The Red Hand

Interlude 5 – An International Connection.

Interlude 5 – An International Connection.


2 Chaps.

In the wake of Akagi's extermination of Libra and demonstration to the world, the leaders of China and Russia held a secret meeting in Moscow. Chinese President Lin Gui had been in Moscow during the incident for separate trade negotiations between their two countries, though this was simply a cover for his real objective. Once the official negotiations concluded, he and Russian President Alexander Mikhailov sat in a meeting room together with a third individual and began the real meeting.

"It would seem that everything is going to plan, President Mikhailov." Gui smiled. "Libra has been crushed, along with any definitive proof we were involved in their creation, and on top of that, we got access to some interesting information. The Americans won't be able to cover up the Japanese nuclear program anymore. Well, not unless they are willing to work with us." Gui gave a nasty smile. He knew just how far the Americans would go to keep this under wraps, as Japan was vital for American Indo-Pacific strategy. The discovery of a hidden nuclear program would cause international outcry and likely cause a huge shakeup in Japan, something the United States couldn't afford.

"Indeed." Mikhailov nodded. "Now that Belarus has been brought back into the motherland, I have a bit more leeway in my diplomatic maneuvering. And these events in Japan will strengthen our hands to reclaim our rightful territories." He was referring to Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively. "That fool Lukashenko caused decades of delay, and his longevity only further stymied the reunification of our peoples. But that is all in the past, and we can now move together as one again." Belarus had only voted to unite with Russia a few years after Alexander Lukashenko's death at an extremely advanced age. The man had stood in the way of Russian efforts for decades, and even in his nineties, the dictator blocked attempts to unite the countries. Mostly for his own personal reasons since he enjoyed the power and wealth from being President.

"Yes, that was a truly unfortunate matter, and hopefully we can convince the Americans that further efforts to enforce our sovereignty and territorial integrity should be permitted." Gui said. "But moving on to the present circumstances, while I expected Libra to eventually be destroyed, that Akagi woman's power was unexpected. I must admit, I didn't expect the backdrop of this meeting to be such an extraordinary display of power."

"Indeed. She effortlessly killed the most powerful members of the organization, and my spies tell me that Herlex's final attack would make our weapons seem trivial by comparison.” He chuckled. “I am glad to see him destroyed, for I suspect he may have turned that power on us in the future. I believe that we may have underestimated these returnees' powers, and it would be wise to take a more cautious approach towards them in the future." Mikhailov sighed. "I would like to acquire one or two of these superpowered individuals for myself, and I can imagine your military wishes to inspect them as well. My agents in the United States tell me that there are ongoing negotiations between them and the Japanese for the transfer of returnees to their military and civilian commands." Their two countries were pushing to lift the ban on international travel for returnees.

"Yes, I've heard similar reports. It seems the Americans wish to get ahead of us in the research of magic and its military applications." Gui pursed his lips. "It may not be easy to get hold of such individuals for ourselves, and so far, our recruitment attempts have been cold at best."

"I don't know, shall we ask our friend here? Ambassador Nima, you have come here on behalf of your master. Would she be interested in working with our governments on this matter?" Mikhailov looked over at the black-haired cat-eared woman wearing a suit. She'd been sent by Akagi in the days before the attack on Yumi, and as a result, certain changes were made to her instructions.

"My Lord has informed me that she would love to work with your governments. Though you should understand that she intends to invite those who were trapped within FWO, even those without powers, into her new nation." Nima pulled out a notepad. "However, she is willing to offer people a choice, and if you would present an attractive enough offer, I suspect you might find at least one or two people willing to enter your services. The only caveat is that you must agree to treat whoever you take in well, meaning involuntary experiments and such are not permitted." Akagi didn't want people being sent to nations just to be turned into guinea pigs, not after what she'd heard from Alice.

The two men looked at one another and nodded. "I believe we can start negotiations from that position. Naturally, we would take great care of any returnee if they agree to work with us, so rest assured that nothing like you're imagining will occur." Mikhailov smiled.

"Indeed." Gui nodded. "They would be working for our national interests and would want for nothing." Though Nima knew better than to believe either man, since the Russians and Chinese had a history of doing quite horrible things to people.

"Good. I will communicate with my master for additional instructions and will contact your respective foreign offices to schedule further meetings. I suspect things will need to wait until the Kingdom of Dumetor is formally established. However, I believe we can perform negotiations in the meantime." Nima stood up. "That was all I wished to cover today, as this was more of an introduction than a proper meeting, so I will take my leave . Please have a pleasant day, President Mikhailov, President Gui." She bowed and shook the men's hands.

"Please extend my congratulations to your master on her ascension to her nation's leadership." Mikhailov smiled.

"Yes, please do the same for me." Gui also smiled. "I hope this will mark the beginning of a great relationship between us."

"Thank you very much, and I shall pass along your kind words." Nima smiled as she left the room, disappearing into the shadows. Once she was gone, Gui took out and lit a cigar.

"Do you smoke?" Gui asked as he took a puff and offered a cigar.

"I'll take one, lord knows I need it." Mikhailov took and lit the cigar. "That woman, she was quite the fierce one. Her eyes were like that of a predator!" He laughed. "She might have cat ears and a tail, but she reminds me more of a honey badger with her ferocity." Nima's mere presence had caused both men to become tense. Even if they couldn't detect magic, they could tell that she was powerful just by her proximity.

"Yes, our new friend Akagi sent quite the interesting negotiator. My aides tell me she's scared a few of them with just her gaze, and now I understand what they were talking about!" Gui laughed. "Word through the grapevine is that woman is also a highly trained assassin."

"I believe it. She reminded me a bit of some of the old KGB men I met in my youth. It was as if she was able to speak with us while also devising a plan to kill us and escape at the same time." Mikhailov let out a puff. "But it makes sense, I suppose. Her master is quite the deadly creature and an assassin to boot, so it's only natural she has capable people working for her."

"Indeed," Gui held the cigar off to the side and knocked it against an ashtray. "The world order that has been stagnant for over one hundred years is about to change, and that Akagi woman will be at the center of things." He took a puff of the cigar. "I suspect she is also speaking to the Americans as well, she seems more interested in playing all sides, not that I blame her. So I think it would be best if we try to persuade that we are the best partners." He looked at Mikhailov.

"I think you're right." Mikhailov thought for a moment. "Security is not something she needs, nor does she need material wealth. I honestly do not know what she could want from us."

"Well, if she plans on building her nation, power or not, she's going to need material and people for that." Gui said. "I suspect infrastructure and technical cooperation will be at least part of what she seeks from her partners. Her nation will be small and have limited manpower and natural resources, things we can provide in abundance."

"Perhaps." Mikhailov nodded. "And I imagine the Americans will be all too eager to build up another ally in the far east. I suspect there will be quite the bidding war between our nations, this will be interesting."

"Yes, but we have a bit of the upper hand in those negotiations." Gui grinned. With their information about the Japanese nuclear program, they could strong-arm the Americans and Japanese into staying out of their way. "I doubt she will ally with us outright, but I believe a mutually beneficial relationship between us is possible. Especially if she's anything as I believe."

{That woman wants to watch her pawns dance on the chessboard. She's not interested in playing the game so much as she is curious to seeing what happens when pieces move. That makes her both a powerful ally, and a dangerous opponent.} (Gui)

"We should just be careful not to allow ourselves to get too caught up in whatever that woman has planned. " Mikhailov reminded him. "Working with her is fine, but I'd rather not become little more than puppets dancing to her commands."

Gui started laughing. "My friend, it may already be too late for that. After all, that woman was the one who approached us first about all this! We're already dancing to her tune, and at this point, why not see just how much benefit there is to following her song." He figured that he and his party would benefit even if Akagi was just using them.

"Perhaps, but I still don't like it." Mikhailov frowned.

"Like it or not, it's simply how things are. That woman is a schemer, and I personally wish to see just what her end goals are." Gui smiled. "After all, she is a Demon, and what can man do against such a creature? So long as she does not ask for my soul, I'm happy to make deals with a real-life Devil if it benefits me and my party." He laughed.

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