The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 392 - Turned

Chapter 392 - Turned

Elize was in a frenzy. Her senses were over-stimulated, and she didn't know how to deal with any of it because her hunger for blood was killing her.

When Caleb looked into her eyes, he was shocked to see that her deep blue sapphire eyes were now a pale red on the outside and flickered a blue. He knew that she needed blood. There was animal blood lying on the bedside table but he didn't tell her about it because the idea of her latching on to him was exhilarating. "Take as much as you want from me, Elize," he said offering his forearm.

Burning with desire to drink blood, the recently turned vampire looked at his neck where the blood flowed the most and buried her fangs there, jerking the arm away. Caleb threw his head back in pleasure. Every draw from her only intensified his thrill, his gratification. His wolf purred.

He pressed her buttocks once again and rubbed his shaft. While she clung to his neck, he took his fingers down and inserted them in her core. It was so hot. The vampire bucked. He moved them in and out. All that he wanted at this point of time was to plant himself deep inside her and lose himself. But he knew that he had to take her in a special way for the first time. And he was too big to plunge inside her on an impulse. He didn't want to injure her. So he rubbed himself against her until he was about to come and then with a brutal roar he came upon her - arc upon arc until he was heaving dry.

Elize withdrew her fangs from him and followed him around his fingers that were seated in her.

Caleb was still in the throes of pleasure and panting when he rested his forehead against hers. "Elize…" he murmured as he closed his eyes. When there was no movement, he withdrew his fingers from her and moved his head back to see her face. The girl had gone back to sleep. Shock was an understatement. He frowned for a moment and then realized that the transformation was still ongoing. He smiled, kissed her forehead and tucked her back in the blanket. For the first time in almost two months, he was feeling rapturous, even euphoric. He thought that his heart would explode with joy. So this was how Daryn felt every time he was with his wife? Damn, he missed so much already. But now he wouldn't. After the coronation he would simply rush to Ulfric to give her the official status of his wife.

He chuckled and fondly pulled his mate back to his chest and drifted off into a dreamless sleep for the first time in his life. An hour later, she had latched on the forearm he had offered and he groaned softly, while stroking her hair lazily and lovingly.


Daryn woke up when he heard a roar in the castle premises. That roar was followed by yet another one, again from inside the castle premises. He gritted his teeth and covered his wife's ears with his hands. The two other Alphas in the castle were going to bring it down with their roars of sexual pleasures. "Can't they keep it down?" he grunted.

He felt her smiling against his neck. "You are worse Daryn," she said. "I am sure the birds and animals around the cottage on the mountain flew away in fear when you roared."

Daryn raised his eyebrow. "Sleep wife, unless you want me to do that again, because if I join them, this castle would crumble."

She chuckled and kissed him. "How long do we have until the coronation?"

"Another two hours. It will take place early in the morning." He wrapped his hands around her. Suddenly he opened his eyes wide. "Shoot!"

"What is it?" she asked lazily.

"The priest of the ceremony! I have to appoint the next high priest!" Throwing the blanket off him, Daryn jumped out of the bed.

Dawn took a deep breath and frowned. "Why should you do that? It is Caleb's job."

Hobbling onto his feet while wearing his pants, he explained, "Not until he becomes the king. "Once he is the king, he can do whatever he likes. I will take you back to Ixoviya and live happily ever-after."

Dawn got up and leaned back on her elbows. "Yesterday Emma had cautioned me that there would be several spies of Sedora in the castle. How will you discern who is the best candidate for being the high priest?"

"I have a plan. Let's see if that works," he breathed. He walked to the door and said, "See you in an hour baby. Get dressed and don't come out of this chamber because I want you to rest." He closed the door behind him.

Dawn smiled. Her Lykae was overprotective and had this instinctive need to make her and his babies as comfortable as possible. She rested back on the soft pillows and surprisingly went off to sleep immediately.


Kingdom of Zor'gans

Kar'den was sitting on his throne while reading a letter from Sedora. He had stopped meeting her because he hated her wayward ways. But the fact was that he needed her for his selfish desires, and so he fanned her darkness. He had sent many Lore creatures to her to convert them into her voodoo dolls. When he fell short of the winged demons, he would ask them to hunt dead warriors or Lore creatures in other realms and get them to her. He wasn't keeping a count, but he thought there must be at least a few hundred of them in her cold body vaults deep down the floors of the castle.

In her letter, she had berated him for not being able to kill Dawn even after she had made such a fantastic plan to separate her from Daryn and then kill her. Other than that, the bitch had asked him to send more dead bodies.

Kar'den rubbed his hand over his mouth. He had sent a dozen of his warriors to take the neotide out and had broken a thousand rules of the treaty between humans and the Lore. He knew the repercussions of breaking the treaty. He was afraid that the humans would bar the entry of his species in their realm.

Also, not only the girl had been able to take them down with the help of purebloods, she outran them and was now hiding in Ixoviya. His mission had failed miserably. The dead demons were now a part of Sedora's voodoo dolls.

Kar'den crushed the letter and threw it aside. One of his harem ladies, who was sitting on his thigh said, "My king, why don't you release Gayle?"

He caught her neck with his hand and growled, "Don't interfere in my kingdom."

The woman choked and started coughing. She held his hand to push it away. When he eased his grip, she rasped, "My king, what I mean is that you threaten her that you will release Gayle if she oversteps her boundary."

Kar'den slapped her and the woman fell on the floor. She was shivering with fear.

He blasted her, "Get back to your chamber!"

The woman scurried away.

Later a messenger came and informed him that Ixoviya would soon get its new king, Caleb Silver.

He punched the carved stone of his armrest, fracturing it on impact. A shriek filled with pain and misery from down below the floors rattled the castle. Sedora knew that someone else was taking her throne.

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