The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 28

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 28

Advancing in a semicircle, they spoke towards Galio at the forefront.



The leader of the last remaining Iron Cross, that was his true identity.

Even if he stood alone, the situation was dire.


Other Iron Cross knights stood alongside.

“You’ve hidden well in this vile cesspool.”

Badoman raised a white aura, speaking.

“What brings you to this vile cesspool?”

“We have something to find.”

As Galio moved his hand.


Once again, a soaring sword strike.

It was only Bardomann who didn’t give enough time to fully unleash his divine power.

“Is there something you need to find?”

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

Bardomann, with a chuckle in his voice, said.

“That there is a Holy Sword and a Holy Maiden here.”

At that moment.

“Go-! Barus!”

A sacred magic circle appeared under Gallio’s feet and emitted light.

Unlike Barus, who had never faced an inquisitor before, Gallio was someone who had survived facing many heretic inquisitors over the years.


The Holy Sword, Bastion.

One of the seven Holy Swords existing in Sanctuary, a piece of equipment that could make one recognized as a Apostle of the Angel just by holding it.

The Holy Sword from the legendary tales that many covet.


“Ha, I knew I’d have to find this trash again.”

To players who strategize and share tactics, the Holy Sword Bastion was nothing special.

With the most ambiguous stats and position among the Holy Swords.

Just dismissed as an early-game morale item, Sein had briefly used and then discarded Bastion in the past.


-What’s with all the talk when I’m a saint?

On the chest of the man who used to be a high priest in Antara.


With his ears pointed, what Sein was looking at was the figure of a white human.

And embedded in his chest was Bastion.

“This is valuable.”

While Bastion itself may be precious, the being it was embedded in.


High Priest Veragius had become an extremely unique being.

Though killed for doubting Sein, who claimed to be a saint, his faith was acknowledged, and he was laid to rest in peace.

Was it a form of redemption?

“I’ve only seen a Sacred Lich twice in Sanctuary.”

That’s a Sacred Lich.

A unique monster not easily seen even in Sanctuary.

A being with divine power and at the same time, a formidable being with the aura of darkness.

The Sacred Lich is impervious to the weakness of the undead, divine power, and has a greater effect on beings with magical energy…

[Sein Archfeld, is that you?]


Sein’s eyes shot open at the sound of the voice.

“…This is beyond imagination.”

As befitting a unique monster, the divine lich possessed intelligence.

However, the premise was that it existed with a confused mind, having lost all memories from its past life.


“Veregius. Do you remember?”

[Indeed. Sein Archipald. The magnificent prince.]

Sein’s eyes narrowed.

Being insulted didn’t matter.

But having intellect and memories was the issue.

‘Already a formidable opponent.’

If it were to charge in roaring for revenge, it would become even more challenging.


Sein drew his sword with the thought of finishing it off.

“You were truly a being destined to bring destruction to the continent.”

From Noble mtl dot com

Concealing his nerves at the voice, he pushed the aura into the sword.

Though a formidable opponent in both divinity and magic.


If it was a dragon’s power focused solely on destruction, he could break through.

“Yet, you were also a saint.”

A shiver.

“No, now you have become a saint.”

The white figure descended from the air and landed on the ground.

Crackling, the ground split and vanished.

“You, who seek to save the world you destroyed.”

Silently, without sound or vibration, Veregius stood before Sein.

Though it seemed the sword would split him when swung.

“Reclaim what is yours and pave the way to Angel’s Road.”

Looking at Veregius, who had opened his heart wide, Sein released his hand from the sword.

“You too.”

He tightly gripped Bastion’s handle.

“Now, you truly act as a guardian.”

Different from the past when he was just an NPC programmed.


The peace of Antara that persisted even after the empire’s fall.

But at this moment, that peace was crumbling.

With Veregius, who maintained the peace in place of the vanished god, now scattered.


Amidst crumbling, thick smoke rises.


Sain revealed his figure.

Sain, covered in a thick layer of dust.

“Kellock. If you’re going, go clean. What’s this.”

At least say a word.

But a smile spread on Sain’s lips.

A meeting with Beragius, which was once a fateful encounter.

And held in another hand.


Holy sword Bastion.

However, Sain’s smile was soon to fade.

“As expected.”

He already knew.

“Is it moving.”

Having the sanctity of a saint, Sain was more sensitive to Angel’s aura than anyone else.

Therefore, it was no wonder that Sain, who had aged and lost his old appearance, recognized Galio.


That the Cross was entering this city.

If Ottomeo hadn’t helped, he would have tried to make contact with them.

But the reason the Cross contacted Ottomeo first was that they were picky beings.

“It was an enemy.”

He thought Tarrian might align with them.

But the movement of sanctity.


A sound shaking the ground.

And Sain’s collision with Galio sensed by his senses.

Tarrian and the Cross were clearly not aligned, they were enemies.

“It seems like the commander is fighting with Archbishop Galio.”

Thud, thud.

Sain spoke with a cracking sound in his throat.

“And that guy Barus… wasn’t fighting with Galio.”

He wasn’t fighting alongside Galio.

He was running madly towards somewhere.

The flow of sanctity was vividly painting the city’s landscape in Sain’s mind.

‘Where is he going?’

Is he abandoning Galio and fleeing?

Even if he wasn’t a proper priest, he didn’t seem like someone who would abandon Galio, like his father.

If that’s the case.

“There is something more important than Galio.”

Something that must be protected, forsaking the true Archbishop who is now scarce on the continent.


Bastion, held in Saint’s hands, began to resonate, amplifying Saint’s sanctity.

Although sanctity had grown slower compared to magic and mana.


With the power of Bastion, Saint’s sanctity was now infusing him with more vigor than any other energy.


“Found it.”

Finally, with Bastion’s help, Saint had discovered what Barus was heading towards.

“Hah. These lunatics.”

He chuckled dryly.

“I thought they only aimed to raise priests and increase sanctity.”

The slave overlords, Tarians.

Those who healed the suffering slaves, possessing higher quality slaves than any other overlords.

Healing their wounds, tirelessly using sanctity, believing the purpose was to revive the Church of Angels in this decaying world.

“There was something bigger.”


The reason Galio was Tarian’s gatekeeper.

Galio’s sanctity, which seemed lacking in some way.

The moment all those secrets were unraveled.

“If you were a slave trader, you’d encounter the most runaways.”

And so they.

“Have you found the maiden?”

They had found the last maiden left in this world.

The destination was set.

Galio, his inspiration, would not easily die.

So, what they were trying to conceal.


It would be better to search for the maiden.

Saint’s figure disappeared in an instant.




“Ugh! Gasp!”

Barus was panting heavily as he ran.


A massive explosion occurred behind him.


Barus bit his lip.

Tarian was burning and being destroyed by the Iron Cross Knights.

But there was no way.

“Pant! Pant!”

Because there was something more important than Tarian right now.

-Do you have a name?

Barus, who used to be a slave.

Gallio, who had taken him under his wing.

-From today, your name is Barus. It means the Blessed Son.

Because the only treasure he had dedicated his life to finding was there.


-If the Pope does not acknowledge you, I cannot accept you.

Even though he was an unrecognized priest.

-But I acknowledge you. You deserve to be a priest of Angel.

Gallio acknowledged him.

He spoke, and spoke again.

-The Altar of Angel will rise again.

The resurrection of the altar.

What is needed for that is a being that will symbolize it.

A being that will unite the many priests who have been divided due to the absence of God.


A saint.

At that moment, Barus stopped in his tracks.


An explosion from behind burst right in front of Barus.

It would have been a dangerous blow if he hadn’t quickly conjured a sacred shield.

“Where are you going, master of slaves?”

Amidst the hazy dust, a knight with a crimson aura revealed himself.

“It’s unbelievable. A slave like you possesses this much sacred power.”

Only one.

But Barus swallowed hard as he looked at him.


Because he had sacred power, he could recognize it.

The sacred power possessed by the knight was inferior to his own, but it was so sharp that it was incomparable.

“It was true that the heretic Gallio was consorting with demons.”

“Shut up!”

Barus shouted, reaching out his hand.

Even though the arrow of sanctity was aimed at the knight with the crimson aura.


The knight effortlessly moved his sword to deflect it.

That was the weakness of Tarian.

The absence of the Holy Knight, and the Archbishop Gallio, seemed ignorant when it came to battles using divine power.

All they possessed was healing and miracles.

“How insignificant. Is this all you can do with that much divine power?”

They had nothing special when it came to combat.

“By the way….”


“So, your appearance here means the answer is clear.”

A knight laughed while shaking his body.

In an instant.


A dreadful sound of a cut echoed from Barus’s chest.

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