The Soul System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 34: Purchasing Skills

Chapter 34: Purchasing Skills

Inside the system store, Henry managed to find out that there existed several types of skills. It didn't matter which profession, they existed. And, unlike the skills that had dropped from killing the monsters, all the skills present ranged from one star to 10 stars.

Henry couldn't help but sigh. If not for the fact that he didn't possess enough mutation crystals to purchase the skills, then, he would have definitely purchased the skills and equipped himself to the maximum level. This way, he could easily sweep through the apocalypse.

Retracting his gaze from the 10 star skills, he focused on the skills that ranged from one star to five stars. Although he had gotten a skill currently, he wanted to see if he could get another one.

After scrolling down, he finally found a skill that he was looking for. This was a skill that was going to enable Sarah to be able to use her mage profession.

[Purify: three star; by mobilizing the energy present inside the user's body, the user will be able to purify all the hostile forces. It deals 30% more damage to hostile forces that possess dark affinity. Price: 7,500 level 2 mcs.]

This skill was definitely higher than any skill that Henry had ever possessed before. But still, he didn't doubt the credibility of the skill at all. With the price of 7,500 level 2 mutation crystals, it was obvious that it had to be something incredible.

But still, Henry couldn't help but purse his lips. Had it not been for the fact that they had just encountered a monster tide, then, it would have been a difficult task to get the 7,500 level 2 mutation crystals.

Although it was true that he did not possess 7,500 level 2 mutation crystals, he was sure that it was not going to be anything difficult for him to get 75 level 3 mutation crystals.

During this monster wave, they had encountered monsters that ranged from being unranked, to those that had already reached the third level. Even though it was true that the number of level 3 monsters was low, it was just about 100.

With 100 level 3 mutation crystals, and monster bodies, it was akin to him having 200 level 3 mutation crystals. With that, he could be considered quite rich.

Although with this amount, he would have definitely wanted to get a skill that was already in level 4, there was a chasm that existed between level 3 and level 4.

According to the system, the skills beyond three stars were currently out of his reach. Even if he acquired them, there was no way that he was going to use them. And, the currency that he was currently possessing could not be used in purchasing four stars skills.

[The main reason that you are capable of purchasing three stars skills at the moment is simply because there is an offer that lasts for 24 hours ever since the apocalypse descended. Had it not been for the offer, you would definitely not have been able to afford the price of three stars skills.]

Even though Henry was surprised, he could only give up on that matter for the moment. He didn't have that much time before the second wave arrived. All the same, he didn't want to think about skills that had already gone past four stars, if he could not get them.

He turned around and noticed that the youths had already finished distributing amongst themselves the items that had dropped. And currently, they had already begun collecting the monster bodies.

Since it was a difficult task for him to identify which monster was level 3 and which one was not, Henry collected all the monsters together first.

'System, what happens when I sell to the system the monster bodies that contain mutation crystals inside?' Henry asked as he looked at the large number of monster bodies.

According to his calculations, even if the group decided to start removing mutation crystals from the bodies of the monsters, there was no way that they were going to complete this before the second wave arrived.

[You will be able to get two mutation crystals of the same level as the monster that you have sold.]

Henry wanted to say something, but he couldn't. After all, he couldn't help but remember the time that he had been wasting trying to extract the mutation crystals out of the heads of the monsters, before he finally sold them to the system.

Had he known that he would still get the same thing even if he sold the bodies of the monsters that contained the mutation crystals, he wouldn't have wasted his time.

Shaking his head, he decided to discard those thoughts for the moment, and focus on retrieving the bodies as fast as he could.

With the increase in strength, all the youths didn't have any problems carrying the bodies of the monsters. Although it was true that they were quite heavy, to the youths, it was also simple for them to carry around.

For that reason, in just a matter of 20 minutes or so, the group had already managed to collect all the monsters that have been killed in the surroundings.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Henry decided to give them the items that had dropped and he had no use for them. He also collected those that Adam and Sarah didn't want to use.

After that, he went ahead to the heap of monsters and placed his hand on one of them. Immediately after that, the group of monsters magically disappeared, stunning the group of seven.

Although they were curious about where the bodies had gone to, none of them dared to ask Henry about it. To say the truth, the group was scared of Henry. After they had witnessed his prowess during the fight, they didn't want to cross his path at all.

And at the same time, they were quite excited by the fact that they were following such a strong person. All the resentment that they previously possessed about him killing their previous leader had already disappeared.

To them, what mattered most was the fact that they followed a person who was going to lead them to greatness. And since Henry was a strong person, they didn't want him to chase them away.

[Current mutation crystals balance is 4,600 unranked mcs, 2000 level 1 mcs, 1000 level 2 mcs, 200 level 3 mcs.]

Henry wasn't surprised about the division of the currency that he possessed. It could only be changed to a lower currency as long as he wanted it to happen.

Since he needed 7,500 level 2 mutation crystals, he didn't hesitate to convert 74 level 3 mutation crystals into level 2 mutation crystals. And immediately after that, his balance changed to 7,500 level 2 mutation crystals and 126 level 3 mutation crystals.

After that, he immediately purchased the skill purify. The moment that he completed the purchase, a white scroll appeared inside the inventory.

Henry didn't waste time and decided to give it to Sarah immediately. Since it was already getting closer to the time that second wave was arriving, then, it would be better if Sarah became somehow familiar with the skill.

With a flash of light, a white scroll appeared in his hand. "Sarah, come over and take this." He ignored the flabbergasted gazes that he was receiving from the youths, and called Sarah, before handing over the scroll to her.

The moment that she received the scroll, Sarah immediately knew what it was as a prompt appeared in front of her. She couldn't believe that Henry was actually giving her a skill that was already at three stars.

She herself knew how difficult it was for a two star skill to appear. In fact, amongst all the things that they had gotten, there was not even a single two star skill or item.

But now, Henry had actually handed her a three star skill. Additionally, it was something that actually matched her profession.

"Thank you, Henry." Giving a slight bow, she thanked Henry sincerely.

On the other hand, Henry simply waved at her, "Try to learn the skill as fast as possible. The second wave is about to arrive."

Sarah nodded her head before moving to the side to learn the skill. The other youths on the other hand couldn't help but be envious of her. At that moment, they couldn't do anything but feel that the things that they had received were quite low level as compared to the one that Sarah had received.

Although it was clear that they did not know how many stars that skill scroll was, still, that was something that Henry had given out. And from the reaction that Sarah expressed, it was obvious that it was not something casual.

After he was done with that, Henry decided to look for another skill for Adam. For those that were using weapons, they had not been given even a single skill.

Just like himself, had it not been for the fact that he had received a reward for being the first person to enter level 2, other than the fireball skill, he wouldn't have possessed any other skill.

Till now, he had not utilized the skill that he had received. He was only going to utilize that skill when it was necessary as it was going to consume a large of his energy.

[Shock Blast: Three stars; Using a weapon, the user can mobilize the energy in their body into their weapon, and cause a large shockwave during their attacks. The shock wave can be used to attack the hostile forces that are beyond the range of the weapon, and within 100 m from the user. Price: 5,000 level 2 mcs.]

At this moment, Henry finally realized that there was a big difference between the mage profession and the berserker profession. To be specific, he had realized that the skills that belonged to the dark and light mage professions were priced higher.

This time, Henry decided to convert all 126 level 3 mutation crystals into level 2 mutation crystals. With that, he was able to get 12,600 level 2 mutation crystals.

After he did the purchase, the skill appeared inside the inventory. He then handed over the skill to Adam after taking it out of the inventory.

Finally, Henry looked for a skill for himself. Since he had already gotten the fire arrow skill, he decided to look for a way to upgrade it.

[Upgrading one star fire arrows skill to a three star skill costs 6,350 level 2 mutation crystals.]

Henry's mind went blank for a moment. He couldn't believe that the system was actually going to cost him such a high amount of mutation crystals. Wasn't it just upgrading it? Why was it like, he was going to purchase a new one?

[The second wave of the monster tide will arrive in 30 seconds.]

Before even Henry could get a response from the system, another prompt appeared in front of him. The second wave was only a few seconds ahead.

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