The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 31: I Will Teach You What Fear Is (5)

✦ Chapter 31 – I Will Teach You What Fear Is (5) ✦


A carriage halted with a jolt, and a woman stepped out.

Her beauty, though ordinary at first glance, was elevated by an air of dignity. In the empire, there were few who wouldn’t recognize her.

She was Hedera, the Second Imperial Princess and possessor of Dragon Blood.

She stepped towards the entrance of the Capital’s Holy Temple.


This was, in fact, an unexpected move even to herself. Among the imperial princesses, there existed an unspoken rule of non-interference in each other’s domains. The Holy Temple that revered the Sun God was Princess Solana’s territory.

The holy knights guarding the entrance widened their eyes in surprise.

“Second Princess? To what do we owe the honor of your visit?”


Her command rang out.

The stalwart knights froze instantly, though fortunately, their immobility wouldn’t last long. Hedera had no intention of lingering here.

“Wait momentarily. I’ll release you soon.”

With those words, Hedera entered the temple.

Click-clack, click-clack.

Under normal circumstances, she would have offered a logical explanation. However, Hedera currently lacked the composure for such niceties. A colossal question consumed her thoughts.

Click-clack, click-clack.

As the sound of her high heels echoed rhythmically through the Holy Temple corridors, she recalled her memories.

— Find out for yourself.

— Temple Archives, Section F, Row 8, Number 323.

— That’s all I know.

The Temple Archives.

Hedera was well aware of the nature of this place.

On the surface, it was exactly what its name suggested—an archive. At first glance, it merely contained detailed records of when, where, and to whom the priests had bestowed their holy power.

However, when the subject of healing was a person of significance, these treatment records became invaluable information. Through repeated healing attempts, one could deduce intricate details about an individual’s constitution and abilities.

It was a highly classified area, and Solana had granted her access.

Solana had even specified Section F, the most securely guarded area. In the archives, the deeper the section, the more crucial the information it held.

….and there, the information about Ezekiel would be found.

“What on earth…”

What could be recorded there?

Click-clack, click-clack.

Hedera continued her purposeful stride.

And at last, before she knew it, she stood before the archives.  ​

** ** **


Agnes and Belka gazed around in bewilderment. The scene before them was utterly different from what they had anticipated.

“Is… is there a festival going on?”

“This is definitely Ruiple, but it’s nothing like the rumors.”

They had imagined Ruiple as a hellscape overrun by fiends and monsters. Yet, upon setting foot in the town, they found it alive with festive mood.

As they struggled to reconcile this disparity, a voice rang out.

“Oh my, such distinguished guests! Welcome!”

A slender woman appeared, greeting Ezekiel and Valken’s group with enthusiasm.

The dust from her apparent rush was only now settling behind her. Her footwork was truly remarkable, especially considering the massive greatsword she wielded.

A beat later, those presumed to be her companions emerged in the background.

“You must be the esteemed guests sent by the Imperial Family, correct?”

The woman with the greatsword bowed respectfully.

“My name is Tirbi. I’m an aspiring knight, currently clearing out monsters in the Ruiple region. Allow me to properly greet our imperial guests!”

“We pay our respects!” her companions chorused, bowing in unison; their movements were so precise and deferential that Belka, unaccustomed to such treatment, fidgeted uncomfortably.

She whispered to Agnes, “Why are they being so formal?”

“Even if one aspires to be a knight, it’s difficult without status or position. With the Imperial Knights visiting, they likely hope to make a good impression.”

“Can one join the Imperial Knights that way?”

“Occasionally, if one’s swordsmanship is exceptional or their reputation stellar. But it’s quite rare.”

Agnes’s explanation seemed plausible. Indeed, Tirbi’s gaze remained fixed on Valken’s group.

Tirbi smiled warmly. “Oh, where are my manners? It’s rude to keep you standing here. Shall we move inside the manor? The festivities are in full swing!”


Valken, the leader of the knights, flatly refused.

Though an imperial knight, he was also the personal guard of the Second Princess, Hedera. Losing this wager would not only tarnish his reputation but also the princess’s honor. There was no time for frivolities. They needed to scour every inch of Ruiple, find as many monsters as possible, and improve their performance.

“We can’t trust the supposed safety claimed by a mere aspiring knight. Let’s move. We must investigate ourselves.”

With those words, Valken turned away, leading two knights. He didn’t even spare Tirbi a glance.

As he brushed past Ezekiel’s shoulder, he added, “Inspector, you might as well enjoy the festivities. After all, it’s a wager you’ll lose even if you give it your all.”


As Valken took off, the air around him split; the spectating townspeople gaped in awe at his remarkable skill.

So this was the caliber of an Imperial Knight.

Tirbi’s gaze finally turned to the Imperial Magic Tower group.

“Well then, what would you mages like to do?”

And a moment of silence followed.

“Did you say there’s a festival in full swing?” The silence was broken by the lone man with snow-white hair, “I’d like to take a look around first.”






“You want to look around first? Of course, you’re welcome to!”

Tirbi personally guided the distinguished guests from the Imperial Magic Tower. The atmosphere all around was festive, with no sense of danger.

Agnes, fidgeting with her cube, asked, “I heard that monsters appear without warning.”

“When I first settled in Ruiple, that was certainly the case! It was certainly that kind of place! We had to face monsters and fiends without a moment’s rest,” Tirbi flashed a charming smile that was hard to dislike.

Meanwhile, Agnes carefully observed Tirbi’s energy. Beyond her upright character, it was her well-refined energy that was particularly striking. She was undoubtedly a formidable warrior who never neglected her training.

“So that was Ruiple then… What about now?”

Tirbi confidently flung open the manor doors.


“Drink up! Drink!”

“Leave all your worries behind!”

The atmosphere was boisterous, with residents enjoying the festivities without a trace of fear. Tirbi looked at Ezekiel’s group with a proud smile, “See! My efforts have finally borne fruit.”


Belka blinked in amazement.

“It’s… it’s true. Everyone seems completely carefree. If they had even the slightest anxiety, they couldn’t enjoy the festival so wholeheartedly…”

“I’m honored that you’ve noticed. Indeed! The expressions of the residents never lie!”

Just then…

“It’s Lady Tirbi!”

“Ah! Tirbi, the hero of Ruiple!”

The villagers who recognized Tirbi began to chant her name and she responded with a bashful smile.

Agnes quietly blinked. “…It seems you have a firm grasp on the people’s hearts.”

“It wasn’t my intention, but somehow it turned out this way. It’s a bit embarrassing, actually. Haha…!” Tirbi continued in a robust voice, “You esteemed guests were sent by the Imperial Family, right? While it’s an immense honor that you’re showing interest in this region, please rest assured! I’m here to protect it!”


“Oh, that’s right! Since you’re here, why not enjoy the festival a bit?”

Smiling radiantly, Tirbi thought to herself—

‘Those knights who left earlier will come back empty-handed.’

They would find nothing but traces of vanquished monsters.

The reason was simple. Tirbi, the creator of monsters in the Ruiple region, had designed it that way.

While the time it took might vary, all visitors to this place would eventually come to acknowledge Tirbi. This was a stage where an intricate play unfolded for that very purpose.

‘It would be perfect to establish connections with these people.’

The Imperial Knights, the Imperial Magic Tower.

For Tirbi, infiltrating either group would be a massive gain. After all, high-quality individuals could yield high-quality fear.

‘I will certainly succeed. They’ve already fallen for it.’

Tirbi was confident.


As the first evidence of her success, the man from the Magic Tower had been staring intently at Tirbi. She was well aware of her own charm, which she often used to her advantage.  ​

Typically, when men looked at Tirbi, they usually harbored lust, while women would flatter her in hopes of becoming friends. This man, despite his outward appearance, seemed to be just another ordinary male after all.


Tirbi feigned embarrassment and laughed, “Ah, well… it’s just that the esteemed gentleman has been staring at me so intently… I’m not used to dealing with such distinguished guests, so I’m not sure how to conduct myself.”

“Oh, it’s nothing special,” the man said nonchalantly, “I’ve just taken an interest in you.”

“Oh my… I don’t know how to respond to that.”

Tirbi was certain. Indeed, this man had fallen for her charms.

Though he was more direct than she anticipated, it didn’t matter in the end. Everything was going according to her plan.

She then turned her attention to Agnes, “If you’re concerned about results or achievements, there’s no need to worry. I’m just an aspiring knight! I don’t need such things. I’ll gladly transfer all my accomplishments to you.”

“We appreciate your offer, but we have no intention of claiming others’ achievements. Since we don’t know when monsters might appear, we must fulfill our own duties…”

“My companions are stationed throughout Ruiple! It’s perfectly fine for you to enjoy yourselves for a while.”

Tirbi carefully studied Agnes’s face — elegant features, extraordinary magic ability, and an upright mindset… This inspector was even more steadfast and incorruptible than Tirbi had anticipated.

But in the end, it made no difference.

‘Why are you playing hard to get, you fool…’

While she might be resistant to bribes, Tirbi had never met a distinguished guest who refused accolades and achievements. This time would be no exception.

Tirbi grasped Agnes’s hand.

“Inspector! It’s been this humble aspiring knight’s lifelong dream to host distinguished guests. Please allow me this honor!”

A slight hint of discomfort crossed Agnes’s otherwise expressionless face.

Good, she’s almost convinced…

But at that moment—

“…What do you think we should do?”

Surprisingly, Agnes’s gaze turned to someone else.

Tirbi’s eyes naturally followed. Agnes was looking at the man who had made the bold statement earlier.

‘Why is she asking her companion’s opinion? Perhaps the Inspector has feelings for this man? What an absurd bunch.’

However, Agnes’s next words were truly shocking.

“I believe you should make the decision, Inspector.”


Tirbi’s expression turned bewildered in an instant.

The man still stood casually with his arms folded, “There’s no sunweed, just plenty of alcohol. Is this really a festival?”


…This man is the Inspector?

Tirbi couldn’t believe her ears.

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