The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 272 The Infinte City!

It was recently that some thundering news stormed the palaces of the Royal Olden Family of Vampires, the Elven Olden Family, the Fiery Family of Chimera, and last but not least, the Protector family, the most mysterious of all.

The scene was picturesque in an old and abandoned city in the central continent region of the earth. Here the infrastructures were almost ruined and most of the buildings were covered with blue-green algae and there were even cases of trees growing densely inside the ruined city. Several antique automobiles and tires filled all the roads that were now overgrown with green grasses. This city was once the most populous and developed on the entire planet, flocking with great minds of that time. But, after the announcement of the Nuclear leakage, this place had long been abandoned for the past six decades. Even the government marked this city as a dark spot. So, they did not employ even the military in this place.

This city was once called the Infinite City. But unbeknown to anyone, this place had become the sacred palace of the Hunter-slash-Protector family. It was also because of this region that even the current Semi Corporate Government left this place out from any political maps of the earth, and even history. Consequently, only a handful of high-profile individuals knew about such a ruined city.

The perfect center of the city had a Brobdingnagian, palace-like luxurious mansion in the center, and unlike the surrounding buildings, it looked neat and fresh.

In front of the mansion, a gust of wind blew leaves, and five individuals wearing dark and long cloaks appeared out of nowhere.

All of them wore Shinigami masks and some of them hung katanas on their waists or behind their backs.

"Captain Kimura Osen, do we really need to report this to the elder council? For all we know, this must be just a hoax played by the Bloody Moon Family to threaten the other four Olden Families. And I think we don't have the obligation to interfere in this at all if another great civil war breaks out." One of them said in a deep, masculine voice.

"Shut up, Gulak! It's not your place to lecture me. You hear me?" responded the tallest one among them in a female voice.

"My sincere apologies, madam-sir! This will never happen again." Gulak apologized briskly.

"If I hear another word I don't like from you, then I'll toss you to the Thirteen Disciplinary Hall for breaking the order of your superior." Captain Kimura Osen said in an icy, haughty tone, and then she further added. "Follow me! We are going to call a meeting for the Elder Council."

Then she walked toward the white mansion, which had no entrance. By the time she passed by the two big pillars, a portal door opened and she disappeared within it. And the three also did the same, walking inside the mansion similarly.

Only Gulak Munchi remained behind. He stomped his left foot over the ground lightly and bellowed, "Fucking bitch! One day, I'm going to shove that bitchy mouth of yours with my dick and make you cry in pain under me. Bitch, I'm going to fuck you hard….so hard that I'll make you forget your father's name." After cursing for a while, he also walked inside the mansion, passing through the spatial portal.

In the next instant, the five soldiers appeared inside a green and beautiful valley, beside a large river one by one.

All four of them removed their Shinigami masks, revealing they were men with thick mustaches and long hair, and the captain turned out to be a woman with fair skin, a beautiful rounded face, slightly tanned, and dirty blonde hair. Her brows were like a pair of curvy bows ready to release the arrows.

All of them glanced to the south along the curvy long river and smiled happily as they saw a large mega-structure advanced city with a long wall surrounding it. Multiple advanced-level buildings stood tall inside the tall walls. And the sky of the city was filled with countless flying objects moving like a swarm of insects flying around.

"Infinity City! Finally, I'm back!" Captain Kimura Osen yelled at the top of her lungs as she raised her hands in the air.

Having been stationed out in the field to monitor the movements of the five other Olden families for the past thirteen years, they were happy to return home.

Suddenly, a simple wooden boat materialized out of nowhere and a man's voice came from there, "Halt!"

The five glanced at the source of the voice and saw a tall, muscular, and swarthy man standing on the wooden boat with a pair of long wooden oars in his hands.

The muscular man placed the oars inside the boat and then he took a long leap in the air and landed on the grassland in front of the five soldiers.

The man was not much of a talker. So, he reached his hands inside his shirt and took out five AI pods with sharp pins attached to them.

Then he tossed each toward them and said, "Soldiers, you know the drill. Help yourselves!"

As the five soldiers caught the AI pods, they clicked a tiny button on each of the pods and poked their palms with sharp pins to draw blood.

In the next instant, with a beeping sound, each of the AI pods flashed out a green light, making five 3D-Screens in the air, showing the identities of the five soldiers with the 3D-Image of their bodies.

After observing the screens meticulously, the muscular man forced a smile and said, "Welcome back, Captain Kimura Onsen and her brave teammates! Do you have any reason for returning home while leaving your post?"

Captain Kimura Onsen stepped forward and responded, "Yes, we are here to deliver a level S report to the Elder Council. Sir, can you ring the ten tower bells for us?"

The muscular man kept glancing at her for a minute and responded, "I can do that…. Alright, guys, return me my AI pods."

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