The Undefeatable Swordsman

Chapter 125. Five Dragons Fight for a Pearl (21)

Chapter 125. Five Dragons Fight for a Pearl (21)

“Of course not. Let’s go.”

Although Mu Bi, by nature, didn’t like killing, he still stepped forward and struck a gang member in the solar plexus, killing him instantly. It was his first murder on this mission.

Peng Tianhao, who had always lived a carefree life in defiance of the Hebei Peng Family, which treated him poorly for being a bastard, also stepped forward to fight for Woo-Moon as well.

Even the ever-sleeping Sleepy Sword Ra Mi saw Woo-Moon's predicament and ran forward, using her movement art to the fullest.

“Damn it, we should go, too!”

“He’s still the captain, after all. If he dies while we’re still able to fight, that’ll reflect poorly on us. Ugh, but I’m still worried about my clothes being stained with blood... Damn, I guess it can’t be helped.”

For the first time since they had been assigned to the Wind Sword Squadron, they were of one mind and one purpose, moving together to cut through the enemies and save Woo-Moon and Ma-Ra.

Meanwhile, Woo-Moon and Ma-Ra were on the edge of a knife.

The sickle wielded by Blood Knight was about to rip open Woo-Moon’s chest. However, a sudden compressed sound wave flew in and knocked away the sickle.

‘This is...?!’

Subsequently, various hidden weapons flew forward, pelting Blood Knight and forcing him away from Woo-Moon. Mu Bi and Peng Tianhao rushed in with gauntlets and a saber, respectively, and attacked White Impermanence together while the latter was busy with Ma-Ra. White Impermanence stepped back, disconcerted by the sudden wave of attacks.

“You brats!”

“We’ve... come to... save you... Captain...” Sleepy Sword Ra Mi said, suddenly appearing next to Woo-Moon. Her light blue clothes were stained with blood. It was the same for the others, a reminder of the enemies they had to fight through to get to Woo-Moon and Ma-Ra.

“I feel very uncomfortable. It seems I must throw away these clothes the moment I return,” Zhu Mubai said as he looked down at the state of his clothes.

Unlike the others, he barely had a few drops of blood staining him. However, he was still frowning.

By contrast, the one in the most severe state of disarray was the bald Ha Gun-Chung.

“Huehuehue! How refreshing! Come on, hit me, stab me some more!”

All of his clothes were torn through during the battle, leaving him almost naked. Thus, he just ran toward the gang members with his bare body, giving and taking tremendous blows.

Clang! Clang, clang, clang, crack!

The gang members stabbed and cut at his seemingly defenseless body with swords and spears. However, rather than the sound of metal cutting flesh, what rang through the air was the sound of metal clashing with metal. Ha Gun-Chung wasn’t hurt in the slightest, a testament to his incredible physical cultivation.

He knocked down a gang member, climbed on top of him, and savagely pummeled his face.

Cough, cough... a little brutal, but impressive,” Woo-Moon muttered as he glanced at Han Gun-Chung. Then, he looked around at each of the members who had actively come forward to help him and grinned.

“Thank you. Now then, should we show them the true strength of the Wind Sword Squadron?”

“Why not, I guess.”

“I mean, I don’t want to, but considering it’s the only way we’ll survive this, I guess we have to.”

“So Gun-Pil, Peng Tianhao, and Ra Mi. Join forces to deal with that pasty-white bastard. Be careful. He may be injured, but he’s still one of the Ten Demon Generals. Ma-Ra and I will handle Blood Knight, so the rest of you take care of the grunts!”

Immediately after giving the command, Woo-Moon exchanged a look with Ma-Ra and rushed at Blood Knight.

‘My qi’s recovered to some extent.’

Earlier, he had been unable to recover any qi because of the fierce progression of the battle. However, the Wind Sword Squadron's arrival gave him a little time, allowing him to focus on recovery.

The Celestial Sect’s Forbidden Divine Art was the foundation of all Daoist qi cultivation methods, and it was incredible in all aspects. Thus, Woo-Moon was able to detoxify all of the poison of Black Impermanence in that short period of time, and all that remained were his internal injuries. Even those had been resolved to some extent, allowing him to exert about half of his usual strength.

With his combat power somewhat recovered and thanks to teaming with Ma-Ra, things were about to get a lot easier.

Ma-Ra used her stealth technique and disappeared as Woo-Moon rushed directly at Blood Knight.

Seeing as the talents who had suddenly arrived to save Woo-Moon had incredible skills, Blood Knight judged that the situation had become unfavorable and tried to retreat, only to be stopped by Woo-Moon’s timely rush.


The sickle and chain flew forward with an eerie sound, forcing Woo-Moon to jump to the side and narrowly avoid it. As soon as he saw that his attack had failed, Blood Knight swung his arm to the side, attempting to wrap the chain around Woo-Moon.

Woo-Moon rolled forward and ducked to avoid the chains.

“You shameless bastard!”

The Donkey Roll was a famous “divine technique” that was rarely used by the people of the murim, who valued honor. It was a move that was only ever brought out in shame in moments of extreme danger. Blood Knight was so startled to see Woo-Moon casually use it that even someone like him, who was not bound by any honor or moral standards to speak of, couldn’t stop himself from cursing.

Woo-Moon, who had closed the distance between them thanks to the Donkey Roll, jumped lightly and kneed Blood Knight in the stomach.

“Can honor feed you?” he shouted.

Blood Knight hurriedly pulled his sickle and chain backward while also raising a knee to block Woo-Moon’s attack. Suddenly, he heard a whistle behind him.

‘That assassin bitch!’

As he quickly lowered his head, a Silver Moon Disc flying right at the nape of his neck barely grazed the top of his head.

Sadly, there was something Blood Knight didn’t know—exactly how well Ma-Ra and Woo-Moon meshed.

Knowing that Ma-Ra would use her Silver Moon Discs to attack even if they hadn’t communicated in advance, Woo-Moon swung his sword down just in time.


The Silver Moon Disc clashed with the blade, changing directions and plummeting straight down.


Blood Knight could never have expected that Woo-Moon and Ma-Ra’s combination techniques could be this exquisite. He shifted backward, his back in a cold sweat. However, he was still unable to dodge completely, and blood splattered from his knees.

Blood Knight staggered, unable to stand properly as his legs had almost been cut through at the knees.

Then Woo-Moon leaped forward, unleashing a Raging Wind Palm.


Blood Knight flew backward, hit directly in the heart. He rolled on the ground, his body going limp the moment it stopped.

It was instant death.

Almost as if planned, Ra Mi’s sword pierced through White Impermanence’s chest at that very moment.

If he hadn’t been injured, White Impermanence would never have been defeated by just three youngsters, however strong they were among their peers. He had been cut down due to a combination of his shoulder injury and the exhaustion of his qi reserves after the fierce battle with Woo-Moon.

Huff, huff....”

Sleepy Sword Ra Mi, who had the honor of dealing the final blow to one of the Ten Demon Generals of the Black Bull Gang, gasped for breath. The same was true for So Gun-Pil and Peng Tianhao, who were staggering behind her.

“Tsk! You fucking monster,” Peng Tianhao spat when he saw Woo-Moon.

Woo-Moon had a somewhat higher rank, but he was still similar in age to them. However, he had dealt with not one but two and then even three of these experts at the same time, while the three of them had a near-impossible time handling even a single injured one.

If they hadn’t been lucky a few times, they may have even lost their lives to him.

“There’s no need to wait for the rear force. We can just win like this and handle it ourselves.”

Those were Woo-Moon’s words, but his thoughts were different. The rear force might not just be late, but possibly never come at all. They might have been wiped out by the Black Bull Gang.

‘There was something strange about these bastards, too. They may have looked surprised, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like it was just an act. It almost felt as if they knew our plans in advance... We have a mole. I don’t know who it is, but there definitely is a mole.’

For now, the first priority was dealing with the gang members before them.

While numbers were important in the wars of the murim, victory and defeat were still mostly determined in battles between experts.

At this moment, as the Wind Sword Squadron had defeated three of the Ten Demon Generals, this battle was essentially a Justice Coalition victory, no matter how small their actual force may be.

Now that they had some breathing space, Ma-Ra walked over to the fallen Blood Knight and took his sickle and chain.

“You know how to use a sickle and chain, too?”

Ma-Ra stayed silent at his question, instead launching the sickle toward one of the cliffs. When the sickle hit the cliff, it quickly rolled upward and cleaved right up its face.


Sparks flew, and a long scar appeared on the cliffside.

Ma-Ra’s hand twitched and the sickle and chain rapidly spun menacingly before quietly slipping into her sleeve. It seemed as though the long chain had neatly wrapped itself around her arm.

“Forget I ever asked anything. That Blood Knight guy was not worthy of this weapon,” Woo-Moon said, shaking his head.

He could see Lee Chung far into the distance fighting with the last of the Ten Demon Generals, the Vajra of Pleasure.[1]

‘I’m not going to help you, you annoying old fart. You should suffer a little, too.’

Woo-Moon began annihilating the rest of the enemy gang members alongside Ma-Ra and the Wind Sword Squadron.

Finally, he appeared behind the Vajra of Pleasure and cut his head off in the middle of his battle with Lee Chung, ending the fight with a complete Justice Coalition victory.

“You brat! How dare you intervene in my fight?!”

Woo-Moon chuckled under his breath, seeing Lee Chung so furious his beard was trembling.

‘You infuriating old man.’

“This is a war, not a spar, right?”


“Do you expect us to continue watching that endless spar between you and a Demon General while everyone’s exhausted? Is that what you want?”

“S-still, you brat!”

“Can you stop throwing around brat-this and brat-that all the time? Pray tell, what did I do wrong? If I haven’t done anything wrong, and you’re insulting me just because you don’t like me, then fine. Let’s have one of those spars the murim loves right here and right now. What do you think?”

Lee Chung’s face turned red. However, he still couldn’t bear to accept Woo-Moon’s offer, as he knew that Woo-Moon had made the most significant contribution to killing three of the Ten Demon Generals. He knew that Woo-Moon was much stronger than himself.

Moreover, the response among the others in the diversionary force wasn’t good, either. They had all seen Woo-Moon dive into enemy forces alone, taking great risks to take down the opponent. It was because of his actions that they had eventually been able to win such an unfavorable battle.

“How can I spar with someone so young?”

Lee Chung stepped back after mumbling an excuse, his expression looking as if the shit he was spewing really tasted like one.

If Woo-Moon really was just a young talent, Lee Chung may have made a big deal out of it and thrown a fit. However, putting the difference in strength aside, as the grandson of the Palm Martial Emperor, Woo-Moon was in a similar position to his own, making it impossible for him to do so.

‘That fucking Palm Martial Emperor and his fucking grandson!’

For some reason, Sang-Woon was being criticized once again. Still, it didn’t matter. He had lived his life hearing a cacophony of criticism from all kinds of people. Actually, compared to that, it was refreshing—the beginning of a new generation, even, as whatever criticism Sang-Woon was getting now included his beloved grandson.

“Young Hero Song! You really are truly amazing!”

As Lee Chung withdrew, a middle-aged expert of the Mount Hua Sect approached and grabbed Woo-Moon’s hand.

“It was nothing...”

“No, no. It really was awe-inspiring! To think you could achieve such incredible martial skills and courage at such a young age!”

“Thanks to you, we won, Young Hero Song!”

“What young, he’s just a hero! Hero Song!”

Woo-Moon felt good hearing people support him. However, at the same time, he began to feel embarrassed and his face turned red.

“I didn’t do it alone. I did it together with Ma-Ra, who is always by my side, and the members of the Wind Sword Squadron.”

“Oh!!! The Wind Sword Squadron!”

“I apologize for making assumptions about you just because there were rumors floating around.”

The members of the Wind Sword Squadron also blushed. When have they ever received praise like this?

“This isn’t that bad, you know?”

“Yeah, it isn’t.”

As they were chatting, Woo-Moon suddenly realized something.

After the battle, Ra Mi was nowhere to be seen. He had originally assumed that she was just staying a little further back and would join them soon. However, as time passed, she was still nowhere to be seen.

“What about Ra Mi? Where is she? Hurry and go find her.”

Only then did the other Wind Sword Squadron members look around in surprise, inspecting the surviving Justice Coalition members.

However, none of them could see her.

“She’s not here!”

“I can’t find her!”

1. In this case, Vajra is a euphemism... so his full title is Pleasurable Stiff Rod. ☜

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