The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 48: That Fires Me Up!

Chapter 48: That Fires Me Up!

Mister Noel~, are you there~?

As someone knocked on my door, a lisping voice called out to me. It was Mary, the poster girl of the Stardust inn, the inn I was currently staying in. It was before noon, the period of time in which the Stardrop inn was very busy preparing for lunch. Nevertheless, Mary's voice was as carefree as could be.

When I opened the door, Mary smiled softly.

Oh, so youre in. Thats good

What is it?

Theres a visitor for Mister Noel. Should I let him through?

Is it a reporter from a newspaper company called Modern Opinion by any chance?

That's right, thats the one, hes a newspaper reporter. He has an appointment to see you, right?

As Mary nodded, I looked at my watch. A few days ago, I had been sent a letter requesting an interview for a column in Modern Opinion. I readily consented, and agreed to start the interview today at 1 pm. It was only noon though.

Hes pretty early, isnt he

Well, its better than being late. I'm free now because I had already finished my early morning training a while ago. Ill finish up the interview quickly and go eat lunch.

Alright, can you show him to my room?

Okay~. But hes not a handsome guy, you know?

What does him being a handsome guy or not have anything to do with me right now

I mean, doesnt it look better to pair a handsome guy with another handsome guy? Wont Mister Noel feel happier if the person youre going to be all alone with in a closed room is a handsome guy?

Just so were clear, I dont swing that way

Huhhh!? Youre lying, right!?

You little

Good grief, this brat is getting worse by the day. If shes like this at age ten, whats going to happen when she grows up? Its scary just to think about it.

Mister Noel, theres no need to be afraid, you know? God said, handsome guys should be joined with handsome guys. Its the providence of nature

Miss Mary, you should let a doctor take a look at your head soon. Or would you prefer me to open a hole in your skull and fiddle about with your brain?

Mary is not wrong! Its this world thats wrong!

Youve said something really preposterous, you brat. But Im deeply impressed by your resolve to turn the entire world into your enemy. I like it. Feel free to use my clans Kouga and Leon

Huh, youre letting me use them as models for my pictures!?

Yeah. Use your overflowing inspiration to entangle them as you wish

Yay! Hooray!

Mary rejoiced while blood flowed endlessly from her nose. I felt bad for Kouga and Leon, but Ill have them become the outlet for Marys desires.

If Mary was satisfied and behaved herself, her father, Gaston, should feel a little less stressed as well. That tired back of Gaston, a single father, which I occasionally saw, was a sad and pitiful sight.

In other words, this was a good deed. Those two were good people at heart, so theyll probably be happy to oblige once I explained the circumstances. --correction: Theyll probably oblige with sour faces.

Alright, can you go get that reporter now? Here, a tip for you

Mary nodded with a smile as I held out the tip.

Okay! Ill get him right now!

Seeing off that small back as she ran off, I heaved a deep sigh.

Really, I wonder what kind of adult this kid is going to become

Nice to meet you, Im Thomas, from Modern Opinion

The person who had entered my room was a sophisticated bespectacled middle-aged man. He was certainly not a handsome guy, but he was mellow, well-groomed, and had a graceful bearing. At the very least, there was nothing I could see that would make me feel displeased.

We sat facing each other across the table.

Thank you so very much for consenting to the interview and for taking the time out of your busy schedule. In addition, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for bringing the interview time forward due to my own circumstances

That's quite alright, but was there some sort of problem?

Yes, to tell you the truth, it seems like the Seeker Guild is going to make a big announcement at the time we had agreed on, so I need to go there as well. I'm so sorry to have troubled you, Mister Noel. I had planned to apologize and change the date if it hadnt been convenient for you

I see, its definitely about the matter of the Variant. Harold had mentioned that they would announce it soon, but I guess theyre doing it today.

According to the newest information that I had obtained from Harold, it seems like the Variant wasnt crossing over in a year, but in six months. So if they wanted to announce it, now would probably be the time for it. The emergence of a catastrophe-class Variant would have a major impact on the economy. They couldnt afford to delay the announcement any more.

Alright then, let's start the interview right away. First is--

Thomas took out a pen and notepad.

No, let's stop today's interview

I shook my head.

Huh, what do you mean?

I mean, theres a big announcement after this, right? In that case, no one will pay any attention to the column with my interview

W, well Taking into account the mindset of our readers, it may be exactly as you say. However, the information medium called a newspaper doesn't consist of only one article. There should be many readers who want to read Mister Noel's interview as well

Is that so?

Of course! After all, youre the clan master of the hottest clan right now, Wild Tempest! To say nothing of Seekers, youve drawn a great deal of interest from the general public as well!


If youre angry about the fact that I wasnt punctual, Ill sincerely apologize once again. Im truly very sorry. Ill increase the interview fee as a form of apology, so will you please do the interview?

Thomas bowed his head with a practiced air. But I shook my head again.

It's not a problem of money. Let's stop for today

Mister Noel, please dont say that, and by all means--

I forestalled the persistent Thomas with my hand.

Don't get me wrong. Ill do the interview. However, what Im saying is that I wont do it today. Today is a bad day after all. Actually, Im afraid no one will be interested in anything else for the time being. Thats because the Seeker Guilds announcement is to declare a state of emergency over the fact that a Variant will cross over in six months

At my words, Thomas eyes shot open.

I, is that true?

Its true. Theres no doubt about it as its something I heard from the inspector in charge of my clan. I was forbidden to speak of it, but there should be no problem talking about it now as theyre going to announce it right after this. The policy of needing to pass a strict screening when creating a clan is also meant to narrow down the Seekers who were likely to be a valuable fighting strength in the decisive battle six months later

I, I see. Then, you must be right. However, a Variant crossing over in six months? Its going to be rough throughout the Empire

Thomas crossed his arms and became lost on thought. Interviewing me was probably the last thing on his mind right now.

But that was fine. I had no intention of taking the interview seriously from the start. The Seeker Guild's announcement was quite a convenient topic. With this, my plan was proceeding smoothly.

Having heard that, you should understand. Even if I did the interview for the column, no one will read an article like that

Certainly, it's as you've said...... The story being what it is, not just one page, it might take up the entire newspaper, so there's a possibility that there might not even be any space left for my column

Right? That's why I'm proposing that we change the date. --And, lets also change the format of the interview. Instead of interviewing me only, how about gathering the clan masters of several major clans, and conducting a joint interview?

A joint interview?

I nodded at Thomas, who had tilted his head, and continued talking.

The entire nation should be interested in how the major clans are planning to deal with the threat of the Variant. Each clan master will discuss it in an interview format, and your company will get to write an exclusive article about it. Ill guarantee its newsworthiness

That's great! It's a wonderful idea!

Thomas rose to his feet with a twinkle in his eyes.

By all means, please let my company do it! Well cooperate fully with you!

Then, can I leave the arrangement and preparation of the venue to you? Let's throw a luxurious party in order to raise its newsworthiness. I want to invite not only Seekers, but also the rich and famous

Understood. Please leave the venue to us. Is it okay if we leave the guest list to Mister Noel?

Yes, I'll take charge of that

However, will you be able to get the other clan masters to consent when you reach out to them? Certainly, Wild Tempest has been gaining fame since it debuted as a clan, but most of your peers wont take kindly to you for that reason alone. It might be a little bit difficult to gather people using Mister Noel's name

Thomas's concern was natural. I was just a novice clan master whose clan had only just debuted, and I had a pretty bad reputation on top of that. There would probably be very few people who would consent when a youngster like me reached out to them. No, there would probably be none at all. For that reason, Im going to make good use ofthat guy.

No problem. The joint interview will be held using another Seekers name

And who might that other Seeker be?

I smiled faintly at Thomas question.

Sieg Feinstein, the sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, the strongest clan in the imperial capital

After I parted ways with Thomas, I came to a steep rocky mountain that was an hour away by horse from the imperial capital. The rock face was steep, and there werent any decent trails up the mountain. I needed to scale a cliff, and even for me, a person who trained constantly, it wasnt easy to reach the summit.

The air at the summit was thin, and the wind, which was cold as ice, was blowing fiercely. It wasnt a place where people could stay for long. But according to Loki, Sieg came here often. I surveyed the surroundings, looking for him, and a bizarre sight caught my eye.

The mountain is moving

To be precise, part of the rock face was moving up and down. When I went closer to confirm the truth of the bizarre phenomenon, I was so startled that I was at a loss for words.

There, just one man had lifted up a rock the size of a small hill.

Estimating its weight from its size, that rock was probably about 4,000 tons. Moreover, with that rock still lifted up above his head, the man was doing squats.

It was no longer a feat that could be accomplished by humans. His strength had surpassed the realm of humanity and had reached the domain of gods.

So this is the power of an active EX Rank

Eventually, the man--Sieg Feinstein threw the rock he had lifted up far away. With a thunderous roar, the impact it made caused the ground to shake violently.

Sieg, with steam rising from his naked upper body, removed a towel from a bag near his feet, and wiped his sweat. His body, which boasted superhuman strength, was thin and supple instead of big and bulky. In all likelihood, the density of his muscles was probably tremendous. Even though he looked slender, he should be many times heavier than normal.

After Sieg had finished wiping his lightly curled flaxen hair with the towel, he turned back, and upon seeing me, he smiled gently even though he was a little bit surprised.

What an unusual visitor

I never expected you to be a hard worker. Ive certainly never even dreamed of doing this kind of aberrant training. Ive changed my mind a little bit about you

Thank you for your praise. But "hard worker" is not a phrase that make me happy

Sieg took out a bottle of water and wet his throat before continuing.

If its Noel, you should understand. That theres nothing glorious about the word effort. All thats needed, is results. Even children can put in effort. In the first place, how many people are there in this world who have never put in effort? In other words, effort is the proof of mediocrity. If anything, its shameful to be covered in sweat like this. If it could be fulfilled, I would wish that my efforts would disappear like bubbles, and leave only the results

Mediocrity, huh? You wouldnt think that those were the words of someone who had reached EX Rank. However, it didnt seem like he was boasting in a self-deprecating manner. They felt like words spoken from his heart.

This mentality of being able to work harder than anyone else, despite disparaging effort as something that was worthless, was probably the very thing that made this man push himself up into becoming one of the strongest Seekers in the imperial capital. In other words, he had the willingness to do whatever was necessary in order to become strong.

Well, what do you want? You went out of your way to come to a place like this to meet me. Seems like its not something we can talk about in the imperial capital. Even now, if you want to capitulate to Supreme Dragon Squad, youll be warmly welcomed, but it doesnt look like thats what you came for

I have a favor to ask of you. Will you listen to my request?

I seem to remember you saying horrible things about me, but...... Well, I'm an adult too, so Ill let bygones be bygones. If its just listening, then I dont mind listening to your request

I had gotten his consent, so I approached him. When I did, Sieg pointed to the brooch--the silver winged snake that was the emblem of Wild Tempest, that was pinned to my chest.

That clan emblem has become quite famous. Consequently, rather than calling you guys by your clan name, the other Seekers tend to call you guysSnakesinstead. When talking about snakes in the imperial capital, it means Wild Tempest, and also refers to you personally

And what of it?

Snakes are creatures that entice people, arent they? I just thought that I might get poisoned and swallowed whole if Im not careful

When Sieg shrugged his shoulders, I smiled wryly.

Don't worry. I have no intention of baring my fangs against you

--For now, at least.

My request is for you to lend me your name

I told him about the joint interview that Modern Opinion and I were planning to conduct. After my explanation was over, Sieg looked quite interested as he stroked his chin.

It sounds pretty interesting. And your goal is to find a patron in this party that you call a joint interview?

Yes, that's right. I need money, you see

When I nodded, Sieg smiled in a mean-spirited way.

Noel, that's a lie, isn't it? No, that might also be one of your goals. But your real goal is to use this joint interview, which will have a large influence on the public, to clear Hugo's false accusations, right?

Hmm, so you knew about it

Just like how I had an information broker called Loki, Sieg probably had an information network of his own as well. There was nothing surprising about the fact that he knew.

You're not going to deny it?

Even if its known, its no skin off my nose

Like Sieg said, my real purpose was to guide public opinion in order to clear the false accusations against Hugo.

It was difficult to influence the authoritarian Justice Department. That was why I had been using Loki to gather extremely useful information.

I had already assembled all the evidence that could prove Hugos innocence, but I needed one last move to get public opinion on my side. That would allow me to create a situation where the Justice Department, and by extension the country itself, had no choice but to admit that the accusations against Hugo were false.

This would not have been feasible when we were still Blue Beyond. With merely the status of promising rookies, there would probably be no one who would listen to what we had to say. But it was different now. And we were also able to prepare a place where we could protest Hugo's innocence in a more sensational manner.

Noel, your plan isnt bad. Youll probably get the results that youre hoping for. But something like that is inconvenient for me. Is there any reason why I should accept your request in spite of that?

Of course, Ill prepare a reward for you

I wonder what kind of amazing reward it is? By all means, tell me about it

I'll let you fight Lioud

When I told him that, Sieg's face became blank.

The imperial capital, the holy land for Seekers, had two people who were referred to as the strongest. One of them was Sieg Feinstein, the sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, who was standing right in front of me. And the other was Lioud Edin, the clan master of Hundred Demon Parade.

Supreme Dragon Squad was the higher ranked clan of the two, but Sieg and Lioud were both the same EX Rank. Moreover, unlike Victor, the other EX Rank and the clan master of Supreme Dragon Squad, both of them were also at their peak physically. For that reason, the current trend in the imperial capital was to treat both of them as equals as far as their strength was concerned.

However, I learned from our previous exchange that the prideful Sieg was dissatisfied with that treatment. He wanted to make it clear whether Lioud or him was stronger. However, they were both men in positions of responsibility. They would never be permitted to fight for selfish and personal reasons.

Yes, I knew too, that he had been forcing himself to accept that.

You want to fight Lioud, right? If it's me, I can fulfill that wish

Certainly, I want to fight Lioud. I want to get it over with and make it clear which of us is truly the strongest. But I'm in a position where I have responsibilities to uphold. I'm not allowed to have personal fights where theres a danger to my life

That's why, in a place acknowledged by everyone, I'll let you fight to your heart's content without having to worry about dying

How are you going to accomplish that?

I decided to not give him the answer immediately, but to explain things in order.

Wild Tempest will become one of the Regalia in six months

At my declaration, Sieg didnt say anything. I didnt know if the sub-master of the strongest clan thought that it was possible, but at the very least, he didnt laugh and say that it was impossible. Sieg simply urged me on with his silence.

Regalia is a title thats bestowed by the Emperor. In other words, Ill be granted an audience. At that time, Im going to propose a certain plan to the Emperor

A certain plan?

To hold a battle tournament that all Seekers will have the right to participate in

What did you say!?

Sieg opened his eyes wide with surprise. I continued my explanation.

As you probably know, a Variant is going to cross over in this Empire. Considering the uneasiness of the citizens, youll need to hold a grand event to allay their fears. The Emperor will definitely approve of my plan. And since it's held in the name of the Emperor, many prominent Seekers will also want to compete in the tournament to showcase their abilities. Especially the Regalia, who will be fighting the Variant directly

The Variant would most likely be challenged by an alliance formed of Regalia. In that case, the identity of the person who would become the commander-in-chief and take command of them would becomes a hot topic.

Going by achievements, it would be Victor, the clan master of Supreme Dragon Squad. But Victor was too old. It would be impossible for him to fight while taking command at the front.

In other words, given that Victor was excluded, everyone else in Regalia had a chance of becoming the commander-in-chief. And that would mean that the tournament that I was planning to hold would become the perfect stage for those who wanted to be the commander-in-chief to show off their abilities.

Of course, for me as well.

I see, I see...... I see! That idea is a loophole, isn't it? If the rules prohibit the killing of opponents, I can certainly fight Lioud. Moreover, if it's a tournament that's acknowledged by the Emperor, it won't be regarded as a problem even if I, the sub-master of Supreme Dragon Squad, takes part in it

Exactly. I'm still working on the rules, but I plan to make it so that even those of different Ranks can fight head on, and everyone has a chance of winning

That's an interesting idea. But is it alright for you to reveal so much? I can steal that idea and hold the tournament myself, you know? If I kill you here and now, no one would think that its an idea that someone else came up with. Whats more, this is quite conveniently a place thats rarely visited by anyone

I snorted with laughter at Sieg's transparent threat.

You shouldn't say things that you dont mean. Youre thinking that, rather than holding the tournament yourself, it's faster to use me, aren't you? Above all, can you say the wordsPlease participateto Lioud?

Youve got me there. Pride is really burdensome, isnt it?

Sieg made a sour face and turned his back on me.

Fine, I'll take part in your plan. I'll lend you my name, so in exchange, be sure to hold the battle tournament the day you become one of the Regalia

I will. I swear by name of my grandfather, Brandon Stollen

We had come to an agreement. Just when I was about to turn on my heel and leave, Sieg unexpectedly continued.

Noel, I want to ask you one thing. Between Lioud and me, who do you think is stronger?

Ive never met Lioud directly. However, from what I can tell from his battle records, Lioud is stronger. Lioud is undoubtedly the strongest Seeker in the imperial capital

In truth, Sieg was exceptionally strong as well. However, even if they were the same EX Rank, Lioud was far superior according to my predictions.

Well, Ill believe in your analysis. In other words, I'm going to be the challenger. ......That fires me up!

In an instant, Sieg let out a magnificent fighting spirit. I couldnt see his expression as he had his back to me, but I was pretty sure that Sieg had a deep smile on his face.

Sieg, I don't hate that about you

Those words that I had muttered softly were swept away by the fierce winds and disappeared without reaching Sieg.

Noel casually throwing Kouga and Leon to the wolves, er... I mean Mary. I really love how his childishness has slowly been creeping back recently. Its a good counterbalance and helps remind us that hes still a kid after all.

Tournament arc! Thats probably coming in the future but its a tournament arc, guys!

Sieg casually lifting hills for training, and also casually revealing what this arc is about Are you getting excited, Ilyr?

Those last two lines Is Sieg going to be one of the troubled geniuses who join Noel? But Leon is already the sub-master, and I dont see Sieg willing to be anything less, since hes so prideful Either way, its not something that well find out anytime soon.

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