The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 199 Life Steal!

So, when Bobby was about to halt his cultivation technique, something on his forehead churned and he failed to stop his cultivation. Then a much stronger suction appeared and sucked the vitality out of Xolo this time and was stored inside his body.

"What the hell?!" Bobby exclaimed as the situation became out of his hands and he never thought this would happen.

Within a few seconds, all the vitality was drained and Xolo grew older steadfastly, as Bobby had sucked away all of his over 1000 years of vitality.

After his cultivation stopped automatically and the dried up old-aged looking Xolo fell to the ground and died immediately. Then his corpse was frozen, covered by the falling snow.

Just after that, a tremor appeared, shaking the mountain rapidly, and a stone wall sprung up from the ground.

Bobby glanced at the stone wall, which had a large mirror within it curiously, and he asked, "Cynthia, what's this thing?"

"Oh, I see. No need to fret. It's a teleportation device. I believe entering through this mirror might bring you to any of the other two peaks." Cynthia responded telepathically in his head.

Bobby then smiled and sauntered toward it.

"Are you simply going in like that? It might be a trap." Cynthia warned him.

"Nah, you're just overthinking it…. Even if there is a trap, I'm still going in." Bobby said and stepped one foot into the mirror.

The surface of the mirror rippled as his foot was already inside feeling that it landed on firm ground. With no hesitation, he walked inside.

The next thing, the scenery changed quickly, and he was now inside the verdant evergreen forest. He heard the chirping of birds and sometimes beasts' roars from the far.

Bobby activated his ocular skill and scanned the surroundings using X-Ray vision. "This is definitely not an illusion. Cynthia, do you see this too? A couple of 250 miles to the west lies a civilization with various beautiful monuments and infrastructures. Let's go in that way and this may give some clue about what the hell is going on here."

"Yeah, I agree. This is not just a trial anymore. And I believe there is something heinous lurking around here." Cynthia responded.

"Exactly as I thought," Bobby said. He then activated the Angelic Armament behind his back and a pair of black wings grew out of his back.

He spread them and took a flight in the air, quivering his wings as he flew up higher and higher above in the air and finally passed by the tallest tresses of the forest.

And then he flew toward the civilization that was lying in front of his eyes beside the large river along with multiple smaller tributaries spreading within that old and ruined city.

Several minutes later, Bobby finally reached, and he scanned the areas with his purple eyes while standing in the air high above the ground. This was the third time he failed to penetrate his vision through all those walls of the ruined houses. What he saw was just the outer view.

In the middle of the ruined city, he saw a fine-looking mansion that looked perfectly fine, unlike others.

So he flapped his wings, soared downward, and landed on the ground in front of the gigantic mansion.

"This exoplanet is really strange. Like other habitable planets, this planet was thrift with wild beasts and rich verdant plants. The only exception is that other than those two we encountered earlier, we have seen no intelligent beings yet. But the only evidence of intelligence species once living here is this ruined city. Alright, let's go inside." Bobby said and walked inside the house.

Just after entering the mansion, he was in a Brobdingnag hall, and on the walls were various ornate murals.

Bobby observed each of the murals and the drawing in the description and finally came to understand that this planet belongs to Six olden families; in one gigantic mural, he saw people turned into wolves under the moonlight. And in another, he saw vampires lurking under the night and hunting their prey for their next human blood. Like that, he saw members of Elves, Chimera, and Witch families.

In the middle of the wall, he saw a large mural with a man wearing a shinigami mask and bearing a katana as the man stood above a corpse of the giant red dragon.

Bobby then glanced at the last mural and he blurted in surprise, "Mother!"

In that mural, there was a description of six kids drinking something from a bowl while a country toppling beauty flies over them while spreading her pair of bat-like wings. This was the very woman Bobby saw multiple times in his dreams and the one he was calling his mother.

"Cynthia, now I understand why I feel very familiar with this place," Bobby said while he kept looking at the portrait of the woman dearly without blinking his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Cynthia asked in confusion.

"That lady with the bat-like wings is my biological mother. And her picture is here; meaning she was here and I might have been here at some point in time. Maybe I might even be born in this place." Bobby said, deducting while looking at the mural. "But I'm completely sure that this planet was my home."

Bobby heard a roar coming from further inside the house. With no delay, he walked inside and dashed in the voice's direction until he finally found a gigantic door. As he reached the door, he realized the sound was coming from behind that wall and the wall trembled. He looked around and saw the key laying on the floor.

Upon picking it up and inserting it into the lock, he twisted the rusted thing and with a creaking sound, the lock unlocked, and he heard that the beast inside stopped banging on the wall and remained silent.

Then he pulled the door and opened the heavy door, entered inside, and the next thing the door shut itself like a magnet.

As Bobby glanced around, he saw a lizard thrice the size of an adult elephant staring at him, keeping a long gap between themselves.

"Ah, a red dragon!" He exclaimed.

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