The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 215 Shadow Slave!

After Bobby voiced out, the gigantic black temple diminished rapidly and turned into a toy-sized black temple, floated down, and landed in his palm.

"Wow, I have never seen something like this before… And you seem to know a lot about this temple." Cynthia's melodious voice chimed in his head.

"That's understandable because this thing is not from this Titan's Remnant Region." Bobby responded and seeing her pondering expression in his mind, he further added, "And within my sealed memories of the past, there was a scene in which my mother used it."

"Master Damien, my question is; are you still going to stay here? And how are we going to return? From what I can see until now, I don't see any teleportation devices or runes on this exoplanet." Cynthia asked, turning their dialogue to a pressing matter.

Clank! Clank!...

Suddenly, the toy-sized Black Temple in Bobby's hand expelled a red medallion token out from it and fell into the ground making clanking sounds.

"Hmm, it's the Chief's token!" Bobby said and then he crouched over the ground and picked it up. "Hee-hee-hee. Speaking of the subject. Here is our return ticket." Yes, the Chief's token was a teleporter device that had only one final destination, the Blue Lagoon Unit's forbidden region.

After checking his system status in his mind, Bobby saw the decrease in his life steal.

[ Life Steal: 74.9 Million Years! ]

Bobby said, "Huh, I've lost a million-year of my vitality! And this must have something to do with my third eye time manipulation."

,m "Oh, that's very because tampering with time is not like any other natural laws. So, you need to give up something this valuable, to manipulate the time." Cynthia responded. And then she asked abruptly,

"Umm, how many years of your life did it use to manipulate the time for just a second?"

"555.56 years!" Bobby replied.

He then put both the toy-sized Black Temple and red medallion into his Blue Purple and then he took out a flying vessel from it which he boarded and the vessel took flight in the air.

From high above in the air, Bobby glanced down and saw only the red mountain peak as the other twin peaks turned out to be a magic array creation projection that his mother had long designed in that place.

"Alright, since we arrived here, we don't have a clue when we are coming here again. So, why don't we give a tour around this exoplanet?" Bobby said telepathically in his head.

Cynthia also gave her agreement readily.

For the next two months, Bobby traveled the globe and landed the flying vessel whenever he saw a beautiful place. And then soon he completed traveling around the world.

During this whole time, he would retell some important parts of the memories during when he was in a time-aberration and some parts from when he was a god in his last life.

Finally, deciding to leave the place,

Bobby took the Red medallion out from his Purple Spatial Beast's Eye and said, "I have already had enough fun here. Okay, time to leave."

Then he started infusing Origin Chi into the Red Medallion. Nothing happened.

Bobby continued infusing with no reserve for the next four minutes. And then the Red Medallion emitted a red beam of light.

As Bobby continued to infuse his Origin Chi into the medallion, the hue grew larger and larger, finally covering his entire body. And with a loud whistling sound, a spatial pitched-black dark spatial gap appeared just above Bobby. As the pitch-black darkness grew, it also expanded in the area. Soon Bobby's body was sucked into it, and in the next second, he disappeared into it while the pitch-black darkness gradually narrowed and soon it vanished.


The Blue Lagoon Main Military site, Trans-Solar H-55 Exoplanet,

Eight months had passed since Bobby and the other two youths left the Exoplanet for the Chief's trial.

After the three months of their departure, just like before, almost everyone had given up on the idea of one of them returning while completing the trial as this had always been happening for several terms.

But several people hadn't given up yet. Vice-Chancellor Kuppo and Claire were among them. Kuppo would come to the forbidden ground from time to time in hope that Bobby would come one day whereas Claire had been waiting there after a month from his departure while sitting cross-legged in front of the Temple's gate.

Today inside the temple, a red thick beam of light projected down over the ground and a lanky youth holding a red medallion materialized. It was none other than Bobby. And soon the red mist of aura vanished and he put the Chief's token in his Purple Spatial Beast's Eye.

Bobby then stretched his body rotating his upper body and torso left and right. Then he said, "Hey, come out now! There is no point hiding there."

But no one came out and the room was in complete tranquility.

"Fine!" Bobby said lazily and he raised his hand pointing at the corner of the room and he shot a thick white light beam.


"Aarrgh!" Something shrieked in pain and a humanoid with three heads and six hands, along with a long lizard-like tail, appeared and landed over the floor making a thudding sound.

That Creature tried to run away when he realized that the human was perversely powerful.

"Halt! If you even take a step then I'll kill you immediately." Bobby announced.

The creature with three heads stopped his left foot, which was about to run away, and froze in the air.

"Good! Now look at me and tell me who I am, Shadow Slave?" Bobby said with an indifferent icy tone.

The creature glanced at his face and saw the vertical eyelids appearing on his forehead and opened it gradually, revealing a pitch-black dark eye.

He then plopped down on the floor and said, while kneeling to Bobby: "Master, my sincerest apology. Forgive me for not recognizing you."

"Alright, come here," Bobby said, gesturing the creature toward him.

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