The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 87: Void Training 2 [2]

Chapter 87: Void Training 2 [2]


Amon arrived back at his apartment.

After quickly showering and changing into his nightclothes, he headed for the kitchen. Deciding to pamper himself for today, he made sandwiches and tea for himself and Katherine. After eating it all, he covered her food and left a note that he would be sleeping early today. Getting into his room, he locked it and quickly slumped into his bed.

'See you in the morning.' Amon said goodbye to Zephyra.

She wouldn't be there in the training after all.

[Yeah sure.]

And it didn't take long for sleep to come after that.


Amon's eyes opened wide, finding himself in the familiar void expanse of a month ago.

Just like before, a system notification popped up.

Initiating [Void Training 2]

Please Get Ready.

It was just like last time.

Without even needing the second window, his head already turned to the left.

Immediately, the weapon rack came into view and the second system interface also popped


Please choose one weapon.

The chosen weapon shall be the only one available throughout the training, so choose carefully.

Unlike last time, he didn't need to ponder on his weapon choice.

Without wasting a moment, he quickly picked his trusted ōdachi.

Though one could say he used a nodachi outside and should do the same here, he disagreed.

His stats outside and here were different so picking a nodachi here was like picking a dagger outside.

Though the length was indeed longer, what mattered was the weight right now.

That's why he picked the ōdachi.

The interface instantly popped up.

The Weapon [Odachi] has been selected.

Do you wish to confirm it as your weapon of choice?



The system interface disappeared and he looked forward.

Just like last time, the void expanse shook with a powerful tremor.

But this time he didn't have his balance thrown off.

As the earthquake continued, Amon saw trees and grass sprout out of the starless floor.

Within minutes, the whole starless void was now a deep forest that stretched as far as the eye could see.

It wasn't a destroyed city like last time.

This was a problem as well since, unlike last time, he was unable to see the beasts.

It was a starless sky without a moon as well, which provided him with no light source to see them.

Before he could ponder further, the starting screen popped up.

Commencing [Void Training 2], please get ready.

For the training, use of the following is not allowed:


-Lightning -Zephyra

At least the screen was the same.

Taking on a stance, as soon as he heard the initiation sound in his head, Amon shot into the forest.

It wasn't long before he was attacked.

After a minute of passing through thick trees, the hair on his back stood up as his instincts screamed danger from the side.

Maneuvering his body, he unsheathed his odachi in an attempt to slash the beast.

Sharp fangs of the void beast collided with his blade as it finally came into view.

Its structure was more like a cheetah, lean and athletic. But its jaws were much sharper with

two long fangs protruding out of his mouth.

It was a combination of a sabertooth and a cheetah.

Before the cheetah could propel back, Amon delivered a knee kick to its body, sending it crashing back into the bark of a tree.

Unfortunately, before he could kill it, his danger sense blared up again as three gorillas

jumped out of the trees.

Their bodies were much larger than the normal gorillas and they had elongated nails that had the length of a shortsword.

As multiple sets of nails launched at him, Amon found it difficult to counter them with just his odachi alone.

Without an ounce of hesitation, he used [Voidstep], appearing next to the bark of the tree where the cheetah had crashed.

It was just getting ready to pounce back into action when a clean slice hit its neck, severing its head from the now lifeless body.

Grabbing its head, Amon threw it toward the three gorillas that were charging towards him. They completely ignored the head, letting it drift past them without any care. However, it proved to be a fatal mistake since as soon as it passed their bodies, their target disappeared again.

And this time, they were unable to respond as a sharp blade hit their torso, completely slicing

it for all three of them.

The gorillas fell to the ground, dark blood pouring out of their mouths as their bodies turned


At that moment, a series of notifications popped up in Amon's view.

[The Void inside you grows larger..]

[The Void inside you grows larger..]

[The Void inside you grows larger..]

[The Void inside you grows larger..]

Immediately, he felt a certain part of himself being taken away. As if something had just died

in his body.

It was the same feeling as last time.

The feeling of being completely hollow.

He also noticed that if there was even an ounce of hesitation in killing the beasts first, it had completely disappeared now.

Just as Amon thought to head further into the forest, he was taken aback as a clean blade slashed his shoulder.

The heavy impact of the blade threw off his balance, sending him flying to the tree where previously the cheetah had crashed.

If the tree was barely holding itself before, after Amon's impact it was completely uprooted.

Blood trailed down Amon's arm, staining his equipment crimson.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at the attacker, finding it to be a gigantic mantis.

Its starless eyes met the inky black glare of Amon.

The mantis didn't waste the opportunity and slashed again with its blade, but was caught unaware as the eyes of its target glowed aubergine.

It was enveloped in shock as its body was completely frozen, unable to advance its attack


Without wasting his chance, Amon slid under the blade and sliced his odachi at the joints of

the mantis arm.

With a clean sound, the statue arm was completely severed from the body.

It crashed onto the ground with a large thud.

Lost in its pain, the mantis freed itself from the control of the skill and shrieked loudly, its

sharp noise transmitting throughout the whole jungle.

In the next moment, the odachi was thrusted in its open mouth, drawing out heaps of black blood that splashed over Amon's body.

The mantis painful glare met the cold indifferent eyes of Amon, sending a shiver down its


And before it could do anything else, its head was completely sliced off.

Its body lifelessly slumped to the ground with a thud and Amon landed beside it.

His eyes were cold now, devoid of any emotion. In fact, if one looked closely they could even

see madness and insanity hidden inside them, threatening to spill at any moment.

A new notification popped up.

[The Void inside you grows larger..] 'The same feeling again...' Amon thought.

But right now, there were other matters to worry about.

Matters such as the shriek being broadcasted in the whole forest, making all beasts aware of

his location.

'Fuck...' Amon cursed as he shot further into the forest.

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