viola will be in charge from here on out,” the stance felt more relaxed, the pony-tail untied itself, a black color mist emanated from the body, the hair levitated gently and so did the clothes.

“...” Hearing those words sent shivers down everyone’s spine. “Here they come,” he commented, the intimidating sound of marching made the ground tremble. The evolved goblins were in front of the pack, around fifty in numbers, behind was the giant, one with a broken tooth – one sustained from the first punch.

‘Let’s see if that charade was bark or bite,’ the first step implanted itself into the ground to which it cracked, instantly, he vanished – a gust of wind shot backward. The lieutenant and sergeant were blown back, the twins impaled their weapons into the ground so as to not get pushed away.

“Alright,” Viola spoke, in the distance, the giant got punched, it’s body rocked backward, the sheer power of that impact sent shockwaves around. “Last time we didn’t have the strength nor knowledge to beat what opposed us,” the voice serious, “-today,” her hair changed from blond to black again, “-we have a chance to reclaim our pride as warriors. Let’s make this night a night worth remembering. Not for the deaths, but for the victory that awaits us,” hands-on weapons, Viola left her sword.

“Yes, mam,” the others replied, the aura turned heavy, time had come for the real fight to begin.

“Sister, sister,” Emma called,

“Yes sister, I know,” Emmy replied.

“We’re fighting as well,” they voiced.

“Let’s get this started, Achilles and I will be the front line, Avon will provide magical support and Deadeyes will stay back to protect the officers as well as covering fire. The usual formation, Lymsey sisters, I know not of your fighting style,” she paused, “-therefore,” a smile later, “-care do join us?” she resumed.

About three kilometers from the RFS, Kniq engaged. Staxius and the giant fought about four kilometers from the place were Kniq stood. Gunshots after gunshots, strays were killed instantly without time to recover. The regeneration seemed to have been weakened somehow. It was apparent on the first swing from Achilles, their wounds didn’t heal as fast as before. With Staxius leading the charge – focus heightened for everyone else. They concentrated so much that the door to Clarity was forced open. The unwavering connection made by those four, he sensed it earlier. Wills and intent aligned, no words nothing, the four became one – together, the fabled barrier broke.

The past two fights didn’t suffice to show their full potential. What was seen as weak was but a misunderstanding, none knew how to act after Staxius joined the fray – hence his reason for not staying close. Distant but there, the man was a good leader. Flashes of light spell cast, the ground turn from a lovely meadow to a decrepit land of flame and heat, Avon used an ancient spell named, *Infernal Wrath,* also known as the devil’s playground. Not only was he the one improving, but Achilles’ innate speed and physical strength also tripled in size. It got to a point where everything stopped, she walked and sliced off heads without breaking a sweat. For Deadeyes, the shots could not be any clearer, a red target with a line coming from the scope guided the man to where the bullet should travel. Some shots had arcs and angles that normal humans could but dream about. On one occasion, he lifted the gun so high up it was close to 90 degrees. No target since the scope stared at the starry sky. *Bang,* the trigger pulled, it hit its target.

The most impressive of all was Viola, she hovered above the battlefield and laughed maniacally. Her lips turned bright red, using her index, a simple motion caused damage on par with the highest tier of explosion magic. The goblins died one after the other with frightening speed. A sliver of their full potential, the pillars of Kniq – a party that would be forever etched into history.

“J-just who are they?” Jannette asked, her mind went black after seeing the rampage. Both held binoculars and watched. “Can’t you see,” Reinhardt smiled, “-they’re the ones who will help in pushing back those devils. Underestimating them was a foolish idea. That man wasn’t being ignorant to my plea, he trusted his party whole-heartedly. There was no doubt that this fight was won from the start.”

“Sister,” Emma called, “-watch out,” Emmy yelled. The duo fought, not as impressive as those four but held strong. Killing two was the most manageable. A clear difference in power and skill, “-Is this the thing they call hope?” Emma asked whilst standing. “No sister,” Emmy replied, “-that’s no hope, but total annihilation,” they stared, the ground broke, fires burnt monsters left and right. Paired with Undrar who flew and killed without mercy. What displayed before the twins were simply, hell.

*Bang,* the last shot fired, all were exterminated. *Huff, puff,* Undrar landed, Avon and Achilles stood back to back – the consciousness returned. “...” the devil’s playground dispelled, once a meadow and now a ravaged piece of land, the battle ended. “Clarity...” they spoke in tandem after which exhaustion forced Kniq on their knees. “We did it,” Undrar added, the voice tired, “-indeed,” sat in the middle of a man-made carnage, the trio rested.

“WATCH OUT,” a scream followed by a shockwave, it blew the party away. Staxius teleported, the giant threw a tree at them.

“-W-what is happening?” barely conscious, Avon asked. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

“Lymsey sisters, do take care of them,” he stood near the RFS with people in tow, “-there are supplies inside,” he teleported back out. ‘That should take care of them,’ the fight resumed, ‘-good job everyone,’ without weapons, Staxius used magic. Void Fireballs paired with hand to hand combat, each assault left damage. However, it could but absorb and return said force. The injuries healed; the ogre had taken all the healing abilities for himself. Thus, the reason why the goblins felt weak.

“Sergeant,” Reinhardt called.

“Yes?” confused, she asked.

“Is it just me or does he not have a weapon?” the tone worrisome.

“Upon closer look,” she stared, the binoculars helped, “-there are no weapons,” she added. The moon provided a bit of lighting which helped visibility. Bit by bit, the giant pushed through – punch after punch, the defense of said monster increased.

“Guys,” Deadeyes called, the repercussion from being in Clarity didn’t leave much of a lasting effect. “-I think master is in trouble.”

“Surely you jest,” Achilles asked – sat on the hood of the RFS, the trio watched. The potions helped in restoring part of their stamina.

“I think he’s right,” Viola agreed, the main revealer was how much farther the beast walked.

‘Oh boy,’ from running up and down the arms, Staxius continued to target the head. Each blow as powerful as a gunshot, the body didn’t give. *ROAR,* it screamed to which the balance grew unstable. It forced him to retreat, this fight went on for ten minutes now, the giant stood in viewing distance. It had made it close to the RFS. Whilst in-midair, the beast charged and headbutted Staxius. *Dark-Arts: Magical Barrier,* it broke the second the spell was conjured. The force sent him flying, *poof,* blood dripped, he stood just shy of the RFS.

“A-are you a-alright?” they asked.

Staxius stood with arms crossed, he bled from all over. *Blood-arts: Crimson Thread,* all the blood stopped, they levitated towards him, it made a halo over the head. “Just die already,” the wrist and fingers moved, the halo broke, it formed into large spears, *Snap,* as if bullets, it pierced the giant. Wings sprouted from the back to which a single flap later, he hovered. Holes through which a greenish liquid flowed, the giant screamed in pain, its eyes turned red – a sign of being enraged. Without giving it time to breathe, the spears changed into wires which nonchalantly sliced the beast apart. The assault wasn’t done just yet, from sharp wires, it changed into tiny droplets that seemed as if the rain. Another snap later, the chopped-up body was bombarded by the bloody rain. From tiny crystals, even with all that damage done, the blood returned to liquid form. To make sure that it hadn’t time to rise, it swallowed the pieces. From pierced to chopped then bombarded after which devoured, the giant changed from flesh to dust in less than a few seconds.

“Toying around with prey isn’t a good thing you know,” Adete commented whilst drooling.

“Tell me that again with a straight face.” With the fight over, the blood returned to being a halo over the head.

“How’s everyone holding up?” he landed and asked. None had prior knowledge about the vampiric power and form. The sole response was silence and confusion.

“Master?” Deadeyes asked. Long sharp teeth, wings, halo, and the power to control blood, “-are you?” he didn’t want to say it.

“Yes,” Staxius replied without blinking, “-I’m a vampire.”

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