The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 466: Amazing City of Water!

Chapter 466: Amazing City of Water!

We have just left the meeting in the magical water palace. I can't help but marvel once more at the simple sensation of walking on water. I can hear the pink-haired girl next to me giggle softly. I can't help but smile myself. 

"Haha, having fun with the water?" 

[Honestly, yes. It's always been a dream of mine to walk on water. I didn't think it would ever come true in such a way.] 

"Look at you both flirting already! *Sigh* Good thing I followed along, or you guys would already be naked once more!" (Empress) 

"Hey what is that supposed to mean!" 

"Haha, just that I'm happy that you are smiling and coming out of your shell for once. It was time you left that pink atrocity of yours!" (Empress) 


"Alright, I'll be going! Have fun you two. Remember, nothing nasty in the streets. Don't become like that other naked guy!" (Empress) 

"There is no way that!" 

On that note, she's already gone laughing as she runs away. 

[I'm pretty sure she was joking. The people here are pretty nice. Can't believe I thought you guys were snobbish earlier when you all refused to even see me.] 

"Well, to be honest, that Naked Emperor guy had just pestered us all night long." 

[Wait, he kept trying to preach even while people were sleeping?!] 

"Indeed, I personally got him to leave by saying that for every minute he spent at my door I'd put on an extra layer of clothing. He quickly disappeared." 

[That's actually genius! I'm pretty sure he's the only man in existence against whom such a tactic would work, however.]

"Agreed. Actually, I'm quite surprised." 

[About what?] 

"About you. May I remind you that you threw literal-"

[It's fine I remember! I'm sorry about that! But who uses an excuse like I'm decorating to avoid people!] 

"Fair enough. No, what I meant to say is it's hard to imagine such a barbarian actually prone to peace."

[What do you mean a barbarian?! I am a cultured and civilized citizen of the Intergalactic. that's weird]

"What is?" 

[I somehow blurted that, but I'm not even sure myself where that came fromAnyway, peace is the best!] 

"Agreed, it's a good thing you expressed yourself earlier. They'll probably be talking about the more complex details of their planning now. Admit it, you weren't following one bit most of the conversation." 

[How dare you! see through me like that!] 

She chuckles slightly. How did she even become suddenly so friendly? Just because I didn't hate her hair? What kind of bullshit reason is that?! 

"Do you want to tour the city?" 

[Sure where will we be going?]

"This place is the City of Water. There is only one thing to do."

[Stay hydrated?] 

"I guess that's one way to see it!"

She then points at the water running through the entire city. 

[So, stay very hydrated?] 

She rolls her eyes.

"You simply follow the water wherever it brings you." 

At first, it sounds kinda weird but before long I start to understand her meaning. As we follow the clear flowing liquid we come across the various sights of the city. People are looking at her hair weirdly, but she simply ignores it this time. 

We visit the market with merchants hollering at potential customers, we try a few fresh fruits. The juiciness is otherworldly, literally. 

Then we pass through an area with lots of restaurants. All the cooks are using magic to wash, mix, and created gastronomic masterpieces. There, the smell of happiness is lingering in the air, one that becomes even stronger once we get a bite to eat. 

So far, my favorite seems to be some sort of very light crepe that is obtained by using water magic to get the perfect ratio of moisture and perfect heating. I can't help but take in the sights. 

[See, this is what magic should be used for, not killing each other.] 

"I agree, but it can be used for way more, let's keep going!"

We visit some kind of theater where they are using water elementals to perform a play. It seems to be something about how the Goddess of Water saved their people. Very artistic scenes, but also very propagandist. Still, quite enjoyable. 

We then see the equivalent of a water park, albeit a tiny one. There are kids laughingly splashing in the water. They seem determined to remain there until they get as wrinkly as old men. Ah, but then I see someone use water magic to remove the excess water from their skin and give it a natural shine once more! Wish I could do that!

We see a healing center where the patients are lying in overall normal beds, but have casts made of water to hold their fractured bones. Very cheap, very reliable. 

We see a construction company that is using water elementals once more as labor to raise a structure from the ground up. Is this considered slavery? Probably not

We visit a fancy restaurant where there are floating dishes coming over and guests can consume the ones they enjoy. Of course, it requires one to pay in advance. Delicious!

We encounter a blacksmith using water magic the quench his products calmly without losing time. 

We also notice many and many aquariums. Of course, there would be some in such a place. What's the most troublesome thing about fish? The fact that some require flowing water. Not a problem for a water mage! 

"So? What do you think?" 

[I think I really like this place. No, I really love this place. Thank you for showing me this. Thank you very much!] 

She gives a self-deprecating smile.

"I should be the one thanking you. It's been a while since I've had a friend that wasn't a Head-mage. They don't mind my presence, but they wouldn't have so much fun simply exploring the city. It was truly an agreeable experience for me too. It allowed me to rediscover this place through your eyes in a way." 

[They don't enjoy the city? I understand now why they were so set on going to war before. They have been chasing power for so long that they forgot what they already have here. They forgot how to enjoy the little things. Well, now that we know where the problem lies it will be easy to fix. Thank you for the tour!] 

"What are you talking about? It's not over just yet. There is one more place we haven't seen yet. I kept the best for last!" 

She winks at me before stepping forward excitedly. The best for last, eh? Somehow I can't help but have my expectations raised...

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