The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 – The Last Rat (2)

Unfortunately, I was deprived of the opportunity to catch the rat myself.


Blue sparks flew.

A lightning-fast sword blocked my way.

Its owner was even more unexpected.

“……Tucker, what is this rudeness?”

Viscount Rodri muttered with a frown.

“But that brat……!”

“You are in front of the Count.”


Only then did Baron Tucker shut his mouth.

Watching this scene, I was beyond dumbfounded to the point of being speechless.

They’re just having a concert all by themselves, aren’t they?

“You bastards……!”

I quickly conveyed my intentions to Count Arsene, who was about to burst with anger.

-For now, let’s wait and see.

-What? But!

-The atmosphere among our allies is not great with the war ahead. So, please give me the chance to turn this situation around.


I took his silence as affirmation.

I was about to step forward when he spoke.

“I’d like to hear your reasons.”

“……Excuse me?”

“You said there are five reasons why I’m a traitor, didn’t you?”

Viscount Rodri took the lead.

Well, we’re back to square one, but this isn’t bad either.

“Since I’m also human, being accused isn’t particularly the best feeling. Since it’s wartime, I’ll bear with it for now, but if you tarnish my honor with absurd claims……”


There was no need to listen to his bullshit any longer.

I immediately held up one finger.

“This is an extension of the story about the north gate earlier. I don’t believe this series of events happened solely because of a defection by a mere guard captain of the north gate.”

“Your words make sense. And as such, the Count said he would conduct a thorough investigation.”

“Can I take that to mean you’re taking responsibility?”

“I’m innocent, but if false evidence of my defection comes out during the process, I will actively prove my innocence. Of course, I will also bear the consequences.”

“By then, it will be too late. This isn’t something that can be delayed. As you said, it’s ‘wartime’, isn’t it?”

“How laughable. So, you intend to slander an ally without any evidence?”

“Isn’t that exactly what you are doing right now?”


For the first time, his usually calm face showed a frown.

“Am I wrong? You came here like a bunch of stray dogs and said it yourself: ‘I apologize to the count’, ‘but since it’s wartime, I want to make sure’, ‘please consider our concerns’.”


“Though there’s nothing to be done if you say that it’s romantic loyalty when you do it, but outrageous when others do it. What can we do, when rank is a thug and status is a sin?


“But if that’s not the case, you should at least take some responsibility. The north gate is under Viscount Rodri’s jurisdiction during wartime, and likewise, you oversee its security in peacetime. Since your subordinate made a mistake, shouldn’t his direct superior immediately take responsibility?”

In the silent tension, Viscount Rodri, who had regained his composure, opened his mouth.

“……I will bear the responsibility in this war. I stake my life on it; I will utterly destroy the enemy……”

“Second. Actually, this is the most important reason.”

Before speaking, I sent a signal with my eyes.

Count Arsene, quick on the uptake, gave an immediate order.

“Knights, listen! Guard all the entrances! Ensure not even a single ant gets close to this area!”


At his command, Count Arsene’s personal guards swiftly moved.

They covered all the entrances and double-checked for anyone who might have been listening outside.

They even drew the curtains on the windows.

Instantly, the room was enveloped in darkness.

“What is the meaning of this……!”

“Please, don’t panic. It’s just for security.”


Candles placed throughout the room lit up the interior.

“The enemy’s elite force, five hundred members of the White Lion Brigade, are advancing towards this location. Two days…… No, quite some time has passed already, so they will probably arrive here in about a day and a half.”


The nobles, hearing this for the first time, looked shocked.

A natural reaction.

Two days meant the enemy was already infiltrating internally.

However, two of them.


Viscount Rodri and Baron Tucker had a slightly different reaction.

They closed their eyes tightly, as if to say, ‘What had to come has come.’

“You both knew, didn’t you? Viscount Rodri and his loyal aide, Baron Tucker.”


“Of course you did. After all, you’re the traitors.”

If the Mask of Night hadn’t been our eyes and ears, we would have been caught off guard.

Their long-prepared plan was perfect.

Except for one thing.

They hadn’t considered me as a variable.

“Their departure point is the village of Cled, two days away from here.”

“Cled, you say……?”

Immediately, everyone’s eyes turned to one place.

“Yes. As you all know, that village is part of the ‘Emir Viscounty’.”

“No way.”

“Shall we hear an explanation?”

I too turned my eyes to follow everyone’s gaze.

“Viscount Rodri Emir.”


“Isn’t it something! False information came from your jurisdiction, and it just so happened that five hundred enemies were hiding in your territory!”


“Isn’t this suspicious? They say that coincidences happen once, but never twice.”

This alone was a decisive blow.

Even the guards were showing their hostility.

The suspicious glances of the two remaining vassals were evident as well.

Above all.


Even Count Arsene began to look at Viscount Rodri with a face full of distrust.

“Third. You said I might be a ‘spy’, didn’t you?”

“……What are you getting at?”

“Humans have a tendency to actively hide their own faults. Like a child who blames the family dog for breaking a vase. But Viscount Rodri, you are doing the opposite. That likely means you’re desperate—”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Count Arsene has been in the capital for quite a few years. It makes sense for a high-ranking noble. So let me ask you. Who is in charge of security in the Arsene County during the Count’s absence?”


Viscount Rodri’s eyes widened again.

“Viscount Rodri, isn’t it you?”


“And yet, you brazenly talk about spies in this public setting? Can you say you have no responsibility in this? Despite knowing this, you oppress a child like me for your own mistake?”


“Fourth. Oh my, once again, if the enemies advance along this route, they will pass right through the ‘north gate’. As everyone knows, the village of Cled is a desolate rural area in the ‘north’, the most remote part of this region.”


“On the day the enemies arrive here by the shortest route, is it just my imagination that I envision the wide-open north gate?”


Baron Tucker, unable to listen any longer, slowly moved his hand to the hilt of his sword.

Of course, I pretended not to notice.

If he were to swing it, I planned to decapitate him immediately.

“The fifth and final reason……”



It was Lord Rodri’s voice.

“That’s enough.”


At last, he surrendered.

“……I apologize, my lord.”

“Rodri…… was it really you?”

Count Arsene’s pupils shook, still unable to believe the situation.

“Why? Of all people…… Of all people, I never thought it would be you. You, who stood by me in countless battles… No, you were no different than a brother to me. How could you……?”


Viscount Rodri fell to his knees.

“……As a criminal, what more can I say? Please, kill me.”


Baron Tucker’s sword fell powerlessly to the ground.

Yet his gaze remained filled with malice.

“This is all the lord’s doing!”

“……What was the reason for your betrayal?”

It seemed a conversation was necessary.

I asked Viscount Rodri.

“……I was afraid.”

Viscount Rodri answered in a resigned voice.

Immediately, a vein bulged on Count Arsene’s forehead.

“Afraid? What could you possibly have been so afraid of? Were you so terrified of the might of the Marquis of Foltaine? Was your faith in me that lacking? We’ve overcome worse adversities in the past. What were those struggles for?”

“……I was afraid of myself. Of the fact that I harbored murderous intent toward my lord’s wife and innocent children.”




Count Arsene flinched at the unexpected name.

It wasn’t just him.

‘Why is he bringing up that witch here?’

My question was quickly answered.

“As this child said, my lord, you have been away from home for quite some time.”

Wait, wait, hold on.

‘It can’t be, right?’

A husband frequently away on business.

A lonely lady passing her nights alone.

And a handsome subordinate nearby……

‘Damn it. Please don’t let this be like a plot from some trashy novel.’

But my suspicion was quickly turning into certainty.

Wasn’t the context clear enough?

Considering her perverse tendency to collect young slaves with handsome faces……

“This incident with Isabelle was just the tip of the iceberg. And among her victims was……”

But the lady, or rather, the witch, far surpassed my imagination.

“……My own child.”


The words slipped out of my mouth.

“Child? If you’re talking about your child, they’re already……”

“Yes. They died. More precisely, they committed suicide. After being harassed by the lady, unable to confide in anyone, they suffered alone until……”

At this point, Count Arsene’s face turned ashen.

“R-Rodri, your child supposedly made that choice out of exhaustion from knight training……”

“I found out too late.”

“How could……”

“…… As if that wasn’t enough, Isabelle even threatened severe consequences if word got out. Yet whenever I came home, my child just smiled at me, fearing they would cause trouble for their worthless father……”


Viscount Rodri dropped his head onto the floor.

“I’m sorry, my lord. Before being your vassal, I am a father. I couldn’t contain my rage……”

Count Arsene’s eyes turned bloodshot.

“Why…… Why didn’t you tell me? Even a letter would have……!”

“If it could have been solved with a letter, I wouldn’t have gone to such lengths. My lord values principles above all else. It’s not that I didn’t trust you, but…… I didn’t think my rage could be quelled with just your punishment. No, I couldn’t allow it to be quelled. I wanted to personally tear Isabelle apart, her and her family, the House of Count O’Neil……”

“Ahh. Just what have I been doing all this time, while my household was becoming such a mess?”


Count Arsene collapsed to the floor.

At this point, I stepped in.

“Well, although you were clearly in the wrong, I understand.”


Everyone’s gaze turned to me.

“Honestly, which father would stay quiet after losing their only child like that? You should have torn their limbs apart immediately. Even the gods would have applauded that. Of course, the method was entirely wrong.”

“……I am sorry to you, as well.”

Lord Rodri bowed his head to me as well.

“Thanks to you, the lady’s crimes were revealed. I am grateful for that. But at the same time, I became increasingly fearful that my betrayal would be discovered……”

“And you were swayed by the Foltaine Marquisate during that time?”

“……I had been approached before.”

These people were brazen enough to plant spies in other noble’s territories.

Naturally, they would have been simultaneously attempting to win over their vassals as well.

In the end, he chose to ally with the enemy for his child’s revenge.

I heard the family of Lady Isabelle was a fairly prominent count’s house.

Having finished my contemplation, I extended my hand.

“Viscount Rodri. If you are truly sorry, how about atoning for your sins from now on?”


“The lady is dead, and Count Arsene has lost his child, just like you. In this situation, is there any reason to continue your betrayal? Unless you still hold a grudge against the count……”

“Never! I have always been grateful…… and sorry to my lord.”

Count Arsene, who had been listening, trembled with emotion.

“How about giving him a chance to atone, my lord?”

I had no intention of abandoning this plan.

The five hundred elite knights advancing here.

This was a perfect opportunity to capture them without significant losses.


After a long silence.

“……Viscount Rodri. No, Sir Rodri.”

A voice, as if suppressing deep emotions, resonated.

At the same time, Viscount Rodri raised his head.

Where his gaze fell, Count Arsene stood with reddened eyes.

“From now on, fight for the House of Arsene.”


“Not for your incompetent lord…… but for the land your child roamed all their life, the land you loved and dedicated yourself to for decades……”

“M-My lord!”

Lord Rodri sprang up in surprise.

At that moment, the lord he had served all his life was bowing his head.

“Please…… allow me the chance to correct my mistakes as well.”


Tears rolled down from Lord Rodri’s tightly shut eyes.

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