The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 438: MC is Dead

Chapter 438: MC is Dead


I went through all the trouble to fake my own death. Somehow, I feel great. As if I had gotten rid of the chains that were weighing me down. Everything that I hear and see feels like a whole new experience. 

Before, I always had one thing or another to do. I was either training or running around the continent punishing heretics. 

Never before could I enjoy such a pint of shitty beer like I am now. It tastes bad and yet I don't mind, not one bit. 

I can't wait to go and meet them. I still remember how easygoing and happy they were. This is a life I aspire to.

I wonder what face he'll make when I'll find him. I'm pretty sure he'll be happy. He'll show his dumb smile and then talk about all his ideals. 

He'll talk about stuff that anyone else would find pointless and yet be passionate about it. Then he'll proudly cook some barbecue and show a contented expression even with how burned it will be. 

I long for such a simple life haha. I'm sure it will happen soon. Well, this continent is vast. It may take a while, but I will find him for sure!

That is when I hear a commotion outside. I can smell the stench of death and corruption too. 

Outside is an undead. One that the old me could have dispatched easily, but that would be an insurmountable mountain for the villagers here. But it's weird. There is unease, but there are no cries of terror. Whatever made its way here is sentient. 

This is a big deal. Normally I would have to be the first one to get rid of it. No more, Sun is dead. I can hear the faint murmur of a conversation, then two men enter the tavern. One I have seen before, he is the mayor of this place. He is acting subserviently. 

The other is a very peculiar man. He looks horrible, he has some cloth tied around his head too. He seems to be blind, nothing more than a beggar. Yet, I can feel something from him. Some disinterest toward life itself. I don't think he'd be afraid of even his own death. 

Outside, I notice a creature through the windows. There is a skeletal horse. This one is at least rank 3! The issue is not the monster itself, but what it represents. For the blind man, it is but a servant. 

That is when he earnestly asks someone to give it some water. Why?! Is he making fun of the people here or does he really not know?! 

Then a young man goes near him. He seems refined and scholarly. Starts a discussion between a blind man and a librarian apparently. Turns out the horse was a gift he received in Eaglevein. 

Of course, I have heard about the situation there. I simply don't know the details. 

I shiver slightly upon thinking of a possibility. What if this blind man is Eaglevein's Necromancer?! Either that or he is a servant of his. I'm glad I quit the sect, or I'd have to deal with this mess haha. 

That's when I hear him talk about a small white wolf! I instantly drag myself there and ask for more information! Sadly, he doesn't seem to know their whereabouts. 

He's looking for answers and apparently was blinded from a failed divination. This man knows the lost divination art!? This is extremely powerful! While it can't do much in a frontal confrontation it can easily affect the fate of the whole continent! 

"Actually, I think I know where he is."

What?! The librarian does?! 

"Do you guys remember how Eaglevein fell?" 

I nod with the blind man shrugging seemingly lost. 

"So, what happened is that all the sects wasted their power trying to hunt him and then got attacked by a necromancer once weakened. That was him. He then had a bounty on his head for a while, but then it got removed."

I can't help but defend him. 

"What?! He'd never destroy a city! There is just no way that! Where is he now?!"

"Well, knowing him it was probably an accident haha. Well, either way, his last known location was entering a portal leading to the realm of the Abyss Devourers, an ancient race that devours anything or anyone that has so much as a trace of mana." 

"Y-you can't be serious?! He entered such a dangerous world?!"

"Indeed, such a place is considered impossible for even a rank 5 to survive. His pursuers have thus given up on the bounty. That was two years ago."

No, this can't be! I finally managed to get out. I schemed, all in order to make a clean exit. I could have simply left forcefully back then. The Light Citadel would have pursued me but so what! 

Does this mean that I won't ever see this smile of his?! For some reason, the entire world seems to turn colorless.

All this time he has been on my mind, somewhat. I couldn't wait to be free. But what's the point if I am free and lonely?

Should I try and figure out what happened to him? Should I try to get revenge on the ones that caused his demise? 

I did weaken a lot. To fake my death I had to sever my connection to the sect and to Hellios. I used to be rank 4, now I have the power of a rank 2. 

Still, I shouldn't have an issue fighting any rank 3 just from my magical mastery. It is plenty to assure my own safety as long as I am very prudent, but lacking to get revenge. 

What would he even say if he was here? *Sigh* I don't know. I truly don't. I feel lost right now. I holler

"Tavernkeeper! I'll need some beer! Keep it coming!"

*Chug Chug Chug* 

"This shall be a toast to you, my friend! May your soul rest in peace and"

The other two are looking at me weirdly. I can feel their stares, even from the blind one. So what if I just started crying and drinking?! I don't care if they are judging me!

I only fully realize it now, but I never had a single friend before him. I had always been training or killing. *Sigh* This world is unfair

That's when the blind man interrupts. 

"I call bullshit! These creatures killing a rank 5 doesn't mean they'll able to best him haha!"

"Hehe. I only said his pursuers think him dead. I too happen to believe that he's still alive haha. He'll be back to cause this continent way more trouble!" 

What are these two talking about?! He would still be alive, how?! 

"Yes, after all, he's incredibly powerful!"

"Haha, I'd believe a god dying before him!" 

What?! I can't help but open my eyes and ears wide. Are these guys serious?! Was he even strong? For some reason, I can't seem to relate his silly smile to a powerhouse, at all!

I don't know what to think anymore

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