The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 196

Chapter 196: Auic’s demeanor

‘A request from Raulf. It hasn’t even been a week since Kniq became an official guild,’ rather than teleporting, Staxius chose to walk. The destination was the hotel where Auic spent most of her time. ‘It does strike me as odd that an outpost would just vanish. I did have that nostalgic feeling, the same from when everything changed. I wonder if it’s all related,’ time was barely nine, people rushed over to work.

“You’ve opened the shop to only leave for another quest...’ Adete spoke, she sat annoyingly near his forehead. The legs dangled and purposefully hit his nose and cheeks.

“It does seem stupid to open up for business then take-off,” it was weirdly amusing. “Guess that’s the way of my life, always chaotic,” the hotel came in view.

“What brings you here?” a girlish voice asked.

“Can’t I come by and pay a visit?” he replied casually.

“Sure you can, but I need to head off now, I’ll see you later,” without time wasted, Lizzie scurried off.

“Wait up,” another voice came from behind, this time it was Auic. Staxius stood in the reception-hall, those two were always up to something. People around glared, a demi-human and a brat; not apparent but present, prejudice.


“It’s those two again,” in the waiting area, people whispered, “-I know right, always creating a ruckus this early in the morning.”

“I’m already late as is. Auic, let me go,” Lizzie urged, both now stood outside. Curious, Staxius followed.

“But you forgot lunch,” Auic held a box, the cheek flushed and breathing heavy, Lizzie always awoke with a lot of energy.

“Sorry,” the girl winked then ran off.

“That girl... I swear,” a faint mumbled which turned into fear. Her posture slouched, piercing gazes made the body shrivel, it was as if trying to erase her presence.

“So this is how morning starts,” a deep voice came from behind, one soothing.

“S-sorry,” without looking up, Auic tried to slip inside.

“Isn’t it a bit rude to ignore people?” Staxius asked and grabbed her arms, the voice unimpressed. No response came, the eyes shut and body squeezed, her feet moved nervously, sweat could be seen dripping.

‘Just how badly is this girl affected,’ witnessing all those emotions flow through her – it hit just how much Avon cared. Someone who was rejected all her life, tortured and sold, it was to be expected. However, sob-stories didn’t work with him, “Auic, it’s me,” he shook her arm, “-better snap out of it,” the voice serious, her eyes opened.

“M-majesty,” a sigh of relief, her posture relaxed, “-what b-brings you here?” she asked, the nervousness didn’t go, people continued to glare.

“I just came to pay a little visit,” he replied, the voice unchanging, “-on second thought,” he glared back at the people. The sheer intensity discouraged the rivaling stares, “why not take a walk with me?”

“O-okay...” reluctantly, she followed. Silence slowly took command, the walk continued till Pandora came in sight, it lasted around half an hour.

“Listen,” he broke the ice, “-there’s something I need to tell you,” they walked side by side though her gaze remained at the floor. “I know the hardships that you’ve gone through. I won’t say I understand but...” he looked over, she still kept her gaze downward, “-we’ll be going on an urgent quest soon.”

“Will Avon be participating?” she stared up, the eyes filled with concern.

“Yes, Kniq as a whole will be going on said expedition,” the door unlocked, “-this is why I’ve made a decision,” he entered, the door closed behind. “Either stay here and work for your stay or return to Arda. A noble girl must know the implications and repercussions of living off someone else. Now I don’t want to say you’re a burden – not at all,” the tone filled with sincerity, “-but it’s not right. I don’t want a noble to turn into such a pitiful creature. There’s a difference between leaning on someone for support and freeloading,” she followed him into the lab area where papers were subconsciously set for another day of work, “-thus I ask this not as a king but a friend, what do you want to do?” the voice friendly and comforting.

“...” she wanted to speak but held back, her hands trembled.

‘So much trouble,’ it was hard to watch how much she hated herself.

“Listen up,” a fierce voice spoke, “-either say what is in thy mind or get the hell out of here,” harsh but direct, Adete felt the anguish.

“I-” she stopped.

“SPEAK UP,” Adete screamed to which Auic slapped herself.

“I want to stay here!” she tried to scream but the soft nature of her voice refused, It sounded adorable as opposed to serious.

“Good,” Staxius smiled, “-starting tomorrow, I’ve appointed someone to come tutor in the ways of being a secretary. I need an assistant to help,” the gaze stern, “-remember why you were brought here in the first place?” her eyes lit, “-that’s right, it’s to work.”

“I u-understand b-but the way people stare, it’s so cold and unforgiving. I can’t do anything, the memories tie me down, hard as I may try, my mind refuses to let me go. Always bound by the past, swallowed by darkness, I thought Avon could be the one to save me...” tears formed, “-but even with all the help given, I can’t do anything,” heavy sobs followed.

“No need to be harsh,” the voice understanding, “-I was wrong to put you in a discomforting situation. Dealing with all those fiends regularly,” he thought,”-I guess that was selfish on my part. I thought you’d be alright,” a glance later, “-I was solely mistaken,” he apologized.

Once again, Auic went silent, tears flowed, the body knelt and posture as if begging – no dignity nor pride, confidence was a lost cause.

“How about this,” after a few minutes of consideration later, “-what if we bought a house. One all the members of Kniq could share?” a blunt proposal. “Alright,” he stood, “-I’ve made up my mind. We’re going to buy a house,” the eyes blank, the first step to making Auic feel welcomed and wanted was to have a home. Away from all the hate and prejudice.

‘5700 gold the current balance.’ A pause later, “-Auic, could you please open the shop downstairs. There’s no need to answer to customers, just open it and sit behind the counter, I’ll come in a few minutes.”

“A-alright...” she stood and headed downstairs.

“What are you thinking?” Adete asked.

“I forgot I have to pay for the uniforms later, it’s going to cost 3000 gold. I haven’t clearly thought this through.”

“Buying a house is a stupid idea and for the sake of a girl, are you stupid?” Adete voiced strongly.

“No, it’s a good investment. Not short but long term. A place we know is safe and without spy and others trying to pry,” soon after a phone call was made. The process of finding the perfect home would be long. Nevertheless, Cake was assigned to the case. Using her connections, it would take at least one week before any good offers came up. Whilst on the phone, Diane was also contacted.

“Alright, I’ll take it from here,” he voiced.

“Do you mind if I stick around and watch?” Auic asked.

“Sure,” the day began. Time went on, none came by, a slow day. Though it gave time to think, ‘-six outposts in which a lieutenant or higher rank is assigned. It’s unlikely that this call for help could be an ambush. The ogre attack and recent incident don’t feel as if mere coincidence.’

The time now reached noon, “Auic,” he called, “-we’re shutting down for today.”

Curtains pulled, open sign turned to closed, she worked fairly quickly. “Since we’re going on an expedition later,” he signaled her to follow, “-over here,” they entered the office. “I’ll make you a deal,” they stood before the window. “There’s a bedroom inside Pandora, one secluded and fairly safe. I saw the stares people gave earlier today.”

“Don’t worry,” she interjected, “-I’ll manage. Even if people despise me, I’m in charge of taking care of Lizzie. She’s an airhead who will rush headfirst into anything,” she smiled, “-it’s alright, I may be weak, shy, and miserable,” the eyes changed from woeful to confident, “-but I can also be reliable. I was trained by her majesty the queen. Today’s talk helped, without a conscious effort to change, my past will continue looping without end.”

“Impressive,” the tone casual, “-either way, your training to becoming a worthy assistant will be hosted here. The teacher should be here any minute. *Ding,* the timing could not have been any better.

“Welcome to Kniq’s headquarters,” the door opened, Diane stood completely perplexed by how elegant and pristine the interior was.

“Surely you jest, in no way can one such as thou afford this level of luxury?” she walked in almost scared to step on the carpet.

“Must I state my title out loud?” the voice formal and courteous.

“It’s hard to believe you’re a King at times,” she sighed and sat in the meeting room.

“Well that’s the truth and none’s going to change that fact,” the idle chatter ended.

“This is who I want to be trained,” he pointed at Auic who sat far away, “before stating the obvious, she’s a demi-human to which I presume should not be a problem?”

“No, not really,” Diane stood and headed over to the lady. Instantly, both spoke, it seemed as if they were old friends. ‘Guess girls are better suited to one another.’

“I’ll notify the receptionist about the daily visits,” Staxius stood, “-do take care, I’m entrusting her to you, Diane, be sure to not disappoint,” the door closed. As said, the people downstairs were notified. That out of the way, preparations for the journey could now commence.

First came transport, Void would have been fine if only it was for one person. Luckily, Rosespire was perfect – a few minutes of teleporting from shop to shop. Hidden in an alley, a business that rented vehicles. One purposefully hidden for it was part of the underground. Jason kindly referred the address – to which Staxius took full advantage. In the end, for the price of 150 gold, an armored beast was rented. One larger than a car but smaller to a truck. Perfect for off-road and carrying a lot of people with supplies. Said vehicle would be delivered tomorrow at Pandora.

The connections made came in handy, both in the open and underground. ‘Better check up on the uniforms,’ after returning to the shop, it was time to head to Arda. Tharis got fixed and improved, 3000 gold pieces paid for four uniforms. A heavy-price tag that was well worth it. Not needing anything fancy, after meeting Xula and Eira, they spend the next two hours bonding.

“I might be gone for a day or two, even a week depending on how grave the situation is,” last words said before leaving.

“See you later,” they waved and wished for good fortune.

‘Done,’ he breathed, loose ends tied, people informed, he was ready to leave for Plaustan. Not wanting to take items away from the shop which would result in a loss, he made another batch of potions and scrolls. Thus, the day continued till night came. The party never paid a visit. Adete continued to pester, all and all, the day was productive.

‘Tomorrows the big day,’ tucked in bed, Staxius rested. “The first quest as a guild. Can’t wait to see what awaits us.” Without much help, sleep overpowered consciousness.

Things near Azure’s walls didn’t look great. The first outpost; Ground-zero suffered great damage. People were eaten, some clawed to death and others burnt by witches. Many stood back and watch as comrades and good fighters died. It grew overwhelming, a distress signal was sent to the other outposts. However, none could return a favorable response. For the sake of the citizens, many fought until death came. A noble and dignified way to go out.

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