The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Hotel Villareal

“Even so,” Scott spoke, “-the technique doesn’t come easy. For a complete beginner, that is a whole other thing – you played one note and after a few seconds poured thy heart out into the keys. It’s admirable,” the water cup now empty.

“Anyways, we should leave Aceline to rest,” Staxius stood, time was about two in the afternoon. “I agree,” Scott walked and placed the cups in the sink.

“Thanks for everything,” the door opened, Aceline watched as the other two entered the opposite room. “My lady, you better rest, tomorrow will be a tiring day,” the manager spoke the last sentence.

“This is just as impressive as the one she has,” Staxius walked in, the rooms practically identical apart from the size. “I guess so,” hidden from his lady, the manager felt free. As soon as the couch came into view, clothes were thrown. “Quite bold,” Staxius sat on the opposing seat.

“Well, trying to be all well-mannered and polite on a daily basis can really put a man down,” the snobbish accent remained, just more liberated. “Can’t say I’ve got the same feeling,” Staxius stared to the left, a screen hung on the wall. “Mind turning it on?” he asked, to which Scott graciously accepted. ‘Hotel Villareal, can’t help but think that the name is familiar.’ The screen cycled through channels and for the next few hours till dinner, neither one from the trio would leave the hotel.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the capital, a young adult stood inside a garage. “I wonder which one fancies my attention,” he walked, the vehicle ranged from luxurious to ones made for speed. “Your highness,” a butler entered. “What is it?” the prince continued to admire the collection.

“We’ve got news that the idol Aceline has just landed and is now currently at Hotel Villareal,” the head always faced downwards. “You’re dismissed,” not much thought was given, a simple gesture and the man left.


‘I can’t stand the feeling of boredom, I care not if she’s tired,’ the thought half-way complete, the man stepped inside one of the cars built for speed. The drive slowed till a massive gate stood, it led outside into a private road.

“Prince Ernis,” a woman in her early thirties called out. Her hair black and straight, the eyes shaped like an almond and voice sharp. “What is it?” the car grudgingly stopped. She came over and leaned, her outfit: a checkered skirt with a tucked-in buttoned-up shirt

“Do I have to repeat myself all the time, the Emperor has hired me to act as your bodyguard,” purple flashes went around her arms, “-you know full well that fighting isn’t meant to be for the Imperial prince. What would happen if something were to happen and that face your so attached too is scratched?” her tone unusually strict but casual; the boy’s eyes turned blank. “Anything but my face,” he mumbled.

“Let me inside then,” she smiled, a few mind games. Manipulation through speech, though it worked on only some people. A skill she experienced first hand whilst learning.

The door opened, she sat; the car drove. “Where are we headed?” she asked in a nonchalant tone. “To the capital,” he replied, the road leading up was empty. “Isn’t that going to be a five-hour drive?” she assumed correctly; the mansion was located far away from civilization. Secluded to ensure privacy and security. “Using normal vehicles, it’s five hours,” the car sped up further, “-using this beast, the journey can be cut down to three hours minimum.”

The asphalt cried, on the road were a few trucks carried merchandise to traders and houses. Another wealthy man lived close to the imperial mansion. The man in question had a private airfield, both houses were separated by forest left wild and untouched. It added to the esthetic of peace and quiet. Unlike the fabled capital, the city of chaos.

Time went on, dusk arrived without most noticing. “I can see myself sitting back and watching shows all day long,” Staxius added in jest. “I agree,” Scott replied, both stood and stretched. All of this happened due to hunger, the stomachs had conversations with one another. Both men laughed and grew to be closer – Scott wasn’t such a snob.

“Let’s go check on the lady,” the manager took charge. “I forgot to give her this,” Staxius held out a picture. “Sure,” the door opened. From one room and into another, both entered as if privacy was but an option.

“At least have the decency to knock,” she added with a touch of anger. “Sure,” Scott replied sarcastically, the relaxed attitude remained. “Watch it,” Staxius quickly elbowed him in the guts, it brought the manager into reality. Everything changed, from relaxed to now strict and dignified, “thank you,” he whispered.

The frame got placed on the table, the lady ran inside her room to get changed. It was decided that dinner was to be eaten out; at some famous restaurant, one of the staff recommended earlier.

“We’ve arrived,” a sigh later, the prince and his bodyguard got out. “Lady Villareal,” the employees recognized the long black hair. She bowed and all returned to their duties. “I still can’t believe someone like you has to guard me. You’ve got hotels dotted around and have made quite a fortune – yet thou insist on following the ways of the mage,” the prince spoke true, the lady had made a name for herself as a successful hotelier.

“None of that matters, tis but a side business. The Order is where I truly belong – my goal of being accepted into their ranks of sorcerers has yet to come true. This job came as a recommendation; protecting a celebrity such as yourself must be worth the effort,” they entered, the conversation continued.

“Are we here to meet the singer his highness admires so much?” the tone mischievous – she teased him. “I should have never asked for this favor,” he sighed and left out a smile. “Either way, let’s go check on our guest,” she led the way.

Concurrently, on the top floor, Aceline was just about ready to go out. “Ta-dah,” she stepped out the bedroom, a comfy looking jacket and a pair of jeans with a beanie. “Should we cheer?” Staxius asked in a sarcastic way. Scott, on the other hand, clapped furiously.

“Thank you, manager, at least someone has the heart to praise one as great as my own self,” obviously, all were joking at this point. The atmosphere became friendlier with each passing minute.

“Dinner isn’t going to eat itself,” from leaning on the counter, Staxius took charge. “Let’s go,” Scott followed behind. The elevator was used by someone else; it indicated the top floor.

“I sense someone powerful,” the lady stood in front of the door, her body protected the prince. “What is happening?” Ernis remained clueless.

“Hold on a second,” Staxius stopped, he warned the guys to not move an inch. ‘Adete,’ the moment the name got called out, All-seeing eye activated. He saw through the one in question’s eyes, her hand wielded lightning magic; a threat.

“What’s going on?” Scott asked for the way the behavior changed raised red flags. Aceline crept up behind her manager and peeped out into the hallway, the elevator reached its destination.

Staxius vanished and leaned against the wall, the hand ready to unholster Tharis. *Bing,* the door opened.

*Lightning Element: Flash-Step,* the lady dashed out, she faced Staxius with Lightning Spears ready to fire. A slight movement from Staxius triggered her instinct, the spell was set off almost immediately. *BAM,* not much damage, but the sound echoed around, the man had disappeared. She looked around desperately, *Dark-Arts: Mana Cancellation Aspect,* bullets were loaded.

“Who the hell are you,” Staxius whispered. Without realizing it, something grabbed her neck. Her head pulled backward, his left arm was wrapped around, the gun ready to fire at any time. “Let me go,” she mumbled, *Water Element: Mirage,* her body felt as if it melted through his arm. The grip loosened, she escaped and conjured a combination of Lightning and Water magic, he dodged – the spell headed straight for Scott.

“I’m done,” he sighed, *Death Element: Absolute Barrier,* the spell stopped, the gun fired. It hit the lady whomst fell, her mana depleted – no longer could she wield magic.

“Staxius,” Aceline yelled.

“Lucy,” Ernis shouted.

Both voices were simultaneous, “please stop,” they begged. Staxius stood before the lady, her body laid on the floor, the gun pointed at her head.

“STOP,” the prince ran out and stood in front of the injured mage. “IT’S OVER,” Aceline pulled on his arm; none wanted to see death.

“Fine,” he sighed, the guard lowered for a millisecond, “-DIE,” from below, another gunshot. The lady fired a pistol, one kept hidden underneath her dress, it traveled in slow motion – the trajectory straight for the idol’s head.

‘Not again,’ time slowed to a complete stop, ‘-this is just like the time when Eira got injured,’ the symbol lit, the left eye changed into pure white color. “ENOUGH,” a low sounding explosion reverberated, *pang,* the bullet ended inside the floor, millimeters away from Villareal’s head.

Not even a second went by in the other’s eyes – Staxius vanished, “I swear to god,” he gritted, the lady’s face pushed into the floor. He knelt atop her back, the pressure gradually increasing. “Do you realize what you could have done,” the tone filled anger, Aceline ran to stop her bodyguard but hesitated. “-That little stunt could have gotten her killed. What would you have done if the Pride of Hidros died from the hand of a mage,” the hold relaxed, the left eye returned to the normal brown color.

“I think that’s enough, Staxius,” Scott walked. The lady coughed, he got up, both Aceline and Ernis were shocked. “D-did you j-just say S-Staxius?” she managed to sit; her face bruised. “What about it?” Scott stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

“S-Staxius H-Haggard,” the legs feebly tried to stand up. It piqued his interest, “do I know you?” the eyes now watched more carefully. “H-have you already forgotten?” she mumbled; the hands wore red-nail polish. “Let me h-help you r-remember,” the hair got tied in a ponytail.

‘Nail polish, ponytail, Lucy Villareal,’ a spark – memories from Claireville Academy rushed into mind. “It can’t be,” Staxius rushed over to the still struggling Lucy, her arms wrapped around his shoulder. “Lucy Villareal,” he laughed.

“Do you guys know each other?” Ernis asked. He stood close to Aceline who remained just as shocked. “I guess so,” she chuckled. “Long time no see,” Staxius helped her inside the smaller room, none knew what was happening.

“Aceline, Scott, this is one of my old classmates. Though I only spend a week at the Academy – this lady here was the first to challenge me,” they both sat, the other three surrounded the duo and remained silent.

“I can’t b-believe it,” a tear ran down her cheeks. “I thought you died; I even reached out to Julius at graduation. There, he confirmed that you died. The number of things that would have changed, the way the class felt – you could have changed it all,” the tears stopped, a smile was seen instead.

“Let the past remain as the past,” the hands reached inside the suit. A healing scroll got used, “-I’m still hungry,” the face turned to Scott.

“I apologize,” Lucy spoke, her body healed. “Prince Ernis,” she stood and walked over, “-that man right there is the reason why I still pursue the dream of being in the Order.”

“Lucy, please,” he stopped her sentence, “-you guys speak as if being friends. However, Staxius is definitely younger, I’d figure about twenty years old,” Ernis ended.

“Now that I think about it, aren’t you supposed to be older than me?” she asked to which he replied with, “-there are things that aren’t meant to be answered. This is just one of them – let us all go have dinner. Lady Aceline, Scott and Prince Ernis are all confused beyond belief. A short summary around a nice dinner should serve to settle said inquietudes.”

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