The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 227 - 166: What is the Most Important Thing in the Underworld?

Chapter 227: Chapter 166: What is the Most Important Thing in the Underworld?

Translator: 549690339


With the dissipating demon cloud, the sky gradually regains clarity. Brash eagles encircle in the sky above the mudflat, irresistibly attracted to the tantalising raw meat and blood of the beast.

The eagles didn’t hover long. Like arrows, they shot from the sky landing on the mudflat. There was no characteristic caution of their daily predations; they devoured the meat with madness.

Merely from the first bite, the eagle experienced a severe transformation. Its otherwise small body started to swell, the normally neat feathers parted, revealing soft skin beneath.

Fine scales sprouted among its feathers, and its sharp eyes retracted with the rapid transformation of its body. Unbelievably, they started morphing towards the slitted eyes of a snake, and its neck lengthened, changing from an eagle to that of a snake.

This was a life-changing opportunity – one that ordinary animals rarely encounter in their lifetime. The instinct of the spirits drove this monster to devour as much of the beast flesh as possible.

However, for an ordinary bird, devouring even a single shred of the beast’s flesh was an extraordinary opportunity. Insatiable hunger, consuming too much flesh would transform this opportunity into death.


As it ate more and more, the strange creature, which resembled a blend of snake and eagle, started to bulge and worsen in appearance. Scales and feathers were scattered haphazardly over its twisted body. Eventually, after it swallowed another mouthful of meat, it suddenly exploded, adding a pool of blood and flesh to the mudflat.

However, this being like a signal, a horde of wild animals from the mountains strolled after the scent of blood with the departure of the entity that killed the beast. With the departure of the threat, tigers, leopards, wolves, monkeys, deer, whether carnivorous or herbivorous, gathered on the mudflat.

There was no fighting, no scrambling. A snake-like beast dozens of meters long was trampled into a pulp, flesh and blood scattered all around the mudflat. Even rabbits, who were instinctively drawn here, could nibble on the wild grass smeared with the Qi of the beast blood.

At this moment, even the hungriest wolves would not deign to eat the game next to them. Their stomachs had no room for ordinary bloody food. They were busy licking and swallowing the mud-covered flesh. Time, or the Spiritual Qi of the mountains, would normally be required to create unique beasts. But on this mudflat, they were appearing in droves.

However, along with the birth of these beasts, one after another burst into a blood bloom. Perhaps it was because they lacked intelligence, or because they were too greedy, devouring too much of the beast’s flesh, turning everything they had swallowed into food for their followers.

The animals that swallowed their flesh and blood, perhaps due to their filtering and screening, had a lower probability of turning into snake-like mutations. Unlike the first batch who directly swallowed the beast’s flesh and blood, all of them showed more or less snake-like features.

But even if they became beasts, if they didn’t restrain themselves and continued to eat at this place, their bodies would still explode, turning from hunters into food for those who came after them.

Even such a brutal scene did not intimidate the surrounding animals, or even those who joined later. They still wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change their destinies.

On this mudflat, continuous bloody explosions caused the Qi to diffuse. A cluster of thick blood clouds formed in the air, the evil energy concentrated and the beast Qi was overwhelming.

Downstream of the River bypassing the mudflat, the aquatic race was already in a frenzy when the beast’s fresh blood was sprinkled into it. After all, even if they did not actively eat it, the beasts would transform as soon as they were tainted with the Qi of the beast’s blood.

Originally dyed red, the River lightened almost visibly. The blood Qi was deliberately absorbed by the water demons, but even so, it still created a batch of newborn aquatic beasts and those aquatic creatures with the potential to become beasts.

The great beast falls, and myriad beasts are born!

Although the beasts born out of the great beast’s fall will inevitably disappear in the whittling of time, those who will survive are admittedly few. However, there will certainly be ones who will stand out and become powerful creatures, or even new great beasts.

The seemingly cruel and bloody scenes that took place in these mountains were reflected in the eyes of a light and nimble goddess. She watched everything, but did not use her power to stop it.

To the mountains, this was like a catastrophe. But at the same time, it was also an unprecedented rejuvenation. The flesh and blood of the great beast would return with the spirits that managed to save their own lives and even resist temptation, maintaining their sanity. They would integrate into the mountains and become part of the mountains’ spiritual Qi.

“Come, eat, feel free to eat, you don’t need to be polite to me. These are all mine. If you don’t finish it, it will all go to waste.”

In the Bailang River Water Mansion, a young man, unrestrainedly holding a jade jar, grandly drinks looking up.

However, the droplets of liquor that fell on his robe emitted a faint fruity aroma and a strong spiritual Qi. There seemed to be a negligible wine scent, but judging from the sweet smell, it was mostly a fruit wine..

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