The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 182

Chapter 182: Athus

“Long time no see,” a casual smile; a ray of light broke through the cloudy weather.

“Impossible,” Adelana stance faltered, she nearly tripped out of shock.

“MASTER,” without notice, Fenrir transformed and jumped.

“It’s good to see you,” rather than fall, he grabbed and hugged the beast that was just as big as a human. She didn’t transform fully, nevertheless, he embraced and close the eyes. The fluffy and comforting fur, he had missed that feeling for too long.

“What just happened?” Julius asked; the eyes open out of shock. Those two’s meeting would normally end with Staxius hitting the ground and her drowning him in saliva.

“It’s good to see you,” trapped, Fenrir changed back and jumped onto his back; an involuntary piggy-back ride. Unbothered, Staxius walked, the ground showed no sign of movement. Catching someone as big and powerful as Fenrir was bound to make the person fall back a little – in this case, the man stood as if a bolder.

“Staxius...” Adelana regained her mind and rushed over, “-are you alright?” the changes to the body became apparent.


“There’s no way I’d have guessed that it was you...” Julius spoke in a subtle tone, “-what happened?” they wanted answers for he who stood was reborn.

“It’s nothing to be worried about,” from casual – the face returned to normal, “-there were things that had to be taken care of,” without wasting time, he walked towards the gates.

“In any case,” Julius and Adelana walked side to side, “-what brings you here?” he asked in a curious tone.

“Honestly,” he faced the duke, “-I wanted to head to Rosespire but I’m a little tired.

“Are you referring to that thing over there?” Adelana figured a guess.

“Partly my fault, I should apologize,” before he could bow, Julius jumped in, “-no need, Dorchester is thy place of birth. That area is abandoned anyways, there’s no need to worry,” with a smile, the trio accompanied Staxius inside.

“Who’s that guy?” they walked through town, the few bystanders asked. An unknown man had entered town, one that seemed powerful and menacing. One that quickly garnered their attention, seeing the Duke and Adelana with Fenrir riding on his back, most thought that the man was someone important.

“The place sure has grown big,” Staxius commented, it took a few minutes before arriving at the castle, it boomed with activity. Kids ran around, families settled on the ground as if a picnic – time now was close to five.

“Sister, look at that guy,” the kids stopped and pointed, their eyes lit with wonder – the white and red hair made him cool in the eyes of said children. As opposed to the usual feeble and plain-looking body, with the new vessel – standing out became easier. Rather than keeping the stoic face, Staxius waved and smiled, it became something he did often; almost second nature.

“I wanna be just like him when I grow up,” they joked around then went back to playing.

“Someone’s popular,” Adelana teased and punched his arms. “Holy...” her eyes opened.

“Is everything alright?” he asked to which she quickly dodged the question. Without much trouble, they quickly got a seat vacant – Staxius ate, then slept amidst the cacophony. At first, people paid attention then the longer time went by, the more their eyes focused on the celebration at hand.

“Julius,” in the hall leading towards the throne room, Adelana pulled the duke into one of the rooms.

“What is it?” he asked, the face filled with doubt and worry.

“Are you sure that man is truly Staxius?” fear could be seen, “-I punched him earlier, the body felt as if a brick – the master I knew was skinny and inconspicuous, this guy is the opposite. The hair is changed. All that made him ordinary is almost out of the picture. The one I remember is a guy who would do anything to not stand out, there’s something wrong here.”

“I see...”

“Who stands there?” both jumped back – an uninvited voice spoke.

“No one particular,” Adete hovered, “-I’m Staxius’s helper, a pretty little butterfly,” she knelt and took a stance as if praying with both hands in front.

“Cut the theatrics; how can you prove that he’s what you claim?” the reply harsh and unworthy a lady, Adelana spoke without restraint. Julius could not but take a back seat, he watched as both talked it out.

“Tsk...tsk,” rather than explaining, she shook her head in disappointment, “-it’s sad to see that humans still use things like someone’s physical trait as identification. Can’t you see beyond and into the man’s eyes?” she flew away, “-if only you had the guts to stare him in the eye, you’d see,” the tone smug, Adelana had it coming.

“You reap what you sow,” Julius shook his head and stayed on Adete’s side.

“I don’t care if I’m wrong or not, we can’t allow someone like him to walk around town... h-he m-might...”

“He might kill us all,” Julius cut her off “-are you saying that anyone who’s remotely more powerful than us is here to end our lives?” he left in turn, “-grow up, I knew from the start that you were jealous of the man you called Master at one point. Don’t forget that I’ll always be behind Staxius no matter what,” he stood in the doorway, “-I saw your expression when he said that he’d abdicate from Dorchester; either way, it’s none of my business,” the blond hair vanished into the dimly-lit hall.

‘That’s not it, you idiot,’ she sat, ‘-I just don’t want anyone to disturb the peace we made. Me, you, my sisters, Autumn, Fenrir, and Millicent, I don’t want someone to take it away,’ a tear shed.

“Wake up, vampire,” teeth sunk. “Stop doing that,” he came too but didn’t yell, the short nap ended. People were all oblivious for it had come for Ayleth to cut her birthday cake.

“We should probably leave,” the girl hovered and voiced, “-I did some scouting around, the people here aren’t as trusting as they appeared to be,” she warned.

“Let me do my evaluation first,” he whispered back, not wanting to always obey her words – Staxius used Sense-personality. Similar to prior in the day, a single look with the all-seeing eye was enough to see what people thought and how they felt about him or anyone else.

“Yeah, I guess your right,” hidden by the people cheering, he slipped out and headed towards the back of the castle. A place secluded without no soul around, one that faced Rosespire.

“You there, stop,” out in the corner, Adelana ran out with her sword in hand.

“I’m sorry, is this place supposed to be off-limits for I haven’t seen any sign saying else wise.”

“It’s not out of bounds,” her gaze lowered to the ground, “-but still, I’m sorry, even if I’m wrong, there’s no way I can trust you,” the stance felt hesitant, she was confused to what was happening. A mixture of emotions, he could not but stare intently.

‘Guess it’s hard to swallow,’ he sighed, “-Listen,” the voice strong and loud, “-I’m Staxius Haggard. I care not if you believe so. The reason I stopped here was for a place to rest and get some food. I’m glad to see that the tavern being free has become a tradition; almost law. It’s good to see people smiling again, castle Garsley is truly a haven for the forgotten,” the eyes stared up into the sky, dusk approached. “To avoid further confusion or conflict,” wings sprouted, “-I’ll take my leave. If there comes a time where my services are needed, go seek me out in the capital,” a single flap which shattered part of the castle, he disappeared.

‘Time to head home,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* mid-way through takeoff, a portal to the magical guild opened.

“Adelana,” people ran outside, “-where Staxius?” hearing the news of his arrival, the silver-guardians came out with plates filled with cake and drinks, they wanted for him to partake in the celebrations.

“I’m sorry,” knelt with the hands caressing the damage left, she mumbled.

“Where did he go?” Ayleth walked out, the lady desperately wanted to thank the man who saved her. A letter arrived at the castle a few weeks ago, one that had details about the payment of her treatment.

“My doubt and fear forced him to leave without saying a word,” all who stood had uncertainties that were cleared thanks to Julius. Nevertheless, it was too late, the man they once called master was gone.

‘This place sure is deserted,’ he arrived near the operating room. Adventurers from Swift, the guys in charge of the lower-tier quest, sat. News about the incident had reached all who were connected with the main-guild. Diane and Melisa were forced to spread it in hopes of discouraging anyone from venturing into that vicinity. A forest close to the border of Kreston and Oxshield, one north-east of Riverwood.

‘There’s no time to think about why they are here,’ he walked, footsteps echoed down the hall. “Is there any news about what happened to Kniq?” the voice friendly and affectionate, he asked the grieving Porcelain-ranked teenagers.

“I don’t know, sir,” a boy answered, “-try asking master Isorin,” to which he pointed in front, the wizard sat with Clarise passed out of exhaustion.

“Isorin,” a few gentle taps on the cheeks sufficed to wake the old man.

“Who are you?” he yawned and asked.

“It’s me Staxius, what’s the status on Kniq,” the hands placed onto the sluggish shoulders. “-Are they ok?” the grip tightened.

“Y-yes,” he yelped, “-they’re resting in the room in the next hallway. Before realizing what happened, the figure ran, “-who was that?” Clarise awoke and stared, a glimpse of white and red hair.

*Click,* ‘please be okay,’ the door opened, faced with three beds, he stopped. Torn out jacket resting on a coat-rack, he approached without making noise. Achilles, Undrar and Dead-eyes slept. Their faces looked in agony but the injuries seemed treated.

“We took a beating,” a voice came from opposite the beds, “-the ones before you are the true heroes that saved the few people here,” half of the face bandaged with an arm missing, a man spoke.

“Who might you be?” Staxius asked; the eyes wandered till a sapphire-colored necklace came in view. A tier-seven adventurer, “-isn’t it common courtesy to introduce oneself before asking for another’s name?” despite the injury, the man had attitude – a good sign of someone who hadn’t given up yet.

“I apologize, I’m Staxius Haggard, leader of Kniq,” introduction complete, he took a seat.

“I’m Athus, vice-leader of Swift,” he paused, “-I know what your thinking, how can a sapphire-rank be a vice-leader?” the one eye locked onto he who sat.

“Not really,” the reply unexpected, “-I was just wondering how someone would have the strength to speak after such injuries.”

“The answer is quite simple; I don’t feel pain. I was born with the Skill: Numb, I can’t feel any physical pain. Emotionally, I’m as normal as the next guy,” the breathing calmed, “-what about you, what’s your story?” he asked seeing that Viola was Silver-ranked. “I was sure that the girl over there was the leader, do you outrank her?”

“Not really,” he showed the weird-necklace, “-I’m silver as well, though there are gold and platinum too.”

“Peculiar, very peculiar,” the body leaned and relaxed. “-are you here because of what happened?”

“Yes, I came seeking answers,” they locked eyes, “-care to tell me what happened,” he faced away and stared at Kniq, “I doubt they have any answers for me,” the gaze returned to Athus. One filled with determination, he needed answers. His comrades were in bed, injured. There was no feeling of regret nor anger, tis was the way of the battlefield. Everyone understood the risk of such a job, someone had to put their lives on the line to save others. With that in mind, he sat and waited patiently, ‘-who is strong enough to take down elites with such ease?’

“You’re right,” from relaxed, the eyes closed, “-I can tell you what happened,” a quick pause later, “-this may and may not be helpful, it’s up to you to decide, Staxius.”

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