The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Claudia

“Bad idea...” a voice echoed around the secluded room. Confused, the guards looked around to no avail, the noise had come from seemingly nowhere.

“What are you waiting for, get to it,” they urged on, saliva drooled, the one responsible turned ecstatic at the sight of blood and suffering. The knife dowsed in saltwater made contact.

*Bang,* he fell, blood splattered around the table. It partially hit the injured leg, Claudia watched in awe – her mind went numb; a reaction to keep what little sanity remained.

“WHO’S THERE!,” on guard, the inquisitors looked at one another, “-what’s happening?” questions went around till four shots ended the cacophony.

‘Tharis is awesome, no longer is there a need to get the hands bloodied,’ from the shadows, a figure walked. Blood flowed from the barred room into the hallway, all was dark and dim.

“Who’s there?” partly awake, Claudia gathered what little strength remained and tucked on her chains. She wanted to get away, five people were killed without a second thought. Survival instinct took over, the killer was after her as well.

*Clop, clop,* the footsteps turned from audible to smothered, he who killed walked on the victim’s blood. The splashes were heard without interference for the room had none present. The iron door screeched opened, in no way was the room fully secluded. A small opening with iron bars preventing escape was where he shot.


“Have you come to kill?” she said in a defiant tone, the will to live remained. Flash images of Axius kept her alive, she needed to be somewhere close to one as precious as her life.

“Yes,” the voice monotonous and cold, the figure walked in. The face was hidden by shadow until a faint ray of light revealed the identity. Like a ray of hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, he walked in with the eyes blank and devoid of emotions.

“I-it c-can’t be,” her pointless struggle to be freed lessened, her wrist bled from friction and sharp edges of the shackles. The gun aimed at her head, her eyes closed, death had come to visit.

*Bang,* multiple gunshots later, the lady was unbound. “I knew it,” she sighed, her eyes looked relieved, “-you’re Staxius, aren’t you?” neither could she speak properly nor could she sit upright. All the fatigue and excruciating pain rushed; the limbs turned lifeless.

*Rare Scroll: Healing Magic,* her eyes shut, Staxius didn’t care. The attention focused on treating the wounds. Most of the severe injuries were healed, though the treatment didn’t stop – he moved to healing potions, which restored the rest pretty nicely. A few bruises were left here and there, but it was to be expected. ‘The possibilities of healing magic is endless.’ Never had he combined both healing scroll and potion together, it was a sort of experiment. ‘Treating a severely wounded individual into one only bruised – more research is what awaits,’ stood and waiting for her to wake, a feeling of uneasiness set in.

‘My red-eye is throbbing, all the curses and markings grows warm, this presence.’ Someone or something from a higher plain had entered the vicinity.

“It’s t-the angel,” she coughed, “-you need to g-getaway,” the voice seemed in a hurry.

“Too late for that now,” he replied coldly, the being was here. Peering through the opening that led outside atop the cell, blue eyes stared down. Impervious to the surrounding, the figure floated inside without care for walls or bars.

“Welcome to the holy land,” stood in the hall, the angel hovered with light emanating from the wings and halo.

“Am I to say thank you?” Staxius fired back with an unbothered tone, Claudia leaned on the wall behind. She tried to get away before Hamael could enter.

“Unbothered by an angel, you’re quite interesting,” he vanished.

“That’s not all of it, I’m quite fascinated actually,” without much effort, Staxius grabbed the angel’s hand. The latter wanted to make a line straight for Claudia for she was the target.

That slight touch, both locked eyes and waited, “-just who are you?” Hamael asked, a mere human matched his speed and managed to hold him back.

“No one particular, just a friend of that lady there,” the reply unimpressed, Hamael could not but returned to the prior location.

“Honestly, I care not for a fight,” he sighed, “-let us continue this another time,” the wings flapped, the enormous presence vanished into the ceiling.

“Let’s go,” without time wasted he dashed backward, *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* Claudia in arms, they arrived safe and sound at Rosespire. ‘That fight would have ended badly; that so-called angel isn’t a being worth challenging. I don’t know why the man backed out,’ they stood atop a clocktower. Held like a princess, she hung over the edge, Staxius was lost in thought. ‘-for the first time since the Paladin, I sensed the same feeling of dread – the warning of death approaching.’ Precognition to being defeated, the symbols throbbed.

“staxius...Staxius...STAXIUS,” the mind came back. “I’m sorry,” he said casually. Her face teared up, the only thing separating her from falling was the princess carry. Subconsciously, he teleported into the commercial district. People stared at the duo, they watched intently, “why are they looking at us?” still holding onto Claudia, he asked.

“Maybe because I’m nearly naked,” she fired back with a hint of coyness.

“Ohh, I see,” they teleported again to the hotel, “-we’re hom...” using an extensive amount of mana at once triggered a safety mechanism. One of the curses activated, Staxius fell to the floor shortly after arriving; he fell into Avon’s arms. The curse was one of limitation, a rare one that activated when the host grew too tired to continue – a safety switch.

“Should have expected as much,” Avon voiced loudly, Auic laid in the other room with Axius.

“Excuse me, but where are we?” barely able to stand, Claudia asked with her body knelt.

“Rest assured, this place is free of danger,” he smiled, the tone manlier than normal. “-I presume you’re Claudia Haggard?” the spirit carried the master to the closest bed.

“Yes,” she replied, her eyes struggling to stay awake.

“It’s best to not fight sleep,” he said casually and helped her onto where Staxius laid. Both siblings slept on the rather large bed, a throwback to the olden days.

“MOTHER,” the door opened, the boy sensed her from a mile away, “-don’t disturb them,” Auic tried to slow him to no avail. He jumped in bed and tightly held onto the mother to which both slept peacefully.

“Let them rest, it’s the real Haggard family,” Avon smiled and left.

The recovery went on without complication, the mana once depleted filled rapidly. The dreams plagued by nightmares and death; Staxius felt at home. Each time he died in that imaginary plain meant getting stronger. Whether fake or true – death is a death, though not as effective as dying in real. Memories from Daemonum Gladio continued to play – the blade Staxius could not wield yet. The true weapon for the wielders of the death element, that blade could rival any being. Immortal or not, at full-power, the sword could slice through anything. A life for a life, a death for a death, to kill immortal one, a life had to be paid. Conditions that were vague at most, conditions that came as figments of dreams – deep-down, Staxius knew that summoning said weapon wasn’t possible. It hadn’t accepted the master yet, weapons choose their wielder and not vise-versa, an unwritten rule that seemed to hail from fairytales.

It took a few hours, three in the evening came by – Kniq and the rest sat in the living room. They discussed how much money was made, how the progression of level went underway. Strategies about defeating a monster, anything that could make the battle easier. From hunting goblins, they now moved to wolves that were given a tier 9-8 ranking. Viola expressed adamantly that being strong individually wasn’t the goal – Kniq had to become a team. A bond between Achilles, Undrar, Avon, and Deadeyes. A team that remained incomplete for Staxius never really paid attention to doing quests. The focus turned to research and seeking more about the underground, a piece of knowledge the guys didn’t know.

*Click,* the door opened, “-hello everyone,” he yawned.

“Hello master,” all were present and sat around a table littered with papers and books. Books about fighting and tactics about war, Kniq studied hard to not get left behind.

“It feels like ages since I’ve spoken to you Achilles,” he sat at the head of the table, “-how’s the world so far, is it to your liking?”

“It’s fun, Viola and I have become inseparable,” she replied with bliss in her tone. “I’m glad to hear it,” he smiled.

“What about you, Avon?” having left for a week – Staxius felt compel to personally speak to the members. In no way was the atmosphere tense nor awkward; it felt natural and all held a smile.

“Better than ever,” the peace sign and sparkles on the eyes, a ball of joy.

“Lizzie,” he called out. “PRESENT SIR,” lost in the device, Lizzie stood as if at a school. Everyone laughed, Auic was the same, both were glued to the screen for hours on end. “How’s school been,” as if a father, he asked casually.

“Pretty fun, I get to learn a lot of stuff and have something to work towards, thanks for giving me a roof and all these facilities, I promise to make you proud,” from one who hailed from poverty, she greatly appreciated the things provided.

“There’s no need to be formal, I’m but a friend,” he smiled, her eyes gleamed but went back to the screen.

“What about you, Auic, have you gotten over the fear of people?”

“Y-yes y-your majesty,” she replied, her eyes closed out of embarrassment.

“Now then,” the voice took a sinister tone, “-what about you, Deadeyes?” the man sat with a book about guns opened.

“One shot, one kill,” he proclaimed, “-sorry, I’ve been fine, the new gun is amazing,” the crew settled in nicely.

“UNCLE,” the door opened yet again, Axius ran and jumped into his arms. “I held my side of the contract,” Staxius spoke.

“Yes, you did,” he smiled, Claudia followed.

“Staxius, you’ve forgotten about me,” Viola pouted.

“Come on there’s no need to be coy, sister,” he fired back, both laughed. “It’s getting rather late,” Staxius stood, Claudia couldn’t speak. “Get ready, we’re headed out for dinner, Viola, could you please get her some clothes – I’ll take care of Axius,” orders were given, each one headed out into their respective rooms.

“T-thanks for everything,” the voice shy and awkward, Undrar stood with Claudia.

“I know Staxius might have come off cold earlier, but he just doesn’t know how to act around you,” Viola helped in getting ready. Casual clothes that seemed stylish enough.

“I can’t help but think about how you were referred to as sister earlier?” the voice curious without any malicious intent, Claudia got to know Viola.

“It’s nothing major, I’ve been by Staxius’s side since the beginning. We’re family, people come and go but we never parted ways,” she stopped, “-well we did part ways, stuff happened that was out of our control,” a reassuring smile, she referred to the god-slayer incident. “Don’t worry, the dinner is a pretext for you both to get along, Staxius isn’t the little boy you might have remembered him by; bare that in mind before making a judgment,” a wise piece of advice; a reunion after so long felt awkward at best. Both had questions, Staxius in particular, he wanted to know about what happened to his mother and the reason for her parting.

Right next door, Avon, Axius, and Staxius got ready. The little nephew was given a great deal of attention. He felt as if the boy was Eira, the sixteen years each remained apart could not be filled so easily. “Master,” Avon called, “-it’s time to leave.”

“Let’s go eat,” Adete laid on his head, the little lady had been unconscious for a long time.

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