The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 536: Oops!

Chapter 536: Oops!

This is ridiculous! We are in a cave where Gu ancestors are supposed to reside. Nope, not a single one to be found. Instead, there were so many normal insects, maybe weak Gus at best. 

There was a mosquito, a spider, a cricket, oh and a weird beetle that I crushed by mistake too. The only living one we did manage to find is a shivering small insect that looks like a brown leaf. It really can fade in the rocky background well. 

This one is so harmless looking that it doesn't even trigger my companion's phobia. That's how we keep walking for ages until I finally give up. I'm guessing all of our targets are hiding for some reason. 

Are they shy? Did they somehow hear him address me as a god and somehow believed it? Chances are Gu ancestors would be smart enough to avoid any risks. Oh well, it happens. 

[Sorry about that. It's weird that we haven't found any, but I have a friend that's a Gu trainer. We can just ask him to help.] 

"Of course! Wait, don't you have Gus?" 

He innocently asks, without even realizing that I'm obviously not the one he thinks. I need a good excuse. Ah, I know. 

[I won't accept any random Gu, I have standards. As much as raising Gus is a power, it is also a responsibility. If one doesn't even take care of one's Gus there really is no point bothering in the first place.] 

Yep, that was the puppy speech that one usually gives kids, Gu version. Yet, he doesn't doubt me one bit. He nods seriously as if that even made sense. 

"I understand. I will remember your teachings!" 

That's when we reach the barrier leading back to the sect. It is still glowing a bright orange. Just as I'm about to leave, I notice it is now physical. Was that a one-way entry only? 

"That's weird"

[What's happening?]

"In theory, it shouldn't be restraining humans at all. Is it malfunctioning?" 

[Are we supposed to call for help or something?] 

"I'm pretty sure this barrier is soundproof. I guess we just need to wait until someone passes by."

[Alright, how long will that take?] 

"A few months maximum." 

He's rubbing his head as he says that. Months?! Hell no! It doesn't look to be that solid. Somehow, I get the feeling I could open it. So, let's just do a tiny person-sized hole in it so we can exit. Then, I'll close it afterward. 

[Here goes nothing.] 

Let's just use a tiny bit of divine energy and. 


That's when it entirely shatters. I look at my companion and then.


I sprint as fast as possible with him behind me. Before long, we have left the scene of the crime. Then, once we are a good distance away, I turn back and use my scouting ability. 

[There doesn't seem to be any Gu exiting. Perhaps they forgot that they lived in a cave? Maybe they just consider that place their home now?] 

"Ah, they are probably still restrained by the pact. The barrier was probably an additional security measure."

[Yep, that makes total sense.] 

That's when I notice the leaf-looking insect shivering on my shoulder. It seems to be looking at where the barrier once stood.

[Don't worry little guy. You are safe. This new world may look scary, but you'll see that it can be pretty nice too.] 

I can quite understand it. I guess he's feeling similar to myself when I first appeared in this world. Crazy how I can relate to an insect, isn't it? Some things are universal. 

We quickly find myself some clothes then head back to my friend's room. He arrives later carrying jugs of various sizes. 

[Grocery shopping?] 

"Yes, food is great to train Gus. Ah, what is he doing here?" 

He points to the shy guy. 

[Right, can you spare a few Gus to train his phobia?] 

"Sure, I guess?" 

He takes out a few centipedes from his pocket. I grab them before dropping them in the scared guy's palms. 

[Alright, hold them gently. You aren't allowed to be scared. Think of this, they are more scared of you than you are of them!] 

I can hear a small whisper about how that's definitely false, but whatever. A few minutes later, he's been bitten tons of times, but at least he gets used to it. My Gu trainer friend is just wondering what the hell we are doing, but he just watches curiously. 

Then before long, this session of ours is over and he's cured of his phobia somehow. This shouldn't be that fast but whatever I'll consider that a win. 

He leaves happily, thanking me again for coming down to the Earth realm. 

"What was that about?" 

[Eh, he somehow misunderstood me as the Eternal Gu Breeder.] 

I can't help but shrug while he erupts in laughter and rolls on the floor. 

"HAHAHAHA This is crazy! How the Hell did you manage to do that?!" 

[I'm not sure, to be honest. Anyway, how long will it take you to rebuild your Gu army?] 

"I need to get some more specimens but at least I have some to act as scouts so we can avoid most of the enemies."

[That sounds nice. Avoiding combat is the best strategy!] 

Anything that leads to peace is amazing in my book. Plus, there is a good chance the water sect will have water elementals to watch the surroundings. Remaining unnoticed by them will be a challenge. 

If I run while carrying him and he scouts the way forward, the journey should be fast. Yep, that sounds like a good plan. 

That's when we hear a sound outside. There seems to be something going on. We share a puzzled look as my friend leaves to investigate. He quickly comes back with a very dark expression. 

"Something weird happened. The barrier leading to the Gu ancestors went down."

It takes me all my efforts to fake an expression of disbelief.

[Oh no! What does that mean?!]

"It means Hell is about to be unleashed upon this very sect. This is extremely bad."


"It means this sect is now completely defenseless. We'll have to fight for our very survival."

He says it extremely solemnly. So, just how much did I fuck up?!...

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