The Red Hand

Interlude 9 – A Vampire’s Story.

Interlude 9 – A Vampire’s Story.

My name is Silfana Tildeshide, and I am the Lord of all Vampires... or at least... I was.

For six centuries, I'd consolidated power, rose through the ranks of my kind, and eventually sat on the throne of a nation of monsters. Sure, there were some setbacks, and the Imperials proved to be more than a match for me and my forces. However, I did not fret, for I knew that time was on my side not there's. I retreated, consolidated, and improved. With each attack, with each war, we came that much closer to our ultimate goal, until finally, it happened.

When word came through that the Imperial garrison at Hassan had been defeated and the fortress breached, I was struck with jubilation. An emotion I'd not felt for nearly two hundred years. The intervention of the 'players' had caused some concern, and most of my general staff had expressed doom over their incredible power. However, despite their protests, we continued, and in the end, it seemed that my optimism was vindicated. With the destruction of Hassan, little stood between me and the Imperial heartlands, and cities like Mistif and Eluminaria were ripe for the taking. It seemed that after nearly a millennia of shame, I'd finally be coming home and reclaiming my rightful place as ruler of the Empire. But alas... it was not to be.

"THIS ENDS NOW, SILFANA!!!" Hishya roared as she drove Sun Strike through Silfana's chest.

In my arrogance, I'd chosen to fight a large group of players with only a minimal escort. I know today that this was the work of a larger system at play, but I do not believe that excuses my mistake.

At first, it was easy, and the players dropped one by one to my attacks. However, there was always one who persevered. One who never backed down. One who dared to take my rightful place as Empress from me.

"You killed so many of my friends! So rest in hell, you vampire bitch!" Hishya screamed as she channeled power into Sun Strike, burning Silfana in bright flame.

A curious creature, Hishya was. I'd seen a few dragons in my life. But never one like her. Something about her seemed strange to me and my generals. Not only did she cling to a human form, but something about her blood... it reminded me of him.

The moment she drove that disgusting blade of hers through my chest, I knew it was over. I'd already taken too much damage from the other members of her team, and no matter how restricted she was, a dragon is still a dragon.

As I burned alive with a gaping wound in my chest, I looked back upon my life, my decisions and... and my regrets. My transformation into a vampire was not... a consensual choice on my part, but at the time, I thought it would serve to stabilize the Empire and perhaps I could use my newfound status as a vampire to bring prosperity to our people.

However, humans, as they always do, fear the unknown. And the woman who was once the heir to the throne was cast out as a monster and traitor. My name was even scrubbed from Imperial records, and even the mere suggestion that I was tied to the Imperial family was met with... let's just call it censorship...

This was to be the end of my tale, a monster defeated by a hero. A creature of the night banished into the darkness. Or, that's what should have happened.

My memories after being struck down are fuzzy, and I barely remember anything between my death and appearing in that back alley. I know something attempted to control me, an ultimately foolish endeavor as there are few with greater willpower than I. When I next awoke, my body was still badly injured, and there was a chance that I would again perish. However, a young human boy chanced upon me... and well... I was a thirsty vampire, don't blame me for prioritizing my own life over some human.

With my energy replenished and my wounds healed, I began exploring this strange new place. I could instantly tell that I was no longer in the Empire, the architecture and technology did not match anything I'd ever seen before. And after a small investigation, I found out that I'd been brought, not just to a different country, or continent, but an entirely different world.

I had no idea how such a thing occurred, but I was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If I could not regain my rightful place on the Imperial throne, then conquering an entire planet would be an adequate substitute.

Of course, things are never easy. I swiftly discovered that I was not the only one brought to this strange world. While I do not fully understand things, I was informed that this world, Earth as they call it, is the original home of the 'players'. Without my army, my advisors, and my staff I knew that defeating them all would be difficult. However, I gambled that my power would be sufficient to defeat the small number of them that still possessed their fantastical abilities. Once again, I was proven wrong.

While the rematch between Hishya and myself was relatively even, it was Akagi who was the bigger problem.

I had met the assassin once before when she investigated whether my blood could mix with her shadow form. While I informed her it was not possible, I did request that she join my ranks. At the time, I assumed she was little more than a powerful Demon, and I wanted someone with her skills as a retainer.

As I expected, Akagi turned me down, and that was the last I'd seen of the infamous Red Hand. After that encounter, I never thought about her much again, as while she was strong, I knew that she was no match for me.

When next I saw her on one of those boxes that project images, I was surprised to see that she had retained her remarkable abilities. My first inclination was to seek her out and offer her a place at my side again, but before I could even attempt to speak with her, that foolish thrall went and caused a commotion. From then on it was a game of hide and seek as I evaded her surveillance. Those irritating beastkin from the Ondai clan were always excellent hunters and trackers, so I knew it was only a matter of time before my location was discovered.

When Akagi first appeared before me on that night, I was certain that she was no more of a threat than she'd been all those years ago. Dismissing the assassin, I focused on Hishya, engaging the dragon in a grudge match, hell-bent on my revenge. Alas, things would go the same way as our first encounter.

With my second defeat at the dragon's hands, and my second death imminent. I decided to die with dignity and a warrior's honor, something leftover from my days as heir to the Imperial throne. However, just as Hishya's blade swung down to end my life.

"Now, hold on. I can't very well let you do that now, can I?" (Akagi)

The Demon stopped the dragon's blade without even lifting a finger, and after healing me made me an offer. Naturally, I would never work for someone weaker than me, as my pride would never allow it. However, what I saw next... what she showed me... left me with little doubt as to who was superior.

In the subsequent brawl between the Akagi and Hishya, the dragon was utterly crushed despite a massive power advantage. It seemed that I'd underestimated the assassin, even before she became this 'Demon Lord.'

From there, I was taken to her home, given a few revelations that made me question my entire existence, and then put to work.

When I agreed to become her subordinate, I expected to be used as a foot soldier or advisor... but that was not what she had in store for me at the moment. Apparently, that foolish thrall attacked her sister and friends, resulting in the young girl having to destroy it.

I was thoroughly interrogated about that entire event, and once Akagi was satisfied that I had not knowingly sent him on that mission, she declared that my punishment would be minor. Seeing what she ended up having me do... I question what her definition of that word is.

"Put your back into it!" Akagi yelled out from a very ornate and comfy chair overlooking Silfana as she dug the irrigation channels in a small valley near the estate. "You've got a few dozen acres to do still, so hurry up! Unless you want to keep wearing that thing? If so I can make one for your personal use." She cackled.

"This would be a lot faster if I could just use my magic!" Silfana barked. She'd been disallowed from using magic, and her outfit was preventing any use of it. In the distance you could see one of Akagi's subordinates carving out vast irrigation ditches in seconds with earth magic so this was anything but efficient.

"That would defeat the purpose of all this. Punishment shouldn't be easy, and thus magic is banned!" Akagi laughed. "You've got to dig all this with just normal equipment and heaping helping of elbow grease!"

"I understand that." Silfana said as she hit the ground with a hoe. "But may I ask... WHY THE FUCK AM I WEARING A STUPID DOG COSTUME!!!!!" Akagi had forced her into a dog-themed onesie, which included a small fluffy tail, floppy ears, and googley eyes. "WHAT PURPOSE IS THIS?!?"

"It made me laugh?" Akagi tilted her head. "And I mean, even you even have to admit it's cute."

{Whether or not this outfit is CUTE is not the problem!} (Silfana)

"And why are you a cat?" Silfana glared at her. "I've seen you roll around like this the past few days. I thought you were a fucking Demon, not a beastkin?!?"

"Because I want to be pet, snuggled, and loved!" Akagi puffed out her cheeks. "I'm the Demon Lord, and if I want to turn into a cat and get fluffed, then that's what I'm going to do." She smirked. "Come on, you can't tell me that I'm not cute. MEW!" She did a small pawing motion to emphasize her cuteness.

{I don't know what's worse, being forced to dig ditches in this embarrassing outfit or the fact that I DO think she's cute like that... Curse my stupid brain and curse those fools in my childhood for giving me all those stuffed toys!!!} (Silfana)

"I will hold my tongue." Silfana looked away from the floof.

"You know, you sound suspiciously like a certain dragon that I know." Akagi grinned.

{Hishya is also trying to avoid admitting that I'm cute, but we're working on that.} (Akagi)

"Don't bring up that stupid lizard around me!" Silfana growled. "I might be your minion, but that doesn't mean I'm going to like her!"

"I know that." Akagi motioned for her to calm down. "But at least tell me you understand why she killed you."

"I do understand that!" Silfana said as she struck the ground. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it!"

{I mean sure, I was the ruler of a nation of monsters who set out to subjugate and slaughter humanity. So I guess I understand her anger with me, especially since I killed some of her friends in battle, but that doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to like her just because she has valid reasons for killing me!} (Silfana)

"I'm sure she'll warm up to you. After all, she's already befriended one evil being, so I think a second one isn't off the table." Akagi winked.

"I don't want to be friends with her." Silfana groaned.

"That's how I know it's going to happen." Akagi laughed. "I can see it now! In the most desperate moment, Silfana leaps in to save Hishya's life!" The Catkagi began to narrate her delusion while Silfana tuned her out. "Going wide-eyed in shock, Hishya asks W-Why? Why would you save me?" She mimicked Hishya's voice. "And in response, you'll say Because the only one allowed to kill you is me!"

"I suppose that would make you a tsundere, wouldn't it?" Akagi mused.


Silfana's tool snapped in half under her grip.

"I would never say something so embarrassing! And I am not a tsundere!" Silfana yelled.

{What kind of deluded cat are you to think I'd EVER do something like that?!?} (Silfana)

"Oh, so she does know what that means." Akagi chuckled. "I can't wait for Hishya to add a vampire rival to her harem!"

"Can I strangle you? Just a bit? Please?!?" Silfana groaned.

"You can pet me." Akagi stuck out her tongue. "They do say petting cute and cuddly creatures makes you feel better. So I'm down for some vampire pets."

"I would sooner eat my ARMOR than pet you..." Silfana put her head in her hands in defeat.

"That's what they all say at first." Akagi cackled. "But don't worry, soon enough you shall be requesting petting time, and then I will hold all the cards. Kukuku."

"THIS is the creature that Priestess fell in love with?!?" Silfana said. "A Demon who turns fluffy and wants to be pet like a cat? REALLY?!?

"And she wouldn't have it any other way." Akagi smiled. “Now back to work, intern!

{What kind of hell have I been dropped into?!? Am I sure that I didn't actually die and THIS is my eternal torment?!?} (Silfana)

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