The Red Hand

Side Story 5 –  The Misfits Finish their Goal.

Side Story 5 –  The Misfits Finish their Goal.

"He's weakening! Do it now, Shiru!" Alveron yelled across the battlefield.

"I just hope this works!" Shiru twirled her staff as a mass of vines and other growth restrained a massive Archangel. "He's not going to stay like this for long..." She could feel the Boss resisting her restraints. This wasn't the first time they'd tried to fight Michelangelo, but they were hoping this would be the last.

{I'd be nice not to see this idiot's face anymore. I never thought I'd come to hate angels, but the developers seemed to REALLY want me to.} (Shiru)

"Ara! Hurry up with your fan! I don't know how long these will keep him occupied, and we don't have much time!" Shiru's face contorted in pain as she looked for the catgirl.

"He's resistant to nye fans meow~! nyit will take nya bit more time to get him full meow~!"

[He's resistant to the fans! It will take a bit more time to get him full!] Ara complained as she bounced between laser shots out of the angel's mighty halo. Her ability usually put one counter per hit, but it seemed this boss required multiple hits for each instance to stack.

"Wooo that's hot meow~! nyi don't wannya get turnyed nyinto fried kitty meow~!"

[WOOO That's hot! I don't wanna get turned into fried kitty!] She panicked as one blast nearly hit her, but she leaped out of the way  as she began smacking Michael's massive legs with her fan.

"NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! NYA! " Ara began to lay into Michael, scraping and buffeting him with her paper fans. The Angel Boss's resistance was annoying and one of the primary reason they'd not been able to win as of yet.

"FOOLISH MORTALS! YOU DARE TO THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME?!? THE MOST HANDSOME AND FAIR ANGEL OF THEM ALL?!?" Michael roared. He had a tiny bit of vanity and narcissism and would usually speak of his beauty in each sentence. "YOUR FOOLISH PLANTS CANNOT HOPE TO HOLD ME AND MY MASSIVE PECS! I SHALL CRUSH YOU SINNERS BETWEEN MY MIGHTY THIGHS OF JUSTICE!" His appearance was quite attractive, and the girls did it admit he was handsome. Though according to Shiru, he was a 9 of out 10 tops.

{Who the fucking hell designed this boss? If we get out of this game alive, I'm having a talking-to with the dev who made THIS obnoxious thing!} (Alveron)

Michael channeled energy into his biceps and other muscles, causing them to bulge and expand.

"He's gonna break out!" Shiru yelled out a warning. 

{Stupid or not, being hit by him hurts like hell! Alveron might have no choice but to use the backup plan...} (Shiru)

"I suppose I've got no choice!" Alveron smirked began chanting a ritual to summon one of his many beasts. "I, the Rat Lord Alveron, call upon you Mr. Scruffy! Aid us in our time of need!" A moment later, a massive purple and black vortex appeared behind Alveron the size of Micheal. From within, two deep red eyes peered through the darkness as a deep voice, suspiciously Italian accented voice, boomed throughout the boss chamber.

"I have heard your pleas, my master. What will yous have me do?" A chittering could be heard, as out from the portal came a massive Rat the size of a building. Around each hand was one of a pair of boxing gloves, and the scar over his right eye told you this Rat meant business. Additionally, he was also wearing something that looked like the shorts that boxers would wear, and his nose/snout was bent ever so slightly out of shape.

{I hate this fucking thing, and Alveron for creating it. But right now, I just want to win...} Shiru REALLY didn't like Mr. Scruffy and forced her husband to keep him sealed away.

"Take'm down Mr. Scruffy! He told me your mother was a hampster, and your father smelled of blue cheese!"

"Oh, he dids, dids he?" Mr. Scruffy cracked his knuckles as he leaped forward and punched Michael straight in the jaw. He was around the same size as the angel, and the Rat was a master boxer.

"HOW DARE YOU PUNCH ME IN MY PERFECT JAWLINE, YOU RAT!" Michael was angry to be punched by the massive rat, and a moment later, he finally broke out of Shiru's binding as he and Mr. Scruffy started duking it out.

"You insulted me MA! You get what you fucking deserve!" Mr. Scruffy's Italian accent only got worse when he was angry, and he gave Michael a left hook causing a tooth to fly out of the angel's mouth.

"Ara, how much more?!?" Shiru asked.

"SOON!" Ara yelled as she weaved between the two fighters smacking Michael again and again with the fan. She needed to be careful not to get squished between the two massive fighters, though for someone with her agility that wasn't too hard.

"Is it time yet?" Avahn asked over the comms. " I'm getting bored sitting back here..."

"No, stay hidden. Once Ara is ready, only then should you attack him! He's not aggroed to you right now, so just wait a bit longer. I'll give the signal when its time." Shiru knew the Demon cat wanted to be on the front lines, but they'd tried that before, and it didn't work, as Michael would punt her around the room.

{At least we only have one Demon kitty to worry about, I don't know what I'd do if a second one appeared.} (Shiru)

"Dai, is your contraption ready?" Alveron jumped into the comms. He was busy channeling power to Mr. Scruffy in order to power him up. His status as the Rat Lord gave his rat summons a massive power boost, but only if he maintained concentration.

"It's not a contraption, it's a rocket-propelled-" Dai was cut off by Alveron.

"So yeah, the contraption. Is it ready?" He asked as he channeled more power into Mr. Scruffy.

"You ain't so tough! Me and the boys are from the street, and we took care of mooks like you all the time!" Mr. Scruffy bobbed and weaved through Michael's sword strikes before slamming him in the face and chest.


"Why did you make him Italian?" Shiru groaned as she fired more magic at Michael.

"Because it was funny." Alveron shrugged.

"I like it." Dai agreed.

{I fucking don't...} Shiru mumbled something about how rats were disgusting.

"Shoulda given him a Brooklyn accent. You could have made much better jokes that way." Avahn commented.

"Nyi think talking like nyimp would've been more themyatic."

[I think talking like Imp would've been more thematic.] Ara liked the same game series that Imp took her speech pattern from.

"Well, I'm the Rat Lord, and I say he's Italian." Alveron laughed as a right hook from Mr. Scruffy smashed Michael's nose.


{The devs REALLY went overboard with this guy... Whoever made him... I hope you had fun, because when I find you...} (Shiru)

"What's wrong? Don't like being ugly on the outside as well as the inside?" Mr. Scruffy laughed.

"It's ready!" Dai said over the call.

"Avahn, you're up!" Shiru gave the antsy cat the go-ahead.

"FINALLY!" Avahn started cackling as she mounted a gigantic missile that Dai had assembled in the corner of the Boss room. In her hand was not her trusty Oda, but rather a massive magically enchanted tree created by Shiru and Daikael. They'd used the Oda before, but something about Demon power didn't really work on the Archangel, so they decided to try a bit more mundane types of damage.

"DING!" Ara singled that the final modifier had been applied, and a moment later, Daikael ignited the rocket and launched the Demon Cat towards Michael.

"And this one's just because I hate you!" Mr. Scruffy wound up a massive punch and slammed Michael in the face sending him back a few feet.

"HOW DARE YOU-" Michael's complaining was cut off as he noticed the crazy-eyed cat flying straight toward him on the back of the rocket. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA!" Avahn cackled as she leaped from the rocket. "TIME TO DIE PRETTY BOY! SAY HI TO YOUR FRIENDS IN HELL!" She brought the massive magical tree into Michael's head, causing a huge explosion as it impacted before leaping away safely. A moment later, the rocket impacted the same spot and a second explosion erupted from his head. Avahn was launched by the blast but was caught by Alveron using his teleportation. As the Misfits, and Mr. Scruffy, watched the smoking body of Michael, they hoped he'd stay dead.

{Please don't get back up...} Shiru crossed her fingers in her mind until a moment later they got a notification congratulating them for the defeat of the Silka Forest Dungeon.

"WE DID IT!" (Misfits)

The group hugged one another and let out a massive cheer. They'd been trying the final boss of this dungeon for months and they were worried they wouldn't manage to clear it before Serval was defeated.

"Dai, no matter what other people say about you, I think your plans are alright." Alveron laughed.

"I'm glad you finally see- Dai stopped and yoinked the fairy off Shiru's shoulder. "What do you mean, no matter what others say about me?!?" She started shaking him as everyone else laughed.

"Good job, nyavahn meow~! that was nyawesomewn meow~! nyu myade nye nyangel go boom meow~!"

[Good job, Avahn! That was awesome! You made the Angel go BOOM!] Ara started scratching her girlfriend's ears, which caused the Demon cat to blush.

"I-It was nothing..." Avahn barely squeaked those words out as her face went red. Even all this time later, she still got embarrassed easily when it came to Ara.

"I'm just glad we all managed to-" Shiru's words stopped short as each of them received a notification.

"Unique item?" Alveron commented. Dai had stopped squeezing him long enough to let him read the notification.

"I got a skill." Dai said.

"Nyi got nya fan upgrade nya~?"

[I got a fan upgrade?] Ara tilted her head. It seemed to make her fans do an order of magnitude more damage and allowed for it to stack to one thousand hits.

"Ohhhh!" Avhan's eyes lit up as she looked at her reward. "I got a new technique! And it looks... AWWWWWWWESOME!" She started cackling as she read over its effects.

"I guess we all got something." Shiru reached into her inventory and pulled out what looked like a watering can. "Mine is apparently the Divine Vessel of Greater Plant Growth." She sprinkled some water on the ground, causing the entire room to bloom with plant growth. "Ok, well, we learned not to use this recklessly..." Shiru sighed.

"Mine is something with creation." Daikael said. "I think it buffs my creation and crafting skills. But we'll need testing."

"What did you get, Alveron?" Shiru asked.

"I umm... I sent you a private message." Alveron's face was not visible, but his embarrassment was audible.

"Why did you... do... oh..." Shiru similarly got embarrassed as she read about the item.

"Don't keep us nyin nye dark meow~!"

[Don't keep us in the dark] Ara demanded to know what he got.

"Yeah, we told you guys what we got!" Avahn agreed.

"T-this isn't something children should see..." Shiru's face was bright red.

"We're both adults!" (Ara x Avahn)

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" (Shiru x Alveron x Daikael)


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