The Regressors are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 42

[Translator - Hestia]

[Proofreader - Kaya]

Chapter 42

I hailed a taxi and headed to Icheon.

'Wolha, I'm going out for a bit.'

'Again? Alright. Be careful.'

It seemed the hearty meal had put Wolha in a good mood, and he didn't raise any objections to my sudden nighttime excursion.

I watched the sun setting outside the window.

I called out to my Constellation in a voice so soft it almost didn't leave my lips.


【"Yes, I'm here."】】

"Could this be Cheong Siyeol's trap instead of a thief?"

【"Don't worry. I'll provide you with the maximum mana and detection assistance your ascension level allows."】

Hearing Sunny's answer, I closed my eyes.

In Korea, there were professional thieves who specialized in breaking into warehouses.

They exploited the fact that Rankers often forgot about their warehouses.

Even if they noticed through notifications, there was nothing they could do while inside the Tower.

Moreover, since Rankers often stored slush funds in their warehouses, it was difficult to make these incidents public.

Of course, if caught, the thieves would likely lose legal protection, but people who thought they might get caught wouldn't engage in theft in the first place.

"Please stop here. Keep the meter running, and wait for 10 minutes."

"You're not up to anything shady, are you? I have the right to refuse service if it's anything illegal."

"I only mentioned it because I'll be right back if things aren't as I expect. You're free to leave. I can easily find another taxi for the return trip."


I got out of the car more than 2 kilometers away from my warehouse.

Leaving the taxi driver behind, I ran along the darkened road.

If it were those Regressors, they might sense my presence even from this distance.

I shuddered at the thought of Na Jeongwon's spirits or Lee Eunwoo's see-through ability being used to track me down.

【"Relax. I don't detect any spirits or See-Through energy signatures in the vicinity."】

【Your Constellation 'Sunny' offers reassurance.】

I arrived near the field where my warehouse was located.

I used my skill, pushing it to its limits.


【*Condition: A-Rank or higher】


Invisible waves of energy surged out from me, scanning the surroundings.

High-powered detection with a condition was a double-edged sword.

If there was an Awakened of A-Rank or higher within a 1 km radius, my Scan would pick them up without fail.

However, the downside was that anyone within that same radius, even an F-Rank Awakened, would sense that someone had used a detection skill.



It's clear.

At least there didn't seem to be any Hunters of A-Rank or higher within a 1 km radius.

That meant it was probably really just a thief.

There was a reason I had come this far, despite the risk that it might be a trap set by the Regressors.

My warehouse contained many artifacts and elixirs that I couldn't use yet for various reasons.

Among them were many cursed items or those with severe side effects.

The thieves would likely ignore those side effects and sell them at high prices, claiming they were high-grade artifacts.

I couldn't let such dangerous items fall into the wrong hands.

Since this guy had dared to sneak into my warehouse, he couldn't expect any legal protection.

I walked towards the greenhouse, opening my inventory as I went.

【Haneol Bladesmith's Armor (Master)】

I pulled out a magnificent full-body armor from my inventory, a striking fusion of Eastern scale mail and Western plate armor.

I infused it with a touch of mana, and the individual pieces detached and then reassembled, seamlessly encasing my body.

Feeling a pleasant sense of weight, I also took out my weapon.

【Fire Dragon Sword (Heroic)】

I held the long sword with its elegantly curved blade in my right hand.

The sword, so long it looked oversized even when held with both hands, extended downwards at my side.

With a smooth stride, I stepped into my warehouse.

I closed the door.


With the sound of water droplets falling, the ceiling rose, and the frame on both sides expanded.

Suddenly, I stood before a marble temple rising from a vast, shallow expanse of water.

My temple was a sanctuary that no one could enter except for me and a few others I had personally brought in.

Black footprints marred the steps leading to the sanctuary.


It seemed the guardian had already been breached.

I climbed the stairs.

I didn't have to go far.

A man in shabby hiking clothes was hunched over, his backside sticking up in the air as he clumsily draped a black cloth over the 'Desire-Reflecting Mirror.'

"What are you doing here?"

"Baekya's dead, so why should his stuff rot away in a warehouse like this, unknown to anyone? Someone who knows its value should take good care of it. Look at this. The Desire-Reflecting Mirror. Almost done packing it up."

"Is that so?"

"Do you have any idea what was in that cabinet over there? A full set of hero-grade armor, for starters. And the Mantle of the Demon Marquis? That thing was practically begging me to take it! I could easily rake in 10 billion won if I sold all that... Hold on, who the hell are you?"

He turned to look at me.

I smirked and used 'Insight.'

【Name: Oh Daeho】

【Class: Hacker (B)】

As expected, he was a special-type Awakened.

Being a B-Rank, he likely had the skills to bypass the guardian, given enough time and planning.

His face was exactly as I had anticipated.

Time and hardship had etched deep lines into his features, leaving behind a hollowed-out shell of a man.

His beady eyes, filled with greed, glinted like those of a cornered rat.

I swung the Fire Dragon Sword.


His left arm, adorned with a chunky ring, flew into the air.

He screamed and crumpled to the ground.


I caught the severed left arm and pulled off the ring.

【Subspace (Master)】

【The inventory artifact 'Subspace' provides its owner with a personal storage space roughly the size of a 400-square-foot studio apartment. Enjoy your very own portable hideaway.】

As expected of a thief, he had quite the useful item.

It's mine now.

【"Now you can truly raise an army of the undead. Let's get back to the 33rd floor with that."】

【Your Constellation 'Sunny' bursts into a laughter.】

I clutched the ring preciously and grinned.

Like a bloodthirsty killer.

"How did you know I wanted this?"

The thief's face was filled with dismay.

"You, you! How did you get in?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I clearly gave the order. To stop you!"


There wasn't a shred of remorse or embarrassment on his face, only the raw frustration of a thief caught red-handed.

He was indeed a professional thief.

And I was a professional hunter.

I raised my sword once more, intending to show him that some Hunters hunt people too.


A gust of wind rushed towards me from behind.

【"Watch out."】

【Guardian Aegis (A+)】

【Status Effect: Confusion】

I turned my head and saw it.

A Greek-style hero statue, nearly 5 meters tall.

Its eyes flickered with an eerie green light.

["Begone, thief."]

The guardian raised its stone hammer.

The hammer flew towards me

["This is not a place for you to tread."]

Its speed was faster than sound, its power enough to crumble mountains.

Damn it.


* * *

I was sent flying like a kicked ball.

I crashed through the warehouse pillars and landed on the shallow, black water.


I rolled and tumbled like a bowling ball for what felt like an eternity before finally coming to a stop.

I couldn't breathe.

Sprawled on the black water, I twitched helplessly.

If it weren't for the Haneol Bladesmith's armor, I might have actually died.

With all my might, I managed to move my pinky finger, just like when waking up from a nightmare.


A tingling sensation spread from my fingertip, returning feeling to my hands, feet, and muscles.

I staggered to my feet.

"Damn it!"

Oh Daeho was taking advantage of the chaos to flee towards the entrance.

I opened my inventory and retrieved the Scepter.

“Catch him.”

As soon as I gave the command, six blazing Flame Specters erupted in succession.

["---, ---!"]

The six fireballs soared into the air.

"What the hell!?"

Oh Daeho's eyes widened in further shock as he quickened his pace.

But there's always someone faster in this world.


The Flame Specter blocked his path, unleashing their psychic energy.

Oh Daeho tried to use his hacking abilities.


But he only had one hand, and hacking didn't work on spirits anyway.

The Flame Specter breathed fire.

Oh Daeho's face paled as he collapsed onto the black water.

【Status Effect: Fear】

After confirming his status, I turned to look at the guardian, Aegis.

Clank. Clank!

The guardian approached, holding a rectangular tower shield in one hand and a stone hammer in the other.

It leaped gracefully between the warehouse pillars and landed before me, its posture overwhelmingly imposing.

【"This is absurd. It should be confronting the intruder, not bravely attacking its master!"】

【"How about we just smash it to pieces?"】

No, we can't. It's incredibly expensive.

I let out a sigh filled with frustration and worry.

I could fix it later.

Perhaps it can learn some discipline along with the rest of us.

【"Then let me ask you. How exactly do you plan to take that?"】

It was a reasonable question.

I answered by putting the 'Subspace' ring on my left index finger.

"I plan to take it like this."

I infused it with mana.

A notification window popped up.

【Subspaces usually have locks. If you want to know the secret, unlock it.】

【Enter password: 00000000】

It was an eight-digit password.

I didn't even scoff.

As if a mere Master-grade item could stop me.

【Law of Light】

White flames enveloped my left hand.


Black smoke rose from the 'Subspace' ring.

A series of messages appeared.

【Password function will be erased.】

【The artifact's grade will be decreased due to the removal of the password function.】

【Master → Rare】

【Additional space will be allocated to compensate for the decreased grade.】

【The studio apartment has been upgraded to a two-bedroom apartment! The Subspace expands from 400 square feet to 600 square feet.】


I didn't need a lock anyway.

The fact that it was on my finger was the lock itself.

【Release All】

I dumped everything inside.


All sorts of junk and stolen goods poured out onto the shallow water.

I noticed a few severed hands among the mess.

I couldn't help but frown.

I made a mental note to check it out later and kicked off the ground.


Guardian Aegis was closing in fast, its heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber.

With a powerful leap, I soared high above the guardian, clearing its shield with ease.


The guardian reacted instantly, raising its shield to intercept what it perceived as an incoming attack.

It was a textbook defensive move, but the raised shield left its vision partially obscured.

“Come here.”

I summoned the Flame Specters.


Three of the six Flame Specters flew towards the guardian.

The specters circled around the guardian's body.


They kicked off the guardian's shield and soared even higher into the sky.

As if waiting for this moment, the guardian swung its two-handed hammer.


It was a blow that could crush me in an instant, utilizing the pinnacle of spear combat techniques - block, seize, and thrust.

Even in my prime, I wasn't sure I could have dodged it.

But I maintained my composure until the very last moment.

To make it miss by a wide margin!

【Descent from the Crimson Flame】


The Flame Spirit clinging to the guardian's back erupted in an even fiercer blaze.


The instant I teleported, I raised my dagger in a reverse grip.

The dagger, now blazing with the power of 'Radiant Sword,' shone like a mirror catching the full force of the sun.


The sharp blade pierced through the guardian's shoulder.

It didn't fully penetrate, but it went in more than two handspans deep.


Thick smoke rose from the burning stone.

The intense heat, the power of the S-Rank skill, and my mana as its original owner caused the guardian to falter momentarily.


Its green, flickering eyes flashed red for an instant, then went dark, then turned green again, repeating the cycle.

I pressed the Subspace ring against the guardian's back.


"Come on!"

I continued to pour mana into the ring, waiting for the moment the guardian deactivated.

It wouldn't enter the inventory while active, but I could store it once it was turned off.

The inventory ring glowed brightly.


* * *

I had Oh Daeho kneeling inside the warehouse temple.

"How did you find this place?"

"Y-You! Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?"

"I work for Mr. Choi Gimin! You don't know Choi Gimin?"

[Translator - Hestia

[Proofreader - Kaya]

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