The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

Chapter 200: Günthers Fiancée 3

Chapter 200: Gu?nther's Fiancée 3

Translated by AmaLynne

Sam, after making his comment, focused on calming down Gu?nther and Claire.

Although Gu?nther himself didn’t mind, Sam didn’t want to keep pregnant Lise standing for too long. He proposed finding a quieter place to continue their conversation.

As they were about to head to the dining room, Jonathan, Grace, Erika, and the other fiancées of Sam and Lise heard that “the fiancée of that Gu?nther” had arrived at the mansion, so they gathered in the dining room.

The dining room became lively as Claire greeted the Walker family.

“Allow me to introduce myself once again. I am Claire Doik.”

Claire politely greeted them, picking up the edge of her skirt. She looked nothing like the girl who had moments ago been in ecstasy after sniffing Gu?nther’s underwear.

Sam and Lise, who knew about Claire’s extreme behavior, couldn’t help but smile, while Gu?nther wore a tense expression, seeming somewhat frightened.

“Oh, you’re from the Baron Doik family, aren’t you? I’m quite close with your father.”

“I’ve also heard stories about Count Walker from my father. He mentioned how you once saved his life on the battlefield, and he’s not only grateful but also deeply impressed by your strength.”

“Well, well, that brings back memories. But don’t be so formal. You are a friend’s daughter and Gu?nther’s fiancée. You’re like family to us.”

“I appreciate your warm words.”

Jonathan seemed to be acquainted with Claire’s father, and he must have taken a liking to Claire, as he narrowed his eyes and gazed at her as if looking at his own daughter.

However, there was someone who didn’t appreciate Jonathan’s reaction, namely Gu?nther.

“Wait a minute, sir! I have no intention of marrying this perverted girl!”

“Never did I imagine the day would come when the word ‘pervert’ would come out of Gu?nther’s mouth… I want to tell him to look in a mirror and say that out loud.”


Sam agreed with Jonathan’s sentiment.

“You’re already saying it! What I mean is, I don’t intend to marry a girl who revels in sniffing people’s underwear!”

“Isn’t she a good match for you?”


Gu?nther was not satisfied with the response, but everyone else, excluding him, nodded in agreement that Claire and he made a good couple.

“I don’t want to marry a perverted girl like her!”

“…Hey, Sam. Is Gu?nther seriously saying that? Or is he waiting for a comeback?”

“Most likely the latter.”

“I agree.”

Both Sam and Jonathan believed that Gu?nther was waiting for a comeback.

After all, it was highly unlikely that he engaged in all those perverted acts daily without realizing his perversion.

“Father, Sam, whether Gu?nther is a pervert or not is beside the point now. What we are more concerned about is something else. Right?”

Lise said this, prompting the women to turn their attention to her. Sam followed their gaze.

Grace and the other women, including Lise, were looking at Claire with sparkling eyes, filled with anticipation.

Their gaze was directed at the young Claire.

“We heard that Claire-sama is positive about marrying Gu?nther, but could it be?”

Lise, on behalf of the women, asked Claire, who blushed shyly and nodded. It was strange. At this moment, she looked just like any other girl her age.

“Please feel free to call me Claire. Yes, to my embarrassment, I’ve admired Gu?nther-sama for quite some time.”

At Claire’s honest words, the women let out excited squeals.

Women always loved love stories.

“Claire was supposed to be twelve years old. When did you meet Gu?nther?”

Hanae raised her hand to ask a question.

“Well, actually, it was two years ago.”

“Wow, so you were around ten years old?”

Eagerly curious like Claire herself, Mizuki also hid her cheeks.

“Yes, it was. As soon as I met him, I admired him.”

“How lovely!”

Alicia was also excited.

(I can’t believe she fell for Gu?nther when she was just ten. Also, I can’t help but notice that Gu?nther is vigorously shaking his head. Maybe he doesn’t remember his encounter with Claire.)

Perhaps Gu?nther had no recollection of his encounter with Claire.

He was vigorously shaking his head, but the woman, who had already started talking about love, didn’t pay him any attention.

Jonathan seemed to notice Gu?nther’s condition, but he decided to leave him alone and gracefully sipped his tea.

Sam also discreetly looked away.

Meanwhile, the women’s conversation continued to heat up.

“I met Gu?nther-sama during my duties as a court mage when I visited the Baron Doik territory.”

“What kind of encounter was it?”

“At that time, the Baron Doik territory was troubled by a massive monster outbreak. Of course, we had hired adventurers and sent knights, but the situation was not improving. Gu?nther-sama came to our rescue.”

“…Surprising. Gu?nther was actually working seriously.”

“Hanae, you’re so rude! I’m always serious!”

Gu?nther protested the voices he could hear, but he was ignored.

“At that time, I was a tomboy, to my shame. I wanted to be of help to my father and the people of our territory, and I thought I could do anything because I had an unusual skill. I even had arrogant thoughts that I could defeat monsters and such.”

No one blamed Claire, who had a gloomy expression.

Everyone goes through that phase.

Even Sam, when he first learned magic, had been arrogant and made serious mistakes.

Thanks to Ur, he had escaped unscathed, but the memory of her punching him to make him reflect on his actions was a bitter one.

“Unfortunately, I became headstrong and went to challenge the monsters alone. But when I actually faced the monsters, I couldn’t move out of fear, and I regretted my actions, thinking I was going to die. At that time, Gu?nther-sama appeared heroically and saved me!”

“…What should I do? I don’t remember at all. Two years ago… that was around the time when I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms because Ur wasn’t here. I do remember venturing to hunt monsters to release pent-up emotions, but do I have any recollection of meeting this weird girl? No, I’m sure if someone was in danger, I helped countless times.”

It felt like he had said something important in the middle, but Gu?nther couldn’t remember.?

“Hehe, to be dramatically saved in the nick of time. Gu?nther can do it too.”

“It’s like a fairy tale!”

“Though dangerous, it’s a scene any girl would admire.”

“Hahaha, Claire-chan, I’m glad you weren’t injured.”?

It seemed the women were satisfied with Claire’s story.

Claire, her emotions now heightened, continued, gripping her hands as if she were remembering that time.

“At that moment, I made up my mind—to bear this person’s child!”

Applause resounded, and Claire blushed, bowing shyly.

However, Gu?nther was thoroughly creeped out, and Jonathan had a strained expression. Sam also commented,

“…What a terrifying ten-year-old. She must have shown glimpses of this side even back then.”

While the story had been going well until that point, the last determination had made Sam cringe a bit.

For men like that,

“I understand.”

(In various ways, Claire and Gu?nther suit each other.)

There were several points to nitpick, but it was good that Claire was wholeheartedly thinking of Gu?nther.

Sam wished for Gu?nther’s sake that Claire and he would come together nicely and that he would stop approaching Sam.

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