The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 325 What Is A Great Sniper?

Bobby took out a sniper from his Purple Spatial Beast's Eye and uttered in English, "Pistol mode, activate!"

With voice recognition, the long sniper started transforming and turned into a pistol in his hand. "Come here." He quickly hugged her from the back. Let the lady hold it and further instructed, "Place your finger here, aim its tip at the target and click it!" Bang!

With a loud banging sound, a red bullet flew out and bore a hole in the middle of Rakshasa's forehead. Layla was a bit taken as this was her first time shooting a gun. She escaped from Bobby's hug, quickly dashed toward the Rakshasa, checked his vitality, crouched down, and said, "He's dead!" Then she puked everything out of her stomach.

"Yes, you kill him with this. This is a powerful weapon called a Gun. Humans have invented it." Bobby said, showing the gun. "Now, are you ready to go away with those feelings of helplessness and kill all those nasty beasts that have been making your life miserable?"

Hearing his words after her awful first kill clicked something in her head, and she felt her heart pounding.

But to the current Bobby, she was like an open book. "Yeah! You wanna feel that feeling of power once again? Then, hold it again."

His words were so tempting to her. So, she unconsciously picked up the gun and started shooting a round at the already dead body. Bang! Bang! Bang!....

"Die, die, die, die,....." Layla bellowed at the top of her lungs, and said, "This FEELING. It feels so great!"

Meanwhile, a sailor slithered inside their cabin and said briskly while looking at the Shadow Slave, "Hello! Oh, it's you, Chieftain Juno. Thank Medusa, you're onboard." Then he continued, "Brother, we are under attack by a platoon of the Red Tiger Rakša Pirate group. Please, help us this time and I guarantee you we will reward you with ten thousand human teeth."

'Hmm, it turns out Chieftain Juno is quite famous in this region.' Bobby thought.

As his brother Juno didn't respond to him, the sailor Nagin thought otherwise and changed his proposition, saying: "Fine, fifty thousand human teeth!"

"Ho-ho, nice timing?" Bobby said, turned to the lady, and continued, "It's a live target. Layla, why don't you gun this disgusting thing down? Alone,"

The Sailor shouted at him, "Shut your trap, slave! It's not your place to talk." But sensing the lady's hand raising and pointing at him with a strange thing, he yelped at her, releasing his current frustration to her: "Human cunt! Didn't you serve my brother well? Later, I'm gonna let ten of my guards violate you at the same time. Ptooey!" Then he spat.

Layla shook her body with fright, as she had always been doing all her life. But a hand patted her back. Then she somehow gained this jolt of confidence that she had never felt before and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Hey dirty pig! Want to see something fun?"

"What did you just call me?" The sailor fumed and slithered toward the lady but he felt something odd as not only did she defy him, but she also gave this dirty grin at him. This further pissed him off.

Layla raised the piston, aimed at his head, and clicked the trigger. Bang! The next thing, there was an enormous hole in the sailor's head.

"Nice shoot!" Bobby said, praising her. "Alright, let's see how much you can kill today."

‌Layla suddenly knelt on the floor, touching her forehead to his boots, and said, "Please, accept me as your disciple, Master Damien! In return, I'll do anything for you."

Bobby crouched down, pulled out his right hand, picked her head up by her chin, and asked, "Oh, you'll do anything for me…. Alright, tell me. Just what can you do for me?"

It startled Layla first and her face flushed as seeing his face close up and responded meekly, "I can warm your bed!"

Bobby moved his face closer to her, and she shut her eyes, trembling. Instead of doing anything, he whispered in her ear, "It's quite tempting since are an exotic beauty. But we humans have a strong code of conduct–a teacher must never sleep with his disciple and consider her as his own daughter. Hmm, you're cute." Just as she opened her eyes, he flicked gently on her forehead.

"Alright, I've taken no disciples until now. Maybe I may consider it if you could pass my preliminary test." He said. Then they walked out of their cabin and saw that the snake-mans and Rakshasas were clashing.

With a thought, Bobby activated his Devil's eye ocular technique and started scanning his surroundings with his golden eyes and saw fifteen black ships surrounding their current ship from all directions. After mapping out everything, he said, "Shadow Slave! Bring her along."

After that, his figure became blurry, and the next thing he was standing on top of the ship, a blind spot for those below.

A few seconds later, the Shadow Slave appeared and placed the lady on the broad wooden plank.

Bobby snatched the gun from her and uttered, "Short Range Sniper Mode, activate!" The next thing, with a mechanical sound, the pistol turned into a sniper. "Layla, just observe carefully." He crouched down and placed the sniper with its stand, adjusting the angle. Layla also lay beside him watching his every move attentively.

"It's a long-range rifle. It can kill people in the faraway with just a click here and those who use this kind of weapon are called snipers. But before that, if you want to pass my test, then you have to be at least a great sniper." Bobby said.

"What is a great sniper?" asked Layla.

Bobby responded, "Hmm, a great sniper is someone who must undergo a high level of training to gain important skills, including land navigation, shooting skills, stalking, and range estimation. Helpful personal traits for snipers include stress tolerance, emotional stability, and razor-sharp focus."

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