The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 57

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 57

Sein sat down.

Then, with a grin, he opened his mouth.

“Let’s see how long you can keep it up.”

Ignoring the lizardmen could be acceptable.



Ignoring the legion of lizardmen was a different matter.

It might be fine when they were in the tens.

“What are you doing over there!”

If they exceeded hundreds, the dynamics of the battle changed.

“Right, they’re good.”

While dozens of lizardmen could be handled with individual strength, if they surpassed hundreds.

“It’s a group battle, you idiots.”

Transformation into a group battle.

If one fights separately, they end up isolated, vulnerable.

No matter how skilled a fighter may be.


Throughout the battle, focusing on their backs was nearly impossible.


Injured individuals started emerging.

“Damn it, struggling against mere lizardlings…!”

Candidates who unleashed their strength fueled by anger.

“Blessings are forbidden.”

However, Sein imposed even the restriction of forbidden blessings upon them.

In the end, chaos ensued.


A spear pierced through the chest of one candidate.

Fortunately missing the heart, but undoubtedly a severe wound.

Then, another sudden change occurred.

“Damn it…”

The candidates’ formation began to crumble completely.

The plummeting morale was uncontrollable, affecting their performance directly.

Just getting pushed back repeatedly.


Only skilled individuals capable of facing a group like a wallop were barely holding their ground.

And then.


Above the candidates’ heads, a sound resembling a split was heard.


Certainly sensing something, yet unaffected by its influence.

“Look at that.”

At that moment, someone among the candidates spoke up.

That was the signal.


The candidates turned their heads.

Only then did they realize.

Finding the composure to sense something, to converse.



The head of a lizardman, in the hundreds, was cleanly severed in a single strike.

“For now, this is the end.”

And the one who achieved that was.

“Anyone still have questions?”

Sain Demorus.

That crazy bastard.


Shock and astonishment.

And so, the first training session came to a pause.




Monster hunting continued thereafter.

Sain, as if drying up the lizardmen nearby, kept shooting fireworks, while the candidates had to endure the relentless monster waves rushing towards them.

If they swept through like this, it seemed like there would be no work for the Dark Guild in this area for at least a few years.


Sys turned his body and drew his sword.

In the end, both Sys and Roberta decided to join Sain’s training.

“Monster hunting.”

Sys understood Sain’s intention.

“In reality, the exchange match is no different from the fight between Rasiel and Dante.”

Dante would have already aligned his intentions with theirs.

But Rasiel was different.

Under the absolute existence of Sain, all the candidates were in a position to kneel, but that was just under Sain’s influence, not a sign of unity among the candidates.

“Come this way!”


“Let’s form a circle and fight.”

Sys understood Sain’s intention and began to move.

“We need to stick together.”

“We are together.”

“That’s not what I mean.”

Sys, who instinctively felt why Sain referred to the other candidates as fools, knew now was not the time to blame that.

“We really need to become a team.”

It’s difficult for an individual to surpass a group.

That is.

“We need to maximize strengths and complement weaknesses.”

The story of when a group becomes like a single individual.

“Rima. You stand in the center and take care of the enemies attacking from afar.”

For Rima, who used a crossbow as her main weapon, long-range deterrence.

“Valac. You need to become the wall in the front. Can you do that?”


“This is what Sain wants.”

“Got it.”

When did that guy become Sain’s faithful dog, after all.

Even while thinking such thoughts.


Before she knew it, Sis realized she was smiling.

“Let’s move.”

This is it.

The picture Sis had envisioned.

Leading a group, the power to move a group.

Even if that power came from someone else.

“Sweep them away!”

Now the candidates were moving according to Sis’s words, striving to become one.

A very slight change.

The result of that change.


Truly, it could be described as dramatic.

The number of candidates getting injured drastically decreased.

On the contrary, from being able to handle only three opponents alone, Lizardman, in a formed posture, could now face up to five. At times, even up to eight.


It wasn’t just Sis.

All the candidates were experiencing the change and its results.

“Let’s keep going.”

It’s possible.

Such hope.

Individuals gather to form a group.

And that group moves like a single individual.

Only then, perhaps.

‘We might really win.’

They might become stronger.




“Suck up a potion. If it’s not a serious injury, you’ll die on your own.”

The concept of resting was almost non-existent.

“Hey, if I say die, I don’t mean you should ascend to the heavens.”

Rasiel’s full-on support.

From Noble mtl dot com

Literally, Rasiel provided everything needed, including potions.

If injured, they drink potions to continue the fight.

But if they really feel like they’re going to die.



Sesil moved.


The arm that seemed about to fall suddenly stuck back.

It was a power hidden in the current world.

“Divine gravity.”

It was divine gravity.

Everyone vaguely felt the uniqueness of the existence called Sesil.

And now that uniqueness was right in front of them, but no one wavered.

“Th-thank you.”

One wrong move could mean death.

Sesil was a child under the protection of that saint.

Whatever the reason, to expose Sesil’s secret was to expose the saint’s secret.

No one dared to attempt that.

It was clearly stated even in the contract of magic.

Rustle! Rustle!

And Sys, Roberta, had also agreed.

The growth of the candidates was visibly progressing.

Among them.

“Roberta, she’s the most outstanding one.”

Roberta’s growth rate could be considered the steepest.

She was the best among the candidates in combat.

“Roberta! Clear the way!”

If needed, she would break formation alone and face the enemy lines.

Strike, strike, and strike again.

Roberta’s sword strikes, drenched in blood, became sharper with each battle.

“Now I understand why they told us to hunt monsters.”

Roberta sincerely felt that.

It was a resolve different from what Sys had felt.


The reason why others didn’t make monster hunting a training method was simple.

The three dark families’ rivalry.

The organizations’ conflicts.

The struggle for supremacy.

All of that.


It was all about interactions with humans.

That’s why, even if monster hunting could be somewhat helpful, it was an established fact that it couldn’t replace independent training or methods.

But occasionally, there were stories from mercenaries and deployed soldiers.

– Monsters are no different.

Monsters were no different from humans.

– If you keep fighting them day and night, you start feeling this way.

– Am I fighting monsters?

– Or am I fighting humans?

It was a puzzling statement.

– There are also monstrous individuals among humans, right? Well, whatever, same difference, right? Haha.

But Roberta was realizing it now.

‘It’s similar to Porke’s spear technique.’

The spear technique of Lizardman was similar to that of Porke, who had gained fame in the past for his spear technique.

Moreover, their movements were also similar to those of Porke.

To Roberta, who believed that sincerity in martial arts and martial arts alone were the solution above all, this was a new realization.

“They seem to have noticed it too.”

Sein sensed Roberta’s change.

“It’s only natural.”

They might not know.

“That many of the skills and movements of humans are derived from monsters.”

The setting of Sanctuary.

Looking at the descriptions of past game skills, it was true.

Monsters with superior bodies and abilities compared to humans.

In order to confront them, martial arts imitating them were created, which was the origin of martial arts.


“When facing all sorts of monsters, it’s similar to facing all sorts of humans. That’s what I mean.”

The candidates were rapidly becoming stronger.

The candidates’ training was gradually taking shape.

As if their previous reluctance to hunt monsters was a lie.

“Oh, I want to catch something else.”

The candidates developed the mindset of excellent players.

Meanwhile, Sein was not just idling around.


Sein, sprinting across the ground at a rapid speed.

All Sein held were his fists.

He had no weapon in hand.


He pounded the ground and leaped forward.

And what he faced was the grotesque head of a monster.

It was a troll’s head.


Sein’s fist met the troll’s cheek, creating a booming sound like an explosion.

With strong regenerative power making it difficult to deal with unless using special attacks or magic, it was a troll.


The head flew off at the impact of Sein’s punch.


Sein, now seated on the ground, had a refreshing expression.

Monster hunting was truly the best training method for candidates.

For several reasons.

“Since leveling up NP-Cs was possible in Sanctuary.”

This fact had already been proven in various ways.

But in monster hunting, the one who gained the most benefits was always the player, no matter what others said.

“Now it’s starting to get interesting.”

Sein, talking about himself.

He had already tasted the thrill of victory twice.

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