The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 76: The Quest To Save Lily [18] [VOLUME END]

Chapter 76: The Quest To Save Lily [18] [VOLUME END]


Amon's eyes weakly fluttered open, his body aching considerably.

He instantly felt the hard outline of the mask on his face, making him realize that it had not been taken off.

But other than that, he felt himself wearing soft fluffy clothes, contrasting his equipment.

It was then that the memories of the previous battle assaulted his brain.

Everything from start to finish was refreshed in his brain as snippets flashed in his vision.

The blood, the screams, the flesh.

It felt as if he was going through it all once more.

He clenched his hands underneath the sheets and bit his lip, drawing out blood.

'I'm still weak....' He gritted his teeth.

He had made the plan with the assumption that Norman wouldn't be there.

It was a major flaw in his plan. But then again, there was barely any way he could beat the man with a plan anyway.

Like it had been said previously, a 4th-Tier armentist was no joke.

It was a risky plan he had made. One in which he knew he was done for if Norman arrived.

But he still went through with it, trusting that he wouldn't be there that day.

At least that's what was written on the schedule that Cryptic Glories sent him.

If not for Arthur, he would have left Lily to die yesterday.

'I'm....still weak.'

He thought after his knowledge of the novel and the perks the system had given him, he was stronger.

But he was still awfully weak compared to the people in this world.

Let alone the world, he was still nowhere among the top people in his year.

If he and Elizabeth were to fight, he would undoubtedly lose. It would not take more than 5 minutes.

He needed to get stronger, and fast.

And one thing he had realized in all this time was that he couldn't improve himself alone.

He needed someone to guide him through the path. Someone to teach and train him.

And fortunately, he had the exact person in mind.

At that moment, he heard the sound of a cane tapping in the hallway, indicating someone was -coming.

It was quite obvious who so Amon quickly started to sit up.

Instantly, pain shot up through his back making him halt for a second a grit his teeth.

But bearing the pain, he sat up with his back against the bed frame.

The person still wasn't here yet so he quickly ran a gaze on his body.

His eyes widened as he saw almost 90% of his body covered in bandages.

That was how much he had been injured in just 15 minutes by a single person. He wanted to see his back right now but was unable to.

But he could feel that it was perfectly fine now.

At that moment, the door clicked and opened making Amon's gaze travel over.

From there, he saw Arthur come in, wearing plain casual clothes with his black hair now messed up rather than his usual neatly combed style.

Although there was no cane in his hand now, he still had his golden monocle leisurely placed over his right eye.

'Huh, where did his cane go?' Amon questioned himself. He had literally heard it tapping in the hallway.

Unfortunately, he was unable to ponder further as his gaze settled on him.

Seeing Amon awake, he smiled gently.

"Oh, you are awake. That's good."

A lie. Although he couldn't feel it, he knew that he already had some shadows placed around him that were constantly keeping check on him.

Amon smiled and tried to stand up to greet him but was stopped when Arthur quickly raised a hand to stop him.

Then, he dragged over a chair from the corner and sat down.

Before the latter could speak a word, however, the former quickly took off his mask.

Surprise passed through Arthur's crimson eyes before his gentle smile turned into an impressed one.

"Oh? Why did you take off the mask?"

Amon smiled slightly.

"It would be disrespectful to not even show my face towards my headmaster, let alone savior."

"Oh?" Arthur raised his eyebrows, his smirk widening.

"Don't try to butter me up brat. You can be honest with me." He adjusted his monocle.

The black-haired boy sighed.

He knew this was his personality and rather than all formal people he preferred casual people


That's why he was talking like this. To make his plan work, he had first to make a good


"I mean, you are the strongest man in the world. I would be dumb to think you can't see beyond this mask wouldn't I?"

Arthur's mouth opened, contorting into an 'o' shape.

"Heh. You are quite a cheeky brat, though I can't say I hate it."

Then, he raised one leg and put it over his.

"Now, let's move towards the main part. What were you doing in the Black Market?" He asked, his tone deeper and serious.

Amon didn't gulp in nervousness.

There was no point in lying right now. That golden monocle wasn't just for show after all.

It could detect lies without a single percent chance of failure. It made sense since it was an

8th-tier artifact.

Amon then opened his mouth and started explaining everything in sequence.

There was nothing to be scared of anyway.

There was another reason why Black Market, though still a little farther away from the City

Centre, was allowed to operate in Eldergrove in the first place.

It was because Arthur himself allowed it. He formed a paper contract with them to allow them

to operate in the city, as long as they would keep within their limits.

As someone who grew up as an orphan in the slums, he never really cared much about life

until years later.

What's more was that he knew if there was no illegal market, the people of the city would still

indulge in illegal activities anyway.

So, he basically made it legal.

But, even then, he remembered to impose limits on the Black Market.

Such as no rape or sexual harassment of little children.

Prostitutes, brothels, and child slavery were allowed but even that had a limit.

And so, Amon explained everything till the end, with Arthur listening to him silently.

Finally, at the end, the latter nodded with a yawn.

"Yawn....I see, well I don't find anything wrong with it so you are off the hook." He stood up.

But before he could say anything further, Amon went ahead and asked him the thing that was

bugging him the most.

"Can you explain please what happened to Lily and where she is now?" He asked, his heart

beating loudly.

He hoped Lily was still alive. If not, then his efforts were all for naught.

Arthur tilted his head in confusion before suddenly his head clicked.

"Ahhhhh, her." He raised his head towards the ceiling.

Amon gulped and nodded.

And the headmaster looked back with a slight apologizing smile on his face.

"Oh...well, how do I say this but........she died." He then averted his gaze, making Amon's heart

instantly sink.

'There's no w-'

"Just kidding." Arthur slightly mumbled before breaking out into a burst of laughter.


Annoyance welled up within Amon but he controlled.

"You should have seen your expression kid hahaha, I won't ever forget it." Arthur clutched his


The black-haired boy couldn't help but sigh internally.

Nobody would believe that this guy was actually the strongest guy in the world.

Then, Arthur walked up to Amon and patted his head with a gentle smile.

"She's fine, brat. The medics are healing her in the next room and feeding her. You can take

her afterward and do whatever you want to do."

Then, he ruffled his hair.

"You did a good thing kid. I'm proud of you."

Then, he turned to leave and raised his hand to bid goodbye.

"Welp, I'll leave you alone now to heal. Take care of yourself next time. Also, because you

were wearing a mask and hiding your identity, I didn't tell any of your family or friends about


He walked towards the door and opened it.

However, at that moment, Amon suppressed in his nervousness and asked him.

"Just a moment headmaster, can I ask something?"

Arthur halted and looked back with a confused gaze.


"Can you please train me?"

He saw the corners of the man's mouth pull up into a smirk.

"Oh? And why should I? From what I know, you are pathetically weak. There is no point in

teaching you." He remarked.

Amon clenched his hands.

"That's the exact reason why I want to grow stronger. I'm too weak to protect anyone I love

and achieve what I want to achieve. So please, there is no person better in the world than you." He bowed, bearing the pain in his back.

He felt silence ensue in the room for some seconds, as Arthur was pondering something.

Then, as he looked up, he saw the latter's crimson eye turn into a golden chronic watch again. The dials instantly started to spin at an insane speed.

At that moment, Amon felt himself freeze as if his whole consciousness just disappeared.

In the next second, he returned to reality where he saw the dials slow down to a halt.

The golden chronic eye turned back to crimson and he saw Arthur's smirk spread wider.

"Interesting. I mistook you brat, you are something much more." He adjusted his monocle.

Amon smiled in excitement. His plan ha-

"But still, it isn't enough for me to train you." He shrugged.

The black-haired boy's body froze. Fortunately, the headmaster wasn't done yet.

"But, just for the sake of it. I'll give you a challenge. If you complete it, I'll train you." He

cockily smiled.

Nervousness passed through Amon's body at the challenge but he nodded, making Arthur

raise up 2 fingers of his gloved hand.

"It's simple. First, you need to earn the 1st spot in the midterms. And it needs to be in

fighting, no other field." He closed one finger.

"And second....." "You need to pull a tier-5 familiar in the Familiar Summoning Ceremony 3 months later." His

smile widened.

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THE FIRST VOLUME (Volume I) of TIGER has finally come to an end. In the next volume, we

will move on to the first main arc and Michael's relationship development with the other

main cast.

I wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank all of you readers and all the support that has

been given to me.

Thank you so much!

I hope you will continue to enjoy and support this novel later on in the future.

Thank you :)

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