The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 26: The Virtues of a Wife

The clock struck 2 PM.

We gathered at the mansion's entrance, ready to head to the imperial palace. Our group's split was odd.

Tina and Glen were staying behind, but an unexpected figure stood opposite us, hands clasped behind his back.

It was Duke Cardi Luminel.

"Have a good time, son-in-law. Take good care of my daughter."

"Excuse me, but aren't you attending, Your Grace?"


He nodded slightly.

It seemed strange that an imperial duke would skip the palace ball. Noticing my confusion, Elphisia leaned in and whispered:

"Father never goes to events where the Pope is present."

"Why's that?"

"I'm not sure. That's beyond even my knowledge."

"How odd."

I often ran into His Holiness the Pope. I knew him to be a rather unimpressive character, lacking any real dignity. His down-to-earth nature made it impossible for anyone to dislike him.

'I haven't heard anything about the relationship between His Holiness and the Duke either...'

If I didn't know, it's safe to say the Holy Maiden didn't either. There must be some connection known only to the two of them.

Just then, Elphisia let out a soft "Ah."

"Come to think of it, there might be one connection."

"What's that?"

"My mother was a priestess. But she was low-ranking, so she wouldn't have had any contact with the Pope... It's still puzzling."

"Your mother was a priestess... No wonder you're so kind, Elphisia."



Elphisia struck my back in front of everyone. The sting of her hand threw me off balance, and I stumbled.

"That hurts, Elphisia."

"You said something ridiculous. Anyway, let's go."

"Ugh... Alright."

Elphisia, Yulian, and I stepped out of the mansion's entrance. From behind us came Tina and Glen's goodbyes.

"Have a safe trip, Dad! Mom!"

"Have a great time, both of you!"

I returned the children's greetings with a smile and a wave. Elphisia, on the other hand, merely responded with a curt "... Right." as she walked away.



"How does it feel to end your little runaway adventure?"

"Awful. To think I have to face that excuse for a father."

It seemed the bad blood between Yulian and the Emperor ran deep. Curious, I asked Yulian:

"Yulian, what kind of person is His Imperial Majesty?"

"I could use a lot of colorful language, but that's not the answer you're looking for, Director."

Yulian grumbled, coming to his own conclusion. Then he offered an answer as objectively as he could.

"The Emperor isn't human."

"If not human, then what?"

"You'll see when you meet him. The fact that the Vice Director isn't saying anything suggests she agrees to some extent."

When Yulian brought Elphisia into the conversation, she silently nodded in agreement.

I grew more and more curious about this Emperor figure.

Though I was the Holy Maiden's knight, I'd never crossed paths with the Emperor during our outings.

It was odd how we'd always managed to miss each other, even at events where the Emperor was present.

Plus, the Emperor's complete lack of interest in the Temple played a part.

'Back then, I wasn't curious about the outside world either... I should have paid more attention.'

If I'd known it would come to this, I should have taken an interest.

No use dwelling on it now, I suppose.

And so, we pressed on towards the heart of the empire where the Emperor resided.



The Founding Day ball shows the utmost consideration to invited guests at the imperial palace. For instance, while visitors would normally be under strict control, today's relaxed rules allowed access almost anywhere except restricted areas.

The most popular spot was the large greenhouse.

Not only was there the charm of viewing exotic plants, but the landscaping itself was beautiful, offering plenty to see. There were also well-kept spaces perfect for enjoying tea while waiting for the opening ceremony.

Elphisia and I had just reached the entrance to the greenhouse. With only the two of us strolling about, Yulian's absence felt awkward.

Yulian had returned to his own palace quarters and wouldn't rejoin us until after the ball began.

"That kid, I hope he's not being picked on by the servants."

"A prince backed by House Luminel? They'd have to be incredibly stupid. He's probably chatting with Court Count Arwel right now."

"Ah, of course he'd be here too. He's the Court Count after all."

Having only seen Yulian's childlike behavior at the orphanage, sending him back to the palace felt like abandoning a child. I couldn't help but worry.

My, I've really become quite the guardian, haven't I?

"Yulian isn't the one you should be worrying about right now."

"My situation's no picnic either, I know."

"I'll handle everything else, but the Temple's intentions are an exception. You'll need to step up there."

"Oh, so you're saying you'll take care of everything up until we enter the greenhouse?"

Elphisia didn't bat an eye at my playful question.

"What are you asking? It's a husband's duty to protect his wife's body, but guarding his soul is the wife's responsibility."

"Well, well, I've landed myself the most reliable wife in the world."

"Hmph, any complaints?"

"My only complaint is the side slit in your dress."

"You'll have to deal with it."

It was a characteristically bold demand from Elphisia. Thoroughly intimidated, I could barely speak as I opened the greenhouse door.


As we stepped inside, a wave of warm air washed over us. The carefully managed climate for the plants kept it pleasantly warm.

However, instead of the scent of trees and flowers, an overpowering perfume smell left a different kind of impression. It was so strong I wondered if someone had doused themselves in lieu of bathing. It was impressive how they'd managed to spread their scent throughout the vast greenhouse.

'Geez, I'm already not liking this.'

A skinny gentleman pretended to adjust his cravat while sneaking glances our way. More precisely, he was ogling the line of Elphisia's thigh visible through the slit in her skirt.

I immediately changed my escort position, moving to Elphisia's left side and taking her arm. I was genuinely relieved that there was no slit on the right side of her hem.

"... Should we leave, Elphisia?"

"We can't do that. These are people we'll face later at the ball. It's less trouble to put them in their place now."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Those who keep quiet after seeing us don't need to be dealt with. But fools with loose lips are a different story. Once the numbers are right, there's nothing to fear."

I found myself curious. No matter how cutthroat high society might be, how could anyone dare to badmouth the sole direct descendant of a ducal house?

Especially when the family wasn't even in decline.

"Hey, can't you just say something like, 'I won't forgive those who pick fights, in the name of House Luminel!'?"

"That wouldn't be out of place normally. Even a modest marquis house could ruin a business venture without breaking a sweat."

"Is House Luminel different?"

"Yes. Since our house was built more on military might than business, we don't have many ways to hinder other houses."

"I see..."

We can't exactly start a war over some petty squabbling. In this respect, the ducal name shows a certain weakness.

However, Elphisia added:

"Even if we could, we wouldn't do it now."

"Why's that?"

"A certain someone once said it was sad for people to lose their jobs without knowing why, all because of their bosses' power struggles."

"That's an admirable person. Who was it?"

"Who knows? They might be closer than you think."

Elphisia let out a soft chuckle.

Meanwhile, I looked around, puzzled by her comment about someone being unexpectedly close. Each time I did, she laughed as if watching an amusing play.

Just as I was growing frustrated with Elphisia's cryptic attitude, a mixed group of men and women began closing in on us.

As the group drew near, one of them greeted us first.

"It's been a while. It's good to see you, Madam."

"It's been some time, Lady Luminel."

Madam, and Lady Luminel.

Each person addressed Elphisia differently. They were reminding her of her awkward status, married to a commoner without even a courtesy title.

In other words, they were mocking her uncertain position, not knowing how to address her.

To this, Elphisia smiled as if painted on.

"Call me whatever you like. No title can diminish who I am."

Her calm response to their mockery cracked their expressions.

"We've all heard of your reputation, Lady. Not only were you top of your class at the academy, but you mastered all the virtues expected of a lady. Yet why do you think you failed to fulfill the most important virtue?"

He was a young marquis who had just inherited his title. His background allowed him to speak bluntly without concern for the ducal daughter Elphisia.

"And what, pray tell, is this most important virtue?"

"Isn't it to marry and benefit your family?"

"My, my. The Marquis knows one thing but not the other."

Elphisia remained unruffled.

"My husband is the man who single-handedly resolved the illegal auction that had the Temple and court officials wracking their brains. Not only that, but he became the guardian and shield of the neglected Third Prince, standing by his side. He has contributed to public safety and the national treasury, while also being hailed as a benefactor concerned for the imperial family's well-being."

"That's twisting the truth...!"

"Work for the empire is work for the imperial family. This in turn becomes glory for the subordinate houses... Or does the Marquis think differently?"


In an instant, the marquis had been transformed into someone who prioritized his own interests over those of the imperial family. Unable to find a quick comeback, he averted his gaze from Elphisia's piercing eyes.

After a moment, in place of the marquis who had become speechless, a young lady spoke up.

"Lady, your words are too harsh. The joyous ball is about to begin. Is there any need to cause trouble?"

"House Luminel has always played the role of quelling trouble. My husband is no exception, with quite a consistent track record. Unlike your cousin brother who was eating away at the empire."

"W-why are you bringing that up here...!?"

I later learned that this lady had been called out by Elphisia on the same point in the past. In fact, she was from a family whose cousin had been involved in the illegal auction, leading to asset seizures even at their main house.

Moreover, all the others in the group had previously been humiliated by Elphisia in some way.

For instance, having their courtship ignored, or their attempts at friendship flatly rejected. It seemed various past grudges were intertwined.

The offensive continued relentlessly.

"What do you think of your husband, Lady?"

"Is there really a need to say? With so many young ladies gathered here, I'd feel bad listing his merits. You might unconsciously compare your courting noblemen to my husband and feel embarrassed."

"Anyone can talk a big game."

"Oh my, I suppose I'll have to speak up to clear up your misconceptions."

At this point, I expected her to deflect somehow. That is, until Elphisia slowly nodded and began reciting like a lovesick maiden.

"Being a former Holy Knight, he has such a sturdy body. It's a delight to admire. Moreover, I take joy in the fact that I'm his first for everything we do together.

Most women wouldn't know the feeling of having such a pure and earnest man by their side. It's not like they have a detector to know where their partner might have been fooling around."

"... That really is envi— eep!"

For a moment, a young lady who had been eavesdropping on Elphisia's boasting belatedly realized her mistake and shut her mouth.

... As for me, who was listening as well, I lowered my gaze in embarrassment.

My face must have turned red. It must have been obvious enough for even a fool to notice...

While I was suffering like this, one enraged lady went so far as to make a statement bordering on personal attack.

"Ha, for all that, what joy can there be in supporting your husband? I hear you don't even have a proper mansion to live in. You're both penniless!"

"I must admit, you're right. I don't know the joy of supporting my husband. Instead, I've thoroughly enjoyed being supported. I hope you get to experience the joy I don't know."


Have I ever supported her?

Until yesterday, I was feeling guilty for always being on the receiving end.

Perhaps she's just making it up for the sake of argument. Then again, Elphisia's listing of my merits had a hint of fantasy novel about it from the start.

Meanwhile, Elphisia's demeanor, not cowed in the slightest, brought about a long silence. Only then, as if having passed a gateway, did Elphisia gracefully smile and signal to me.

I thought we'd have some time alone after this, but...

"Excuse me... Could we talk for a bit?"

"We have some questions for you two..."

"I'd like to consult with Lady Luminel about something! Um... it would be even better if Sir Holy Knight could join us too."

Surprisingly, there seemed to be quite a few who viewed us favorably.

We gladly obliged their company.

Even so, I etched one lesson from today into my heart.

'Never... fight with Elphisia. Ever.'

Hair-pulling and back-slapping might hurt, but her verbal lashings hurt even more.

I was fortunate she was on my side.



At that moment - Luminel Mansion.

Cardi Luminel gazed at the towering imperial palace visible through the window. Solitary observation of the palace from his mansion on each Founding Day was Cardi's routine.

The constraints brought about by the rashness of his younger days imposed restrictions on his movements. Ironically, the very person who had placed those constraints would have long forgotten about it.

Just then, the voice of an innocent young girl broke through Cardi's thoughts.


Glancing at Tina, who had unceremoniously intruded upon his musings, Cardi responded in a dispassionate tone.

"You've come."

Beside his suddenly acquired granddaughter stood the boy he had been keeping an eye on.

"Ah, hello... Your Grace."

Glen bowed awkwardly. As he received the greeting, Cardi unconsciously stroked his chin.

'The bloodline of Baskhill, which I destroyed with my own hands. What curious twists of fate.'

Long accustomed to appraising others, Cardi had already finished evaluating Glen.

'Good build. In terms of raw talent, he might surpass the Third Prince. He has the makings of a great knight.'

A half-dragon and a royal bloodline prodigy.

Even these children, mere bonuses that came with Harte, were far from ordinary. Looking at it from any angle, marrying off his daughter had been nothing but profitable.

'Wealth comes and goes. In the end, what truly matters are people.'

How best to use these resources?

No, before constructive planning, let's establish priorities.

More important than future plans is...

"Snacks. Bring out the snacks."

... staying healthy as they grow.

After all, one needs a healthy body to plan for the future, right?

"Grandfather, what kind of snacks do you have?"

"Strawberry cake and lemon madeleines. There should be scones and macarons too. What do you prefer?"

"Umm... I like them all!"

"Good. Bring everything!"

"Wow, thank you, Grandfather!"

Tch, acting so grateful despite being raised as an asset.

And that supposed royalty over there is just fidgeting without any spirit.

"What do you like?"

"I-I'm fine with anything, Your Grace..."

At Glen's request, Cardi called out once more.

"Tell them to bring out everything the chef is confident in!"

"Y-Your Grace...?"

"A man shouldn't cower. Glare as if facing an enemy, I say."


For a moment, Glen's eyes widened.

Anxiety welled up in him, thinking Cardi might have realized his true identity. But Cardi said nothing more, and Glen soon let out a sigh of relief.

Unaware of this tense exchange, Tina innocently approached Cardi.

"Grandfather. Why don't you go with Dad and Mom?"

"Because I made a promise not to meet."

"With who?"

"Never you mind."



Cardi gently stroked Tina's head. Her face immediately brightened, overcome by a drowsy contentment.

It seemed Grandfather's hand held some sleep-inducing magic.

Just as Tina's eyes began to droop, Cardi asked simply:

"Do you want to go?"

The granddaughter's eyes, which had been closing steadily, snapped wide open.

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