The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Onwards

“Get in cover,” a voice yelled, chaos raged throughout the field. Spells, gunfire, and skills materialized and used all over. The air reeked of gunpowder, blood, and death. The awful stench from when a monster died lingered around. A tiny whiff sufficed to turn the strongest of stomachs upside down.

“FIGHT ON MEN,” atop the wall, a man screamed. Armed with a cannon, all could not but turn to him for inspiration. “-FIRE,” he ordered, a blast followed by which three evolved wolves exploded into flesh and blood.

“Let’s go!” with the few people left on the battlefield, fatigue had overwhelmed many. Despite this, the words from that man gave a spark of energy, a ray of hope. “With Captain Elmer as backup – we needn’t fear,” soaked in sweat and other bodily fluids – the adventurers kept on fighting.

“HISS,” the sun rose – the monsters retreated without a second thought. All faced away from their enemies and ran, the sun’s heat proved to be a weakness of the beasts which fed on the darkness. Their prowess and aggressivity lessened during the day though there was the exception to that rule.

“KILL THEM ALL,” on the field, a reckless boy ran with a sword in hand. Three goblins faced away and exposed their backs.

“Someone STOP HIM,” from atop, Elmer shouted but none could do anything. It took a second for the boy to die. Death by a wolf who turned enraged and went on a killing spree.

“Retreat,” the order was given, if only It had been earlier, that boy would have lived to see another day. This was what the survivors thought.


“We survived another night,” the captain’s emotions lowered, he became tamer.

“At the cost of 20% of our forces,” a soldier who held a tablet and wore glasses spoke.

“You’re right,” he sighed, the posture stern but facial expression disappointed, “-I don’t know how we’ll manage to hold out for five years,” lifts were dropped for those who couldn’t climb up the wall with magic or special abilities. Day time meant construction, “-all who’ve sustained major injuries are to be sent to the medical camp,” behind each word resided authority backed by experience and knowledge. “The rest is to head over to the construction site – transportation is already stationed. Take that time to rest and recover, breakfast will be served on transit.”

“Understood, sir,” tired and broken, the adventurers could but obey orders. This was the price paid to have the opportunity to join the military camps.

“The boy who died earlier lost his family to goblins from what I heard,” rumors spread, many grieved silently. Crying out loud would only make the dense atmosphere unbearable. All knew the implications, grit and endure – for a better future.

“Just look at that mess,” the people who fought left, the captain and his assistant remained atop the wall, “-bodies of young people who tried to amount to something in life. It brings shame for me to send all those fighters to their deaths at night. It’s not like they don’t know the implications – signing your own death certificate, heroes amongst heroes,” another night survived, the time had come to return to the main camp. One far from the wall, protected behind smaller barriers in case of a breach.

“Status about the request for backup?” both walked inside Ground-Zero’s main base, military officers stood and held rifles. Faces filled with regret, most hid behind a stoic demeanor. “The other camps have formally denied the call for help. The reason is lack of man-power,” the reply didn’t come as a surprise.

“All we can hope for is that construction of our wall is accomplished as soon as possible,” they now sat inside his office.

“The builders estimate that the final touches should last another three to four days. The structure is finished, magic and last-minute adjustments are what stands before us.”

“I know Sergeant Jen,” he answered, “-I know, we just need to hold for four days then Ground-zero will be protected,”

“With the number of fighters as low as is, we can hope to last for two days max. Well at the current rate. It’s frightening to see how the attack suddenly changed from spread out to us.”

From the border between Arda and Oxshield to Ground-zero then Reforge, the main skeleton had been built. The first part was completed months ago, the focus was changed to a check-point between the first two outposts. Tis was where many foes focused their assault. To keep the fighters from focusing on said checkpoint, the newly built wall at Ground-zero was targeted.

“Let’s hope for the best, once the second checkpoint is built, our defenses will be increased. Then the builders can focus on the other part of the project. It’s a critical stage, we need as much help as humanly possible,” the conversation ended to which the captain went back to deciding who would spearhead the defense later at night.

Messages and reports were relayed through the military network. Organized and efficient, the seamlessly flawless system was broken by that unknown grey spot. As predicted, Ground-zero suffered most of the damage. Nevertheless, hope reigned yet again, the message took a bit of time to arrive, but Reforge sent over 90% of its forces to help. The good news rekindled the captain’s spirit.

This looked great for Ground-zero but Reforge would take a hit. A gamble from Lieutenant Reinhardt about monsters focusing on the second checkpoint. It left the second outpost completely defenseless.

“Any idea to when we’ll reach our destination?” Viola asked, the RFS had been on the road since eight in the morning. The time now was two in the afternoon.

“Can’t we take a break?” Avon asked.

“There’s a village close by,” Emma suggested.

“Yes, over there,” Emmy pointed.

The journey would take another two days before reaching the destination. Lucky was it that roads were built for that very purpose. As opposed to the northern area, ever since the walls were built, people decided to pack up and move farther up the province to other villages and towns. The closest city was to the west. A place relatively quiet and out of the way, the name; Vaka.

“There should be an inn somewhere around here,” Emmy spoke, the RFS stopped.

“Yes sister, there’s one over there,” Emma pointed further into the village. The vehicle was stopped a few meters away from the place – it would bring unnecessary attention and cause problems for the citizens.

“Will you be accompanying us, master?” Avon asked to which Staxius shook his head.

“Go ahead and do what is needed, we’re leaving in fifteen minutes sharp,” orders given, Kniq walked into town to rest and relax. Not to mention, get food.

“Hey vampire,” Adete spoke, the inside felt empty and hot.

“What is it?” he asked, the eyes closed.

“You’re not thinking of teleporting the whole unit into Reforge... are you?” the voice skeptical, she hovered and stared with doubt.

“Not to Reforge,” he denied, “-I could probably do it, however, that’ll end up using half of my mana-reserve. I don’t want to go into this unprepared,” the all-seeing eye activated, “-therefore, we’ll only teleport to a place where the journey will take us a few hours as opposed to another day. I don’t want to sit around and drive,” since turning, the power of the eyes was tamed. He could accurately tell who, what and where a person or anything else was.

“Found it,” a few minutes later, “-the perfect location, the town of Frehtin.” A quaint little place north of the second checkpoint.

“Are you positive?” Adete checked.

“It’s no problem,” he replied, the voice filled with confidence.

The short break ended quickly. They returned with filled stomachs and higher moral.

“Before you enter,” Staxius stepped off, the voice serious. The way he behaved seemed unnatural, something was wrong. Before a question could be asked, he spoke, “-this might be hard, stomachs might turn upside down but tis necessary. I know not how to lessened the load of this spell on the body,” nonchalant, he stepped away.

“You guys better get in,” Adete hovered, Staxius stood a few meters away.

“Is there anything wrong?” Viola asked.

“Bat-lady, did something happen?” Emma asked.

“Did something happen, bat-lady?” Emmy added.

“Nothing to be worried over, get seated already,” she replied with a tired tone. Nothing else needed to be said. Each sat with a bit of anxiousness raising from underneath. None knew what the leader thought. The twins were scared out of their minds, the impression made earlier today was powerful. Thankfully, Undrar stepped in to act like a good person in the group. With one playing harsh and the other of the compassionate lady – they were kept in check.

‘Here we go,’ the eyes closed, a sudden burst in aura enveloped the body, the shirt levitated, from black to blue – a portal materialized. One exactly the size of the RFS.

“Alright,” from outside, Staxius spoke, a gust of wind spread from the driver’s seat. Rather than teleporting back, he sprinted. “Hold on tight,” the vehicle came to life, after which they drove straight into the portal.

A few seconds later, it reappeared above a road that led inside the town.

“Please stop,” Emmy begged,

“I’m about to puke,” Emma stated, their eyes teared. Barely holding on, they hurled. Not inside the RFS but outside, Staxius teleported the two. The lovely lunch returned to the wilderness. Sadness came forth more than embarrassment, the lovely meal went to waste.

“That’s a tough one,” everyone stepped out, Deadeyes tried hard to keep the stomach in check. Avon and Undrar were unaffected, Achilles could but watch as the food came back up. It seemed as if she pitied the food and not the ones puking.

“T-thanks f-for helping,” Emmy finished, the mouth covered by the disgusting liquid.

“We’re i-in y-your debt,” Emma added, both bowed.

“You’re supposed to be Tier-seven,” Staxius approached, the voice unchanging and presence as intimidating as usual. “Here,” two handkerchiefs were handed over, the twins could not believe. A quick look at the face revealed a man who stared into the distance.

“Viola, get some water and make them rinse their mouths,” nonchalant, he returned to the vehicle.

“What did I say?” she approached with a smile,”-I told you my brother is not that bad a person,” a wink later, the girls freshen up and returned inside.

“I do hope the pieces of clothing were thrown?” the drive continued.

“Yes, we threw them,” Emma confirmed.

“Sister took care of them,” Emmy added. Those two had a habit of repeating what the other said. A connection shared by twins only, one that went far beyond the realm of comprehension.

“Are we headed straight for Reforge then?” Deadeyes asked.

“That’s the plan,” without much thought – they drove past the town.

“Lieutenant Reinhardt,” the same officer who stood close to him earlier yesterday called.

“What is it Sergeant Jannette?” the screen shut-off, the time had come to prepare for night as it was now five.

“Since the fighters were sent away to help defend ground-zero and the scouting mission,” she pointed forward, “-our site will be opened for monsters to infiltrate.”

“Sadly yes,” he voiced, “-that is in case their focus turn to us, but I doubt it.”

“Nonetheless, the connection with Rosespire is established,” good news to which the Lieutenant seemed hopeful, “-we’ve got back-up coming. Their mission is to provide support to Fusefall. Their first stop is Reforge, the guild master gave new orders. We’re to do with them as we please, their mission is to provide support to not only Fusefall but all the outposts.”

“And how strong is this unit?”

“About five people strong, sir,” she replied but felt ashamed.

“Are you serious?” he lashed out, “-only five people, do they take us for fools...” the fist clenched, “five people to help defend the outposts, how degrading,” the face seemed disappointed.

“It might not be in vain,” Jannette spoke out, “-the man in charge of the party was strongly recommended by the holder of the Divine-blade title. Not much is known but rumor has it that the man is a demon.”

“Demon or not, I’m doubtful that five individuals can provide any significant change.”

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