The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 163 Oratory Power!

The following morning, in front of every soldier in a parade, Bobby was called out to the podium to present his awards.

Top senior officers of the Elite Group did the presentation.

The senior officer announced after presenting a new military gown and an Elite level 10 badge, which was a coin made from platinum.

Every soldier cheered, praising and applauding as they yelled the name 'Loki'.

He announced, "After a long discussion among the Senior Officers, it's decided to give the Cartoon City to the Nobleman Agent Loki Bradworth!"

"Boo! Boo!...." The crowd began booing as they felt dissatisfied with the reward.

One soldier could not withstand it anymore and he voiced out, shouting at the top of his lunge. "Why Cartoon City? Is that even considered a city? That is no-man's-land. After the looting and plundering because of those scums of the Truth Of Banishment Gang. There is nothing there."

"Yes, he's right. This's the first time a soldier from among us has gained the title of noble. It May be the last. So, why, Cartoon City?" Another soldier added.

Then a commotion ensued in the hall.

Many soldiers claimed it was unfair to Loki, and they openly gloated that the senior officers were all corrupted to the core and were doing this because of Loki's birth identity.

"Silence!" the senior officer yelled. "If I ever see this behavior again, then I'm going to administer the third-degree punishment."

Thereupon, the hall returned to a tranquil state.

He continued, "Listen, I'm as much as pissed as every one of you. No, I'm pissed royally. Yesterday, when I heard the news, I planned to move my family to our comrade's city. Most of you must have also had a similar thought."

He looked around the room, scanning everyone's faces, and he continued, "But, what can we do? We're just the soldiers. We follow the rules. So, stop interrupting me before I finish, understand?"

"Loud and crystal clear!" Everyone yelped in a single tone.

"Well, many seniors also argued to give a better city. But a senior elder from a noble family… I'll not disclose the family name or his name. Because you know what exactly will happen to me and my family if I accidentally slipped my tongue. So, don't ask me too?"

Everyone began clapping.

Even Bobby was amazed by the skill that he mused in his head. 'Wow, this guy's oratory power level is another level!'

The news satisfied Bobby with the award of this city, unlike those who were crying out for his mistreatment.

Because the city was very near to the Arid Archipelago Island. And if he were to run a city, he wanted to have dwellers of his choosing. In every way, this city was perfect for executing his plan, too.

The senior officer further added, "That very senior officer from x noble family made a strong point that even if the Cartoon city is reconstructed, no citizen will ever step another foot in it because of the massacre. And Loki Bradworth is the only one who can convince the citizens to resettle in the city since he is the hero who single-handedly apprehended those terrorists who destroyed the very city. Thus, that X senior officer convinced all the other senior officers too. But….but, after a long discussion, it concluded that if Nobleman Loki agrees to this decision, then they will fund 10 times the resources required to reconstruct this city which means reckoning the revenue of this new city will even be the same as that of the Golden Sparrow city."

When they heard the name of the Golden Sparrow city, everyone's eyes scintillated with excitement as they applauded and whistled.

"And if Loki didn't agree, then they will consider giving another city which is not under the control of the four noble families….. Well, let's ask our Brother Loki about his choice." The senior officer ended his speech.

Bobby came forward and first saluted as he gazed down.

And all the soldiers saluted back altogether, hitting their chests with their fists.

"Good morning, my good brothers and sisters!" Bobby yelled.

Everyone greeted him, too.

Bobby continued, "I know it must excite everyone to shift your loved ones and families to my city. I welcome everyone with open arms. You all must already learn about my humble origin as a bastard of the Bradworth family. So, I feel you all. In my city, everyone will be equal and there will be absolutely no privilege for members of noble families. Yes, everyone will be equal but under me."

Everyone clapped with excitement on imagining this new dream-like city and laughed on hearing his words that everyone in his city should be under him, as it sounded very humorous.

Bobby further added, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have already made my decision. But don't fret over it….. I accepted Cartoon City!"

Everyone cheered as they wished after hearing that the Union was going to fund the city the same as the Golden Sparrow city.

Bobby raised his hand, making everyone shut their mouths.

He continued his speech, beaming. "I have my reasons for choosing this city… reluctantly. First, I don't like to lord over a city that was built by someone else. Even if I accept it, my consciousness will always remind me that the city is not mine, not us, but for those who built the city. So, brothers and sisters, why don't we create a city of our own for our sons, daughters, and the next generation too?"

"Second, I agree with the X senior officer of the X Noble family. Thank you, sir! No, a thousand thanks to you. Now, we can build a city on the level of the Golden Sparrow city."


Everyone burst into a peal of booming laughter, thinking that the Corrupt Senior Officer was unintentionally helping all of them.

"And last but not the least," Bobby's voice and facial expression turned serious, and he resumed, "My dear friends, this city has a very sad story. Even if we build a city even 10 times more beautiful and richer than the Sparrow city, it can never alter this sad truth. Let's build a memorial for those unfortunate souls and on the date of that awful day, I announced it will be mandatory for everyone to fast that day each year, and let's pray for them for heaven. So, I'm still not changing the name of this city." And he ended his speech.

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