The Red Hand

Interlude 13 – The Samurai Hero and The Last Hope.

Interlude 13 – The Samurai Hero and The Last Hope.

"Here I come, Lady Amakusa!" An older man in knight's armor called out as he swiftly moved towards a young woman, blade at the ready. “Prepare yourself, and don't think it will be as easy for you this time!”

"Very well. Let's see just how much you've improved, Albert." The young woman smiled as she drew her blade and readied herself for battle. She seemed to be young, not even twenty years old, and her red flower-patterned Kimomo, black hair, and slanted eyes made her stand out from the people that were that were watching the duel. In her hands was a silver katana, and from her stance, it was clear she was far more skilled than her youthful appearance would lead one to believe.


The two warriors clashed in the middle of the training area, exchanging blows evenly as they danced back and forth across the dirt. It was a relatively even match at first, but it quickly became apparent that Amakusa had the upper hand in every conceivable way.

"You're as resilient as always, Albert." Amakusa laughed as she deftly avoided one of his strikes. “I can tell that you've improved since the last time we clashed blades.” She grinned as she locked blades with him.

"Though no matter how much stronger I get, you're always still one step ahead of me, Lady Amakusa!" Albert smiled as the two continued their duel.

The pair continued their sparring match for a while, until Albert was finally forced to admit defeat. In one swift motion, Amakusa easily got within his guard and placed the tip of her blade at his throat, forcing the older man to surrender.

{Not bad, not bad at all. But you've still got a ways to go if you want to force me to get serious, old man.} (Amakusa)

"Excellent work, Albert. It's amazing that a man who's nearly eighty years old can move like that." Amakusa laughed as she sheathed her blade. “You are always a worthy and fun sparring partner.” She'd dueled with him many times over the years since she'd arrived in this world, and it was always enjoyable.

"I simply look after my body is all!" He rapped on his chest plate and gave a hearty laugh. "I've got a duty to Princess Feline as her head knight, and I can't allow myself to slow down when I'm so young!

{I don't think pushing eighty is 'young', but I guess in this world, it is. I suppose that's what magic does to a person. Hell I don't look any older than I did ten years ago...} (Amakusa)


As they were discussing their techniques and how Albert managed to improve since their last match, they were interrupted by someone approaching them and clapping. "That was an excellent match, both of you." Both fighters turned and noticed that a woman with strawberry blonde hair wearing a beautiful blue dress was approaching them from the walkway.

"I'm glad you thought so, Your Highness." Albert gave a polite bow. “Though Lady Amakusa has managed to best me once again. Please forgive me for being such a failure.”

“I'd never think of you as a failure, Albert.” Princess Feline chuckled as she walked over.

"He's getting old, but he puts up a good fight. He reminds me of my Dad in that respect." Amakusa smiled. Her father was her mentor and trainer and helped mold her into the warrior she was today. "But I didn't think you'd come to watch us, Feline.” She would do so from time to time, but it had been a while since she'd come to watch Amakusa fight.

"I was passing by the training area on my way back from a meeting with some members of the Church when I saw people gathered around here, so I thought I'd pop in and see what was going on." Feline smiled. "But this works out perfectly, as I needed to speak with you." She turned to Amakusa who could tell that it was something important, as the two only rarely spoke anymore. "Could you please come with me to my office? I would like to speak with you in private. If you don't mind."

From the look in her eyes, Amakusa could tell that whatever was going on was trouble, and while she didn't really want to get involved, it was for the best that she heard Feline out.

“I don't mind, sure.” Amakusa nodded, and after seeing off Albert, the two women walked across the Royal Palace grounds toward the Princess's office. Despite not being the heir to the throne, Princess Feline was regarded quite highly in the Kingdom of Amdamell. As the Holy Princess who summoned her Kingdom's hero, she held quite a bit more authority than one would expect, and there were even those who wished her to take the throne.

The two traveled together in silence, not speaking to one another the entire trip. As they passed place staff or other guests they greeted them appropriately, but Amakusa intentionally avoided speaking directly to Feline the entire time. Once they entered her office, Princess Feline offered Amakusa some tea, and it was only then that the two spoke to each other.

"Let me get this out of the way first. I'm sorry in advance for breaking our promise, and I know that I swore to you that once the Spirits were defeated I'd never ask you for anything ever again." Feline's face showed sorrow and a bit of irritation. The relationship between her Kingdom and Amakusa was not a happy one, and she feared it was completely tainted by past events. "But please hear me out. I wouldn't approach you like this for no reason."

Amakusa glared at her while she sipped her tea. She got along well enough with Feline well enough, but the events of the war, combined with a betrayal by the upper echelons of the Kingdom had left a bitter taste in her mouth. As a result, she'd begun to have doubts about the Church and the gods who brought her to this world, not to mention she'd almost entirely lost the ability to trust anyone within the Palace, including her once best friend Feline.

“Out of consideration for our former friendship, I'll listen to you. But I hope whatever you've got going on is enough to go breaking that promise. You know better than anyone else just how thin the ice you're walking on is.” Amakusa spoke frankly and made her displeasure known. In the past she and Feline had been good friends, and while she did not hate the Princess, she still found herself unable to fully trust her after the events that had transpired.

"I just finished speaking with High Priest Lauralmen and he informed me that the gods have another mission for you..." Feline explained the situation, her words falling off as she reached the end. She hated the fact that her once close friend no longer trusted her, and was angry at the Church and her Father for allowing things to deteriorate to this level.

{To think that we would treat one of the Heroes that saved this world so poorly, and to go behind her back in the manner that we did... It angers me to no end that her relationship with me was damaged because of what other foolish people did. Its a miracle that she's even stayed within the Kingdom for as long as she did, and I'm honestly surprised nobody had turned up dead.} (Feline)

"And what do they want of me?" Amakusa had little interest in helping the gods more, but she knew it would be best to at least hear her out.

{I really don't want to get involved in this nonsense anymore. After everything that happened, why can't they just be content with leaving me alone?} (Amakusa)

"Well, its not really a new request per se. It's more of a continuation of your previous mission... technically." Feline said as she set down her tea. "I presume that you are aware that the Spirits have not been entirely defeated, correct?" She asked.

"Of course, I was at their Capital when they all disappeared, and I recall the Gods saying that the survivors had fled." Amakusa had thought it was a hollow and incomplete victory at the time, though the memories of the destruction wrought upon those people still haunted her.

{I still remember how the streets flowed with their blood. How the bodies were stacked in piles... Where we really the Heroes in this story? Heroes shouldn't preside over death and destruction, no matter how much fun it was...} (Amakusa)

"Well then that makes this easier. It seems the Gods have tracked them down to where they've fled to, and they wish to send the four Heroes to defeat them so that they can no longer threaten this world's existence." Feline's look turned sharp, as she knew this wouldn't be an easy request.

"I thought they couldn't send us between worlds like that?" Amakusa clicked her tongue in irritation. She'd originally asked about going home once the Spirits were defeated, but was told that the Gods were unable to do that because of a laundry list of technical jargon that she figured was half nonsense.

"Normally, they could not. However, it seems that due to the magic used by the Spirits, a connection was formed between this world and the one they fled to making going back and forth is possible, at least somewhat." Feline gave a wry smile. She figured Amakusa wouldn't take any of this very well, and was grateful that the somewhat quick tempered Samurai hadn't stormed out of the room as of yet. "According to High Priest Lauralmen, they've determined that the Spirits are still using their ritual magic to destabilize this world, and that unless they are completely defeated, our world will always be in great danger." The other day a magical disaster caused a flood that wiped out several villages, so both women knew just how real the danger was.

{I've seen all kinds of crazy magical disasters since we got here, from magical abominations destroying cities to massive natural disasters. Hell, some of these places look like warzones straight out of old military documentaries.} (Amakua)

"And if I refuse?" Amakusa queried her about what would happen if she chose to ignore the Gods' request.

"I don't think anything will happen if you refuse.” Feline shook her head, understanding what Amakusa was getting at. “It's just that if the Spirits are not defeated, this world will likely perish as a result of their plot." She gave a nervous laugh.

"So I don't really have a choice..." Amakusa sighed. This was basically an ultimatum. Sure she could say no, but if they didn't handle this problem, they would all die, which was not something that Amakusa could get behind. "Fine, but once this is over, I'm leaving this Kingdom." Her words caused Feline's eyes to go wide, and her blood to run cold. "I have no interest in remaining here, and I've..."

{I've grown wary of those around me. This place, these people... All of it is just exhausting to stay around, and I need to start looking for her... That way... That way maybe then I can try and find a way home for us... together...} (Amakusa)

"T-That's fine." Feline gulped. “I wish you well no matter where you go. Just please know that you will always be welcome here.” A Hero abandoning the nation they were summoned to would be a significant political disaster, but Feline could do nothing to hold her here. Attempts to physically restrain her would be both politically and physically infeasible, and seduction attempts had been less than successful. "The other nations have been informed of this information by their respective Church authorities, and in the coming weeks, the Gods will wish to have a summit to discuss things further. I imagine that your presence will be requested along with the other Heroes.”

"I'd rather not meet with Kanato again... But I guess it's not really possible to keep him away." Amakusa sighed. The Empire's hero was not necessarily a bad guy, it's just that he loved women. So much so that he'd created his own harem that contained the daughters of Nobles, women of other races, and even slaves. Amakusa couldn't really call him out for this behavior, since those women, even the slaves, were all willing and seemed to genuinely love him. He did make a pass at her, though once she shot him down, he never bothered her again.

{I remember all the nights that party of his would get really into their activities. I've never been so annoyed and frustrated at the same time with all that going on next door!} (Amakusa)

"I know you don't really get along with the other heroes very much, but please, for the sake of the world, please try and make things work." Feline gave a wry smile. She knew that might be a lot to ask on its own, and adding in the other Heroes was going to make things even more difficult. "Lord Hiyuki is not a bad person per se, though I will admit he can be a bit energetic... yeah lets call it that, and his sense of justice tends to be a bit overbearing." He was, unfortunately, one of those hero of justice types, and his attitude caused many issues.

{I heard that his third child was born recently. I think this time it was Princess Neiline of the Beast Kingdom who gave birth, and I can only imagine that more will be coming soon. Its a wonder that Princess Rebeckah was not forced to wed him. Though I imagine that mostly came down to Imperial politics.} (Feline)

"Any chance the Gods will try and call upon that one girl we talked about before?" Amakusa asked about someone that Feline had mentioned in the past. There were only four Heroes summoned by the Gods, but this world did have someone who was apparently on their level. Apparently they'd been approached about aiding the war effort, but their help never materialized. Amakusa had always asked for more information about this person, but was only ever told she had a poor relationship with the Gods, and was unlikely to help.

"I highly doubt that Ms. Hally would answer this call if she ignored the last." Feline shook her head. "Not only is her relationship with the Gods strained, but we've had no sightings of her in around a month. She typically wanders the continent as an adventurer, but it seems that neither our agents nor the Church can find her." It was actually starting to raise some concern that nobody had seen her in so long. While Halifax was generally difficult to find, they could usually track her down with enough time and effort, so that fact that she'd vanished was raising alarm.

{And even then, based on reports I've seen about her, she'd never help with something like this. She apparently exploded on the Gods when they declared the annihilation of the Spirits, so there's no way she'd help finish them off.} (Feline)

"That's too bad. I've always wanted to test my blade against this Hally woman." Amakusa smirked. "The stories written about her have always piqued my interest, and I'm hoping to separate fact from fiction." She had no idea why information about this woman was so sparse, and she thought it was a bit suspect that nobody would answer detailed questions about her. Though Amakusa just chalked it up as somethings stupid that she didn't really need to worry about.

{I'd bet that I can beat that woman. After all, I'm a Hero and she's just a person from this world. No matter how old or powerful she is, there's just no way she can defeat me, a Hero. With all the power the Gods gave me and my own crazy power that I've had all my life, I'd bet that nobody is stronger than me! Heck that Elven woman that lead the Spirit's army was no match for me, and she was lauded as a fighting genius and one of this world's best fighters!} (Amakusa)

"The planned conference will bring together all the nations of the anti-Spirit coalition and I suspect that you will be sent to defeat them soon after." Feline explained a bit more about what the Church had discussed with her.

"So I've got a bit more time to train then." Amakusa figured it best to be as prepared as possible if they were going to a different world to fight to Spirits.

"Yes. You will have a bit of time to prepare, and I have faith that the four of you together can defeat the Spirits and save this world. When you return, please allow me to properly thank you for everything before you leave." Feline bowed her head.

{It's the least I can do, especially after everything that happened. I would never be allowed to give a formal apology, so this is the least I can do.} (Feline)

"That's fine." Amakusa stood up, intending to leave. "Just let me know when the date has been decided. Until then, you know where to find me." She turned to walk out of the room, but was stopped by Feline's voice as she grabbed the handle.

"Please remember that I will always be your friend, Shiroe." Feline used her first name, something that she hadn't done since Amakusa told her their friendship was over. "Even if you don't see me that way anymore, and even if you stop being this Kingdom's Hero... Know that I'll always be here for you..." Her words were laced with all sorts of emotions, as if she was holding in a torrent of thoughts.

{I'm so sorry for what they did... I'll... I'll find a way to make this right, if its the last thing I do...} (Feline)

"I know, Feline. Thank you... for everything..." Amakusa smiled as she walked out of the office, leaving Feline alone with her thoughts.

"Pffffff." Feline let out a deep breath as she slunk back into her chair. This encounter took more out of her than she expected, and she could feel a headache coming on. "I don't have much time. I need to find that girl soon, or I fear that Shiroe will never trust any of us ever again..."

{The only problem is... I think the place they sent her... Might only make things worse if Shiroe finds out...} (Feline)


<Halifax POV>


A quick burst of magical energy appeared on a hilltop overlooking Kyoto, it was intense but swift, and was gone in only a matter of moments and leaving behind a few toppled over trees.

"Ugh..." Halifax stumbled forward before falling onto the ground, dizzy. "I think I'm gonna hurl..." After taking a moment to catch her breath, and letting her stomach calm down, she stood up and looked around the forest.

"Well, I guess that means it worked." Halifax commented as she stood up.

{Odd, I feel no magical energy in the surrounding environment. Did I transport into a dead zone?} She flexed her arm before snapping her fingers and casting a small flame spell in her hand. {I can still cast magic, but it seems to be drawn solely from my innate reserves rather from the surrounding environment. It is still recovering, albeit much slower than normal. Strange...}

"Before I get side tracked, I need to figure out where I am and if there is anyone around." Halifax set off into the woods, hoping to get her bearings. She had no idea where she was, but figured she'd find a road or something eventually.

{I should conceal my presence before I go any further. The people of this world might be hostile, and I don't want to be caught off guard if someone detected my appearance.} Halifax repressed her magical aura making her harder to detect. There was still a bit of a signal, but it was weak enough that most couldn't pick it up.

As she trudged through the forest, she was greeted by several different kinds of wildlife, ranging from deer, to birds and even a bear. All of which quickly fled as soon as they caught sight of her, likely sensing that she was dangerous. After walking for what felt like hours, Halifax eventually came across a windy mountain road, and figured it wouldn't be long until she found other people.

"Finally." She slowly descended through the tree line, toward the road. "I've never seen a road that looked this nice, but I guess that means there are people around here." As Halifax got down to the bottom and put her foot on the asphalt road, she was startled as a car flew by, and she jumped backward in a panic.

{What the hell was that?!?} Halifax was stunned by its speed and size.

"Was that a carriage? It had no horse, and it looked kinda funny." Halifax looked up and down the road, but no other cars came. "I guess that means I'm close to a-" Her eyes went wide and her words stopped as her gaze finally turned to Kyoto itself, which was visible from this particular spot on the mountainside.

"Wha-What?!?" Halifax rushed across the road to get a better look, leaning on the guard rail. "That's a massive city! Even the Imperial Capital isn't this huge!" She was shocked. In all her years, Halifax'd never seen a city this large.

{Just what kind of world is this if they have cities that massive?!? And how am I supposed to find someone to help in a place like that!?} (Halifax)


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