The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 226 Shadow Slave's Browbeating Skill!

…...Why don't you come out now? I think it's time for us to have a pleasant chat." Bobby said, chuckling while stopping in a downtown slum region of the City.

Other than the chirping sounds of insects, the surrounding area was in a serene state.

"Fine," Bobby said, pointing at five points in the air and fluttering his fingers a tad bit, sounding like there were flashes of lightning shooting at the five locations.

Aaahh! Ohh! Ouch!....

Five shrieking male voices chimed in the surroundings and subsequently, followed by five thudding sounds from the dusty ground revealing five male angels clad in all-black suits.

"Oooh! Angles with a pair of Gray Wings." Bobby said in surprise.

"Gray Wings Angels are a level above those black wing Pleb angels. They are trained to become spies from birth. Tracking, tracing, sneaking and snooping around, and survival tactics are their specialists. If they follow you, then it means only one thing," Cynthia replied, explaining patiently, and she further added, "You were sought by a higher-up noble angel they had been working for."

After that, Bobby gathered every one of the five injured angels in a spot where they were suffering from the pain of his attacks.

He crouched and asked, "I'll ask this only once. Tell me the name of your master?"

All the five glanced at him, giving a scornful look as they tried to sit as all of their feet below the knees were destroyed by Bobby's attack.

"Well-well-well, eventually you will tell me," Bobby said with a devilish grin, standing up. Then he stretched his right palm and called out, "Shadow slave!"

A dull-looking black katana sprung out of his palm and levitated in the air close to him.

"Torture the five over there until they spill out the name of their master." Bobby further instructed, pointing at the five heavily injured angels lying over the cold and dusty ground.

The next thing, the black katana transformed into a black mist in the humanoid's shape with three heads, six hands, and a lizard-like tail. He bowed at Bobby and dashed toward the five and a black veil of mist entered their bodies through their eyes, noses, ears, and small sweet pores.

Then the next second, heart-wrenching cries of the five angels reverberated in the surrounding areas, filling the air.


"Oh, I never thought that your shadow slave, which has already been weaponized into a katana, could do such things." Cynthia's cheering voice chimed in his head.

"You'll be more surprised if you continue to see more of his abilities… This is nothing. He even has the skill to browbeat even gods into a confession. I bet that they'll confess within a minute." Bobby responded telepathically in his head.

"Please, have mercy. I'll talk!" An angel shrieked.

"I'm ready to talk. Please, kill me already." Another angel shouted.

Then the other three also voiced out to confess in exchange to end their lives.

Bobby crouched and asked, "Alright, give me the name of your master?"

"We don't know who he is or his name either, but we know where he is currently staying." An angel who seemed to be the leader of this little group responded briskly.

"Well-well-well, that's even better. Okay, I'm listening." Bobby said.

"Easternmost side of the city and within the eastern wood. There was a mansion there, camouflaging within the terrain of the woods." The Angel responded, with an urgent voice.

"Good. Now, tell me. Why are you all coming after me?" Bobby asked, but immediately, he had a change of his heart and ordered, "Shadow Slave, gobble them all up, including their angelic soul balls."

Then, within a few seconds, all the five angels were devoured both in bodies and their angelic soul balls, leaving only a miniature version of the Humanoid with the three heads and six hands.

"Wow, so cool! But…. don't you need to know why they are after you?" Cynthia's mellifluous voice chimed in his head, asking.

"Nah, I got the address of the Big boss. There is no need for me to know about that when I'm about to meet the boss, right?" Bobby said leisurely and then he infused a trace of his origin into his Purple Spatial Beast's Eye and a golden flying vessel appeared, standing over the dusty ground.

"What? You're going to drive in this one… Bad idea, bro. The second the air traffic system of the city caught an unidentified Flying Object under its radar, all the military in this Exoplanet will come after you." Cynthia warned him.

"Eh, you're overthinking it. Now, we are on my turf." Bobby then took out his AI-Pod and clicked on a tiny button, powering it up.

"Silla, remove this flying vessel's presence from the City's Air Traffic System." He voiced instructed.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Authentication successful! It's Master Bobby Bradford's authentic voice. Now, scanning the body of the flying vessel." A female mechanic voice responded from the AI pod while levitating in the air.

It then sent out a beam of colorful light and scanned the luxurious-looking flying vessel as it moved around, covering all of its body.

"Scanning completed! Now, removing any presence of this flying object from the City's Air Traffic System." The Female mechanic's voice sounded, echoing in the air.

Ding! Ding! Ding!


Bobby then deactivated the AI pod and put it inside his Purple Spatial Beast's Eye.

Just after that, he walked inside the flying vessel.

"How? Just how did you do that?" Cynthia asked.

"Remember who I have worked for? Once I was forced to do the recent development in the City's Air Traffic System Database. In short, I can do anything in the air inside this city or maybe even all the colonies of the humans which used my new programs, Bobby responded with an amiable smile.

With a thought, he activated the Angelic Armament on his back, and then he infused his Angelic Grace Energy into the core of the engine. In the next instance, a revving sound echoed in the surroundings, and with a giant lift,

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