The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Surprise

The day soon rose, Staxius’s late-night visit earlier had proven to be quite a quandary. The man walked in demanding a place to sleep, tis was done for he had the right to do so. An alchemist, though novice who helped in a task deemed impossible made many watchful. To that, he slept peacefully next to Isorin’s room. One larger with more access to books and such for it had a mini-library inside. A makeshift bedroom used for late-night research, one vaguely similar to the shop but with more facilities. It fit what he had in mind perfectly, research on relic-class scroll resumed.

Meanwhile in Claireville academy, far away from her father, Eira awoke. The past week had been the last before vacation. Josiah grew sick, the condition worsened overnight – the practical training had to be put off. Sophie was set to arrive the next day, the flight had been delayed due to a storm.

“Eira...” a gentle voice called out, one familiar and soothing.

“Morning,” she mumbled and drooled, the ice-princess was a child by heart. Venerable when close to ones she trusted.

“Come on, today’s the last day of school,” Ysmay urged her to move, she gently shook the bed. As a last resort, the curtains were drawn, thus letting sunlight inside. A sure-fire way to wake anyone.

“Five minutes,” she let out innocently, her friend could not but give in to her antics. The morning began the same way for both girls. The class would last half a day and vacation would be one month. Many of the kids had resorts and voyages booked overseas. It included Ysmay. Eira’s mind played around with the idea of staying back – she didn’t want to be a nuisance to her family.

“We should get going,” a reversal in persona, from childish to stern and serious – Eira and Ysmay headed to class. Time passed quickly; all the lectures ended. A farewell party was hosted inside the gymnasium, one well organized and one opened to all. No plans at hand since the Director was at home resting, Eira partook in socializing with her classmates. An activity rare and that came with a lot of respect. The girls adored her whilst the boys could only but fantasize.


Cheers and smiles all round, the event continued without fail.

“Staxius,” mid-way through finishing a paper, he who had awaken a few minutes ago was taken by surprise. The ink nearly fell, the paper crumbled, the shock of telepathy caught him off guard.

“Don’t shout,” he replied, the intonation nor intent could not be transferred via their mental link.

“That isn’t the matter – today Eira’s vacation begins. The longest of the year for it’s nearly December. It might not be apparent but winter has rolled in. It’s going to last a month; I heard that Adelana tried to get her back to castle Garsley for vacation but no luck. She was adamant about staying back.”

“What’s wrong about that, she maybe wants to train?” with no clue on the situation, he figured a guess.

“Thing is, Josiah is sick. I may not look like it but I’ve got contacts all over the continent. The hospital had informed me about the development earlier this week. Since you were away, I could not deliver the news. Anyways, you better do something, Eira is your daughter – the alone time you so wished for might come true. ”

“Listen, I’ve got my plate full,” the deadline for god’s ale delivery approached, the shop was under construction and the scrolls were being researched. Not to mention, a call from the dark-guild could come at any time.

“Staxius... don’t be an idiot. You’ve grown more responsible; I’ve seen thy eyes. Nevertheless, I don’t care; decide what matters most. Is it the inconsequential things such as your work or is it the daughter you abandoned for sixteen years?”

“Undrar,” the pen slipped and fell, “-thy mouth is as sharp as a blade.”

“Thanks for the compliment,” out on a quest, she smiled – Kniq could not but wonder what went on inside her mind. *Bang,* laid inside a bush, Deadeyes shot, bullets flew all around. Supportive fire, a kill quest that included hob-goblins and a pack of wolves. The message delivered, she took charge and directed as if a conductor, she guided the rest. A well-tuned orchestra of death and slaughter.

It took a few minutes, time now was noon, Staxius finished the basic outline and shapes of what consisted of a relic-class item. It would only get advance from here forth, a job that required the utmost care and precision. Skipping both Epic and Legendary classes was a choice made out of necessity. By cracking the code for the Relic class, making any other quality would grow easier as opposed to gradually improving.

“Isorin,” Staxius called and rushed down the flight of stairs.

“Over here,” he replied, the voice came from inside the library.

“-I’m going on vacation,” the voice serious, “-notify the alchemist sect. If there are any urgent jobs, give notice to the guild,” hastily, he stepped out and teleported straight into Void. ‘Here I come,’ the car roared to life. The wizard sat with no clue to what just happened.

“Goodbye,” Eira spoke with a casual smile, many of the students left. Cars of different make and brand all parked, dressed in suits and formal attire, the parents waited patiently.

“-My father’s here,” Ysmay spoke softly, both stood near the entrance of the main building. Cars took turns going around the fountain and picking up whoever was required. Some left on foot; all the smiles could not be described. At the end of a long and tough school year, the students had time to rest and practice alone.

‘I wish dad would have at least called,’ the posture slouched, the yard grew emptier by the second. The wind blew, the sun shone, the air cold but bearable, Eira sat underneath a tree. The same tree Julius stood under so many years ago, one that had grown immensely over the years. ‘Wishful thinking, Father is a busy man – I can’t be needy. Who knows how many strings he had to pull before getting me admitted here,’ a responsible girl on the outside but a child who yearned for affection on the inside.

‘This is going to suck,’ a black mist jumped over the cliff. A screeching stop later, covered by dust, a black-car stood in the middle. The headlights shone mildly amidst the small smokescreen, it looked like eyes eying down all who dared.

*Click,* the door opened, out of the mist, a man dressed in uniform walked. The students present were mystified. The various nobles and high-ranking individuals gossiped; the car had been parked menacingly in the middle of the yard. It paid no heed to etiquette nor rules.

“Long time no see,” the voice gentle and calm, Staxius walked.

“I can’t believe it,” from leaned, Eira nearly fell. Seeing her dad was the last thing in mind. How could someone as busy as him have time?

“Good afternoon, Eira,” he smiled.

“Why are you here?” rather than smile, confusion loomed.

“Is it not vacations? The answer is quite simple,” he knelt, “-I’ve come to pick-up my daughter,” the smile remained. Her scarlet eyes looked up at her father, the man had changed.

“The symbol,” her hands casually caressed his face, “-your eyes and not to mention,” she lifted his lip jokingly, “-your teeth,” the eyes narrowed. “Are you really my dad?” she asked in jest.

“Oh, come on,” a quick pull, he got her to stand – we’re going on a vacation. I might not be there all the time,” he headed back to the car,” -despite that, we’ll spend as much time as we have,” the grip strong, Eira could not but give in. From whence they came, the car drove off into the distance.

“Where are we headed?” Eira asked, the face lit with excitement.

“Someplace where we can do what we want,” the car went into overdrive, they went past the capital.

“Are we headed to Dorchester?” she asked for said road led to Savaview bridge.

“Nope, someplace even better,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* from a road, the car went through a portal.

Greenery, the clear sky, vintage-styled buildings, a massive castle on the left. Void came to a stop, butlers and maids stood in line and waited.

“Where are we?” confused, she mumbled and watched carefully.

“Welcome back your majesty,” the door opened by the attending butler.

‘Your majesty?’ she thought and got out in turn, a castle and her father being treated as if royalty. One option remained – they were in Arda.

“If you please,” a maid escorted Eira to his side. The car vanished into thin air; it was teleported inside the garage.

“Father...” she tucked on his shirt; they were being escorted by butlers.

“Don’t worry about it,” he replied reassuringly, all were demi-humans. They all watched closely, another human inside Arda, one unknown but with his majesty. A concubine? some jested and perished said thought.

First, a trip to the portal room. There, the Overseer added Eira to the whitelist. Her aura and mana were different and unknown. To avoid confusion, this measure had to be taken.

“Who might she be?” the girl behind the desk asked with a strict tone.

“This is Eira Haggard, my daughter,” he replied without faltering and without hesitation.

“I’m sorry majesty, but surely you jest, the lady is but a few years younger than you,” a weird sense of humor known to Staxius only.

“Don’t worry about the details,” he smiled, the lady gave a nod.

“Eira Haggard,” before entering a portal, the overseer spoke, “-you sure are pretty,” the strict voice vanished, rather the lady smiled.

“I told you, don’t worry – the people of Arda are good-natured individuals by heart. Being on edge is the norm, the place is constantly under attack by monsters – it’s to be expected,” a vague explanation, the throne room came in view – empty with only two people on the throne.

“I apologize for the short notice,” the tone polite, Staxius bowed, Eira followed.

“Honestly,” Shanna stood, “-drop the formality,” the tone warm and beautiful, “-you’re only stressing her out,” she stepped off the podium.

‘What does she mean, stressing her out,’ the eyes quickly glanced over to Staxius who pulled out his tongue, this was all a joke. The initial impression he gave of Xula was of a serious queen.

“Excuse me?” Eira asked in a monotonous tone.

“The same tone as her father,” the queen dashed over and embraced the white-haired girl.

“Sorry, but I’m confused,” the question directed to Staxius. Xula’s embrace was followed by the queen pinching the girl’s cheeks affectionately.

“That’s enough,” Staxius spoke, changed side, and stood beside Shanna.

“Eira Haggard,” he called in a serious tone, “-welcome home,” both Xula and him said simultaneously in a warm voice.

“T-thanks,” overwhelmed she dashed and embraced Staxius tightly.

“That’s not fair,” Shanna pouted, “-I may be queen, but I’m still your mother,” the pout changed into a smile.

“Sorry, b-but it’s a bit a-awkward,” she voiced, not knowing how to act around a mother figure, Eira remain by Staxius’s side.

“It’s fine,” he patted her head reassuringly, “-you guys will get along faster than one might believe.”

The trip continued with a visit of the whole castle. From facilities to rooms and library, the trio walked down the endless hallways. The distance between the mother and daughter quickly dropped. Each had a different but overlapping interest. Eira’s school year ended with a massive surprise. To have the chance to experience winter with her father and mother.

On that particular day, before Staxius reached the academy. He teleported back to Arda using the portal at the broken-down shop. Thereon, the king informed that his daughter would come to visit for the following month. Shanna was ecstatic to heard said news for both had met previously. Having the chance to meet the first person to ever change her husband’s heart – she could but agree. Ever since the vampiric transformation began, the complexion slowly grew to match Eira, the one-sided crimson-colored eyes had a clear connection to her as-well. Though vague, both father and daughter had similarities, not to mention the same monotonous tone and blank-expressions.

Sadly, with all this happening, Staxius could not get something out of his mind. The fear of the Death Reaper’s curse. He despised it, no longer did he want to lose and start over. If that day ever came – a true demon would awaken.

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