The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 68

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 68

Rohan placed his hand on Sain’s chest in response to Sain’s words.

It was a light but clear gesture of etiquette.

The master of the Three Families.


To Sain, who was still just a candidate.

“Dante’s master, Rohan Demorus, will declare his support for Sain Demorus as Demorus’s successor.”



Alman, standing beside, not as sharp as Dante but slowly raised his hand to show respect.

“Rasiel’s master, Alman Demorus, will declare his support for candidate Sain Demorus as Demorus’s rightful successor.”

A scoff.

A bitter laugh escaped.

“Because this was the promise you made.”

Alman’s voice.

It felt childish.

In reality, it was a scene where they could be pointed fingers at in their own world, perhaps even ridiculed.

Yet, it was necessary.

“Accept your support.”


“I, Sain Demorus, will become Demorus’s rightful successor…”



Some might see it as a mockery.

But if it touches someone’s heart, conveys emotion.

“I will change this dog-like world.”

We decided to call it romance.

“We will embed shining stars back into that dark sky,” Sein said.

“We will tear down the erected barriers,” it was the beginning.

“We will cleanse the bitter air and dirty magic.”

The first time he shared his innermost thoughts with someone.

The final chapter, his last life.

There is no option to return to reality.

“Until that moment comes, I will become more ruthless than anyone else, and I will shatter anything that stands in my way.”

He buries bones here.

‘My sins.’

What he once loved.

To atone for destroying it so senselessly.

“Will you follow?”

With a hand on their chests, Rohan and Alman.


As expected, Rohan was the first to respond.

“I, Rohan Demorus, swear allegiance to Sein Demorus. This oath shall come into effect from the moment Sein Demorus becomes the head of Demorus.”

He kneels on one knee and bows his head.

It was a gesture far more significant than placing a hand on the chest.

“From the moment the oath takes effect, my life belongs to you, my lord.”

A traditional gesture of an ancient knight.


One step behind but with a more solemn resonance.

Alman also knelt on one knee.

“My fate, Lashiel’s fate. The future of Demorus.”


“I offer myself to you.”

At that moment!!


Sein became their master.

“I declare an end to the candidate competition.”

Even though they were not worthy, the two masters nodded in agreement to their master’s words.

“As soon as the memorial service for the fallen ends, announce the selection of the new successor candidate for Demorus.”


“Yes, Master.”

“Yes, Master.”

Both servants replied.

Several days had passed since the interlude had ended.

“Be careful on your way.”

Even Dante’s candidates had departed.

“We’ve learned a lot.”

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A handshake shared between them.

No ill feelings lingered there.

On the contrary.

“Don’t die until we meet again.”

There was a sticky residue left behind.

It was what Sein had intended from the beginning.

If Dante had been defeated at the end of the labyrinth conquest, this bond would not have formed.

However, by accepting Dante in the middle, and sharing life and death in the hellish maze, they could have become true comrades.

Dante was leaving.

“I envy them.”

One of Luciel’s candidates said.


In a tone that showed lack of understanding.

“They didn’t sign the contract.”


With that one word, silence descended.

Now, they might sincerely follow Sein, but the situation of the magical contract that had been forged.

Unlike them, Dante had pledged loyalty to Sein without making a contract.

“They probably did it too…?”

An attempt to soothe the wounded hearts.

However, no one among them believed it was sincere.

But then.

“I already tore it up.”

Sein’s voice was heard.


Did that demon really do that?


Candidates who seemed like they might shed tears of emotion.

“That contract wasn’t necessary from the start. True submission comes from fear anyway.”

Sein spoke with a dry voice, with arms crossed.

“If you want to run, then try to run. I’ll make you taste hell.”

Instead of tears, the candidates shed cold sweat at his words.

The Sein they had seen so far was indeed that kind of person.

“Consider yourselves my slaves until you repay what you owe me.”

“Of course.”

“What do we owe you…?”

Chris, who had always heard that he wasn’t very perceptive, asked, “Life. What more can you tell me?”

They ended up hearing things they didn’t need to hear.

“…How do you repay that?”

“You repay it the same way. Don’t worry. I’ll pay you back after just a hundred years of using it.”

“But humans die in a hundred years….”

However, the candidates’ expressions weren’t as dark as one might expect.

Because they had all made their choice.

And then, a few more days passed.

“Sein Demorus has been announced as the successor candidate for Rasiel.”

Alm Demorus announced Sein as Rasiel’s successor in Rasiel’s name.

-Sein Demorus.

Sein, who first set foot in Rasiel’s garden.

Back then, Sein was just treated as a crazy person.

But now.


No one denied Sein’s recognition.

To the candidates, he was a benefactor.

To Rasiel’s members, he brought victory.

“Furthermore, this marks the end of the candidate competition.”

The end of the candidate competition.

And not even a day passed before news of Dante reached them.

-Dante will not choose anyone in the candidate competition.

He withdraws.

It wouldn’t be a bad choice to elevate one of Dante’s candidates, now Sein’s allies, as a successor, but it didn’t happen.

The fight from above wasn’t something that could be won with such shallow moves.

-But our Dante will declare his support for Sein Demorus, Rasiel’s successor candidate.

Instead, Dante declared his support for Sein.


It was unbelievable.

A first in Demorus’ history.

Never before had two out of the three major organizations supported the same candidate.

The continent was stirred.

“Now the tutorial is over.”

That was Sein’s only sentiment.




“Sein, I still don’t quite understand. Is this the right thing?”

Balak spoke to Sein with a voice filled with doubt.

“Really, is this really okay?”

Sein and Valac were at the front of the carriage.

“I believe it’s for the best.”

Sein spoke with a firm voice.

Valac Demorus.

Today, he leaves Rasiel.

With the successor decided, Sein’s return to the ancestral home was a certainty.

However, there was a choice regarding the treatment of the remaining candidate.

“I hope he becomes a useful tool when we meet again.”

Valac nodded heavily at Sein’s words.

The emblem on the carriage was Dante.

-Bring Valac Demorus to Dante.

It was Rohan’s request.

Rohan, who had been observing the candidates of Rasiel, deliberated between Sis and Valac, but ultimately chose Valac.

– I will help him grow to the point where he can entrust Dante to him.

Rohan, with his resolute nature, chose Valac, who was similar to him.



The carriage departed with a simple farewell.

The fates of the other candidates began to be decided one by one.

“I’ve decided to stay at Rasiel.”


He decided to stay at Rasiel.

“I want to learn from Master Alman and someday become a master at Rasiel.”

Easy to say, but never easy to accomplish.

“I considered going to the ancestral home to help you, but I might become your enemy’s enemy.”

It was a conclusion reached after much contemplation.

“However, I’ve decided that those who remain at the ancestral home will support you. If you need information or help, tell them. Well, I’m not sure if it’ll be of any help to you.”

“Why beat around the bush with asking for protection so indirectly?”

Sein said nonchalantly.

“If you prove to be useful, I’ll keep you, if not, I’ll discard you. Show your abilities if you have any objections.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

Like graduating from college one by one and deciding on a career path, the candidates were choosing the path they had to take.

“I’m thinking of supporting the ancestral home’s armed forces.”

“Although it’s an underground organization, I think we can nurture it. It’s close to our hometown.”

Sein did not impose anything on them.

There was only one thing he desired.

– Help me help you.

I didn’t impose restrictions on that method.

“To the information desk….”

“To the security team….”

That was it.

“Do as you please.”

That was also one of the reasons I kept them alive.

It’s an undeniable fact that having Demorus’ blood is a natural blessing.

Those who have survived so far had the ability to step out of further succession competitions, choose their own lives, and receive preferential treatment.

And finally.

“You’re in my way.”

Facing Roberta of the Enforcers in front of Sein’s eyes.

She was one of the trio who had stood against Sein until the end.

She was convinced that, except for Sein among the candidates, she was the strongest in terms of power.

“I’m going back to the main house.”

She chose the main house.


“I’ll protect you by your side.”

She decided to take charge of Sein’s security.

It was Sein, whom she had noticed in the previous Labyrinth.

“I think being by your side is the best way to achieve my goal.”

“Sounds like you’re going to use me?”

“That’s right.”

Roberta said.

“In return, you should use me too.”

Roberta spoke confidently.

“If you want, I can be your pawn. I’m at your service, even at night….”

“Not necessary.”

Sein said, looking into her eyes.

“What’s the reason for going this far?”

The reason why he didn’t definitively capture her in the last Labyrinth was simple.

– I don’t know much about Roberta.

There is little information about her.

Especially, not knowing what her wishes or desires are.


She said.

“I’m going to become a witch.”

Finally, the day has arrived.

“Open the main gate.”

What was visible was a single black carriage.

There were no patterns, no decorations.

But because of that, they could tell.

The Kieik.

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