The Red Hand

Interlude 15 – The Heroes Meet Again.

Interlude 15 – The Heroes Meet Again.

"Oh, ho ho! There's our always fashionably late Samurai!" A muscular black-haired man laughed as she sat on a couch with two Elven women clung to either side of him tightly. On each was a visible choker that signified that they were his slaves, and he was busy groping both of them under their thin white clothing. "We were beginning to think you weren't going to come, Shiroe."

"Its not like I wanted to, but considering the alternative was death, I had no choice. Though I wish you hadn't come, Muichiro." Amakusa glared at him as she entered the small side room, within which the other three Heroes that were summoned alongside her were waiting.

{I see he's the same as always. Just being in the same room as a man like him puts my hackles up, but I just need to put that out of my mind and work with him if we're to win.} (Amakusa)

"Owch! You're always such a thorny woman, Shiroe!" Muichiro laughed loudly. "You need to relax and unwind sometimes. Tell you what, how about we go into town and get you a nice slave to make you feel better tonight? I think you could use a bit of bedroom action." He winked. This was something he'd said to her many times in the past, and by this part it was basically a running joke. Though, unbeknownst to him or the other Heroes, Shiroe had done exactly that kind of thing in the past as a form of stress relief.

{I'd offer to do it myself, but I'd like to keep my lower parts...} (Muichiro)

"Come on, Muichiro, stop harassing her." A blond-haired woman wearing nun-like clothing chastised him as she sipped her tea. "Don't go trying to bring Shiroe down to your level. Girls like her and I need to remain pure maidens." She giggled.

"Ohhhh! You're a fucking riot, Hitomi!" Muichiro chuckled. "As if you of all people have any right to criticize my fun or act like some kind of pure maiden."

{I know what you're all about! And I like it!} (Muichiro)

"What could you possibly mean? I am the Holy Maiden summoned by Lord Gale, and am the epitome of purity." Hitmoi puffed up her cheeks slightly.

"Ok. Ok. You keep telling people that, but I hate to tell you that we all know what you do with that girl during the night." Muichiro winked. "And I gotta say, I'm fucking proud of you! You are truly a woman of culture, Hitomi! I'd tip my hat at you if I wore one." He snickered.

{I've had my share of adventure in the bedroom, and keeping it spiced up is always fun. Heck, I've heard that Hitomi took a potion that made her into a man for a while just to have a some fun with her little pet. I should give that a try, just once.} (Muichiro)

"It's good to see that everyone is still such good friends." A young man with brown hair and a baby face said as he walked over to Amakusa. He seemed quite young compared to the others, and he and Shiroe usually tied for the amount of people who thought they were still teenagers. "And it's good to see you again, Shiroe. I've heard you've kept up your training even after we defeated the Spirits, and I can tell that you've improved a lot." He smiled brightly. Shiroe had never stopped her sword practice, and he could tell that she was likely the most powerful of the four of them now.

{Damn this man. I can't be annoyed with him when he acts so nice...} (Amakusa)

"You never know what lies around the next corner, Kanato. I figured it was only a matter of time until I need to use my power again, and well... Here we are." Amakusa replied with an overly dramatic sigh. "Unlike some people who shall not be named. I understand that this is a dangerous world and that it's foolish to just rest on my laurels." She glanced between the other three Heroes who, while still strong, had either plateaued or gotten slightly weaker.

"H-Hey. I've not just sat around doing nothing!" Kanato protested weakly. "I've kept up my training in between the other things I've been doing." He rubbed the back of his head as he laughed.

{Having a family and kids takes a lot of time!} (Kanato)

"By doing do you mean your wives?" Amakusa smirked. "I heard you just had your third child already. Isn't that a bit soon? It's only been just over a year since we managed to push back the Spirits."

{Not to mention that you're barely younger than me! Aren't you like twenty-five? How are you just okay with making babies that young?!?} (Amakusa)

"W-Well... in this world, it's normal to have children at this age, and I couldn't really say no when they all asked me so nicely..." Kanato gave a dry laugh. "Everyone is really happy anyway, so I think it's fine." He only had three wives, and contrary to many of the rumors about him, Kanato wasn't a womanizer that tried to seduce anything that moved.

{Not to mention, it's not exactly easy to refuse so many beautiful women when they're actively ASKING to have my kids.} (Kanato)

"At this rate, you'll have dozens of children since I bet each of your wives is going to want multiple each." Amakusa rolled her eyes "I still have no clue how so many women could fall head over heels for an idiot like you."

{Well, actually, I do understand how it happened. He's the dopey kind of idiot that makes it hard to hate him, he's a Hero summoned by the Gods, and he's a relatively energetic and warm guy. In a world like this, that's basically like drugs for many of these women who were going to be shipped off to loveless marriages of convenience. Though I'm still wary about that Angel girl. There's no way that she's anything other than plant to keep an eye on him and put him under the Gods' thumb.} (Amakusa)

"W-We'll figure all that out when the time comes." Kanato's expression told Amakusa that she wasn't that far off in her assessment. "B-But getting back to my earlier point, I'm glad to have you back." He stuck out his hand, and Amakusa shook it. "We need to give our everything if we're going to save the people of this world." His eyes burned with passion and determination, much like they had when they arrived ten years prior.

"Yeah, we need to save the world quickly so I can get back to my fun." Muichiro cheered. "I have so many lovely ladies waiting for me back at my pad, and it'd be a crime to keep them waiting any longer than I need to!" The two Elven women that clung to him nodded in agreement.

{Waiting... Yeah, more like hoping you die a fiery death.} (Amakusa)

"And it would be a shame to keep Raffey waiting for me. That girl always gets so lonely when I'm not around." Hitomi's face showed a smile, but the other Heroes could tell that it was hiding something else.

{Ohh.. boy...} (Kanato)

{Hitomi... Why did you turn out to be such a perverse girl...} (Amakusa)

{God Hitomi is great! I wish she'd let me take her even just once! Sticking it in crazy is always such fun!} (Muichiro)

"I have things to do as well, so I agree that this needs to be done quickly." Amakusa nodded.

"Are you going to look for that girl?" Kanato asked with sadness in his eyes. "They said she ran away, but..." He figured that wasn't true.

"Eh, she's just one Spirit. Don't get all worked up over it." Muichiro shrugged. "You can easily get another. I can talk to the dealers if you want."

"Just one Spirit?!? Don't act like you don't know damn well why I'm so upset!" Amakusa yelled at him.

{Shut your fucking mouth!} (Amakusa)

"Right, right. That little Oni looked like that sister of yours. What was her name? Kaomi?" Muichiro couldn't remember and frankly didn't care.

"Her name was Fumiko! I've told you that before!" Amakusa growled. "She was killed in a car accident when we were little, and that girl... she looks almost exactly like she did all those years ago..." She went silent.

{Just take off the horns... and she's... she's her...} (Amakusa)

"Alright, alright. Sorry." Muichiro sighed, not wanting drama. "If I hear anything about such a girl popping up, I'll let you know. Not like there's that many Oni Spirits on the market anyway." He shrugged.

"I hope you know that trying to find that girl isn't going to be easy. She could be anywhere in the world by now." Hitomi commented, trying her best to keep a flat face.

{Well... She's actually in a place where Shiroe will never find her, and besides its only a matter of time till..} (Hitomi)

"Not to mention, current orders are to kill or capture all Spirits." Kanato continued. "We've seen a few being taken away, though most either perished in in battle or fled."

{The likelihood of this one specific girl being alive is, while not zero, small... And I'd bet she's already gone...} (Kanato)

"I've got a really cute one back at my place. She's such a nice little Kitsune, and when she grows up she's gonna make a wonderful baby maker." Muichiro laughed, and the other three Heroes just stared at him with a variety of expressions.

{At least this man, for all the evil that he is, won't touch young girls... I guess I should be glad that he's not THAT kind of man, but he's still awful.} (Amakusa)

{Muichiro...} (Kanato)

{Raffey was so cute that one time she turned into a Kitsune. I should get her to do that again so we can have fun.} (Hitomi)

"Do I even want to know how many children you've made, Muichiro?" Amakusa sighed, figuring that number made Kanato's three look small.

"I have no clue." Muichiro shrugged. "The Church takes them, and I don't really care about what happens afterward. The only two women with whom I want to keep the children are these two lovely sisters right here, anyway." He took his hand out of their shirts and grabbed their butts, which caused them to blush. "Elves have always been a favorite of mine, and getting such a sweet deal as to make two sisters my slave wives was a dream come true." He laughed.

{Having them go at it with each other is also equally great! Maybe I should get that potion and have one become the brother for a bit too!} (Muichiro)

"We would be honored, master." (Elf Slaves)

"When you say it like that, I might just have to give them to you sooner than I planned." Muichiro snickered. "My iron will has held out so far, despite the two of you being such temptresses in bed."

{I don't tend to agree with Muichiro on many things, but yeah he's right about this one. Having women asking for your kids is something that few men can resist...} (Kanato)

"All this talk of children is lovely and all, but how about we get back to the reason we're here in the first place." Amakusa sighed, wanting to get away from this topic. "We need to put together a proper plan so that we can fight these Spirits together."

{From what I've been told, we don't have much time.} (Amakusa)

"Bah!" Muichiro scoffed. "We kicked their ass the first time, and we'll do it again. All they did was hop worlds, it's not like they suddenly got powerful or something."

"Perhaps the people of that world have aligned with them?" Hitomi brought up a good point. "If they joined forced with the people of that world, it may prove problematic." Though she doubted that there would be a problem, since there were likely few people as strong as Heroes empowered by Gods.

"If that's the case, then we'll just have to show them how evil the Spirits really are." Kanato commented. "They need to understand how dangerous they are and what kind of risk they pose to their world as well as ours. I just hope we can do things with minimal violence. We're Heroes summoned by the Gods, not homicidal maniacs, and we should act like it."

{Perhaps your little statement would ring true if not for the fact that we DO have a maniac like that on our team. Muichiro is no stranger to torturing people, forcing himself on women, and much worse. The man is a monster and one that I suspect we'll need to put down one of these days.} (Amakusa)


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