The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 54: FULLDIVE [10]

Chapter 54: FULLDIVE [10]


'YOU FUC**R!' Amon cursed internally.

The red ball at his fingertips exploded and in the next moment, a crimson sea of scorching heat engulfed both of them.



[On Charlotte's side]

Charlotte passed through the thick trees quickly, expending more mana for agility.

Suddenly the ground terrifyingly shook with a tremor.

It rumbled with a ground-breaking intensity and a large explosion sounded in the air.

Alerted, her eyes immediately moved towards the source.

There, at a large distance away from her, she saw a large crimson bundle of clouds, rising high up into the sky.

The area in and around had been completely incinerated.

Her eyes trembled with surprise.

The battle at that spot had now ended.

She was shocked at the scale of power she was seeing right now. Had Alya always been keeping it in store?

She didn't expect this much firepower from a fire armentist, much less from an archer.

She didn't know if either Alya had escaped the explosion or escaped.

But knowing how weak her opponent was, Charlotte knew that the battle would have never come to a point where she would have to sacrifice herself to take down her opponent.

Nevertheless, Amon had now been eliminated, that was for sure.

'I need to hurry. Considering that Alya must have esca- ' Her thoughts were halted as the confirmation of elimination of candidates resounded in her head.

But they had not been halted because of the sudden interruption.


They had been halted because of the unbelievable words that were spoken.

[Amon Ashford from Team A has been eliminated. Michael Von Lancaster from Team B has been eliminated. The remaining candidates are 2 from each party.] Athena voiced over the speaker.

Charlotte's eyes widened in disbelief.

'Those f-fires...t-they were from P-Prince Michael!?' She stammered in her thoughts.

Such a thing like that was impossible.

What Athena had just confirmed right now was that such a large explosion had been created by the second weakest person in the class!?

A normal person like Charlotte would have instantly said nonsense.

But the proof was right there for her to see.

Previously, when she saw the explosion in the clovist grounds and found out later that the

cause was believed to be Michael, she had instantly passed it off as a rumor.

How could one even generate that much amount of mana for an explosion like that?

So she had thought it was just a problem with the grounds.

But this proof right now had just slapped her in the cheeks.

But what was even more surprising right now was that Amon had beaten Michael.

The explosion probably looked like a last-resort move from Michael to take down Amon with himself which meant that the latter had originally beaten the former.

Although it was not according to the plan they had made cause her teammate had switched targets, she couldn't do anything about it right now.

What was even more of a problem was that Alya was still alive, which meant she had to hurry.

Before, she had heard another explosion from her left side, which probably meant that Alya and Klein were fighting there right now.

Unlike Amon, no, she had to put the man in a higher light now after the feat he had performed.

Unlike her former expectations of Amon, she expected Klein to hold out longer.

His element was also water, which was an advantage against her fire.

So it was only her and the guy Adam left now.

She was almost to the crystal now.

Making a note at the back of her mind to pay more attention to Amon and Michael now, she quickly hurried towards the crystal.


Charlotte finally saw light at the end of the forest and with one big leap along with her claymore, she jumped out of the trees.

Instantly, the ever-stretching landscape entered her eyes, with the grass swaying lightly in

the cold breeze.

But that wasn't the point right now.

The main attraction of this scenery was the large reflecting crystal that shone in mid-air, levitating by itself.

The device to win this match was right in front of Charlotte right now.

But the single problem preventing her from accessing was also right there.

A handsome boy with wheat-blonde hair and golden eyes and an appearance that exuded


Yet, his actions and aura screamed the exact opposite as he yawned in the air, feeling sleepy.

He was Adam Ravenfield.

Noticing Charlotte's presence, his face turned to her and an amused smile crept up his bored


"Are you strong?" He asked.

Not responding to his question, she raised her claymore and her clovis mark shone dark brown, indicating her preparation to fight.

Various large rocks started to coat the gigantic claymore while she leaned and adjusted her


In response, Adam spread his hands, causing lightning to tingle out from the palms.

His legs started to crackle as small sparks started to emit from around them.

And in one moment, he launched himself with all his might waving his hands through the air.

The lightning in his hand shaped itself into whips of electricity and shot at full speed towards


However, with one wave of her claymore, a wave of rocks was launched at Adam's way, completely nullifying his electricity.

Using the boost in his speed, he quickly maneuvered and dodged them before nearing the distance between each other.

Pulling back his lightning coated right arm, he punched with all his might at the now earthen


The punch cleanly connected and multiple rocks broke under the force.

But the attack wasn't done just yet as multiple small whips spread from his forearm trying to

reach Charlotte.

Unfortunately, he was pushed back as the greatsword suddenly twisted and connected cleanly

with his abdomen.

Stabilizing himself in mid-air, he shot towards Charlotte again with lightning coating his

whole body.


[Meanwhile at Alya's side]

With the last volley of arrows from Alya that instantly exploded as they neared Klein, she finally defeated him and his body dispersed into blue motes of light.

[Klein Sinclaire from Team A has been eliminated.]

But that wasn't what was on her mind right now.

It was the sheer power that Michael had exuded before, resulting in a large scale explosion

that eliminated both of them.

And also the fact that Amon Ashford, someone whom she considered to be a weakling,

defeated Michael first.

She knew it. It was obvious from the explosion that it was the last resort of her twin.

Michael was weak, she knew it. But to lose to someone who had fainted with just some spears

a week ago? Impossible.

Nevertheless, she would just find out more later.

Right now, she knew that Charlotte must have headed towards the crystal and Adam was

handling her right now.

Going back would just be a waste as the former would already be done by then and she would


Therefore, it was smarter to head towards the crystal which was only a short distance away

from her.

And so keeping some notes at the back of her mind, she leaped into the trees again.

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