The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 493: Perfect Plan! Oh God, No!

Chapter 493: Perfect Plan! Oh God, No!

That's when the snake completely transforms under my very eyes!...

A flash of bright light later, I find myself holding a small goldfish in my hands. It looks at me with its big eyes happily.

[So, you were forced to transform to appear more menacing?]

It shyly nods apparently saddened about it. Well, this is understandable. It doesn't matter what one looks like one's original appearance always has a special meaning in one's heart.

Of course, there are many people that are disappointed and hate themselves for their appearance. One should definitely take the measures necessary to remain fit, healthy, and even decently clean. Anything more than that is pointless. This goldfish seems to clear all of the above.

[Don't worry. Feel free to be yourself with me. The Unnamed God Sect accepts all for who they are. As long as you are friendly and aren't a dick we'll get along just fine.]

It starts happily swimming around my hand. This is how friendships are made. My new tiny friend cannot even speak, all it can do are bubbles.

This place is so peaceful. I wouldn't mind staying here forever, especially with a nice drink. But the real world awaits my return.

[Alright, once we are out there I'll need you to cooperate with me, can you do that?]

*Reliable nod*

[Perfect, we need to make sure we keep fighting out there.]

*Puzzled nod*

[Hehe, we won't be fighting for real. We will simply be playing pretend. We'll make them believe we are, however.]

*Intrigued nod*

[Just see it as a game. We don't want to alert them just now. While "fighting" we will move toward the periphery of the city. Then before they know it, we'll run away!]

*Excited nod*

[Ah, but we also need to do something else. On the way there we want to bring a young pink-haired lady. She should be easy to recognize. Just make sure you don't hurt her in any way. Is that good?]

I'm sure my ghostly friend will be able to keep up with us by flying too.

*Playful nod*

I'm pretty sure this plan is perfect. Before they know it, we will be gone. This is the ultimate plot twist! Well, for them. 

[Alright, once we are out, I'll be counting on you. Move out!]

*Badass nod*

How does a goldfish even look badass? Well, it's hard to explain but he 100% does. Then I close my eyes focusing on leaving this quiet place.

It burns! My lungs are still filled with water and my body is shaking around as much as a plastic bag in a washing machine. But then the water pressure suddenly lessens a lot. Before, my skin was getting peeled off by every current. Now, it feels like a massage, one aimed at each of my sore muscles.

With this, I naturally stop resisting entirely. No longer am I fighting trying to hold on to dear life. No, I am now floating all around the water dragon quickly. I can also hear the people below since the waves aren't as loud.

"Look at him! He's losing strength!"

"Indeed! He's about to go down. He even seems to be falling unconscious."

"This is perfect. This will teach him to make a fool out of us. ("Disciple")

"For some reason, I feel like there is something weird with the situation. Doesn't he look just too calm for " (Queen)

Oh crap! I was curiously listening and receiving a massage at the same time. Guess I slightly screw up my pained expression. I quickly plaster it back on my face. That is when my goldfish friend nicely cooperates too.

Somehow, he drags the blood I've been shedding earlier and makes it seem like some more is gushing out of me. He even does it in a way that the operation is completely hidden from the Head-mages. From their perspective, I am truly hurt.

Well, it can be seen from the general sect members area, but somehow, they have started fighting with my friend again. I can't believe this! There is a goddamn dragon right next to them and they don't even care?! I mean it's a goldfish really but still

That is when we slowly start moving toward the edge of the city while keeping up the acting. Soon the sect members are running all over the place trying to escape an unfeeling monster, or so they think.

There are even some complaining about their bad luck. Yeah, right. So much bad luck! How would they react if they knew the whole story? Would they think this is all cheating? Would they be mad? Would they despair?

This is so damn fun! Their screams of terror somehow bring me joy. Gotta enjoy the little things ? Finally after a while we manage to stop right in front of my pink friend. Ah, a fun fact the ghostly one has been following all along.

The nearest area of the water barrier suddenly collapses too under my watery friend's unseen magic.  Of course, that sends the head-mages panicking.

"How is this possible?!" (Fairy)

"The water dragon should still have ample mana available." (Monarch)

"Why is the barrier falling apart already?!" ("Disciple")

"Wait, look. It's only that small part of it that is going down!" (Fairy)

"It's totally that bitch's fault for her incessant attacks on it!" ("Disciple")

"What should we do?" (Queen)

"Don't worry everything is under control. They are all about to drown from the dragon's magic. We just need to sit back and watch. This is soon going to be over. There is only one thing left: to enjoy the show." (Monarch)

"So true!" (Fairy) 

"HAHAHAHA!" (All of them) 

Guess They'll soon be extremely disappointed. Not that it's my problem haha.

Now there only remains the last step.  The water dragon approaches gently to grab my friend and bring her to safety, but that is when something happens. She looks my way and adopts a very serious expression.

She gazes deep into my eyes. Then she suddenly emanates a melancholic aura as she smiles one last time, then showing incredible resolve. 

I have a bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling! Oh god, I know this pose. She's about to do something dumb! She's about to commit something irreversible! 

I try to want her, but only water comes out without any sound. That is when she begins her magic under my horrified eyes. She's right next to me and somehow I can't stop her...

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