The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Opening

“Holy shit,” said the boy in amazement.

“Leader,” the girl called, “-there’s no way that man is just a shop keeper,” her eyes lit with admiration.

“I must say he’s powerful,” replied the forth member, a warrior with a rather buff body.

“You’re right,” he mumbled, Staxius headed inside to prepare the bill.

“How much is the dagger?” after him, the leader followed, the others were too perplexed to window-shop. Their eyes were glued on the guy in charge of Pandora.

“I’d normally take 350 silver,” the dagger laid on the main counter where potions were displayed. “Seeing I sort of went overboard with that demonstration,” the tip of the blade was chipped a little, “-I’ll take 50 silver off the price and throw in a sheath,” he replied with a smile.

“There’s no need to go so far,” the leader could not believe how courteous the man was.


“No need to worry,” he reassured the party, “-tell me for whom it belongs?” the eyes wandered from person to person. The boy and girl could not believe their eyes, usually, from past experience with merchants – they’d try anything to get a few more coins – this man was different.

“It’s for me, sir,” the girl spoke out.

“I see,” he leaned closer, “-give me a moment, I’ll see what I can do,” a quick trip to the backroom later. “Here,” a red-colored sheath with a rose engraved on the leather strap.

“Surely you jest,” said the warrior, “-the price of that sheath alone must rival the weapon,” he spotted good quality leather in there.

“I’d charge extra,” with a smile, “-since today’s our big opening; I’d like to make it special for the first few customers.”

“Thank you so much,” her eyes lit with excitement.

“There you go young lady,” he handed over the weapon, “-a quick visit to the blacksmith should fix that little chip atop.”

“Thanks for being so nice to us,” the leader bowed and happily handed over 325 as opposed to 300 silvers.

“I appreciate the thought,” Staxius spoke, “-but keep the 25 silvers and give the young-ones a treat on my part. Also, if you could spread the word a little, then it would be greatly appreciated.” The man could not but accept the generosity being shown.

“Thanks for everything sir, I’ll make sure to come back later,” the party left, unknown but having made a good impression – it would not be the last of them.

‘I should really keep my powers in check,’ he chuckled and kept the coins in a safe. ‘Considering those two items were rejects by Arda, I doubt they’ll notice the quality. Dwarven craftsmanship is far superior to anyone on Hidros – guess it was wise to start this business after all.’ The initial price he bought those items were 750 copper for the dagger and 300 for the sheath. All and all, it was a profit. The amount put in the shop was around 4300 gold for everything from materials for potions to all the items in the shop.

With the adventuring guild now fully active – Kniq gained more recognition whilst on quests. People were happy to see them in action. The emblems and patches hadn’t been delivered yet; the crew went on quests without much gear. They needed to stock up but were busy. Their balance totaled at 1500 gold from all the questing. A good start for a beginner group.

Slowly but surely, as promised by the first party – people began to visit Pandora out of curiosity. Many didn’t buy at first, most were on edge with the recent fraud of fake potions going around. Luckily, the certification from the magical guild and the badge proving the status as an Alchemist, some were tempted to try out the common potions. It reached two in the afternoon, so far, only ten potions were sold.

Slow and steady progress, he relished every moment. Having more time to focus on things rather than staying out on the field. No more fighting and threatening people for a while – he let loose and dug deep into Clarity to find out more about the composition of a relic class scroll. Dead end after dead end, the process was meticulous.

The time now was three, many parties returned from their quests. A good opportunity to earn attention for Pandora. independent parties without a guild headed directly to the main guild to claim their reward. In case of being inside a guild, the party would head to their guild’s headquarters instead. The quest would be submitted by the leader or co-leader, a strenuous process but none cared. After taking their cut, the ones responsible for completing said mission was rewarded. Any loot would be first come first serve; none had the right to argue with the party leader for he would decide to whom the prize would go.

“Now this is a new shop,” tis was good fortune that the street on which Pandora sat was one frequented by adventurers going out from the alternate exits.

The bell rung, two hooded men walked in. From their apparel, rogues.

“Oh look,” one tall and skinny pointed at the adamantite armor.

“Shiny,” the other, short and chubby replied.

“Shopkeeps, how much for this armor?” the tall one asked.

“Check the price-tag,” Staxius fired back without tact.

“Damn,” they stuttered.

“I appreciate the business but do make it quick,” Staxius urged.

“Fine...” the tall man sighed, “-how about you gimmie one of those lock-picks,” he pointed.

“100 copper per pick,” Staxius walked over and took them from the little carton box.

“I’ll take all of them,” he smiled, the eyes shady and intent malicious.

“That would be 2 silver,” he replied and packed the box.

“Awesome,” the short one exclaimed, “-I can’t believe shop still sell these.”

“Thanks for the business,” being rogue and all, Staxius didn’t care – all who walked through those doors were after something.

Rarely here at this time of day, Staxius didn’t realize how frequently this road was used. People walked and admired the new shop. Some walked in to check out the product and left. Rumors about the adamantite armor spread. It was a thing of wonder; many were amazed. At that time, Pandora was the only shop with full armor in the capital.

“Good afternoon,” he greeted with a smile, the aura and charisma made a good impression on every single person who came. At around six, the shop closed. For the first day of business, a few uncommon potions and two common scrolls were sold. All the activity and selling record was kept in a book, there was also a few arrows and a short sword.

All and all, it was a good first day.

“Master,” the door opened, “-how was the first day?” Avon rushed in with excitement.

“It’s been pretty good so far,” he smiled.

“With that visage, I was scared you’d have scared people away,” Adete who slept on his head during the whole day awoke.

“Cut it out,” he spoke without much thought.

“Pandora,” Achilles murmured, “-Master, did you know it hails from a story from my realm?”

“Yes,” he replied, “-the girl who opened a box to release evil and find hope inside, quite a good story,” the tone nonchalant.

“Damn,” Viola spoke, “-look at that sword,” she stared at Dragonrend.

“Look at this armor,” Deadeyes called, “-ADAMANTITE,” he yelled.

“Those are the best items I got so far,” he headed over to where they stood.

“Don’t forget the price tag,” Avon proudly displayed how much it was worth.

“I guess that was where you were for the last two days?” Viola presumed.

“Correct,” he replied with a nod. “-why not discuss the details of today’s quest at the headquarters.”

“It’s so far away though,” Avon complained.

“Just follow me,” once, inside the back room, the portal took them straight to Rosenvan.

“Guess the portal room is ready as well,” Deadeyes could not believe how much was happening. His guild leader kept on impressing the marksman over and over again.

“I won’t ask for a report or anything like that,” all sat inside room two, the leisure room,”-the reason why you’re here was so that the portal could register each of your mana. From now on, access from here and to the shop is given to all. Do with it as you wish, any loot and junk can be dumped over there.”

“Surely you haven’t called us here just to trigger that portal?” Viola knew something was up.

“You’re right,” he sighed. “-I need everyone to strip down,” the voice monotonous.

“What...?” the girls stared at one another whilst Avon covered up both his chest and private region, Deadeyes on the other hand already began to take off his top.

“Deadeyes, stop,” Staxius ordered. He halted before the pants could be unbuckled. “I phrased it wrong, I need you guys to undress and take your own measurements. This is a gift from me, custom made armor. State what kind, what material and what sort of enchantments. Pandora will take on the order, consider this a publicity stunt.”

“You can’t be serious...” Viola thought that it would only put a strain on him. The guilt of ruining the jacket he brought from Iqeavea still loomed.

“I won’t take no for an answer,” papers slid across the table. “Put your sizes, what kind of armor is needed and any specifics. I’ll do the enchantments personally,” he stood,”-you better get to it.”

“We do have an amazing guild leader,” Achilles mumbled.

“Yeah we do,” Deadeyes could not believe it. Custom made items, magic ones. Trying to buy one of those could have cost a fortune. But as would luck have it, Staxius was generous when it came to spending money on people deemed worthy. No matter the cost, anything that would make said person grow stronger was well worth the price.

“Care to explain where you’ve been all day?” Staxius asked, the landscape outside felt as if heaven. The stars, so close to the sky – it was unimaginable, a dream come to reality.

“Snoozing on your head,” the answer direct and unladylike.

“Master,” a few minutes went by, “-here,” one by one, each came into the hallway and handed over the paper.

“Let me see,” he read for Deadeyes first, the man wanted light armor. One comfortable for a long period laying on the ground, more emphasis was put on the helmet. He requested goggles and items that would be essential for a sniper.

Second, came Avon, the spirit wanted but only one thing, a uniform similar to what Staxius wore.

Third came Achilles, since her body was invincible the only request was some light armor and emphasis on her footwear. Her sole weakness laid in the ankle. Weapon wise, an improvement on the sword Staxius brought back.

Fourth came Viola, she didn’t demand anything specific. The only thing written on the paper was; another jacket.

“You guys are hopeless,” the head shook in disappointment. “-I’ve got an idea.” A quick pause later, “-rather than armor, how about uniforms?”

“...” silence followed.

“That’s a great idea,” Deadeyes advocated, “-light and easy to move. Not to mention that there will be possibilities to add on equipment rather than wear heavy armor.”

“Yes,” Viola liked the idea, “-we can have the leather jacket you brought over.”

“Nothing beats the aura given off when a group of people walks in wearing the same outfit,” with a smile, “-I’ll shall get the preparations ready; you guys are dismissed for today.” Inspiration hit – alone in the office he drew. Long boots with pants that will go inside the latter. A simple white shirt, a leather jacket. A belt, specially made to hold guns, swords and whatever is necessary. Simple and effective, gantlets for the swordsman,” the color scheme would match the same uniform he wore. With that, the plans for the outfits were readied. The day ended, to which he headed back to Arda to stay the night.

The tailors were happy to make the shirt. The pants, boots, and jacket would be made by dwarves for it would be infused with Ikahmite. A special ore that had the property of normal thread which could negate up to 90% of magical damage. Those were just the building blocks, layers and layers of other unheard minerals and ore would be used for the other parts. The service didn’t come cheap since it was a material rare to acquire, the price for each set was 1750 gold. Since it was an order from the king, the price reduced to 750. The wings emblem would be woven into the very core of the jacket, the red felt like blood and white like ashes. That out of the way, the rest of the night was spent in the company of his family.

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