The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Protectors

‘As if by fate,’ stood outside the central guild, ‘-all that has been happening isn’t mere coincidence.’ A duel scheduled in two hours, a duel against the strongest man in Hidros. The Divine blade, protector of the royal family.

“This should be fun,” a smile, one of a person ready to fight with all his might. ‘Preparations are in order first,’ without wasting time, he teleported to the shop. There, a phone call to Cake and some contacts, “I need information about the newly built adventurers-headquarters. Now that I think of it, the first floor, given how high it is and with the immense price-tag; it doesn’t sit right. Maybe there’s another factor at play, that amount of money is possible but not wise to spend. Therefore, I need information about who built it, how it was built, and anything that may be hidden from the public. Time limit is two-hours, get to it.” Now a man of quite an influence, Staxius could throw his weight around and get whatever was needed.

The duel for his worthiness wasn’t for show, Raulf had other plans in mind. Not to mention that he used Staxius’s real title when accepting the duel – there was more at play. Adete flew around, *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* a portal remade; destination now was Arda.

“Welcome back your majesty,” he stood in the portal room, the overseer remained as composed as ever.

“Thanks,” he approached the desk, “-could you please get hold of the sage?” a nod from the lady sufficed. He walked through the doorway into the throne room, the Ardanians could see who a person was despite what their appearance might have been. A lower-version of Spirit-Sense inherited by all who were born in this province.

“You asked for me?” without a second lost, the sage materialized.

“Yes,” the face filled with determination – Staxius walked towards the throne. “I’ve got a duel scheduled; I’m afraid that this may be a turning point for Arda,” he voiced the concern but didn’t look bothered.


“What did you do?” confused, the sage continued to ask.

“I challenged the strongest man in Hidros for a fight,” the voice proud, he walked till Xula came in view.

“Should have expected as much,” the sage sighed and stopped.

“Welcome back,” Xula spoke, Eira stood right beside.

“I’ve got news,” no thanks nothing, straight to the point – time waited for none.

“Do tell,” rather than fall into her casual demeanor, Shanna spoke as she would with anyone else.

“Your majesty,” he knelt, whether wife or not, a queen was a queen – respect was her right, “-I, Staxius Haggard, have challenged Raulf Serlo of Oxshield. A duel of honor to which I know not the conditions yet,” right hand on his chest, he stared. The aura felt tense, Eira could not believe her eyes and ears; a duel of said magnitude wasn’t a thing to be taken lightly.

“I’ve but one question,” the tone sharp and piercing, “-can you win?”

“Without a doubt,” the face confident and ready to undertake this whole ordeal.

A powerful wave that pointed at a tapestry with the people of Arda. “Be victorious,” she smiled, “-King Staxius Haggard, Protector of Arda, thou shalt represent all of Arda in thy fight. Make us proud and WIN,” the face lit with joy, Xula approved of the duel.

“Return to us victorious,” cheers came from the upper floor – many nobles were present. Those who represented races, all heard what was to happen. With that out of the way, he stood, the changes to his body appeared to the wife and child. They watched as a man evolved into one worthy of his responsibilities and titles.

Eira tried to speak but was stopped by Xula who had tears running. “Mother?” she asked. “Worry not, tis aren’t tears of woe, but one of bliss. Remember today as the day the King of Arda took his responsibilities by heart.”

“Why did you call me here again?” the sage appeared, Staxius now stood inside the garage. “Is my uniform ready?” he looked around for things that might have come in handy.

“No idea, you best check with the engineering core,” the face filled with doubt; the master itched to ask questions.

“There’s no need to hold back,” without a single glance he knew what the old-man wanted.

“Are you sure about this duel? The fate of two-kingdom rests on both opponent’s shoulder. I’m guessing you know the implications; this isn’t just a duel to see who’s stronger, but one that might decide if our kingdoms are worth being allies or not.”

“Yes,” he replied firmly, “-as King, I must ensure that the kingdom has a prosperous future.” the conversation continued inside one of the universities. One focused on combat-oriented gear and research, offensive spells and such – he had studied under those master-mages for months.

“As I was saying,” he resumed; people all around with coats ran around and took measurements. Briefcases, countless battle-armor, and weapons laid on racks and stands. “I saw my party get beaten by monsters, a demi-goddess, and an ancient hero,” the reasons to why had happened was explained,”-there are many variables,” he paused and stared, “-this one is for certain. Monsters are getting more powerful with each passing day. Arda needs its own Adventuring guild to be able to survive. We’ve got talented warriors and spellcasters all around, youth wanting to prove themselves. However, without a place that can monitor and assign specific instructions – they are but mindless sheep to be slain. The military can only take so far, this is the reason why,” minutes went by, scholars carefully dressed the one who was due a battle.

This time, rather than a grey uniform, the color scheme was one white and red – it matched the hair. Same design but different colors, it looked more dignified and more menacing. The vampiric traits were put on display, the sharpen teeth had become obvious. Tharis and the Cursed-blade had quick maintenance. Little pills which contained healing potions were attached near the neck. Only a single touch was needed for the potions to be injected. Enhanced beyond the usual threshold – this particular suit was made specifically for the King. A project that he requested on the same day Tharis was made.

“Majesty,” one of the leaders approached, “-good luck in representing our province. News has already spread around the capital. We’ve done our best to support thy fight.”

“I’m grateful, without the assistance – there’s no way we could have made it all this way,” a smile of gratitude later, he walked out and headed towards the castle gates.

“Masterful,” a shadow spoke, it breathed down his neck

“Lord Balthazar,” Staxius called nonchalantly.

“I can see that you’ve become a full-fledged vampire,” he smiled, one shady but without malice.

“Yes, the changes are in fact subtle,” he fired back sarcastically.

“I apologize, it was supposed to only be the All-seeing eye that should have transferred. Guess there some mistakes here and there – you turned our curse into strength. The body is ready to go beyond its limits – an evolved vampire. Congratulations are in order; you’ve successfully turned into a pure-blooded nightwalker. One on par with she who was the originator – there’s more to learn. Grow and evolve the magical element and blood farther, heir to the Death Reaper, show people just how strong our protector is,” the shadow disappeared.

A sigh later, teleportation was used. Flash images of Xula and Eira standing at the castle gates soothed the soul.

An hour had gone by, *bring,* the phone came to life.

“You were right, the building is owned by Raulf and the royal family. The top floor’s high-price is to deter people from purchasing. The reason is yet to be found,”

“No need to research, it’s sufficient; good job Cake,” the phone hung.

Meanwhile, “your majesty,” a boy ran, “-i-it’s Raulf,” he panted, a few breaths later, “-he accepted a duel,” details unknown, Gallienne waited.

“Why should I be concerned?” she asked unwilling to move from the garden.

“I know not, majesty, but he wishes to explain the situation in greater detail.” Reluctantly, the queen stood and headed over the man’s office. Along the way, a familiar voice called, “-why is everyone in such a panic?”

“Aceline,” she sighed, “-did you spend the night again?” the tone casual.

“Maybe,” she yawned and walked, the Pride of Hidros had explicit permission to roam around the castle. The place was owned by her best friend, it was to be expected. “Again, why is everyone in such a panic?”

“Guess we’ll both find out,” the office came in view, one that controlled the guilds from inside the palace.

“Majesty,” all the workers instantly stopped and bowed, they each had screens in front, one that displayed various people’s physical aptitude.

“I apologize for making you walk all this way,” Raulf knelt, the tone courteous.

“Drop the formalities, care to explain why everyone is visibly shaken?” Gallienne stood tall, Aceline remained in the back as if her shadow.

“I, Raulf Serlo, Protector of the Royal-Family was challenged by the Protector of Arda.”

“I see,” she thought, “-is this a declaration of war?” the eyes narrowed doubtfully.

“No, your majesty,” he quickly removed that thought, “-tis not a declaration of war. The people of Arda haven’t done anything to harm us yet.”

“Care to explain the reason why a duel is scheduled?”

“I take full responsibility,” the head faced the ground,”-there were things said that were uncourteous, I undermined the pride of a warrior.”

“Still, why is this duel of such importance?”

“Majesty,” the head raised, “-you already know the answer...”

“...” a few breaths later, “-you aren’t fighting for the pleasure – the burden of two entire kingdoms relies on the Protectors. He who loses must bow down before the opposition, a clever way to not bring innocent in the fray. Long story short, each will fight with the honor of their cause on the line. This is a battle that will define if peace will prevail or war might start anew. He who wins will have the authority to demand anything out of the ruler and fighter. Depending on the results, an alliance could be formed or a forceful takeover.”

Each kingdom had a protector. During the ancient war, after men were unable to fight – leaders of opposite armies would fight one-on-one with their comrades’ weight on their shoulders. A way to discourage any pointless slaughter, the practice forgotten yet present was a duel to the death. As time went on, the condition for winning was a show of overwhelming power and being able to restraint any who didn’t wish to slay their opponent. Defeat by death or surrender didn’t matter, the one who lost had to comply with any wishes the other had.

“There’s no say in the matter, Protectors have the authority to accept or refuse any duel offered.” Gallienne patted his head, “-return to me victorious.” News about the fight reached every noble that helped rule Oxshield. Some were angry, whilst some overconfident – the royal-family had the divine-blade on their side. An arena, one hidden away from the public eye at the back of the castle. A training ground which turned into an arena for all who wished to fight to the death. One the size of those at Claireville academy. A place rarely used but maintained. Covered by trees and plants, it wasn’t apparent from the castle.

Dressed in adamantite armor paired with dragon-bones, Raulf stood with his sword sheathed. Time had come for the challenger to arrive, all waited at the castle-steps.

In the distance, a rumbling approached, light reflected from a blackish shadow. Void came to a stop, “-that’s Staxius,” Aceline called out, it took Gallienne by surprise.

“What do you mean Staxius?” she knew about him protecting Aceline during the trip to the main continent.

Slowly, the car stopped, the door opened, he stepped out. The face and stance ready, the uniform intimidating and weapons on his belt, he approached Raulf. With a nod, the latter signaled the former to follow. The walk to the arena began – the place where all would be decided.

“Are you really Staxius?” from behind, a voice whispered.

“It’s me,” he replied, guards surrounded both Protectors.

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