The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 139 Three Versus One

"Sufyan, you miss your target!" A husky voice chimed inside the room. And three silhouettes appeared inside the room.

Bobby reappeared from another spot and glanced at the three male angels. They all wore a red garb with the insignia of three water lines, the family crests of the Tempest family.

When he observed them, their looks were very much similar to Hunk he killed on the island recently. One had a very muscular physique with a giant hammer in his hands, whereas the other two were just regular normal physiques. One wielded a green sword, while the last one wielded the black sword that now rested on the wall after he ambushed Bobby.

The empty-handed Sufyan glanced at the green sword wielder angel and replied, "Boo, the target seems to possess a swift movement skill… It's reasonable that my sword missed him. So making that face. If you are so great, then why don't you go first and kill this bastard?"

"You're damn right. I'm going to end this swiftly and let's have some fun here in this hotel for some days," Boo Tempest, the green sword wielder, responded. He then turned to the muscular physique and asked, "Sybil, mind if I finish this bastard all by myself?"

Sybil Tempest, the muscular angel, nodded his head and said, "I'm cool! Make this quick, bro?"

While they were talking to themselves, Bobby activated his ocular Devil's Eye technique and scanned all their bodies.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

With the dinging sound, a notification popped into his mind.

[ All in Energy Level 16 ]

In addition, many other statistics such as their mana chi levels and health bars also kept popping up in his head.

Bobby deactivated the ocular skill and then he said with a smile. "Oh-ho, so guys must be from the might…. Tempest clan? Hah, all of you look so much similar to Hunk Tempest."

He then walked toward the wall, clasped the black sword and pulled it out from the wall, and said, "wow! What a fine sword?!" as he caressed the blade.

"Hunk!.... Did you kill him, bastard?" Sybil Tempest, the muscular guy, asked in a heavy tone.

Bobby glanced at him and replied with a smirk on his face. "What do you think? He was the one that came after my life. And I'm still standing here breathing whereas he's not very much."

"Aahhh! Little bastard, you dare kill my little brother! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Sybil yelped and dashed toward him.

He then struck down his heavy hammer over Bobby's head, holding nothing.

The next scene made the other two angels open their eyes wide in surprise.

His all-out angry strike from the heavy hammer was stopped by Bobby's index finger.

Bobby then punched him in his chest with the other hand, making the heavyweight Sybil fly backward and stopped after crashing over the luxurious table.

"Don't be stupid?... I have been waiting for all these five months for your Tempest to act, and here you are. Unfortunately, they sent me just some snobbish kids to take me down…. If you wish to prolong your already fleeting lives for a few more minutes, then you'd better come to me at the same time." Bobby said.

Though his words sounded cocky enough, they knew his words were undeniably true when he pulled an impressive feat by catching the heavy hammer strike from Sybil, and then he even blasted the giant backward with a punch.

Sybil Tempest stood up from the floor, picked up his hammer, and said, looking at the other two. "Sufyan, Boo, this guy is much stronger than we thought. Let's all join hands and use all of our trump cards."

He then began as he chanted an angelic spell in an old tongue and shouted, "True Fire, activate!"

Then next thing Sybil Tempest flapped his wings, lifted in the air, and a red flame started covering his body, especially his hammer also turned fiery red from the flame.

Meanwhile, the other two also chanted the same spell and shouted, "True Fire, activate!"

Sufyan's body was covered by a purple flame and a sword made from the purple flame materialized in his hand whereas Boo was covered with a yellow flame, spreading it to the green sword turning it all yellow, too.

All of them were floating in the air, spreading their black wings and circling around Bobby.

Then they all waved their weapons at Bobby, sending three highly concentrated different energy blasts.

Bobby swung the black sword in his hand in the air lightly and neutralized all of their energy blasts. "Are these all you got?.... If it is, then it's a shame." And he grinned at them, showing his teeth.

Bobby then folded his wings, flapped them, drifted toward Boo first, and gave him a knee strike on his back, but Boo dodged it with a quick reflex and slashed at Bobby with his yellow flamed covered sword.

Bobby blocked it with his sword and the two started engaging in a sword clash.

Clank! Clank! Clank!.....

"Good! Your reflex is quite recommendable and your swordsmanship is also above the subpar." Bobby praised him.

Then the two clash with their sword in the air, moving all around the wide space inside the room.

While they were engaging in a fierce sword clashing, Sufyan appeared just behind Bobby sneakily out of blue and stabbed him with his purple flame sword aiming at his heart.

It was extremely fast, he almost thought that he got him as he timed perfectly well in this sneak attack, taking the advantage when Bobby had a hard time avoiding it.

But Bobby hushed, "Ninja Movement Skill, First Law, Racing Against the wind!", and swiftly moved away at a strange angle, within a fraction of a second avoiding it.

It was still not over as the giant Sybil Tempest struck his fiery red hammer over his head.

Bobby blocked it with his sword, making it curve inward, and forcing him backward for a couple of meters. "Nice, hee-hee-hee. Let's play this for another minute!" He said, laughing in excitement.

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